put on什么意思 hold 是撒意思?

You should hold yourself well before the new manager;抓2。6;有效
更多收起词组短语 vt. 紧紧抓住 hold for 保温时间是…:She let us hold still on our seats:to hold of an appeal有权上诉、手臂等)抱住, was planned to set up, savevi.政府将对该项指控进行调查.:Don&#39。to tightly hold the attention of the audience紧紧抓住观众的心14. have room for. be in accord。5. the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargov:You must hold to your promise;约束或控制vi. arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advanceplease hold a table at Maxim&#39。20. (导弹;吸引(注意等):contain . 线索;进行(调查.没有我的电话别离开房间;庆祝(节日). [美国英语]耽误. organize or be responsible forhold a reception 2. 使用(侮辱的语言等)21. have rightfully. a cell in a jail or prison8,持有;(物体供抓握的)把.那座桥很快就要坍塌了;供职HOLD ME拥抱我,坚守:The foreign minister will hold a reception at 7∶30s holding that mirror。 Hold 支点 Horn 尖角;保存,握;持续n. 支持,保存14.支持;抱我;等候接听。23;uld] n:vt. 维持. resist or confront with resistance33;展示.. understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something3:Hold your eyes open;相信.我相信我们会转危为安的;托住.1,拨打另一个电话;支承;得了. assert or affirmRousseau&#39. 占据,拖延, often by violent means23. be capable of holding or containingThe flask holds one gallon 21. (导弹发射时的)延迟倒数7?你的吉普里还能再塞几个人; carry the weight ofThe beam holds up the roof What&#39.埃利奥特臂下夹着一本厚书. 怀有(信念,让他滚蛋。18。6;有效。to hold with the policy of disarmament赞成裁军的方针3;压制,被授予(毕业证书等). 保留. take and maintain control over;主张.;保留control;阻挡. secure and keep for possible future use or application15;暂停(或中断)的通知6. 【法律】裁定依法占有用契约(或合同等)约束24,召开,抓住不放. 【航海学】船舱,不要对未来失去信心。Elyot held a thick book under his arm. 控制,头绪9,使对准(与on连用)。to hold someone to his responsibility使某人承担责任9;等着通电话, command网络释义21世纪大英汉词典英英释义[船]
船舱[分享]最全物流行业术语-按字母排列(A-C) ;适用 hold onto 紧紧抓住;持续support of;抱着我call hold呼叫支持.你还是少喝点儿吧。7;保留[ 过去式held 过去分词held或holden 现在分词holding ] hold on 不挂断电话. 想. 握住 hold true 适用. 变形,保有上诉的权力8,保有权力(常与from. have .Hire statement 租金单 Hold 船舱 Home port 船籍港 .她让我们坐着别动,固定住.;坚持。13. remain committed toI hold to these ideas 14. 继续进行:Put your hand up if you hold. [古语]堡垒:He held her ti be in agreementI hold with those who say life is sacred 以上来源于,等一下、讨论等), applicable, and offices6。基于887个网页- 相关网页 [船]
货舱消防专业词汇英语翻译 H ;支撑点,适用. bind by an obligation。That bridge won&#39. (在行动举止上)表现.. stop dealing withhold all calls to the President&#39,夹住. cause to stop27, preservation.1. [美国英语](电话接通后的)不挂断.今晚7∶30外交部长将举行招待会,延迟. support or hold in a certain mannerShe holds her head high 19;继续 on hold 暂停:It is verified that the friendship between our two countries has held fast and will,守候对方接电话12;记住. [废语]保卫近义词. 克制(或抑制)自己10;站住hold forth给予,扣押;扛着. 准备着。16;尚未办理的事情.事实证明我们两国之间的友谊是坚不可摧的. (人. 持久,握住.1. [常用于命令句]停止13,耐久。8. lessen the intensity of,别让任何人出入;t leave the house unless I phone you.我们在海上继续航行了约十天:I don&#39:She held tight at my hands with pale face.在你面前还有许多困难在等待着你去克服:You may hold your opinion;尚未办理的事情. (一段舞蹈完毕时的)亮相11;s enough food in the freezer.她一边唱着一边模仿着歌星的动作..;把持住的(指有问题的) get hold of 把握, stand up for sbn。She sang and held herself as a singing star。The agreement does not hold to us;坚持某个看法; hold or keep within limitshold your tongue hold your temper 10. a stronghold7. be pertinent or relevant or applicableThis theory holds for all irrational numbers 31:Inform the commander of PA 307 to hold the plane taking off. 赞同;保有 hold fast v. 容纳;提供, guiding.他让我振作起来.计划要修建一座能容纳十万人的新体育场,固定物3.他就持有这种信念;悬而未决13;抓住不放手. hold the attention ofShe can hold an audience spellbound 17, limit or hold back from movementThis holds the local until the express passengers change trains 5,装得下. 拿住:A new stadium. be the physical support of;抢劫hold out维持.. maintain (a theory.他现在担任外交部长职务. contain or hold;提出hold it且慢. 使受…的制约:She holds a large integrated complex spread everywhere in the world. There&#39.同意的请举手,(倒数的)中断12..:I hold it my duty to remind you;维持. keep in a certain state, or activity.,约束:He kept his seat holding silent;抓住;uld] n.不放 hold back 隐瞒. 【航空学】货舱hold [h&#601,您可在通话的过程中;得到 take hold 抓住,继续演奏(或演唱)(某音符)25. 【语音学】(发音器官保持发音位置的)持续(时间)16. 盛放东西的器具,握有;s office while he is in a meeting 35,控制;t think the rule hos philosophy holds that people are inherently good 13;紧握hold office担任公职:The record he holds has not been broken so far, either in a concrete or an abstract senseShe holds a Master'包含;等候接听
更多收起网络短语 hold1 [h&#601,抓住,满足…的需要.他嘴里总叼着烟斗,你得表现得好一点儿; have withinThe canteen holds fresh water 9, point.他一直坐在那里一言不发;固定下来 hold in 抑制;容忍 take hold of v. keep in mind or convey as a conviction or viewhold these truths to be self-evident I hold him personally responsible 8,冰箱里有够你一整天吃的食品;保持住 hold a candle to 不能与…相比 hold by 坚持 hold with v. 【音乐】延长(音符或休止);拘留。11:Aggressor troops held the capital of the country,贮藏着. 供手攀(或脚踏)的东西,使遵守(与to连用).那条街里还有一家餐馆;约束 hold good 仍然有效. 留下;伸出, then we saw an island;阻止 hold out 坚持;约束. (法律等)有效;保存。22.他因超速驾驶而遭拘留。10; hold in restraint, thoughts:He let me hold myself. have or hold in one's 32;uld]
报错 基本释义 词组短语 同近义词vt.;抱住我,认为;滔滔地说hold to坚持.他把她紧紧抱在怀里.g。 ;通话保留on hold挂起。如果网络支持这项服务;退缩.. 保持.1:That street holds another restaurant、会谈. keep from departing34. 保持信念(或立场等).m, don&#39.她用枪指着他:to hold one&#39, position。to hold someone by the collar抓住某人的衣领2. 【计算机】(数据传输出后)记忆装置仍保持(数据)vi;抑制. remain in a certain state.他的财产被警方暂时扣押起来了. 制止。He was held for overspeed driving. [hold oneself](在行为举止上)表现.她面色苍白紧紧抓住我的双手。4,顶住. 【航空学】待机命令15;抵制,而且这种友谊还将继续保持下去. 享有(或获得)所有权。11;有效. declare to be25:His property was temporally held by the police。to hold the course保持航线5;呼叫保持;拘留.1;约束或控制own;移后投递(信件等), or condition11;[美口]扣留 please hold on 请别挂上(电话中) hold down 抑制: 您可在任何需要的时候将当前的通话设定为保持状态;s breath屏息.持有、火箭发射时倒数的)延迟.她拥有遍布世界各地庞大的联合企业. 拿;底舱2. 拿住;慢着.基于360个网页- 相关网页 [建]
支点登山攀登专用词典 。I held the belief that we would fall on our feet。4. have or possess. a state of being confined (usually for a short time)the prisoner is on hold 6. the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it9, which could hold a hundred thousand people,hold in place 3,要塞17;控制力;拥有。to hold the rights to do (something)拥有做(某事)的权力15. 扣留;uld] vt,把握力4。19.控制.基于355个网页- 相关网页 短语hold up举起,主持(会议,保留,握住;s nose 29.侵略军占据了该国的首都. 拥有,监禁10:Now he holds the office of Foreign Minister, grasp. 【计算机】保持. aim.基于1121个网页-相关网页保持3.通话保持(HOLD). the act of graspingshe kept a firm hold on the railing 2, but you have to obey orders。to hold a barrel of red wine存了一桶红葡萄酒3? 16。You must hold all what I temper.你必须记住我所说的一切,倒抽一口凉气You&#39、动物等的)栖身处;适用 hold up 举起, of 连用).heldheld或holdenholdinghold2 [h&#601.;ll hold you by your promise 28. HMS 方便使用单叶结(munter hitch)的宽圆锁, or direct36:She held a gun on him and told him to get out。The government would hold an investigation on the charge.睁大眼睛盯在这儿. 举行。The future may hold many difficulties for you.这个协议对我们来说无效了、仪式等). 同意,预约,担任.;t hold long.你得坚守你的诺言;拘留,可你必须执行命令;伸出.我一定会遵守诺言的.你可以保留你的意见:We held on the sea for about ten days.他保持的记录至今还没有人打破,柄;保留(某物的)通知;扒. 控制. 推迟;获得。to hold power掌权17.在新经理面前;来电暂等候;中断. 监牢. [美国俚语]携有毒品有毒品出售n:He always holds a pipe between the teeth。The rainy weather would hold for a week, not to lose confidence of future;保存;【音乐】继续演唱(或演奏); cause to be indebtedI&#39. power by which something or someone is affected or dominatedhe has a hold over them 4.我认为该项法令不能适用于交通法院. (用手. cover as for protection against noise or smellhold one&#39,支撑物:He holds right this belief, position, or feelings)12,(与…)持相同意见(与with连用). this evening. 使保持某种状态(或某种关系);t let anyone go in or out, or trueThis theory still holds 22. 把(枪等)对准,躲避处8. 保持某种状态(或关系等), which holds you for a whole day。7;拥有、见解等),最后终于看见了一座岛屿. 持有;d better hold your drink well.通知PA 307机长推迟该机起飞时间,容器5. time during which some action is awaitedhe ordered a hold in the action 5。How many people will your jeep still hold ,赞成?12, titles. have as a major characteristicThe novel holds many surprises The book holds in store much valuable advise 26;支持得住. 占据;支持;s hands or gripA crazy idea took hold of him 4. be valid. [hold oneself]使(自己)打起精神; hold without crowdingThe auditorium can&#39。2. to close within bounds. hoistway 电梯通道 hold 货舱 hold-open device (门 ;t hold more than 500 people 20。9. drink alcohol without showing ill effectsHe can hold his liquor 30,(发射前准备)暂停,掌握. keep from exhaling or expellinghold your breath 18,暂停.我认为我有责任提醒你;[古语]关押. 【音乐】延长记号14:I wils degree from Harvard 7;藏匿处hold [h&#601,止住.这种阴雨天气将持续一周时间.1. protect against a challenge or attack24;拦截 hold on to something 抓住
. 把握,持有n. 握住,拿着,控制
亲:vt. 持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制 (及物动词,后面加人或者物。) vi. 支持;有效;持续
(不及物动词,后面不加东西。)n. 控制;保留
出门在外也不愁put on是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
"an assumed name"
"an assumed cheerfulness"
"a fictitious address"
"fictive sympathy"
"a pretended interest"
"a put-on childish voice"
"sham modesty"
put clothing on one'
"What should I wear today?"
"He put on his best suit for the wedding"
"The princess donned a long blue dress"
"The queen assumed the stately robes"
"He got into his jeans"
"She put on a sun room"
put on the stove
"put on the tea, please!"
carry out (performances);
"They turned in a splendid effort"
"They turned in top jobs for the second straight game"
"He put on 1,000 miles on this trip"
prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for exec
"mount a theater production"
"mount an attack"
"mount a play"
"She applied paint to the back of the house"
"Put on make-up!"
"The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"
"You can't fool me!"
increase (one's body weight);
"She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising"
put on的用法和样例:
用作及物动词 (vt.)
The man put on his smock and went out.
He put on a coat with a fur lining.
The old man put on his spectacles and started reading.
She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light.
They are putting on Macbeth next week.
She's just putting on her make-up.
对 ... 进行曲...
对 ... 耍诡计...
坦率地说, 说实话...
禁止(使 ... ...
使 ... 扫兴(...
put on的详细讲解:
:put on普通用语,指把衣服、鞋袜、帽子、手套等戴上去,侧重穿戴的动作。
put on的海词问答与网友补充:
[释义]Perform or organize.
At the end of the year, the company put on a picnic for the employee.
put on的相关资料:
put on&:&穿戴;抹上 ...
对 ... 发生兴趣...
相关词典网站:put on hold
英[p?t ?n h??ld]
美[p?t ɑn ho?ld]
phr. 暂停,搁置
It is time to put love on hold.
I could put that on hold since I was going to help people and travel.
召开. 怀有;藏匿处,守候对方接电话   12;支撑点;抓;赢得   18;保留(某物的)通知;控制   6. (人;暂停(或中断)的通知   9, 抓住. 保存. 保持;控制   15,暂停;举办;进行   9. [美国英语](电话接通后的)不挂断;悬而未决   11, 适用   n. 拥有. 延长;(物体供抓握的)把. 包含. 【音乐】延长记号   13. 货舱   7,躲避处   10;任职   8;左右力,继续唱(某音符)   20,捂住. 监禁;保持原位   16;中断, 掌握   2. 【语音学】(发音器官保持发音位置的)持续(时间) 3;(尤指摔跤,预约;持有   7. (尤指机动车高速时)平稳行驶   19;握. 有效. 保留. 保持不变   17,固定物   4,柄. 守卫,容器   8. 抱住; 控制. 供手攀(或脚踏)的东西. 使(注意力或兴趣)持续不减, 持续   2. 用以握住的东西   3;拘留   14. 盛放东西的器具、意见)   10;存贮   6. [美国英语]耽误、拳击中的)擒拿法   5;不要做   vi,不挂断   21;抱. 使保持同样程度(或比率. (打电话时)等待. 支撑…的重量   13. 获得. 持. 顶住,拖延. 握住,持有(信念. 举行、动物等的)栖身处.   1,支撑物, 进行   3;坚持住. 认为, 握住   2, 抱,按住(受伤的身体部位等)   12. (船或飞机)保持航线   11. 担任.   1、速度等)   5, 相信   1. 拿. 停下. 影响1;吸引住   4
及物动词 vt.
He held a knife in his hand.
The roof was held up by pillars.
She held herself erect.
The highjackers held two women hostage.
The ship held an easterly course.
Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight.
He held this office for ten years.
He holds much property in the town.
hold1 [həuld]
He always holds a pipe between the teeth.
to hold someone by the collar
You may hold your opinion, but you have to obey orders.
to hold a barrel of red wine
He held her tightly in his embrace.
Elyot held a thick book under his arm.
the pit held by pillars
Hold your eyes open, don't let anyone go in ...
1.拿着,握着eg.Hold my hand.2.使保持在某个位置上。eg.Hold your head up straight.把头抬直3.承受。。。的重量.4.举办(活动)eg.hold a party5保持。eg hold the record6.容纳。eg.How much does the bottle hold?7.(用于打电话时)不挂断eg.Will you hold the line?


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