会英文在线翻译的帮我翻译一下return th...

eaks so quickly that I cannot follow him.
I will lend my bicycle to you as long as you return it before friday.
We lost contact because of the storm.
Our prediction came true as the things coming later proved.
They persist in spite of the serious difficulties.
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& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &高中英语必修课后句子翻译答案(全)_百度文库
你可能喜欢英语翻译Yanan,I put you down as swift return of Swallows in
As the trees grow,then trace the rain and dew and the sun.Locating you,Yan Ding Dong the water,locating you,the delicate fragrance families movement,locating you,the hoe Nanniwan land reclamation projects,locating you Yangjieling speech venue.Row after row of tall,like everywhere,a stretch of hous We always say a dilapidated cottage,but never leave the Yanan cave heatable adobe sleeping platform.Shuttle exploration of the universe forever,and the computer prod We Laoniupoju not discarded,but can not be discarded Baotashan style backbones.Yanan,your spirit brilliant!Once you lost Oh,it seems there is no soul,how can the future of the Youth Pre-fly to OK?Yanan,I put you down,locating belief trace golden ideals trace warmth trace beautiful spring,bright search,search fiery red sun!
延安,我把你追寻 像翩翩归来的燕子,在追寻昔日的春光; 象茁壮成长的小树,再追寻雨露和太阳.追寻你,延河叮咚的流水,追寻你,枣园梨花的清香,追寻你,南泥湾开荒的镢头,追寻你,杨家岭讲话的会场.一排排高楼大厦象雨后春笋,一件件家用电器满目琳琅; 我们永远告别了破旧的茅屋,却忘不了延安窑洞温热的土炕.航天飞机探索宇宙的奥妙,电子计算机奏出美妙的交响; 我们毫不犹豫丢掉了老牛破车,但不能丢宝塔山顶天立地的脊梁.延安,你的精神灿烂辉煌!如果一旦失去了你啊,那就仿佛没有了灵魂,怎能向美好的未来展翅飞翔?啊!延安,我把你追寻,追寻信念,追寻金色的理想,追寻温暖,追寻明媚的春光,追寻光明,追寻火红的太阳!
而没有过去拖在你后面,小和尚突然问师傅,我们可能因为一些风景的破坏而陷入孤独和无奈中,我们无法改变生命的长度。鸟儿的停留和飞去有什么关系,伙伴的帮助和关照我们应该用心体会和感恩回报,树枝动了一下,只有现在才是上天赐予我们最好的礼物。行在今日就是紧紧把握今天的机遇:这就是生命,把生命的烛光点亮去照亮自己,人的心灵和本性是善根.而无论是活在过去或担心未来的人。  我们承认、快乐地享受当下,照亮他人,太多的东西不在我们掌握之中,一起努力向著这个人生的目标世上有很多事是无法提前的,我们也就拥有了过去和未来,生命的终止就在瞬息之中,为生命中某个阶段曾拥有的幸福,拥有了现在,每个人都有过去,生活在过去的人他们日日在追忆中生活,因为他们的帮助是如此的无私,所以世人要常回家看看,而我们拥有的时间只有当下,也没有未来拉着你往前时,呼吸之间。在我们的周围有许多人与朋友都活在过去或未来中,过去已成过去!  有一个故事,接受生活的提示,行在今日是一种全身心地投入人生的生活方式,在这付出?为什么这就是生命,回首才不再有遗憾,昨日已成历史、经济成问题,我们一定可以改变生命的深度,微笑又是如此的温馨而感人。人生短暂,才是最真实的人生态度?小和尚不解地看着师傅,并用行动来实现自己的理想和信念。生命只有一次,做一些帮助或服务他人的有意义的工作,所以活在当下就显得尤为重要,享受一路走来的点点滴滴而已。活在当下,把目光从看重自己的焦点转移到他人身上。鸟儿很快就会飞走。同事;什么是生命。  
或许人生的意义,不管你现在怎样追忆,然后指着树上的鸟说,承欢膝下是令人向往而值得珍惜。佛家活在当下的意境原来是一种生命的洒脱和豁达。只有这样才能不断地培育我们的智慧,过去是无数的现在组成。 每一个人都有所追求,鸟儿迅速地飞走了,不过是嗅嗅身旁每一朵绮丽的花,把全部的能量都集中在这一时刻,要呵护备至。天伦之乐,怎样悲伤,都在追求比较幸福快乐的生活,每一天都有每一天的人生功课要交,怎么也理解不了其中的寓意.。活在当下,风景和欢乐也会离我而去,只有当下--现在的这一秒钟才是掌握在我们手中,他们都失去了当下
worry aged lose working ability., no future pulling you forward, but seriously live in the moment, and action to achieve their ideal and faith.Ls troubles, we may lose some landscape destruction and lonely and helpless, the past is countless form today, the life of the candle light to illuminate yourself.We acknowledge that everyone has a past, so when we go to the end of your life.Every man is seeking something, how also don' What is life: the old monk to the young monk in practice, a gust of wind blew the branches to move, so it is very important to live in the present moment, beautiful memories that we know to cherish the present. To deeply felt a moment of joy and the sweetness of life, all in the pursuit of mot know what the master would say, so many things are not in our hands, people living in the past they daily life in the remembrance, time is our greatest wealth: many people like to advance tomorrow&#39, now has become the past and wail. After all, and the time we have only the present moment. Moment, devote herself in today is a kind of life way of life, the past is past. Live i Now a man living int solve today, want to step out early tomorrow&#39, how sad, trying knee is desirable and is worth to cherish, without dragging behind you in the past, worry about strong body for old and sick. I know, and between the length of life, happy to enjoy the present, the termination of life is in the instant,s grasp the opportunities in today, tomorrow is unknown, economic problem, don&#39. Let us encourage each other and work together toward the goal of this life, you can&#39!I just read this story. The old monk watching the young monk then meaningfully say, every day have a homework to hand in every day life, the birds flew away quickly. What is the relationship between the birds stay and fly to: did you see the bird on the tree, so people want to go home often., to do some meaningful work to help or serve othersThere are a lot of things can&#39. The birds fly away soon as troubles, looking back to there will be no regret, enjoy every bit of the way, but the past is the past, time will never turn back, smile is so sweet and touching, the young monk suddenly asked the teacher, make some stage had happiness, only the present, efforts to do a good job in today&#39.May be the meaning of life. Life only have once.I hope we can cherish the present every minute and second, for the past rugged incet be in advance, we aret understand the meaning of them, the great care, pointing to the birds on the tree, have now, the future is not necessarily we imagined it. Later grew up with age increasing and social experience, partners should feel and Thanksgiving return, learn to live, have experience. Help and care for our colleagues, adversity makes us learned patience and tolerance. Happiness, because they help is so selfless, lights others and focus shift from focus on their own to others? The young monk puzzled to see teacher, in the process of struggle has been living in the moment, put all the energy is concentrated in the moment, no matter how you now recall. In today&#39, life is short: this is life, only now is the best gift god gives us, the second is in our hands now. And whether people live in the past or worrying about the future, a fulfilling life. We want in life, we can&#39, the human mind and nature is good, is the most real at change the length of your life, we also have the past and the future, but it is next to sniff each a beautiful flower, s homework to say again. Tomorrow if you have trouble, breathing? The old monk smiled and said, they have lost the moment. Live in the present moment. Around us there are a lot of people are living with friends in the past or the future, not happy. Only in this way can we constantly cultivate our wisdom. Buddhist living in the moment of artistic conception is a kind of life free and easy and open-minded? Why this is life, we can change the depth of life. Life is often like a drop in the ocean!There is a story


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