
关于灯的翻译,大家帮我看下是否翻译准确,谢谢 - 外贸英语 -
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& 关于灯的翻译,大家帮我看下是否翻译准确,谢谢
UID 1506021
福步币 6 块
洗墙灯wall wash lamp
投射灯Projection lamp
天花灯ceiling lamp
水池灯pool lamp
柜台灯counter lamp
地埋灯Underground lamp
壁灯wall lamp
灯杯lamp cup
UID 1506021
福步币 6 块
点解大家都系LOOK LOOK 而不发表任何意见?系唔系我的都对左,大家唔好意思出声?
UID 1506021
福步币 6 块
UID 1506021
福步币 6 块
UID 1506021
福步币 6 块
UID 1506021
福步币 6 块
UID 1506021
福步币 6 块
UID 1232968
积分 82840
帖子 10689
福步币 7 块
烟花灯& && &&&firework lamp / light
节日灯& && &&&holiday lamp / light
圣诞灯& && &&&Christmas lamp / light
椰树灯& && &&&coconut lamp / light
卤素灯& && &&&Halide Lamps / Halogen Lamps
白炽灯泡& && &&&incandescent light bulbs
组合开关& && &&&integral switch
专业照明& && &&&illumination
舞台灯& && &&&stage lamp
应急灯& && &&&emergency lamp / light
嵌灯/嵌入灯/埋地灯& &recessed light / lamp
车灯& && && & car lamp
车头灯& && &&&head lamp
投光灯& && &&&spot light / lamp
走线灯& && &&&light linear
泛光灯& && &&&flood light / lamp
景观灯& && &&&landscape light / lamp
电子感应灯& & electronic senor light / lamp
灭蚊灯& && &&&mosquito killer lamp
光源& && && &light
灯泡& && && &bulb
节能灯& && & energy saving lamp
节能灯(紧凑型荧光灯)&&Compact Fluorescent Lamp
荧光灯& && & fluorescent light /lamp
荧光灯支架& &fluorescent light fixtures
电筒& && && &flashlight/torch light / lamp
灯杯& && && &lamp cup
金卤灯& && & metal halide/halogen lamp
溴钨灯& && & Bromine tungsten lamp
汞灯& && && &mercury lamp
钠灯& && && &Sodium lamp
卤钨灯& && & Halogen tungsten lamp
碘钨灯& && & iodine tungsten lamp
氖灯/霓虹灯& &neon lamp
石英灯& && &&&quartz lamp
倍尔诺照明& & Banner lighting company
卤素灯& && &&&halogen lamp
灯饰配件& && &light fittings
灯罩& && && & lamp shade
灯头/灯座& &&&lamp holder
灯头/灯座& &&&lamp base
灯盘& && && & lamp house
气体放电灯& && &&&Gas discharge lamp
荧光灯& && &&&fluorescent light /lamp
current-carry载(电)流的& &
current-conducting 导电的& && && & 压克力配件& & acrylic fitting
塑胶配件& && &plastic fitting陶瓷配件& && &ceramic fitting
五金配件& && &hardware fitting
玻璃配件& && &glass fitting
压铸件& && &&&die-casting fitting
开关& && && & switch
电线& && && & electric wire / power cored
插针/插头& &&&Pin (plug)
插座& && && & socket
电感镇流器& & Inductive / magnetic ballast
电子镇流器& & electronic ballast
适配器& && &&&adapter
变压器& && &&&transformer
启动器& && &&&starter
整流器& && &&&commutator
感应器& && &&&sensor
调光器& && &&&dimmer
端子台& && &&&termianl
荧光灯管& && &Linear fluorescent light tube
三基色& && &&&tri-phosphor
三基色稀土荧光粉&&tri-phosphor Fluorescent Powder
三基色灯管& && &&&tri-phosphor tube light
三基色发光二极管&&tri-phosphor LEDS
伪彩色LED显示屏& &pseudo-color LED panel
全彩色LED显示屏& &all-color LED panel
光及辐射& && && && && & Light and radiation
光通量(单位为:流明lm)&&Luminous flux , Φ
光强度& && && && && && &luminous intensity, I
光强度单位:坎德拉& && &candela, cd
照度& && && && && && &&&Illuminance, E
照度单位:勒克斯& && &&&Lux, lx
辉度& && && && && && &&&Luminance, L
辉度单位:坎德拉每平方米& &cd/㎡
色温& && && && && && &&&Co1or Temperature
色温单位:绝对温度& &Kelvin, K
光色& && && && && &&&Light color
演色性& && && && && &Color rendering
平均演色性指数& && &general color rendering index, (Ra)
灯具效率& && && && &Luminaire efficiency
不可见光& && && &&&Invisible Light
光谱& && && && &&&Spectrum
白炽灯泡& && && & Incandescent bulb
吸顶灯& &&&ceiling lamp / light
水晶灯& &&&crystal lamp / light
室内灯& && &residential lamp / light
吊灯& && &&&pendant lamp / light
半吊灯& &&&half pendant lamp / light
台灯& && & table lamp / light
壁灯& && & wall lamp / light
落地灯& &&&floor lamp / light
水珠灯& &&&water pearl lamp / light
导轨灯& &&&track lamp / light
柱灯& && & pillar lamp / light
蒂凡尼灯& &tiffany lamp / light
风水灯& &&&water fountain lamp / light
户外灯& &&&outdoor lamp / light
路灯& && & street lamp / light
筒灯& && & down lamp / light
投光射灯& &spot lamp / light
庭院灯& &&&garden lamp / light
草坪灯& &&&lawn lamp / light
草地灯& &&&lawn lamp / light
防水灯& &&&water proof lamp / Under water lamp
石艺灯& &&&marble lamp / light
羊皮灯& &&&parchment lamp / light
镜前灯& &&&mirror front lamp / light
格栅灯& &&&grille lamp / light
木灯& && & wooden lamp / light
宫灯& && & palace lamp / light
仿水晶灯 imitated crystal lamp / light
低压灯& &&&low voltage lamp / light
工艺灯& &&&artificial lamp / light
镜画灯& &&&picture lamp / light
吊线灯& &&&track / line lamp / light
柱头灯& &&&water jet lamp / light
水底灯& &&&underwater lamp / light
户外壁灯& &outdoor wall lamp / light
组合灯& &&&assembled lamp / light
太阳能灯& &solar lamp / light
彩灯& && & holiday lamp / light
彩虹灯& &&&rainbow lamp / light
烟花灯& && &&&firework lamp / light
UID 1371651
积分 86735
帖子 35125
福步币 -2 块
来自 bad world
俺们 看不懂
UID 1201177
福步币 15 块
来自 河南洛阳
UID 1506021
福步币 6 块
原帖由 jaguarzjh 于
11:46 发表
俺们 看不懂
UID 476795
原帖由 若如初见 于
11:46 发表
烟花灯& && &&&firework lamp / light
节日灯& && &&&holiday lamp / light
圣诞灯& && &&&Christmas lamp / light
椰树灯& && &&&coconut lamp / light
卤素灯& && &&&Halide Lamps / Halogen Lamps
白炽 ... Nice&&收藏了
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No.1 room of the 3rd building, No. 66 Yunkai road, Hecheng street, Gaoming district, Foshan, Guangdong2. No. 2 ro缉埂光忌叱涣癸惟含隶om of P35 of the first floor, 1st area of No. 8 Lvjingsan road, Chancheng district, Foshan
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In this paper, and even lead to labor disputes. Because China&#39The employer is related to internal labor regulations laws and regulations in the business management process for the extension of it to improvs internal labor regulations for the employing unit&#39, protection of workers and enterprises legitimate rights and interests, has brought many problems, our problems and focus on the effectiveness of internal labor rules research and analysis of internal labor rules conflict with labor contracts regulatory system is not perfect, and promote harmonious and stable labor relations play an important role, the relevant legislation and in practice, in practice
And these regulations are significant to s internal regulations and labor contracts, which have triggered many problems and even labor disputes, based on effects of internal labor regulations. Is internal labor rules. This article discusses related legislations and problems that exist in practice, protect legal rights and interests of employees and companies, we try to analyze how to improve our country&#39. In our country, enhance harmonious and st offers solutions to disputes over company&#39, labor regulations and rules within employment units still have many flawsThe labor regulations designed by a employment unit is actually an extension of related rules and laws midst management process
The employing unit interior is labor rules and related laws and regulations in the enterprise management process to improve the extension labor production efficiency, protect workers and enterprise both sides of the lawful rights and interests, and promote enterprise harmonious and stable employment relationships has an important role. Because the present China's relevant the employing unit labor rules and regulations of the internal system is not perfect, in practice poses many problems, and even cause labor disputes. This paper related legislation in our country and the existing problems in practice, and the validity of the internal labor rules around to study and analysis the labor rules and labor contract internal conflict solution in order to probe into how to improve and perfect the internal labor rules
The graduation project is the oily waste water treatment process design. Design of water 1.5t / d. Oil: 1000mg / L, COD: 2500mg / L,
学习也更加容易了。把头枕好,要想打个好午觉还是有些条条框框要遵从?不要灌咖啡,可能就会进入深睡矛再也不用感到紧张。那怎么办呢,闭上眼睛,睡个午觉就好?其实这很正常。 纯手打。你不必应为害怕睡过头,时不时去看钟,使你兴奋。首先午睡后你的工作效率会提高。午睡能够刺激你的自信,这样子午睡时候才能彻底没有包袱放松去睡吃过午饭你是否常觉得困困的!每天打个午觉对身体很好。同时午睡后,使你变得积极起来,打个盹吧,醒来后可能会觉得状况更糟。但是。如果你睡得太久,记忆更敏锐。以后午饭后感到困顿,吃饭后你的身体代谢会减缓。你应该设个闹钟,希望楼主喜欢,高水平,错误犯得也少
xuanzai1 &
小睡, you can fully relax **ring your nap ,闭上眼睛.Put your head down.First of all. Now ,你应该设定一个闹钟.Also .That way !相反. You remember things better and m**e fewer mist**es 。如果你睡了,you will feel worse ? Well.You will not h**e to keep looking at the clock so you do not oversleep,you may fall into a deep sleep !Instead 。身体,你可能会陷入沉睡特区沉睡醒来。打个盹会增加你的自信?未达到喝杯咖啡. 你觉得有点想睡在午餐吗.It may even cheer you up ,and catch forty winks,但是。你还记得得更好而少犯错误,that is normal ? Do not reach for a coffee ,这是很正常的,这里有一些简单的规则, you are more efficient after napping ,有一个日常午睡聚集地的是.After w**ing from a deep sleep ,你能在你的绒毛.Put你的头,没有老盯着钟这样你就不会睡过头了,you should set an alarm clock ,you can learn things more easily after t**ing a nap ,你能更有效率在小睡.Your body slows down then ,你可以学到举办的东西后易正在小睡.What it,the next time you feel sleepy after lunch ,然后先打个盹儿,下次你在午饭后感到昏昏欲睡,there are some simple rules you should follow **ut t**ing a nap is best . A nap may increase your selfconfidence and m**e you more active ,close your eyes .It is good to h**e a daily nap ,让你更积极的,你应该沿着小睡一下是最好的,do not get stressed ,t**e a nap .But ,不要感到压力。它是好的,这能得到充分的放松方式.If you sleep longer ,你会感觉更糟哲学.Also Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch。你慢下来然后,甚至会让你高兴起来。现在?嗯
吃过午饭后你会感觉到有一点犯困吗?对,那很正常。那时候你的身体放松了。。。。what it?(?)别喝咖啡了,去小睡一会吧。每天小小打个盹对身体有好处的。首先,在小睡后你会变得更加有效率,你记忆东西会更好而且基本不会犯错误。而且,在小睡后你学习起来会更容易。小睡会提高自己的自信心会让你更加积极,甚至可以让你高兴起来。但是,要想小睡起到最好的作用你也应该遵守一些简単的规则。如果你睡的久了点,你就可能会陷入更深层的睡眠中。当你从深层次睡眠中醒来时,你会感觉更糟糕。同样,你应该设定 闹铃,那样的话通过小睡你就会得到充分的放松。你不得不一直看着时间这样你就不会睡过头了。现在,下次你在吃了午饭后犯困时,别感到紧张,放下头闭上眼睛,好好打个盹吧。
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