This mass effectdesertion...

--&|&-----------------------------------------------daily reddit gold goal80%reddit gold gives you extra features and helps keep our servers running. We believe the more reddit can be user-supported, the freer we will be to make reddit the best it can be.Buy gold for yourself to gain access to  and . A month of gold pays for  231.26 minutes of reddit server time!Give gold to thank exemplary people and encourage them to post more.Yesterday's reddit gold goal102%sorted by: newOoo siapa tahu malah dikira pejabat yang lagi melancongmengemban tugas negara.
Ga ditanya macem2, lansung dicap dan &Welcome Sir& sama imigrasi di luar negeri.
Lho selama ini bukannya paspor warna biru itu paspor dinas ya?
Every time I hear someone speak Tagalog: it sounds like bahasa Indonesia but I have no idea what 99% of the words mean.
Contrast with bahasa Melayu (Malaysian): I understand 95% of what they are saying, but the funny sounding Malay accent makes me want to laugh all the time. Even reading a serious article in a Malay newspaper can get quite hilarious lol.
Professor Bambang Prajogo Eko Wardojo, brought the plant to his lab in 1985. He and his colleagues have spent years confirming its effect, isolating its active ingredient and synthesizing it chemically into capsule form.
Years confirming its effect... for science... ( ?° ?? ?°)
I've redeemed the key, now on to downloading 8.8GBs... hopefully will be playable by tomorrow. If you don't mind friend me at: 3rd_world_guy
Many thanks again! :)
Hey Insurgency looks interesting, any chance that I can get the last copy? Thanks!
How would one transport a soda beverage halfway across the world while keeping the soda container from exploding due to shakes along the journey? This is quite a challenging logistical issue not to mention the high shipping costs. The best case would be to have a NYC redditor coming home from a trip to Indonesia fetch one for you. Freeze it, add some dry ice, safely store in checked luggage and hope it will be okay with the customs there.
Meanwhile here is an .
Not good memories but hilarious in hindsight, I suck at algebra in junior high because the math teacher had a serious case of halitosis (bad breath). Most kids did not dare to ask any questions because the guy would more than gladly help them up close and personal until they can finally solve the math problem or tap out because of bau naga and pretend to understand for the sake of not passing out. Also when the math teacher asks: &Any questions?& the asshole kids in the class would point out some poor kid on the other side of the room who doesn't understand and needs help with a math problem. RIP kid.
Dude, you can buy it pretty cheap for 9.99 USD. Got mine in epub format from here =& . Even better if you got an iPad get the enhanced version, same price and you get multimedia stuff.
The most emotional part of the race.
&Box, box, box, too many problems with the car.&
Nico: &I'd like to go to the end.&
What a fighter. Bravo Nico!
If the chopping law applies not just to petty thieves but also to convicted koruptors among the local officials then... probably not. Else they'd be short of bureaucrats and would really need a hand to run the government.
Great comic. Got chance to watching a cabaret show with ladyboy stars. After show is done they come down stage to taking pictures with audience. Turns out they were some really tall manwomans, like Kobe Bryant tall. Much amusings time in Bangkok.
Not much of a fan of thin crust pizza too no matter how authentically Italian it is made. At least there's always good old Pizza Hut (no not PHD) one can always fallback to.
PC Master Race: true
How do you manage your monthly finances? How many percentage goes to entertainment, gas/transport, utilities, house rent/mortgage, shopping, baby, food, etc?
I have a stop limit for living expenses at 20% of income. Sometimes I can spend less (once as low as 15%) but that was pretty much spartan living. The rest goes to savings/investments. I track my daily expenses using an excellent Android app called Expense Manager. The next goal is to make more monies.
What are you doing with the savings, do you invest them back?
Usually I put the savings in a reksadana saham account, but the stock market is currently doing pretty bad. So I'm gonna wait and see how the market reacts when gas price goes up.
What are your long term plan with your savings/capital, do you have a certain target to achieve at a certain age?
Purchase a modest house in a couple of years. Probably somewhere on the outskirts of Jakarta orang pinggiran owaeo
Do you use insurances? What kind of coverage that they provides? Do you think their premiums are worth the price?
Yes. Full health coverage courtesy of my parents. I'm still young and pretty healthy so the premium is still affordable. Better be safe than sorry.
Do you use credit cards?
Only when I want to buy something from out of the country (e.g. books, game sales) and I pay them off ASAP.
Any tips on how much do one need to save before he or she can consider investing their money?
Before I started putting money in investments I made sure I had an emergency fund of 1 year's living expenses. That and reading some investment books. Also having health insurance is a must.
Which investment can one put their money at if they have 1 million IDR laying around? 5 million IDR? 10 million? 25 million?
Easiest is to just dilligently put the money in a reksadana account. To save you the trouble some banks have an automatic investment program that allocates a certain amount of your savings into an investment account periodically.
but there have been lots of upgrades to the onboard cameraman aero package since then to give them better downforce.
That's because of the . So when Netherlands finally , almost all of their former colonial territories became part of the new nation.
Commbank has branches and ATMs throughout the country. Check out
for locations in Bali.
Must be the new Tux Racer DLC...
OP, there are a lot of stupid people on the Internet (e.g. Yt comments) which cannot be helped, and some cannot even be differentiated from trolls (Poe's Law). If this seems to overwhelm you then the best thing you can do is to take an Internet break. Logout from reddit and do things that you've been meaning to do. Try to finish a book in a week, talk to friends, pick up a hobby, go travelling. Do positive stuff rather than wasting your time and energy responding to ignorant people.
Hahaha ogah ah, maksudnya kan cuma bercanda ledek2in stereotip
di reddit :P
Ethnic groups maintain their own language, customs, beliefs, which still play a huge part in defining one's identity. Even in Java, there is a huge difference between the Javanese and Sundanese language. The Batak people in North Sumatra belong to several huge family clans (kind of like Irish people). The Minangkabau people are matrilineal. So it's very much your former point.
burns old KTP
goes to kantor kelurahan
demands new KTP with agama field to be left empty (shows a printout of this article just in case)
muh new shiny godless KTP version (praise be Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens)
officially euphoric *feelsgoodman.jpg
can now wear fedora proudly without persecution
So many big names.... fighting as backmarkers. I would Pay Sauber to watch this.
Edit: words
Laser guy logic: &Uh oh, I regret this decision... however I will try to escape from the PASPAMPRES, surely they will understand.&
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Latest Stories
Game Editions
MSRP: 39.99 USD
: Blood, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence
Supported Functions
Number Of Players: 1
Complete the Final Fantasy VII experience and reunite with the most recognised RPG characters created by world-renowned character designer Tetsuya Nomura
Witness graphics and CG cutscenes coupled with voice acting in a 16:9 widescreen presentation, made possible by the PSP system hardware
Innovative D.M.W (Digital Mind Wave) system enhances the action-packed real-time battle system, allowing players to unleash special attacks or call upon iconic Final Fantasy summons
Take on challenges with the all-new Hard Mode which was not in the original Japanese release
Acquire unique accessories, items and abilities made available through 300 side missions to further enrich the gameplay experience
PlayStation Portable
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is the tale of a new trio of heroes, told across three scenarios utilizing the groundbreaking technology of the PSP.
The operations are set to continue in the sequel to the hit PSP title, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops.
God of War: Chains of Olympus delivers highly detailed graphics, incredible animation detail and yet another adventure in the dark and brutal&
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is the tale of a new trio of heroes, told across three scenarios utilizing the groundbreaking technology of the PSP.
Dissidia Final Fantasy brings together the largest collection of Final Fantasy characters ever in a fighting-styled game where players can&
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is the tale of a new trio of heroes, told across three scenarios utilizing the groundbreaking technology of the PSP.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is the tale of a new trio of heroes, told across three scenarios utilizing the groundbreaking technology of the PSP.
The prequel to Final Fantasy XIII.
The operations are set to continue in the sequel to the hit PSP title, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops.
IGN Rating
out of 2777 Ratings
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A few days into the disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in March 2011, foreign media began referring to the plant workers who stayed on to contain the unfolding crisis as the &Fukushima 50,& even lauding their actions as a &last bastion& of heroism.
But another side of the story has recently come to light. According to a document obtained by The Asahi Shimbun , about 650 plant workers--roughly 90 percent of the total workforce--defied the plant manager's orders and fled to the Fukushima No. 2 nuclear power plant about 10 kilometers away. This mass &desertion& may have stymied efforts to properly handle the crisis at the crippled plant.
The plant manager, Masao Yoshida who died last year , ordered everyone to temporarily evacuate from high-radiation zones but remain on the plant's premises so that they would be able to return to their posts quickly if needed. Given the harrowing situation Yoshida himself and his assistants were forced to struggle through, perhaps those who disobeyed his orders and fled may deserve to be accused of dereliction of duty.
However, I cannot really blame those workers. It is easy to talk of putting one's life on the line, but actually doing so is an entirely different matter. This reminds me once again that nuclear power generation is a technology that forces us to imagine the worst-case scenario and make the ultimate choice between asking some people to risk their lives or letting vast expanses of the nation become an uninhabitable wasteland.
This mass desertion in defiance of Yoshida's orders remained unknown until The Asahi Shimbun reported it on May 20. If the facts are hidden and treated as if they never happened, the Fukushima crisis will never be understood in its entirety, and no real lessons can be learned from the disaster.
&The danger past and God forgotten,& goes an old saying. Three years after the crisis, could it be that society is now beginning to embrace a new &myth& that propagates the idea of safe nuclear power generation by simply assuming there will never be another nuclear disaster? In ancient China, advancing troops were said to have marched to the beating of drums, while retreating troops marched to the clanging of gongs. In our country today, we hear the drums of the government, the bureaucrats and the business leaders that are set on restarting currently idle nuclear reactors. But let us not forget that the gongs of retreat from nuclear power generation are also sounding loud and clear.
--The Asahi Shimbun, May 21
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