
马上毕业了  还有三个月我就要毕业了,马上就要离开这个我生活的9年的母校了。这是我待过的最长的学校啊!整整9年啊!    那几千个日日夜夜,是同学和老师与我一起度过的,在学习上的难关也是与他们一起克服的,那一件件小事也是和他们一起商量才做出的决定。虽然总是和同学们吵架,虽然教室里总是乱哄哄的,虽然对老师有很多的意见。但是我知道我已经习惯了,我已经习惯了你们的吵,习惯了你们的啰嗦,习惯了你们的嘱托,习惯了……。。你们在我身边。 离开你们我不知道该怎么办,我的苦要和谁去诉说,我该和谁去吵架,我该和谁去辩解数学题目。习惯可真是一个可怕的东西呢!你说是不是?让我都离不开啊~   在校园里,好像哪里都是最美的,花草在春天开放引来了许许多多的蜜蜂,我出教室的时候总会拉一个人陪我。因为我害怕,我从小就很害怕昆虫这类的动物。    记得我刚上预备班的时候,有许多事情都很不明白。当我穿上中学生的校服的时候,我特别的骄傲。因为我知道我已经是一个中学生了。我不再是家里的小公主了。从现在开始我必须独立了。我不能在依靠父母了。我要尽量做到自己的事情自己做。可是这只是口头上说说啊!又有谁能够真正的做到呢?一些已经成年的大人都还在依赖爸爸妈妈,好像是一个永远都长不大的孩子。还有一些更加的离谱,都结婚了还要靠老爸老妈生活,问老爸老妈拿钱。我觉得这种人就是个人渣,是社会的败类。也许我说的是有些严重了。但是我想提醒那些人。当你有能力养活自己养活家庭的时候。是否该考虑一下自己的父母呢?他们培养你成才,你是否该尽下孝道呢?    快要毕业了,倒计时已经开始了,请你们和我一起见证我的成长,我的蜕变!~~
2014年 是个幸运年万马在奔腾 吉祥撒满天我快马又一鞭 勇于冲在前一身龙马精神 神仙都喜欢、2014年 是个幸福年( 散文阅读: )马儿撒着欢 万物笑开颜我的兄弟姐妹 个个挣大钱驾驭香车宝马 周游世界奇观、马上就有钱啊 马上就有钱马上就有对象 告别孤单、马上就有钱啊 马上就有钱马上就有工作 抱个金饭碗、马上就有钱啊 马上就有钱马上买套豪宅 好梦连连、马上就有钱啊 马上就有钱马上幸福的生活与你我相伴参考:散文网
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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is as important for older people to study or earn new things as it is for younger people.
Undeniably, we have definitely entered a sophisticated epoch of information in which individuals or the public, particularly in young adults, demand for a ocean of knowledge to embrace the cutting-edge ideas and the mature perspective. Hence an argument appears to surface in such regard that are the elderly supposed to attain the continuous general education or enlightenment in their lifelong time? Presumably the answers vary. I, however, am firmly convinced that the fundamental in which the pillar of the whole comprehensive stride of our men within the community is that all of us whoever in different ages should be urated with the constant study.
as the views of generalization, the art and science literacy is a standard to evaluate the public taste and an extent of the sophistication of a country’s development. Meanwhile, with so dramatical advancing in the society, we were been put into a decisive position in which we must to do some progress so that so we wouldn’t be deserted by the flood of upgrading. As to my thought, from the based to the cutting-edge knowledge all enables us to devise fairly more rational decisions or judgment in general for all the periods of the ages, therefore maybe from a five-year-old boys to a grandpa in 60. For example, a Chinese business man living in CA at the age of 40, has been insisted on watching the up-to-minutes financial news and reading a multitude of philosophical books to keep owing a brilliant brain, as a result, his essential acts like the venture capital has often made success in the field and he gained a legions of revenue in return.
On other hand, keeping study leads to a life in technicolor. I mean, virtually the knowledge seemed useless are the key to keep pace with the imagination to possess more colorful life. Sometime the education whenever can all be fashioned by ourselves which amplify the inherent abilities that we have to spectacular magnitude, being creative. Let me give your another instance, a group of retiring elderly, inhabiting in Kathmandu, with their social cognition and the practical application acquired from the television programming, they reinvent a new printed circuit board from which could made the power lasting time more longer and efficient.
On balance, there are incalculable positive factors of the education even if in unique process in life, too many to count. So that’s what I hope to do in these whole series to contend that it’s marvelous for our homo sapiens to keep lifelong autonomous study for which the benefits for the modern public far outweigh than giving it up.
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鈶燚ear John Brown,How鈥檚 it going?I鈥檓 Zhang Hua.I鈥檓 a student in No.1 middle school.I have been studying English for 4 years.And I can talk to a native speaker in English.In the school,I always talk to my classmates in English.You know it鈥檚 good for my English speaking.Of course,I try to listen to the teacher carefully.After school,I often read some English magazines newspapers.Sometimes I learn some English songs.It can improve my English grades.Except this way ,I hope I can try another way to improve my English.So I want to take part in the summer camp.So I want to ask you some questions.Could you tell me when the summer camp will start where the summer camp hold?Then I want to know how money I should pay for the summer camp?At last ,could you tell me some requirements?Good luck to you.YoursZhang Hua鈶狘br/>Everyone always has a good Sunday.On Sundays,everybody does some things what he like.Last Sunday,Jack had a relaxing Sunday.He got up 6 o鈥檆lock.After breakfast,Jack played basketball with his friends.They were very happy.Then he played the guitar in the room.And he sang songs very loudly.Though it鈥檚 very relaxing for him,it also make very noisy for neighbors.Maybe he should turn down the music.At noon,jack fed his pet cat henry.He is Jack鈥檚 favorite.Jack always play with him on the weekends.At night,he watched TV on the sofa.At the some time,he ate many delicious snacks.So he really had a great time.At the of day,jack thought if I always have a relaxing Sunday like today.I will become the happiest boy all over the world.鈶↑br/>A Present For Mother鈥檚 BirthdayEveryone should give his mother a present when his mother鈥檚 birthday is coming.It is 25th May Sunday.Today is Han Mei鈥檚 mother鈥檚 birthday.So she wanted to give her mother a special present.What present should she give?Maybe a bunch of flowers a birthday card are the best presents.A card is cheaper.But it is bad for trees.The more I buy cards,the more trees will be cut by people.So what another present should she give?Let me tell you this present.It was five o鈥檆lock.It was time to surprise her mother.When Han Mei鈥檚 mother came home,Han Mei said Happy Birthday to her mother.Then she cleaned her mother鈥檚 feet.As you can see,her mother was very surprise.Why do you think it was a good present?鈶Ⅻbr/>There are a great number of subjects in school.Different subjects teach students different knowledge.They鈥檙e both very useful.However,different students like different subjects.As for girls,most girls like art Chinese.Maybe girls think these subjects are very interesting very easy.But most girls usually hate some subjects like math,chemistry or physics.Girls have a really hard time with these subjects they found out the worst report was from these subjects鈥 teachers.And what about boys?Of course,most boys鈥 heart are in math,chemistry physics.So boys always get good grades in these subjects.But most boys dislike Chinese or art.Perhaps they think Chinese art are really boring.Boys girls both like English.So English is the most popular subject in 2006.At last,what鈥檚 your favorite subject?You could write a letter to tell us.鈶|br/>People help with each other,it is the greatest thing in the world.We should give our love to people who need help.It was a nice day.A blind person Ben walked with a walking stick.When he was walking down the street,a little boy tumbled because of banana skin.Maybe there is something wrong with his legs.So the little boy cried sat on the floor.Although Ben can鈥檛 see anything,he walked to the little boy.Ben wanted to help the boy.So Ben said,鈥 Don鈥檛 cry.Let me help you.鈥 The little boy was very happy.Ben carried the little boy on the back.The little boy help Ben,too.So they were very happy.If you see someone needs help,please help him.I鈥檓 sure you will be very happy.br/>Dear Friend Thank You For your LoveDear friend Lucy,thank you for your love.We get on well with each other in day-to-day lives.As for my friend,you always help me with my study.When I have a few difficulties,you always encourage me to get over difficulties.Do you remember?Last semester,I forgot to do my homework.So the next day,I wanted to copy your homework.Because I really didn鈥檛 want to be criticized.But you said you couldn鈥檛 lend your homework to me,it was very bad solution.Even if I said I would never do it except this time.Please lent me your homework.But you still said maybe it would start a bad habit.I should do my own homework.So I was pretty angry.I said I wouldn鈥檛 become your friend anymore.A few days later,I thought I was sorry.So I told you to forgot this thing.I wanted to make friends with you.And I was happy you said OK.Now I 鈥榤 certain you are my best friend.Dear friend Lucy,thank you for your love
xiaiaia jwiedi


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