用there be 句型句型以My room...

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It的用法、There be句型 一、指代作用。It作句子的主语。(一)It指前面已经提到过的人或事物。1. What’s this? ―2. Who is it? ― It’s me.提示:it代替上文提及的原物(复数用they);one指代上文提及的、泛指的可数名词单数(复数ones);that指代上文提及的定指的可数名词单数或不可数名词(复数those)。 (二)It指时间、季节。虚义。1. What time is it? ― It’s nine.2. It’s time to go to school. Let’s go.3. What day is today? ― It’s Saturday.4. What is the date today? ― It is Oct. 1st.5. What season is it? ― It is summer. (三)It指气候。虚义。1. It is cold in this room.
这个房间很冷。2. What’s the weather like today? ― It’s fine.
今天天气怎么样? 天气很好。3. It often snows in winter in Harbin.
哈尔滨的冬天经常下雪。 (四)It指距离、情况等。虚义。1. It is five kilometers from my home to the school.
从我家到学校有五千米。2. It is very near from this shop to that. 从这个商店到那个商店很近。3. It is a long way to the sea.
这离海很远。4. Is it well with you? 你身体好吗? 二、It作形式主语。动词不定式、动名词短语、从句在整个句中起主语作用,而这一部分用词较多,因此用it作为形式主语,放在句首。 (一)It + 谓语 + 动词不定式形主
真主1. It is difficult to climb a mountain.
爬山是很艰难的。正常形式:To climb a mountain is difficult.2. It is a good habit to do morning exercises. 做早操是个好习惯。3. It’s important to study English.
学习英语很重要。 (二)It + 谓语 + 动名词短语形主
真主1. It is dangerous playing with fire.
玩火是危险的。2. It is no use learning without thinking.
学而不思则罔。3. It is wrong arguing with your parents.
和你的父母吵架是错误的。 (三)It + 谓语 + 名词性从句形主
真主1. It is pity that you didn’t see that good film.
你没看到那部好电影真可惜。2. It is said that he will be late today. 据说他今天会来晚。整理:It is / was difficult (easy, hard, important, useful, possible, a pity, a pleasure…) to do sth. 三、It作形式宾语。It作形式宾语,代表其后所说的真正的宾语。1. I find it not so difficult to learn a foreign language.
我发现学习一门外语并不难。2. I remember I put it in my bag that the book I bought in Beijing.
我记得我把我在北京买的书放在书包里了。 四、用于表示强调的句型中。1. It was here that I first met him. 我初次与他见面就在这儿。2. It is English that Jim teaches us every Monday.
Jim每个周一教我们学习英语。五、用于某些习语中,虚义。1. Keep at it! 别松劲!干下去!2. You’ll catch it! 你可小心点儿! 第二部分 There be 句型概说:There be 结构,也就是我们平时所说的“某地有某物”,表示存在的句型。一. 肯定句。There be + 主语+地点There are some chairs in your room.二. 否定句。There be not ( any ,much) + 主语+地点There aren’t any chairs in your room.三. 一般疑问句。Be 动词提前Is there any chairs in your room?四. 特殊疑问句。特殊疑问词+一般疑问句What are there in your room?
There are some chairs in my room.How many chairs are there in your room?
There are six chairs in my room.五. 热门考点。1. there be 与 have 的区别。There are six chairs in my room. (强调某地有某物)
I have six chairs. (强调某人拥有某物)
我有六把椅子。2. be动词与名词的单、复数保持一致。
那边有五个女孩。3. 就近原则。There is a pen and some pencils in my bag.
我的书包里有一只钢笔和一些铅笔。 There are some pencils and a pen in my bag.
我的书包里有一些铅笔和一只钢笔。4. there be +不定冠词+可数名词。There is a photo of Cai Yilin on the wall. (正确)
墙上有一张蔡依琳的照片。There is the photo of Cai Yilin on the wall. (错误)5. there be 有时态变化。There was an apple on the table yesterday.
昨天在桌子上有一个苹果。There is going to be a meeting this morning. 今天早上要开会。6. there be 的反意疑问句。There is no water in the bottle, is there?
瓶子里没有水,是吗?There are many students at school, aren’t there?
学校里有许多学生,不是吗? 六. 连线中考。2003考例:1) There______ a football game this afternoon. (武汉市)A. will have
B. is going to be
C. has答案:B2) There was no time for the twins to go shopping. (改为反意疑问句) (哈尔滨市)There was no time for the twins to go shopping, ______ ______?答案:was
there3) Do you think______ an American film on TV tomorrow? (广西)A. is there
B. there's going to beC. will there be
D. there's going to have答案:B4)―What's on the plate? (吉林省)―There______ some bread on it.A. is
D. have答案:A5) Jenny: How many countries ______ in Europe? (台湾省)Betty: I'm not sure.A. is it
B. is there
C. are they
D. are there答案:D 【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一、仿照示例完成句子:To run in the morning is very good. → It is good to run in the morning.1. To play basketball must be fun.
→ _______________________2. To walk in the park is pleasant.
→ _______________________3. To learn a new language is very interesting.
→ _______________________4. To read a long word is difficult.
→ _______________________5. To be in class on time is important.
→ _______________________ 二、翻译下列句子:1. 今天非常热。_______________________2. 昨天是星期一。_______________________3. 从我家到学校很近。_______________________4. 正在下雨。_______________________5. 现在是七点半。_______________________ 三、选择1. ______ a reading lamp on the table.A. There is
B. There has
D. It has2. ______ no coffee left yesterday.A. It being
B. There being
D. There was3. There _____ five pairs in the room.A. were
D. was4. There ______ no use to ask him this question.A. were
D. was5. There ______ a lot of people waiting for the bus.A. are
D. was【试题答案】一、依照示例,完成句子。1. It must be fun to play basketball.2. It is pleasant to walk in the park.3. It is very interesting to learn a new language.4. It is difficult to read a long word.5.It is important to be in class on time. 二、翻译下列句子:1. It’s hot today.2. It was Monday yesterday.3. It’s very near from my home to school.4. It is raining now.5. It is seven thirty now.三、选择:1. A
5. A There be 结构是英语中陈述事物客观存的常用句型,表示“有”,其确切含义是“存在”there 作为引导词,本身没有意义,用动词be的某些形式作为谓语动词,它的主语是用一些表示泛指或不定特指的名词词组,动词be和 主语的数必须一致。句子最后通常为表示地点和时间的状语。因此要表达“某个地方或某个时间存在什么事物或人”的时候常用“There be + 名词+ 地点(时间)这一句型。例如:There is a great Italian deli across the street.穿过街道,有一家大的意大利熟食店。There are some students in the dormitory.在宿舍里有一些学生。一、There be 结构中的主谓一致1.当动词be后所接的名词是单数可数名词或不可数名词时,be 应该取单数is;当其后所接的名词是复数的可数名词时,be用复数are。There's a man at the door.门口有个人。There is some apple juice in the bottle.瓶子里有些苹果汁。There are some strangers in the street.大街上有一些陌生人。2.如果There be 后面是几个并列名词做主语时,动词be的形式和最靠近它的那个名词保持数的一致。There is an ashtray and two bottles on the shelf. 架子上有一只烟灰缸和两个瓶子。 There are two bottles and an ashtray on the shelf. 架子上有两个瓶子和一个烟灰缸。二、There be 结构中的时态1.There be 句型中动词be可以有一般现在时、一般过去时、将来时和完成时。There is no harm in trying.不妨一试。There were fabulous wildflowers in the hills last spring.去年春天,山中有极美的野花。There will be a fine day tomorrow.明天将是一个晴天。There have been several private schools in our area this year.今年,我们这里已经有好几所私立学校了。2.There be 句型可以和各种助动词、情态动词连用。There may be a cigarette in that box.那只盒子里或许有支香烟。There must be some cakes on the table.桌子上一定有些蛋糕。There used to be a hospital there before the war.战前,那里曾经有家医院。3.There be 句型也可以和这样一些的谓语动词连用:be going to 、seem to 、appear to 、used to、be likely to 、happen to ….There seem to be a few trees between me and the green.在我与草坪之间好像有一些树。There is gong to be a meeting tonight.今天晚上有个会议。There is likely to be a storm.可能有一场暴雨。There happened to be a bus nearby.碰巧附近有辆公交车。There appears to have been a nasty accident.似乎发生了一起严重事故。4.there be 结构中除可以用be 外,还可以用其它动词。例如:包含各类专业文献、幼儿教育、小学教育、生活休闲娱乐、专业论文、中学教育、高等教育、各类资格考试、行业资料、It的用法、There_be句型_英语学习46等内容。 
  It的用法、There be句型 英语学习_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。英语学习。料 期末专题练习―― 的用法、 期末专题练习――It 的用法、There be 句型 ――〔教学...   八年级英语It的用法There_be句型_英语_初中教育_教育专区。八年级英语 It 的...学习英语很重要。 2. It is no use learning without thinking. 学而不思则...   英语学习方法&There be句型用法口诀 句式的各种变化 应用 配套练习_英语学习_...A.isn't there B.aren't there C.isn't it D.are there 考点四:there ...  百度文库 教育专区 外语学习 英语考试专题推荐 北师大二附理科学霸高中... 东北... 高三英语专项练习(19)there be 句型、省略、反意疑问句 与 it 的用法 1. ...   There_be句型的用法_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。There be 句型的用法 There...---It’s in my office. There are four children in the classroom. →Where...   There_be_句型用法总结_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。There_be_句型用法总结...例如: 1. It was unusual for there to be so few flowers in the park....   There_be句型的用法_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。There be 句型的用法 一、...“所有”, 两者不能同时使用.例如: 1) The tree has many apples on it. ...   There be句型的基本用法是表示_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。There be 句型的...诸如“这里/那里(挺漂亮??)等”这样的修饰句型,应用“It’s? here/ there....用there be 句型翻译下列句子 在线等 谢谢_百度知道
用there be 句型翻译下列句子 在线等 谢谢
There is no need to give so much money to a five-year-old child。There can&#39。There are many tables and old chairs in the meeting room。There stands the Monument of the People&#39.会议室里有许多桌子和旧椅子。There are many changes in my hometown since 2000。在这个小城市有两个现代医院为你解答。There may be something wrong with my computer.我的计算机可能有点问题。There used to be many coal mines in that area.向他解释是没有用的,我们不必匆忙。There are two modern hospitals in the small city.过去那片地区有许多煤矿;s Heroes in the middle of the square。There is no use explaining to him.还有足够的时间。We have enough time.他的作文不会有任何错误.在广场的中央矗立着人民英雄纪念碑.没有必要给五岁的孩子那么多钱;t be any mistakes in his composition, so there is no need to hurry.自2000年以来我的家乡有很多变化
s Heroest in the centre of the square.there used to be many coat hurrythere is no need to give the child so much moneythere is no use &nbsp.there are many desks and old chairst be any mistakes in his compositinthere is enough time so we need'Mounument to the People&#39.there have been great changes in my hometown since 2000there are two modern hospitals in this small city.there may be something wrong with my computerthere won'explaining to himthere stands &nbsp
在这个小城市有两个现代医院。There are two modern hospitals in the small city .会议室里有许多桌子和旧椅子。There are many desks and old chairs in the meeting room .自2000年以来我的家乡有很多变化。There have been great changes in my hometown since 2000There have been many changes in my hometown since 2000过去那片地区有许多煤矿。There used to be a lot of coal mines in that regionsThere were many coal mines in that area我的计算机可能有点问题。There is likely to be something wrong with my computer There may be be something wrong with my computer.他的作文不会有任何错误。There is not likely to be any mistakes in his compositionThere can't be any mistakes /errors in his composition还有足够的时间我们不必匆忙。There is enough time to be left, we don't need to be cursoryThere is plenty of time to be left, It is not necessary for us to hurry 没有必要给五岁的孩子那么多钱。There is no need to give so much money to a five-year-old child.It is not necessary for a five-year-old child to be given so much money.向他解释是没有用的。There is no use to explain to him It is no use making an explanation to him.There is no use explaining to him在广场的中央矗立着人民英雄纪念碑。There stands a Monument to the People's Heroes in the middle /centre of the square.
There are two modren hospital in this small city.There are many tables and a lot of old chairs.there have been many changes in my hometown since 2000.There was much bure in that area in the past.Probably there was something wrong with my computer.There is no mistake in his composition.There is still a lot of time that we dont need to be hurry.There is no need for us to give children so much money.There is no good for us to explain to him.There is a statue of the heroes of the public in the centre of the square.仅供参考
出门在外也不愁小学There be句型_百度文库
小学There be句型|讲​解​T​h​e​r​e​ ​b​e​句​型​用​法
>>>按要求改写句子。1. There are some televisions in the room...
1. There are some televisions in the room. (改为否定句)&&&&There ____&&&&___ televisions in the room.2. Yesterday I watched TV with my friends. (改为否定句)&&&&Yesterday I ____&&&&&&&& TV with my friends.3. We lived in a small house many years ago. (改为一般疑问句)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& in a small house many years ago?4. There is a bus in the station. (改为复数句)&&&&There____&&&&&&&&&&&&& in the station.5. We have got lots of food. (对画线部分提问)&&&&___&&&&&&&&_&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &got?
1. aren't any&&& 2. didn't watch&&& 3. Did you live&&& 4. are some buses&&& 5. What have you
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“按要求改写句子。1. There are some televisions in the room...”主要考查你对&&there be 句型,复数名词,不定代词,疑问代词,助动词,一般疑问句&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
there be 句型复数名词不定代词疑问代词助动词一般疑问句
There be句型:是英语中常用句型,意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”。There在此结构中是引导词,已经没有副词“那里”的含义。There be后面的名词是句子的主语,属倒装结构。常用“There + be+名词+地点/时间状语”的结构。&There be结构的用法:A、肯定结构:There be句型的肯定结构表示“某处存在某物或某人”或“某时发生某事”。&a. There is+单数可数名词/不可数名词+地点/时间状语。& 例:There is a cat under the chair. 椅子下面有一只猫。&&&&&&&&There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里有些水。&b. There are +复数名词+地点/时间状语。&例:There are some apples in the basket. 篮子里有一些苹果。 B、否定结构:There be句型的否定结构是在谓语动词be的后面加“not (any)”或“no”.&例:There are no tables in the room. 或者There are not any tables in the room.&房间里没有桌子。 C、疑问结构:There be句型变成疑问式时,要把there和谓语动词be的位置互换。&例:Is there a pen in the schoolbag? 书包里有一支笔吗?Therebe结构和have的区别与联系:1.区别点:there be 意为存在,强调某地有某物,不表示所属关系;have 表示所有关系, 强调某人或某地有某物,这是其基本用法。如:There are some trees in front of the house.房前有些树。Tom has many friends in China.汤姆在中国有许多朋友。2.相同点:在表示结构上的含有时,既可以用there be 句型,也可以用have(has) 来表示。如:中国有许多长河。There are many long rivers in China.China has many long rivers.三月份有多少天?How many days are there in March?How many days has March?There be结构中的be动词的确定:A、there be 结构中的谓语动词be在人称和数上应与其后的主语保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is,是复数时用are。&例:There is a flower in the bottle. 瓶里有一朵花。&&&&&&&&&There is some money in the purse. 钱包里有些钱。&B、若句子中有几个并列的主语时,be的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。&例:There is a boy, a girl and two women in the house. 房子里有一个男孩,一个女孩和两个妇女。&&&&&& &&There are ten students and a teacher in the office. 办公室里有十个学生和一个教师。There be结构的句型转换:A、否定句:there be的否定式通常在be后加not构成(在口语中be时常与not缩写在一起)。如果句中有some,一般要变成any。 例:There are some children in the picture.&There aren't any children in the picture. B、一般疑问句及其答语:把be提到there前,首字母大写,句末用问号即可。其肯定答语是Yes, there is / are;否定答语为No, there isn't / aren't。 例:— Are there two cats in the tree? — Yes, there are. (No, there aren't.) C、特殊疑问句及其回答& a. 提问句子的主语(包括主语前的修饰语)时,句型一律用“what is+地点介词短语?”(无论主语是单数还是复数都用is)。 例:There are some birds in the tree. →& What's in the tree?& b. 就there be后面的地点状语进行提问时,句型用“where is/ are+主语?”&例:There is a car in the street. → Where is the car? c. 提问可数名词(主语)前的数量时,用how many,句型结构为“how many+ 复数名词+are there+其它)”(主语无论是单数还是复数,be通常要用are)。&例:There are three books on the desk. → How many books are there on the desk? 复数名词:指名词的数量大于“一”,如:two books, some students名词变复数:&1、一般情况下,词尾加s。如:students,apples,bags,trees,books,brothers 2、s,x,z,sh,ch等结尾的名词,词尾加es。如:glasses,boxes,brushes,matches 3、y结尾的名词分两种情况,“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,将y变为ies;& “元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接在词尾加s。&&& 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es:cities,babies,enemies。&&& 以元音字母加y结尾的名词,如:boys 4、f或fe结尾的名词,一般将f或fe变为ves。如:leaf-leaves, wife-wives, knif-knives 5、规则名词:foot→feet,tooth→teeth, child→children,man→men, woman→women,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&sheep→sheep,deer→deer, mouse→mice. 名词变复数规则:
巧记以f、fe结尾的可数名词复数  妻子骑牛拿起刀,wife,calf,knife↑   追得贼狼满街跑,thief,wolf→→→变f或fe为v,再加es   碰倒架子丧己命,shelf,self,life↓   手帕树叶半空飘。handkerchief,leaf,half↓英语名词单数变复数口诀:&&(一)& 规则变化& 名词单数变复数,直接加 -s 占多数;&&& s, x, z, ch, sh 来结尾,直接加上 -es;&&& 词尾是 f 或 fe,加 -s 之前先变 ve;&&& 辅母 + y 在词尾,把 y 变 i 再加 -es;&&& 词尾字母若是 o,常用三个已足够,要加 -es 请记好,hero, tomato, potato。&& (二)& 不规则变化&&男人女人 a 变 e,鹅足牙 oo 变 ee;&&& 老鼠虱婆也好记,ous 变 ic;&&& 孩子加上 ren,鱼鹿绵羊不用变。&& 【解说】&& & 1. 英语名词有单数和复数的区别,单数表示“一”,复数表示“多于一。”名词由单数变复数,多数是规则的变,直接加 -s,例如:book → books,& girl → girls。但以 -s, -z, -x, -ch, -sh 结尾的名词,变成复数时加 -es, 例如:bus → buses,& buzz → buzzes, box → boxes, watch → watches,& brush → brushes& & 2. -f(e) 结尾的名词单数变复数歌诀:① 树叶半数自已黄,妻子拿刀去割粮,架后窜出一只狼,就像强盗逃命忙。② 妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌,躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光。例如:leaf (树叶,叶子),half (一半),self (自已),wife (妻子),knife (刀子),shelf (架子),wolf (狼),& thief (窃贼,强盗) 和 life (生命),这些名词变成复数时,都要改 -f (e) 为 v,再加 -es。&& & 3. -f 结尾的名词直接加 -s 变复数歌诀:海湾边、屋顶上,首领奴仆两相望;谁说他们无信仰,证据写在手帕上。例如:gulf, roof, chief, serf, belief, proof, handkerchief,这些名词变复数直接加 -s。&& & 注:scarf(围巾;披风) 可以先改 f 为 ve 再加-s,也可直接加 -s。&& & 4. 辅音字母 + y 结尾的名词,把 y 变 i 加 -es。例如:baby → babies, country → countries, family → families;而 -y 前是元音时,-y 不变,直接加 -s。例如:day → days, boy → boys&& & 5. 以 -o 结尾的名词变复数时,多数直接加 -s。例如:radio → radios,& piano → pianos,& kangaroo → kangaroos;有的须加 -es,中学课本中有几个这样的单词,可以通过一句口诀来记忆:黑人英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆。即:Negro → Negroes, hero → heroes, tomato → tomatoes, potato → potatoes;有的以 o 结尾的名词既可加 -s 也可加 -es。例如:volcano (火山) → volcanos / volcanoes 等。&& & 6. 名词复数的不规则变化需要特别记忆。例如:man → men, woman → women, goose → geese,& foot → feet, tooth → teeth, mouse → mice, louse (虱子) → lice, child → children, fish → fish, deer (鹿) → deer, sheep → sheep 等。&& & 7. 初中课本中表示“某国人”的名词复数形式变化可通过歌诀记忆:中日不变英法变,其余 -s 加后面。例如:Chinese → Chinese, Japanese → Japanese;Englishman → Englishmen, Englishwoman → Englishwomen, Frenchman → Frenchmen, Frenchwoman → Frenchwomen;American → Americans, Rusian → Rusians, Arab → Arabs, German → Germans 等。& & 8. 不可数名词一般只有单数形式,没有复数形式。有些不可数名词可借助单位词表示一定的数量。例如:a cup of tea 一杯茶, two piece of paper 两张纸, an item of news 一则新闻 不定代词:不指名代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,来表示不确定的人、事物或数量。主要有:all,each,every,both,either,neither,one,none,little,few,many,much,other,another, some,any,no 一般不定代词用法举例:1.some 一些,某些,某个不定代词some可以代替名词和形容词,常用在肯定句中作主语、宾语、定语等。作定语时,它可以修饰可数名词(单、复数皆可)和不可数名词。例如:some are doctors,some are nurses.有些人是医生,有些人是护士。(作主语)2.any一些,任何不定代词any可以代替名词和形容词,常用在否定句或疑问句中作主语、宾语、定语等。作定语时,它可以修饰可数名词(多为复数)和不可数名词。例如:there isn’t any ink in my pen.我的钢笔没有墨水。(作定语)不定代词any有时也可以用在肯定句中,表示"任何的"。例如:you may come at any time;i’ll be home the whole day.你任何时候来都行,我整天都将呆在家里 。不定代词any也可以用作副词,做状语,表示程度。例如:is he any better today?他今天好一点了吗?3.all 全体,所有(指三者以上)不定代词all在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语或同位语。它可以代表或修饰可数名词和不可数名词。代表或修饰可数名词时,指两个以上的人或物。作先行词时,引导词用that。例如:all were present at the meeting.全都到会了。(作主语,代表可数名词)4.both 全部,都不定代词both指两个人或事物。和all一样,可以用作主语、宾语、定语或同位语。例如:we invited both to come to our farm.我们邀请两个人都来我们的农场?(作宾语)5.none 无人或无不定代词none的含义和all物相反,和no one,not any同义,但其用法相当于名词,在句子中一般作主语或宾语。它代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;代替可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单、复数皆可。例如:none of the problems is /are easy to solve.这些问题没有一个是容易解决的。(作主语, 代替可数名词)6.either 两者之中的任何一个,这个或那个。不定代词 either 可以作主语、宾语和定语。例如:either of them will agree to this arrangent.他们两人中会有人同意这样的安排的。(作主语)7.neither 两者都不不定代词 neither 是 either 的否定形式,可以作主语、宾语和定语。例如:neither is interesting.两个都没有趣。(作主语)8.each 每个,各自的不定代词each指每一个人或事物的个别情况,甚至指这些个别情况各不相同。它在句中可以作主语、宾语、定语和同位语。例如:she gave the children two apples each.她给了每个小孩两个苹果。(作the children的同位语。)9.every 每个,每一的,一切的不定代词every有"全体"的意思,和all的意义相近,但只能作定语。&some和any的用法比较:some和any均可代替名词和形容词,作定语时,它所修饰的名词既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。some一般用于肯定句或肯定形式的答语中,any一般用于否定句或疑问句中否定形式的答语中。&&例:There are some birds in the tree. 树上有一些鸟。There is some bread in the dish. 盘子里有一些面包。&&— Do you have any story-books? 你有故事书吗?&&— Yes, I have some. 是的,我有。&&— No, I don’t have any. 不,我没有。&no 用在肯定句中表示否定的意思。&例:There are no letters for you today. 今天没有你的信。 疑问代词:在句子中用来构成特殊疑问句,主要用于询问“何人”、“何事”、“什么”。常见的疑问代词如下表所示:
事、物助动词:协助主要动词构成谓语动词词组的词叫助动词,被协助的动词称作主要动词。构成时态和语态:助动词是语法功能词,自身没有词义,不可单独使用,它没有对应的汉译,例如:Hedoesn'tlikeEnglish.他不喜欢英语。(doesn't是助动词,无词义;like是主要动词,有词义) 小学涉及到的助动词主要是do,以及它的两种时态:does和did。 例:Does he work in the factory? 他是在这个工厂工作吗?&&&&&Do you have a pen? 你有一支钢笔吗?&&&&&He didn’t go to school yesterday. 他昨天没有去上学。 助动词do 的用法:1)构成一般疑问句,例如: Do you want to pass the CET? 你想通过大学英语测试吗? Did you study German? 你们学过德语吗? 2) do + not 构成否定句,例如: I do not want to be criticized. 我不想挨批评。 He doesn't like to study. 他不想学习。 In the past, many students did not know the importance of English. 过去,好多学生不知道英语的重要性。 3)构成否定祈使句,例如: Don't go there. 不要去那里。 Don't be so absent-minded. 不要这么心不在焉。 说明: 构成否定祈使句只用do,不用did和does。 4)放在动词原形前,加强该动词的语气,例如: Do come to my birthday party. 一定来参加我的生日宴会。 I did go there. 我确实去那儿了。 I do miss you. 我确实想你。 5) 用于倒装句,例如: Never did I hear of such a thing. 我从未听说过这样的事情。 Only when we begin our college life do we realize the importance of English. 只有在开始大学生活时我们才认识到英语的重要性。 说明: 引导此类倒装句的副词有never, seldom, rarely, little, only, so, well等。 6)用作代动词,例如: ---- Do you like Beijing? --你喜欢北京吗? ---- Yes, I do. --是的,喜欢。(do用作代动词,代替like Beijing.) He knows how to drive a car, doesn't he? 他知道如何开车,对吧? 基本助动词:be, do, have, 他们没有词汇意义,只有语法作用,如协助构成进行体,完成体,被动态,否定句,疑问句等。 例如 He is giving a lecture. 他在作报告He has made a plan. 他已经订了计划The small animals are kept in the cages. 小动物都关在笼子里。助动词协助主要动词完成以下功用:a. 表示时态,例如:He is singing. 他在唱歌。He has got married. 他已结婚。b. 表示语态,例如:He was sent to England. 他被派往英国。c. 构成疑问句,例如:Do you like college life? 你喜欢大学生活吗?Did you study English before you came here? 你来这儿之前学过英语吗?d. 与否定副词not合用,构成否定句,例如:I don't like him. 我不喜欢他。e. 加强语气,例如:Do come to the party tomorrow evening. 明天晚上一定来参加晚会。He did know that. 他的确知道那件事。一般疑问句:是疑问句的一种。它是以be动词,have或助动词、情态动词开头,用yes(是)或no(否)来回答的句子。其结构是:系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分一般疑问句的肯定形式为:助动词+主语(+实义动词)。肯定答语用“yes+可定结构”。&一般疑问句的否定形式为:助动词构成的缩写否定词+主语(+实义动词)。否定答语用“no+否定结构”。 例:— Do you like this story-book? 你喜欢这本故事书吗?&— Yes, I do. 喜欢。/ No, I don’t. 不喜欢。&— Is he a student? 他是一名学生吗? — Yes, he is. 是,他是。/ No, he isn’t. 不,他不是。 一般疑问句的改写:一、含有be动词的一般疑问句,通常把be动词调到句首。例如: 陈述句:They are in the swimming pool. 一般疑问句:Are they in the swimming pool? 注意:一般疑问句句末要用“?”。 二、含有情态动词的一般疑问句(can, may...),把情态动词调到句首。例如: 陈述句:He can drive a car. 一般疑问句: Can he drive a car? 三、含有have的一般疑问句,have译为“有”。一般疑问句式有两种形式: 1.把have/has调到句首。例如: 陈述句:Tommy has a computer. 一般疑问句:Has Tommy/he a computer? 2.加助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其他人称用do。其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + have...?例如上句可变为: Does Tommy have a computer?
四、一般动词的一般疑问句,也要借助助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其余人称用do。其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形+其它? 陈述句:Amy speaks English. 一般疑问句:Does Amy speak English?
一、一般疑问句含be动词时,用be动词回答,句末用句号。例如: -Is Mary your sister? -Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.(缩写)
二、一般疑问句含有情态动词(can, may, should等)时,用情态动词回答。例如: -May I come in? -Yes, you may. / No, you can’t.
三、一般疑问句含有have(译为“有”)时,有两种回答方式。 1.直接用have/has回答。例如: -Have they any pictures? -Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t. 2.用助动词do/does回答。例如: -Does Millie smoke? -Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
四、一般动词的一般疑问句回答时也用助动词。例如: -Do the workers live in London? -Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
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