
一)腐败现象面面观& 世人都晓“倒爷”好,倒来倒去全发了。只要能把大钱赚,道德良心不要了。& 世人都晓“后门”好,这条路子走惯了。不管事情有多难,最后全都办成了。& 世人都晓“宴会”好,“四菜一汤”吃肥了。你请我来我请你,反正公家报销了。& 世人都晓“扯皮”好,不费力气不费脑。扯上三年和五载,问题全都不见了。& 世人都晓“官僚”好,坐车住房收礼包。出了问题别害怕,戴上帽子没事了。& 二)不同的说话& 和上司说美话,和下属说丑话;& 和老婆说谎话,和情人说瞎话;& 和熟人说笑话,和生人说鬼话。& 三)大嘴歌& 大嘴到底有多大?满席盛宴吞得下。黄金佐料十万元,肚皮胜过黄金价。& 大嘴到底有多大?三峡工程吞得下。全年突破千亿元,肚内未筑拦河坝。& 大嘴到底有多大?全国教育吞得下。少年儿童属未来,肚子不管书与画。& 大嘴到底有多大?莫非国家吞得下?倘若当真吞国家,山河入肚能消化?& 四)“怕”字歌& 商怕奸&官怕贪,企业怕的烂摊摊,不怕职工心不安,就怕头头没心肝;& 笋怕剥&肉怕割,经营怕的伸手多,不怕税局来上税,就怕都来乱收费;& 男怕乱&女怕贱,夫妻怕的把心变,不怕家里没有钱,就怕有了婚外恋;& 相怕扮&货怕赝,顾客怕的受欺骗,不怕假货不能用,就怕假货要人命;& 戏怕脏&片怕黄,影视怕的乱上床,不怕大众看做爱,就怕小孩也学坏;& 医怕黑&药怕贵,百姓怕的医疗费,不怕偶尔把病害,就怕医院刀子快。& 五)“笑”字歌& 有人笑贫不笑娼,婊子也给立牌坊;管她品质臭与香,只要有奶便是娘。& 有人笑诚不笑奸,不奸咋赚昧心钱;良心道德价几何,坑朦拐骗利翻番。& 有人笑廉不笑贪,有钱不捞白当官;权钱交易致富快,哪怕世人骂祖先。& 有人笑勇不笑怯,遇事各扫门前雪;袖手旁观最安全,见义勇为白流血。& 有人笑善不笑恶,为人善良受气多;作恶得势有人怕,行善吃亏向谁说?& 有人笑智不笑愚,有才无钱白受屈;明辨事理易生气,糊里糊涂常知足。& 六)都有市十八怪& 影院只放录像带,夜半歌声传天外。& 摊开麻将把客待,铁门铁窗铁阳台。& 猪肉牛肉加水卖,“珍稀”成为下酒菜。& “大款”争把猫狗爱,染起头发充老外。& 污言秽语随口带,杂物废纸胡乱甩。& 下水道口缺少盖,小摊小点占道摆。& 算命先生站成排,好人偏去充乞丐。& 精神病人好自在,旅店拉客死活拽。& 锻炼只有老太太,高级轿车处处在。& 七)流行文化十大怪& 儿歌竟被情歌代,影片叫好不叫卖。& 一部影片好风采,戏曲只有老人爱。& 点歌骚乱成公害,歌星假唱放音带。& “大腕”一副港台派,义演不义把人宰。& 诗歌只有诗人买,杂志半本广告牌。& 八)“颠倒干事歌”& 抄书造句写作文——孩子的事大人干。& 情海泛舟录知音——大人的事孩子干。& 烫发做头穿花衣——女人的事男人干。& 收礼托情有替身——男人的事女人干。& 搂腰抱颈频接吻——暗处的事明处干。& 擦车修表织毛衣——家里的事单位干。& 分房提干调薪金——单位的事家里干。&
人世&:&?? ??. ...
人世&:&на свéте; ...
人世&:&this world ...
人世&:&この世。浮 ...
人世&:&questo mon ...
相关词典网站:人世百态,你也只看到了你 - 简书
百态是什么意思 百态在线翻译 百态什么意思 百态的意思 百态的翻译 百态的解释 百态的发音 百态的同义词 百态的反义词 百态的例句
百态 基本解释Gestos;百态 双语例句1. 1. 多少年来,当我看尽人世百态世间冷暖,当我看到或者听到人们谈论感情、情感和纯洁时,便会不由自主的想起你。&&&&Over the years, when I look at this world to make this world gestos cold, when I see or hear people talk about feelings, emotions and pure, it will not help to think of you.2. 2. 本公司荟萃了市场上众多外资工厂的精品,千姿百态、争妍竞秀,可以满足国内外不同客户的需求。&&&&SHENGDA BROTHER FLOWER Company has been renowned in the market many foreign products of the factory, thousands, Yan Jing fight show at home and abroad to meet different customer needs.3. 一个班级,就是生活中一个小小的窗口,透过这个窗口,我们可以看到学生的表现百态。&&&&A class, is life in a small window, through this window, we can see the performance of students gestos.4. 4. 这也是百态之一。&&&&This is one gestos.5. 每天都出入医院,也认识了不少社会人,见到了不少人生百态。&&&&Every day, and out of hospitals, but also to know a lot of social man to see a lot of life gestos.6. 6. 就是简单的沟通,让我逐渐读懂英语,使用英语,领悟英语,了解美国生活,感悟世界百态。&&&&Is a simple communication, so I came to read in English, using English, and understand English, understand American life, sentiment in the world gestos.7. 要记住:笑对人生百态,是自己更好的完善自我;笑对人生百态什么都阻挡不了我们前进的步伐!&&&&Remember: laughter of life phenomena, to better their own self- laugh gestos everything in life can stop us from making progress!8. 即便所有观影的人都从一开始便了解他们辩论后的结局,影片也能够不失去任何一秒钟的魅力,简单的布局下,12个人在表达各自思想进而流露出人生百态。&&&&Even if all of the people viewing the debate from the outset about their outcome, films can not lose any of the charm of a second, a simple layout, the 12 individuals to express their ideas and then showing life gestos.9. 经典实用耐看的格菱条纹,让你在方方正正的百态生活中找回自己。&&&&The classic, practical and good-looking diamond-shaped texture will help you find yourself in life.10. 50它的普遍性,它的民主的平等性,以及保持着它自身求平的本质。用墨卡托投影法在地图上所标示出的浩淼的海洋;太平洋中巽他海沟那超过八千噚的不可测的深度;永不消停、后浪推前浪地冲刷着海岸线每一部位的波涛以及水面上的微粒子;水的单位粒子的独立性;海洋变幻莫测;根据液体静力学,风平浪静时它纹丝不动;根据液体动力学,小潮大潮时它便涨了起来。暴风雨后一片沉寂;北极圈与南极圈冰冠地带的不毛性以及对气候及贸易的影响;跟地球上的陆地相比占三对一优势;它在亚赤道带南回归线以南的整个区域延伸无数平方海里的绝对权威;其在原始海盆里数千万年以来所保持的稳定性;它那橙红色海床;它那把包括数百万吨贵金属在内的可溶解物质加以溶解,并使之保持在溶解状态的性能;它对半岛和有下陷趋势的岬角所产生的缓慢的浸蚀作用;其冲积层;其重量、容积与浓度;它在咸水湖、高山湖里的静谧;其色调因热带、温带和寒带而变为或浓或淡;与陆上的湖泊、溪流及支流汇合后注入海洋的河川,还有横跨大洋的潮流所构成的运输网。沿着赤道下面的水路自北向南的湾流;海震、水龙卷、自流井、喷泉、湍流、漩涡、河水暴涨、倾盆大雨、海啸、流域、分水岭、间歇泉、大瀑布、漩流、海漩、洪水、泛滥、暴雨等滥施淫威;环绕陆地的上层土壤那漫长的曲线;源泉的奥秘可用探矿杖来占卜或用湿度测定器来揭示;阿什汤大门的墙壁上的洞、空气的饱和与露水的蒸发能够证明那潜在的湿度;水的成分单纯,是氢二、氧一的化合物;水的疗效;水的死海里的浮力;它在小溪、涧谷、水坝的缝隙、船舷的裂口所显示的顽强的浸透性;它那清除污垢、解渴、灭火、滋养植物的性能;作为模范和典型,它的可靠性;它变化多端:雾、霭、云、雨、麦、雪、雹;并在坚固的消防龙头上发挥出压力;而且千姿百态:湖泊、湖岔、内海、海湾、海岬、环礁湖、环状珊瑚岛、多岛海、海峡、峡江、明奇、潮汐港湾、港湾;冰河、冰山、浮动冰原显示出它是何等坚硬;在运转水车、水轮机、发电机、发电厂、漂白作坊、鞣皮厂、打麻厂时,它又是那样驯顺;它在运河、可航行的河川、浮船坞和干船坞所起的作用;潮汐的动力化或利用水路的落差使它得以发挥潜力;海底那些成群的动物和植物虽然并非名副其实地栖息在地球上,论数目却占地球上生物的一大半;水无所不在,占人体的百分之九十;在沼泽地、闹瘟疫的湿地、馊了的花露水以及月亏期那淤积污浊的水塘子,水所散发的恶臭充满了毒气。&&&&Its universality: its democratic equality and constancy to its nature in seeking its own level: its vastness in the ocean of Mercator's projection: its unplumbed profundity in the Sundam trench of the Pacific exceeding 8000 fathoms: the restlessness of its waves and surface particles visiting in turn all points of its seaboard: the independence of its units: the variability of states of sea: its hydrostatic quiescence in calm: its hydrokinetic turgidity in neap and spring tides: its subsidence after devastation: its sterility in the circumpolar icecaps, arctic and antarctic: its climatic and commercial significance: its preponderance of 3 to 1 over the dry land of the globe: its indisputable hegemony extending in square leagues over all the region below the subequatorial tropic of Capricorn: the multisecular stability of its primeval basin: its luteofulvous bed: its capacity to dissolve and hold in solution all soluble substances including millions of tons of the most precious metals: its slow erosions of peninsulas and islands, its persistent formation of homothetic islands, peninsulas and downwardtending promontories: its alluvial deposits: its weight and volume and density: its imperturbability in lagoons and highland tarns: its gradation of colours in the torrid and temperate and frigid zones: its vehicular ramifications in continental lakecontained streams and confluent oceanflowing rivers with their tributaries and transoceanic currents, gulfstream, north and south equatorial courses: its violence in seaquakes, waterspouts, Artesian wells, eruptions, torrents, eddies, freshets, spates, groundswells, watersheds, waterpartings, geysers, cataracts, whirlpools, maelstroms, inundations, deluges, cloudbursts: its vast circumterrestrial ahorizontal curve: its secrecy in springs and latent humidity, revealed by rhabdomantic or hygrometric instruments and exemplified by the well by the hole in the wall at Ashtown gate, saturation of air, distillation of dew: the simplicity of its composition, two constituent parts of hydrogen with one constituent part of oxygen: its healing virtues: its buoyancy in the waters of the Dead Sea: its persevering penetrativeness in runnels, gullies, inadequate dams, leaks on shipboard: its properties for cleansing, quenching thirst and fire, nourishing vegetation: its infallibility as paradigm and paragon: its metamorphoses as vapour, mist, cloud, rain, sleet, snow, hail: its strength in rigid hydrants: its variety of forms in loughs and bays and gulfs and bights and guts and lagoons and atolls and archipelagos and sounds and fjords and minches and tidal estuaries and arms of sea: its solidity in glaciers, icebergs, icefloes: its docility in working hydraulic millwheels, turbines, dynamos, electric power stations, bleachworks, tanneries, scutchmills: its utility in canals, rivers, if navigable, floating and graving docks: its potentiality derivable from harnessed tides or watercourses falling from level to level: its submarine fauna and flora, numerically, if not literally, the inhabitants of the globe: its ubiquity as constituting 90 percent of the human body: the noxiousness of its effluvia in lacustrine marshes, pestilential fens, faded flowerwater, stagnant pools in the waning moon.11. 第二,朗费罗的诗的主题是多样的,这就吸引了欣赏风味千姿百态的人们。&&&&&&Second, Longfellow wrote on obvious themes which appeal to all kinds of people.12. 12. 巨石上面有十多粒小石,形似棋子,巨石周围有许多礁石,千姿百态,或如舐犊之牛,或像哮天之犬,或似游鱼奔虾,或类飞马卧狮。&&&&&&Boulder above more than 10 tablets of stone, the shape of chess pieces, many reefs around the boulder, Qianzibaitai or, as Shi calf of cattle, or like the dog days of Asthma, like fish or shrimp Ben, like Pegasus or lying lion.13. 美国西部科罗拉多高原上千姿百态的天生桥和天生拱,是自然界的又一大杰作。&&&&&&The western United States the Colorado Plateau Variety Tianshengqiao and natural arch, is another masterpiece of nature.14. 14. 我很清楚世间百态你若想取得成功,你就得树立公众形象。&&&&&&I know how the world works, and for your plan to succeed, you need a public face.15. 也可以这么说,电影是浓缩了的人生百态。&&&&&&In another word, movie is our condensed life, a gorgeous and delicate version of life.16. 死有百态,但无一人能告诉我们死的究竟值不值得。&&&&&&And from a variety of circumstances we have no one to tell us whether it be worth attaining.17. 我们日常的生活百态,也正在日益感受到这种改变。&&&&&&This topic has already been presented objectively in peoples daily life.18. 用新的眼光审视世间百态就必然要以新的眼光看待我们自身。&&&&&&The new way of seeing the world of people and events must begin with a new way of seeing ourselves.19. 19. 丙戊年初始,他用时半年,创作完成百梅百鸟百态图—《苍虬翠羽》长卷的创作,卷宽69厘米,卷长38米,卷中绘出106株梅树,136只灵禽百态,成为当代中国画坛绘百梅与百鸟百态相映生辉的第一人。&&&&&&The artist spent half a year since February 2006 to draw a long piece entitled Plum Trees and Birds of 69cm wide 3, 800cm long in which 106 plum trees and 136 birds of different postures are painted. In doing so, Li Changfeng has made himself the first person among contemporary artists of traditional Chinese painting to have made such an achievement.20. 20. 鸭绿江漂流从四道沟长川古渡开始,沿江而下,经由六哨九道湾,两岸山、石、林、峰洞,千姿百态交相辉映,使你目不暇接,心旷神怡。&&&&&&Ya Lu River Drifting starts from Si Dao Gou Changchuan Old port, along the river to the bottom, via Liu Shao Jiu Dao Bay, the hills, stones, forest and peak cave on the both sides are omniform, which makes you carefree and happy.百态是什么意思,百态在线翻译,百态什么意思,百态的意思,百态的翻译,百态的解释,百态的发音,百态的同义词,百态的反义词,百态的例句,百态的相关词组,百态意思是什么,百态怎么翻译,单词百态是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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