“绿色的” 妈的用英语怎么说说

Environment-friendly materials will be extensively used in the construction of Olympic venues and other related facilities.
-- sports - 汉英
But to build a clean car is easier said than done.
-- 英语晨读30分(高一) - 88 Cars And Pollution
Pollution-free, economize and energy-saving, make it has green environmental-protective quality.
The pollution caused by motor vehicles was controlled. In Beijing, a total of 430,000 vehicles were given green environmental protection symbols, accounting for about 50 percent of light vehicles.
-- ecomony - 汉英
Green: environmental, health, life and sustainable development.
Use the green bionic sill of environmental protection, have heat conduction of super elevation and hot stability, is suitable for geothermal heating.
Much of the growth is happening not in green-dominated California but in America&s thrifty heartland.
-- 时文4 - P_shiwen_jijiangdaoqingjingji
Products makers are scrambling to make their products green-friendly in order to appeal to the public.
Meyer Sedge fiber is a new type of green fiber.
-- ki.net
Green business, environmental, health and fashion. This store opened, the purchase of a gift, oh limited number of donated stock lasts!
其他回答 (3)
environment friendly
green environment -care
外语领域专家她喜欢绿色. 英语怎么说?_百度作业帮
她喜欢绿色. 英语怎么说?
Her favourite color is green.
She likes green .
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大大的绿眼睛 用英语怎么说
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Big green eyes?
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英文翻译green science and technologygreen science annd technologygreen technology:&&&&green:&&&&science and technology
例句与用法1.Take the green science and technology innovation as the strut to promote our country ' s circulation economy以绿色科技创新为支撑促进我国循环经济发展2.A green - technology industry is budding ? rivalled by denver , boston and , of course , california面对其竞争者丹佛市,波士顿,当然还有加利福尼亚,绿色科技产业正在这里慢慢兴起。 3.An eu study says china has great opportunities for european union exporters of green technology , high - quality goods and business services一份欧盟的研究报告显示,对欧盟的出口商来说,中国在绿色科技、高品质产品以及服务行业蕴藏着巨大的商机。 4.Environmental - friendly sci & tech is characterized by its exteriority , hierarchy , overlap , complexity , relativity , continuity , ahead of one ' s time , and so on绿色科技具有较强的外部性、层次性、交叉性、复杂性、相对性、延续性和超前性等7个特征。 5.As far as the example was concerned , we took changfu group as the example . and we offer its strategy and planning of sci & tech and makes positive analysis在案例分析中,以福建长富集团为例,对其利用发展绿色科技和实行有效的科技规划和战略进行实证分析。 6.Accordingly the author , it recommended a basic pattern of co - efforts including government start - up , company operation , public participation and so on它们相互交织,共同推动可持续发展;对绿色科技运作的基本方式提出政府启动、企业化运作、公众参与,各方相互合作的运行模式。 7.There are various forms of environmental - friendly sci & tech , and the process of environme ntal - friendly sci & tech is also the gradual process of sustainable development realization绿色科技对可持续发展的作用形式是多种多样,绿色科技的发展过程本身也是可持续发展的逐步实现过程。 8.So , the author assumes that the environmental - friendly sci & tech should include all means and tools for sustainable development to broaden the tradition vision所以,本文认为绿色科技应突破传统上对科技的认识范围,即绿色科技是泛指旨在促进可持续发展的一切工具、方法和手段的总称。 9.Environmental - friendly sci & tech is the system , which has been outlined preliminarily including basic research , applicated research , extension , service agency , and those components are interactive in promoting the sustainable development绿色科技是一个系统,本文初步构建我国绿色科技体系,它们是基础研究、应用研究、传播推广、服务中介四个子体系组成。 10.Beijing ' s efforts to introduce some forms of green technology , such as hydrogen - fuel - cell buses and solar - powered olympic games facilities , have also been too limited to have much effect , critics say批评人士指出,虽然北京为引入某些绿色科技付出了努力,例如使用以氢燃料电池为动力的公共汽车以及为一些奥运场馆安装太阳能设备等,但这样的措施非常有限,成效不大。 &&更多例句:&&1&&


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