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根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。More and more people show great interest in keeping green plants in their work places. They buy plants because they believe that the plants can decorate(装点) their lives. I______【小题1】_____ bought a jasmine(茉莉花) plant for my office a year ago. When I bought it, I was_____【小题2】_____ by the shop keeper it would bloom(开花)and the sweet smell would fill my office. I had the plant for two months, and every day I looked at it, but there weren't any flowers or pleasant smell. I was not happy, _____【小题3】_______I gave the plant to my friend Linda.One day, another friend Mary called and invited me to her office. When I walked in, her jasmine flowers surprised me. I reached out to touch the flowers. Mary cut some and gave them to me. I couldn't help smelling them. What a pleasant ______【小题4】______ it was! Surrounded by the sweet smell of only a handful of these flowers, I suddenly understood something.Mary bought her plant the _____【小题5】______ time as me. It took her jasmine a year to bloom. I was so impatient for mine to bloom. I even gave it ____ 【小题6】____ to someone else.In a way, my life is _____【小题7】_____ the jasmine plant. I need to be patient and let things happen.Last Sunday Linda told me that she was going abroad the next week. Before she left, she returned the plant to me. This time I am going to wait. I have learned that when we want something in our life, we have to be patient. I am slowly learning to have that patience to ____【小题8】_______ for my jasmine to bloom.
答案:【小题1】also【小题2】told【小题3】so 【小题4】smell【小题5】same【小题6】away【小题7】like【小题8】wait
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Wire Wrapped Jewelry and Tutorials by Mei
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Happy New Year 2011! I hope year 2011 will be the best of best for you and yours.
Best in health, best in career, best in prosperity, best ...
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Last updated: October 3, 2014
With more and more peopl...
Spent whole day today weaving wires. Something I have been wanting to make till today...weaving 3 wires together. Weaving with 29ga stainles...
Silver is a shining white beautiful metal and its name is originally derived from the Latin word “ Argentium ” which means money. Silver is ...
Made a few rings last weekend but my camera ran out of battery after only a few shots of these wire wrapped rose rings.
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This braided wire ring turned out totally different from initially planned .
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Merry Christmas and Christmas day is coming to an end in about 55 minutes.
Here is a Christmas Day piece - a wire wrapped butterfly pendant...
Another adjustable Japanese Seed Beads wire ring.
Never get bored with this project as it is quite simple and easy.
This ring fits most fi...
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2. Single Viking Knit Bracelet - & 3. HBW Pendant/ Earrings?4. Adjustable Woven Ring5. Minima Earrings
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By now, you must be very bored with my cat earrings postings.
Before I bore you some more, here is a bit about the city I live in - Kuching
&is&in the State of Sarawak, Malaysia.
Kuching is a Malay word for Cat, therefore Kuching City is Cat City, literally translated.
There are many theories as to the origin of the City. You can&.
Not all are related to cats though.
You must be thinking that we have many cats roaming the city to be called a Cat City.
Not really, but you can find other types of cat all over the city such as this one here.
These green cats are found at a traffic light junction.
There must be over twenty of them watching over the traffic :)
We also have a muzium dedicated to cats - the .
Don't expect to find live cats here though.
Check out the above link or just google for Kuching Cat Museum to get an idea.
Enough of Cat City, back to another pair of my wire wrapped cat earrings.
This time around wire wrapped with 20g stainless steel and a purple .
The looks better in the above picture.
Must be the background light.
Come visit the Cat City :)
I am still not done with wire wrapped cat earrings.
Hope I am not booooring you with all the kitties:)
This time around, only the head with tiny body.
If you don't know yet, I work almost exclusively with stainless steel wire.
This is 20 gauge round wire.
They are flattened with lots of hammering.
Cute ya???
Still with cat.
This time around a wire wrapped cat pendant.
Or maybe a key chain.
Did a bit of wire weaving for the tail with copper .
The body is a heart shaped Rose Quartz accented with a 4mm stainless steel .
Some cats facts:
They are the most loving animal (at least to me).
They are the best companion (when you are lonely) and manja (no exact English translation for this word, closest is pampered).
They always look cool and calm..haha.Some studies found that cat owners are more logical and practical than dog owner...hahaha...there you are dog owners!
Cats can improve your health too, especially your heart health.
Sad....millions of cats killed for food especially in China, its a delicacy.
There was a cat mayor somewhere in Alaska.
Cat cafe in Japan and Korea provide you temporary companionship with cats.&
More cats on the way.
A wire wrapped cat stud earrings made in a whim.
Not difficult to wire wrap these little kitties.
Lots of hammering to harden the body and head though.
Inspiration from my dear old cats from a long long time ago, our neighbor's cats as well as the many inspirations from the world wide web.
If dogs are man's best friend...then
Cats are woman's best friend!!
Check out some of my free wire jewelry tutorials here -&
Wire Wrapped Donut Pendant Tutorial is retired from my Etsy and Artfire shops.
One of my oldest tutorials.
It’s now available for download (FREE) at my Craftsy Shop, only.
It’s not available at Etsy as there will be relisting fee involves.
Artfire does not have instant download service, so it is not there too.
Only at Crafsy.
To download, click on this link below and it will lead you directly to the tutorial.
I hope you'd enjoy this project.
Happy wire wrapping and let me know how it goes.
Leave some pics in Craftsy if you don't mind.
Where have all the days gone?
Just blink and almost end of 2nd week of March.
Been wanting to post this earrings since the last post.
Remember the post about my failure.
That was last month but feels like it was only yesterday.
OK, this is the outcome of that many tries.
Not very satisfied but not so badlah.
Wire is 20g and hammered hard.
Wrapped each side of the earrings with different type of .
One side is wire wrapped with .
The other with 4mm frosted .
Close up pic is not close enough but that is the closest I could get with my hand-phone camera.
My "camera" is about to die of old age.
Time to look/get a new camera - *sigh* but the one I am drolling at is just so damn expensive *sigh*.
Then there is the 4mm stainless steel .
Someone commented that the style of the earrings look "oldish" i.e. suit older woman.
I do not agree but that is her honest opinion and no offence because i trust her 200%.
Right now I am thinking about retiring 1 or 2 of my tutorials at , and&
Wait for the announcement.
Till then have a great week and happy creating.
After few months away from my pliers, wires and stones, and finally finding a temporary "corner" as my work station, look at what I have been making.
First wire jewelry of the year of 2016 and this is what I came up with after several attempts.
Total failure! Thought it was easy to pick up where I left, but actually not as easy as in my mind.
Supposed to be a flora earrings.
*Sigh*..... dunno what I was doing.
Bend left and right still didn't get it them right.
I have it in my mind but somehow the fingers and bending was not working as it should be.
At some point, I think it is the wire size....ermmmm.
Arrrrrgh! Grrrrrrrr! Geramnya!
These 3 tries abandoned for another day.
Those frosted colored gemstones are 4mm frosted while the dark blue colored are .
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Copyright & 2006 - 2015 WireBliss Design. All Rights Reserved.Do you know more and more Chinese artists have made regular.._人物传记类英语阅读理解答案_【考试集】
Do you know more and more Chinese artists have made regular..
编辑: 来源:互联网 标签:人物传记类英语阅读理解答案 点击数: &&&&&&&&&&★★★
Do you know more and more Chinese artists have made regular..
do you know more and more chinese artists have made regular donations to charity or put their efforts(努力) into charity work in china? here let"s know some of them. faye wong and her husband li yapeng started the yan ran angel foundation(基金会) for harelipped(兔唇的) children three years ago. it was named after their daughter. its purpose is to help children under 14 to cure their harelips. the couple donated one million yuan (about $ 133,000) to start the organization. cong fei was born in a poor family. he became a successful singer in shenzhen. he helped 178 poor students and disabled people for more than 10 years. before he died of an illness at the age of 37 in 2006, he decided to donate his cornea(角膜) to people with eye problems. he helped six people see the world. guan mucun has donated money to project hope to help poor students finish primary education. thirty of these poor students have already finished high school with her support. guan has also helped with charity work for environment protection, hiv/aids prevention, blood donation and "mother water". guan had an unlucky childhood: her mother died when she was only 10 years old. with the help of the government and her neighbours, she grew up and was successful as a famous singer.action star jackie chan is a wholehearted supporter of charities including unicef, operation smile and his own jackie chan charitable foundation. in 2007, he used much of his spare time to visit the farthest parts of china on his dragon"s heart charity missions. the dragon"s heart foundation aims to meet the needs of poor children and the elderly in the hardest-to-reach areas of the country. chan has made several trips to these poor villages, bringing warm clothing, wheelchairs and school supplies, and helping to build schools.小题1:who can get help from the yan ran angel foundation?a.harelipped children under 14.b.all disabled children.c.all disabled children under 14.d.all harelipped children.小题2:what can we learn from the passage?a.faye wong and li yapeng don"t like their daughter.b.more than 7 people"s eyes were cured thanks to cong fei"s cornea.c.guan mucun was once helped by the government and her neighbours.d.jackie chan didn"t have chance to visit the people he helped.小题3:what is the passage mainly about?a.chinese charity work of some chinese artists.c.some famous chinese artists,d.organizations started by chinese artists.
小题1:a小题2:c小题3:b小题1:细节理解题,由文中语句“its purpose is to help children under 14 to cure their harelips.”理解可知。小题2:细节理解题,由文中语句“with the help of the government and her neighbours, she grew up and was successful as a famous singer.”理解可知。小题3:文意理解归纳题,纵观全文理解可知。
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单项选择题Elite athletes are likely to get more respiratory infections than ordinary people.A.TrueB.False
1A.It has produced desired effects.B.It has more advantages than disadvantages.C.It helps promote competition.D.It has created a negative impact in the market.2A.There is no obvious reason for the unbalanced distribution of dyslexia in the world.B.The existing theories about dyslexia are solid and conclusive.C.There are underlying reasons for the differences with dyslexic problems with different peoples.D.The relatively lower number of its people suffering from dyslexia in Japan may be attributed to its reading and writing system.3A.Sweden refuses to join the euro framework.B.Some big countries tailor the euro’s rules to their own benefits.C.Euro is not a reliable currency in the world market.D.The euro zone is suffering from a sluggish economy.4A.They wish to stimulate economic growth.B.They wish to improve their public image.C.They have a tradition of cooperating with the government.D.They are afraid of federal legislation.5A.TrueB.False
最新相关试卷[-A34] _____ quite common for people to believe that more and more teenagers have because addictedto online games.A.As is B.That is C.It is D.What is
答案:C.翻译:人们普遍认为,越来越多的青少年对网络游戏成瘾.解释:关键是分析句子结构.这是一个很常见的句型:it is + 形容词 + for sb to do sth.意思是“对某人来说,做某事是怎么样的”.其中,形容词是common,sb为people,to do sth即为to believe that more and more teenagers have become addicted to online games.


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