
3-2)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !_百度知道
3-2)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !
!!!!!!如果要用翻译软件的话 那就请不要献丑了!. 当我一拿走他的玩具. 於是我立刻走过去要求Marco把玩具车还给他他摇头并且说no拒绝把玩具车还给对方於是我立刻拿走Marco的另一辆车并且交给被抢走玩具的孩子!!!禁止翻译软体 !今天当我们带著孩子们在前往公园散步的路上有个孩子跟老师说’’ Marco push me’’老师给Marco 稍微教训了一下之後我们就继续前往公园了因为天气很不错是晴天所以我们带孩子去的公园是有游乐设施有溜滑梯和汤秋千的公园玩还有一小区的地方是可以玩沙的我们给孩子十分钟在那边玩老师在让他们自由玩之前都会给他们讲好规则和规定例如当我们数到十时他们就得立刻停止玩并且返回去集合区後来十分钟过去了 Marco还是不停的在玩沙我要求他停止他拒绝我说no 於是我经过老师的同意直接把他从沙子区抱下来他不停的挣脱但我还是成功把他放到集合区了我放下他之後他还尝试著要返回去沙子区但被其他老师给阻止了今天下午在free play time时 Marco和其他的孩子们在玩车子时有个孩子过来跟我抱怨说Marco拿走了他的车子! 我看的出来喔!!!!
she took away his story book, such as a slide and some swings. He was constantly kicking and trying to escape. Before letting them go: “Marco pushed me. So I took the other car Marco had, saying “no”. So I carried him away from the sand-playing block in my arms. Straight away. Marco and two other kids did not listen to me, while I also gave his own car back to him, Marco was finally obedientWhen we were on our way to a park to have a walk today.In the afternoon, carried him to his bed and told him in a very serious manner that it was time for bed!” The teacher told Marco off, but instead continued playing, when we were getting the kids ready for a nap, he still attempted to go back to the sand-playing block. At this point, they would have to stop playing immediately and go back to the gathering area. Marco shook his head saying “no” and refused to give the toy car back, and then continued going to the park. After that. As soon as I took his toy car, when Marco was playing cars with other kids during the free play time, a kid came and complained to me that Marco took away her car.Since the weather was really good and it was a sunny day.纯手工翻译如有疑问欢迎追问满意还望尽快采纳 , and gave it to the kid who had his toy car taken away, Marco finally gave the toy he took from the kid back to him reluctantly. We allowed the children to play over there for 10 minutes, but Marco was still playing with the sand, but he refused me. I told him quite loudly that other kids are ready to sleep. The teacher also saw this, we brought the children to a park with recreation facilities, Marco started crying and screaming. After putting him down. There was another block where the children could play with sand. I also asked them to put the story book back and go to bed. He lied in bed and allowed the teacher to pat his back until he fell asleep, the teacher told them some rules they had to follow, including that when we counted to 10, after seeking the teacher’s permission. I took him aside and explained to him that this was the consequence of taking other people’s toys. Today after lunch. 10 minutes were soon gone. I asked him to stop, he&#47, but I successfully took him to the gathering area in the end, but was stopped by other teachers. So I immediately went and asked Marco to give the toy car back to the kid, I saw Marco holding a story book and running around with other boys, as well as trying to get his toy back, and asked him whether he was going to return the toy he had taken from the kid, a kid said to the teacher
犹太民族的教育取向—高等教育在以色列勃兴的原因【摘要】犹太民族是一个神奇的民族,在公元前600年左右亡国,在世界各地整整漂流了两千多年,奇迹般的又在1948年复国了,完好地保留了本民族的文化传统。犹太人在人类历史上的各个领域中都有的光辉成就,为世界文明、经济、科技、文学、艺术等做出哗酣糕叫蕹既革习宫卢了卓越的贡献。这些引人瞩目的成就与犹太民族崇尚知识和智慧教育取向分不开的。在以色列建国短短几十年中其高等教育的快速启动和飞速发展,引起了世界的普遍关注。犹太民族重视教育的优良传统、以色列以素质教育为导向的基础教育、政府优先发展教育的基本国策、社会力量对高等教育的极大投入以及广泛参与国际教育交流与合作为以色列高等教育的勃兴提供了可靠保障。本文以分析的视角,从民族宗教、基础教育、政府政策社会投入、国际交流五个方面,剖析了以色列高等教育的勃兴之因。【关键词】犹太民族 以色列 高等教育
●Ps┊洛洛┋ - 魔法学徒 朋友是 翻译成英语呀
Abstract is a wonderful Jewish people, in the year 600 BC or so perished in various parts of the world has drifted more than two thousand years, the miraculous in the 1948 State of the complex, well-preserved the nation's cultural heritage. Jews in the h哗酣糕叫蕹既革习宫卢istory of mankind in various fields have the glorious achievements of world civilization, economy, science and technology, literature, art, and so on have made outstanding contributions. These remarkable achievements and advocating Jewish education, knowledge and wisdom can not be separated from the orientation. The founding of Israel in a short span of several decades in higher education in their quick start and rapid development has attracted world attention. Jewish emphasis on education in the fine tradition of the Israel-oriented education to quality basic education, the Government give priority to the development of education in the basic national policy, the social forces of higher education into the great wide, as well as participate in international educational exchange and cooperation in higher education for Israel's emergence is to provide A reliable guarantee. Based on the analysis of the perspective from the national religion, basic education, community input to government policies, international exchanges in five areas, the analysis of Israel's emergence as a result of higher education.
Key words Israel Jewish higher education好不容易翻译好了,不好的地方指点!
The education mindset of Judean race
-The reason that the higher education rises suddenly in Israel
【Summary 】the Judean race be a miraculous race, Wu country in the around 600 B.C., exactly drifted in the world-wide locations for more than 2,000 years, miracle sort of replied a country in 1948 again, intactly reserved the cultural tradition of this race.The glorious achievement that the Jew all has in mankind's each historical realm did outstanding contribution for the world civilization, economy, science and technology, literature, art...etc..Achievement and Judean race that these are stirring to focus attention emphasize knowledge and intelligen...
出门在外也不愁Hihi是我哟 1)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !!!_百度知道
Hihi是我哟 1)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !!!
并且成功的尿尿在马桶上禁止翻译软体 : 我的第一个策略是我会在circle time时先和孩子们讨论他们上厕所的情况并且用图片给孩子们解释上厕所的正确步骤并且让他们按照顺序排列上厕所尿尿时的步骤这个策略的目的也是为了让他知道当他想尿尿时他必须主动跟我们说或者是主动自己去厕所坐在马桶上而不是等著我们主动问他并且尿在裤子上 我的另一个策略则是让这个孩子去看另外其他孩子的上厕所流程让他知道如何正确的尿尿在马桶里并且让他不要感觉害怕什麼的让他可以勇於尝试 并且我会和我的老师让他花些时间坐在马桶上尝试著尿尿在马桶上目的是为了让他成功的尿尿在马桶上并且愿意尝试不会再拒绝上厕所 Summarize this observation&#47.另外在情感方面他是很敏感的他会容易焦躁和不安但他喜欢被鼓励和赞美我发现他的依赖性很强他都会依赖我和老师去帮他穿外套和换鞋子!;. 虽然他还是依赖性很强要我们问他他才会说他要尿尿.当我和我的老师赞美他时.他是愿意尝试的!!Joseph 他的家人都是讲法语的他在家都是讲法语而在幼儿园里他则是学习英语这是他在幼儿园里面的的第二年.但比起刚开始时已经好太多了并且已经开始减少尿裤子和尿在床单上的次数了希望接下来的日子里他会更主动的跟老师要求说要去厕所尿尿.他是非常被动的孩子:我发现他的语言能力比其他孩子的发展还稍微慢了一些些但他的语言能力还在发展中. 大部分时间都是他母亲带他去幼儿园也是他母亲接他回家的!!.每次我们要求他去上厕所尿尿时他都有拒绝然後之後尿在床单上和裤子上并且他都会哭闹著不要尿尿在马桶上他是强烈不愿意主动去上厕所的所以由时候都是老师有点强迫牵著他的手带他去厕所坐在马桶上我希望藉由一些策略让他可以发展他的自主性去主动尿尿在马桶上并且可以主动跟我们说他要尿尿了 Intervention plan&#47!: 经过我实行的策略!!.虽然我和老师为他感到高兴和骄傲; Twostrategies&#47!. 他在家依赖性是很强的他都会依赖他的父母帮他做事 Brief assessment( summery)!,他已经开始慢慢进步了他已经开始不会拒绝坐在马桶上面!; assessment of benefit ofthe intervention!!!! 我看的出来喔. 我发现他每次讲话都很模糊是不清楚的他没办法用语言去表达他所需要所想要的所以大部分时候他都是用比动作去表达他的需求!!如果要用翻译软件的话 那就请不要献丑了,他是很开心的
After I implement strategy,he has no reject to sitting on the stinkpot。Summarize this observation&#47。 I also notice that it’s always vague he saying
everytime ,however he learned English when he was a kindergarten child。I want someone to offer me several skills to improve his independence,including he can able to ask us his desire want to bathroom。 By the way。不过我现在闲着没事。 ,most time he was lead to kindergarten and fetch back home by his mother。The other means that make this kid watch other kids how to have a right bathroom-washing following sequence,not reject to go to the toilet anymore,he get a bit improvement,I and my teachers will spend some time to let him urine on the stinkpot,sometimes our teachers have to hold his hand force him to the bathroom,everytime we let him go to the toilet,but the language abi Twostrategies&#47。He is strong dependence,we have to ask him when he want to urine。I bless him will be more actively to talk about our us teachers he want to go to the toilet。
At the same time。JosephHis families’ mother tongue are France,rather than we ask them.I found out he is a strong dependent child,but he has made a great development compel with the past time,of course。Brief assessment( summery)。 He is such a strong mind of reluctanting
to toilet,even urine on pants。When we praise him:
T: I discovered that his language abilities development
is a little less than ather children,这么一大片,he also speak France at home,it’s easy to be anxious and fretful for him which is sensitive about feelings。 Intervention plan&#47,even cry and scream not urine on the stinkpot。 All of us feel proud of him,你只给这些财富值。He is willing to take a challenge and urined on stinkpot succeed,urine on the bed and pants,he is rely on me and other teachers to help him dress up coat and shoes all the time。He is dependent。 He is a passiveness kid,he prefer to accept
encouragement and praise,rely on his parents to deal with everything,let them take a bathroom in sequence is necessary。 I suppose he is unable to catch a thing that he need through language how expressed,很多人自然不愿意翻译,in order to make himself urine on the stinkpot success,he try
bravely and no need to worry about anything on longer,he feel great happy。The times he urined on pants are incredible decrease,he is unwilling to following our demand while reject, I will talk about the case and express which way is right when urine onstinkpot by send them pictures in my circle time。 This the second year of he stay at kindergarten。 The target of this method in order to make they know they must be active tell us or turn to bathroom by themselves when they want go to the toilet 老实说,so he used to made body language to exp assessment of benefit ofthe intervention,就翻译一下好了
太感激你的帮忙了不晓得可不可以也麻烦你 另一篇呢?Hihi是我哟 2)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !!!看私信 我把网给发给你 !感谢你的善心!
他受不了叫他等待(stand)4?(matter)2、商店已经降低了商品的价格,现在是买东西的好时候(reduce)3、鲍勃当时很虚弱1、马丁和他妻子同岁(the same…as)9、这次考试是一次真正的挑战(challenge)5,等父亲一来我们就可以走了(so that)8,所以我得搀着他(support)6,否则你会忘记的(otherwise)7、你最好把地址写下来、我们现在准备好、不要在和猫玩了(not…any more)10、我们晚到一会有关系吗
(matter)Does it matter if we arrive a bit later?2、露西比较喜欢在业余时间读书(spend…doing)Lucy likes to spend her spare time reading、商店已经降低了商品的价格1,现在是买东西的好时候(reduce)The shop has reduced the pricess time for shopping,等父亲一来我们就可以走了(so that)Let&#39、不要在和猫玩了(not…any more)Do not play with the cat any more、马丁和他妻子同岁(the same…as)Martin is of the same age as his wife.9. 5、鲍勃当时很虚弱, it&#39.6、这次考试是一次真正的挑战(challenge)The test is a real challenge,否则你会忘记的(otherwise)You had better write down the address otherwise you will forget it.3,所以我得搀着他(support)Bob was very feeble then so Is get ready so that we can set off as soon as you father arrive.8、他受不了叫他等待(stand)He can&#39、我们现在准备好;t stand waiting、你最好把地址写下来.4.7.10、我们晚到一会有关系吗
Lucy likes spending her sparetime reading10.Do not play with the cat any more.5.8.Bob was very weak.3, so that we can leave as soon as our father comes ,otherwise you&#39.You&#39.This exam is really a very chanllenge.1.We should be ready now, so I had to support him.Martin is at the same age as
his wife .7;ll forget it, it is the good time to go shopping.6.He cannot stand makingd better write down the address.The shop has reduced the prices of goods.4.2.Will it matter if we be late for a moment.9
Is it matter if weare a little late?The store have reduced the prices, now is a good time to buy things.He can't stand
let him wait.This examination is a real challenge Bob was very weak, so I have to support him .You'd better write down the address, otherwise you will forget .We
are now ready so that we can go when our father come.Martin and his wife are the same
as age .Don't play with the cat
any more.Lucy likes spending her spare time reading .
Does it matter if we're late?The shopping malls are having sales now, it's a good choice for us to go shopping.He can't stand to let him wait for any reason.this test( quiz) is a real challenge.Bob was very weak back the, so I needed to help him up.You'd better write the address down, otherwise you'll forget it.We really need to get prepared right now, so that we can leave as soon as daddy get here.Martin is at the same age as his wife.Please do not play with the cat anymore.Lucy likes to spend her spare time reading.
Does it matter that we come a little later?It's a good time to buy things now because the stores have reduced prices.He can't stand being waiting any longer.This exam is a real challenge.Bob was so weak so&I had to support him.You'd better write down the address otherwise you may forget it.We are ready now so that when Father come,we can go.Martin is in the same age with his wife.Don't play with cats any more.Lucy prefers spending some time reading in her spare time.
出门在外也不愁2-2)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !_百度知道
2-2)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !
她爸爸把她交给老师并且和Audray说再见之後他就离开了禁止翻译软体 !!今天早上九点多时我们在做circle time时!!如果要用翻译软件的话 那就请不要献丑了!!!!!, 还是老样子!!!,只剩下她和另外一个孩子是醒著!! 我看的出来喔!. 之後她就盯著我看没说话然後翻过身我继续拍著她的背直到她睡著了今天当我们在楼上柜子区给孩子们穿上外套并且准备带孩子们去公园散步时Audray和她爸爸来了, Audray和她爸爸来了她爸爸进来把她送借来之後并且跟老师讲了几句话然後跟Audray用韩语说再见之後就离开了 Audray开始大哭的用韩语喊爹地老师尝试著安抚她抱她并且用英语给她说她爹地在她睡完午觉之後的下午就会来接她了老师抱著她并且牵著她的手带她到教室走廊外面走走大概过了十分到十五分钟老师才带著她回来她已经停止哭泣了後来她就坐在其他孩子旁边一起听老师讲故事今天中午当每个孩子都在睡午觉时!!.我坐在她旁边用手安抚著拍著她的背尝试著安抚她睡觉但她翻了一下身体并且看著我用韩语说爹地并且说了两次於是我小小声地用英语跟她说在她睡完午觉之後的下午我们吃完点心并且在Cicle time讲完故事之後她的父母就会来接她回家了
The teacher tried to console her, all the kids were sleeping excepting her and another kid.At noon, she cried repeatedly, said goodbye and left, stroked herclock in the afternoon, then took her hand and brought her to the corridor of the classroom for walking,t cry in the whole afternoon, then sclock this morning when we were dDaddy&quot. The teacher held her, Audray anDaddy&quot, Audray and her father came when we were dressing the kids in their coats in the lockers area upstairs, her mother picked her up and she was so happy that she ran to hug her mother saying “Mom” repeatedly in Korean. Her fats stories, said a few words with the teacher and then left, Audray was taken back and stopped crying. At about 5 o&#39, and told her in English that her father would come back and picked her up in the afternoon after her nap. She didn'Daddy& twice in Korean, her father brought Audray to her teacher, in Korean. Then I whispered to her that her parents would come to pick her up after her nap, and stopped when I took her hand. On the way to the park, saying goodbye to Audray in Korean. About 10 or 15 minutes later. Audray began to cry and called & in Korean, and yelled &quot. Audray still kept crying, preparing to take them to the park for a walk. It is all the same中文缺少标点符号.Today. She sat in the classroom with other kids and listen to teacher&#39. I continued to pat her until she got asleep, after the dessert and after the stories in Circle Time. She stared at me and then turned over without saying a single word, but she turned over and yelled &quot, trying to make her sleep. I sat besides her!At nine o&#39,看起来很吃力
请看私信 我有其他问题想请你指教一下 感谢!!!!!!!!!!
the teacher hugged her. then she didn&#39. Audray cried and looked for her dad. She sat in the classroom with other kids, look in two times in Korean, only she and another kid were awake, Audray and her father came here. Then her father said goodbye in Kt cry in the whole afternoon. We were on the way to the park and she cried over and over. The teacher tried to console her and said that her father would come here and picked her up
in the afternoon after her nap at noon. Audray and her father came here, the teacher took her back and Audray stopped crying, listening to teacher'Daddy&quot, &quot.Today. Her father brought her here and talked a few minutes with the teacher. I patted her till she fell alseep, trying to make her sleep.At noon, but she turned over, when every kid was sleeping. About 5 o&#39, said goodbye and left. After 10 or 15 minutes, her father brought Audray to her teacher. I sat besides herDaddy&quot, when we were dressing the kids in their coats in the area of lockers
and going to take the kids tos stories, joined her hands and brought her to the corridor of the classroom. Then she stared at me without any words and turned over. Audray still kept crying. Then I whispered to her that her parents would come to pick her up after she took her nap at noon, &quot, her mom picked her up and she was so happy that she ran to hug her mom and said mom in K in KoreanAt nine o&#39, when we were dclock of this morning, had dessert
and listened to stories in Cicle Time in the afternoon, then she showed her toy to her mom, then she stopped crying after I joined her hands


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