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Nov 7, :41 PM
Listening to: Children of Bodom - Needled 24/7
Reading: Your tombstone
Watching: The grass grow
Playing: a melody once forgotten by the fingers
Eating: Clotted blood. And Chilli
Drinking: Tea
Listen.Someone needs to inspire me. Right now. I haven't done art in so long, and when I do, I quit in the middle of it because its never good enough for me. If I dont start getting some inspiration ... theres going to be nine bodies on the floor ... and they're ALL gonna be yours.That is all.
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Watch Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon, Hannibal, and Hannibal Rising all in one day. That always gives me inspiration!
Haha, that would be quite the feat! I'm not sure I could handle watching every one of those in one sitting though. My spine would rot right out of my back I'm sure.
do i not inspire u??? and y wuld u wanna kill meh???
How can Davey-poo not be inspired! Here I have a story for you. There were three girls they dedicate themselves to fighting crime. YES ! Like super heros. They go by the names of Marrria, Jainie, and Arby. We each carry our weapons of choice. Marrria's weapon is a large bright purple dildo, With
spikes around the head that rotate.
Jainie's weapon of choice is a huge blunt heavy pink dildo, similar to a mace. Arby's weapon is a dildo with a sharp edge like a sword. We all have secondary weapons too, WHIPS
and we kick crimes ass. Woot
consider yourself inspired biatch or the dildos will get ya!
Ok, i'll throw a few choice words...
monkey spiders
more dead babies
gangster ducks
whitby abbey
the wicker man
78 green bottles
October the twenty first
cardboard boxes
phobile mones
yeah, so theyre just some suggestions, sorry i am never in touch i fell out with the interwebs and have been varnishing leaves instead
hope you feel inspired soon
Well I thoroughly checked over your list ... and came to the conclusion ... "Jam".
And lots of it.
In 78 green bottles being rolled around by the wicker man on October 21st ... while holding a bag full of pees and cheese, wearing a spiffy hat, and being chased by gangster duck squirrels riding on monkey spiders playing needle-like
tunes with their binbag harmonicas.
... trampling dead babies.
thank you. lol
That's amazing!!!! You could do that!! I love it, especially the bit about jam, and binbag harmonicas
I wish I could offer some sort of inspiration to you..
You already offer inspiration. I just dont do anything with yours. lol
omg i have 9 bodies? :/ ewww...
you need to travel somewhere...
I'd love to travel somewhere ... but I can't at the moment ... because I'm poor or something. Plus, I think I've been traveling too much to want to travel. I already drive over an hour a day for a variety of things.
hm okay... but you need snow
everybody does!
no snow - no inspiration!
its snowing right now!
I just had to drive in it ... and you know what ... inspiration = 0.
So unfortunately, you lose.
no more ideas in sasys brain for your inspiration...
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