how did it goChristianit...

please follow my footprints to a higher level did I become a Christian.I used to read the Bible and tried to requireanswers from was a quite difficult process.One morning,I flipped a magazine,which introduced a new book called 'Your _百度作业帮
please follow my footprints to a higher level did I become a Christian.I used to read the Bible and tried to requireanswers from was a quite difficult process.One morning,I flipped a magazine,which introduced a new book called 'Your
please follow my footprints to a higher level did I become a Christian.I used to read the Bible and tried to requireanswers from was a quite difficult process.One morning,I flipped a magazine,which introduced a new book called 'Your best life now",4 millions copy published.I immediatedly acquired it from the bookstore.It's a fascinating tool to help mefind way to be closer to God.from then on,every morning I pray to God:thank Godfor giving me power and strength to cope with difficulties and adversities.guesswhat?miracle is really happening to my life.I was transformed physically,mentallyand emotionally into a new person.I felt myself a full of vigor and enthusiasm aboutthe life,I cast down the negative thinking,instead I began to focus the bright side oflife.I felt blessing and love of God around me from morning till was Him whochanged my atittudes,mood and mentality about world.the world is not a perfectplace where there exists so many unfairness and unjustice.but if you firmly believein God,your life,I am pretty sure,will become better and better because God is withyou,whatever the situations,He will bring goodness to you,He will fight battle foryou,He will turn bad situations around for you,He will turn you from nobody tosomebody.His love is endless and unconditional.when you are blessed by God,you can not imagine what such a good feeling you could I become to bea happier,more sunshining and uplifting person that you can't believe,just follow me.
请跟随我的脚步到达一个更高点 怎样我才能成为一名基督教徒 我过去阅读圣经想从中获得答案 这是个十分困难的过程 一天早晨 我翻开杂志 其中介绍一本新书叫你现在的幸福生活
它被出版了四百万份 我从这书籍中明白了一些事 这是一个很好的工具使我离上帝更近
自此以后每个早晨我都向神祷告 感谢神赐予我权力与力量去应付困难和逆境 猜猜怎样 奇迹真的发生在我的生活中了
我从生理 心理和情感上蜕变为一个全新的人 我感觉自己对生活充满旺盛的精力与热情 我抛弃了消极的想法转而我开始注意生活中光明的一面
我感觉神的祝福与爱伴随我从早到晚 这是神改变了我的心情与心态 这个世界不完美存在太多不公平和不公正 但是如果你坚信神
你的生活 我十分确信将会越来越好 因为神在你身边 不管何种情形 他将带给你好运 他将为你而战斗 他将为你转变坏的情况 他将使你从无到有 他的爱是无私的 无条件的
当你向神祷告 你未曾想象有如此好的感觉
你无法相信现在的我成为一名快乐,阳光,无重负的人 只需要跟随我
ps:翻译不足地方请多包涵Follow Jesus' example at all times . Follow Jesus' (the Son of God) greatest commandments: "Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind, body and soul" and "Love your neighbor as yourself." Even if someone treats you wrongly or whether you know them or not, we are called to love them. Jesus said "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Jesus says in John 13:15, "I have given you an example, that as I have done, so should you do." In I Corinthians 11:1, Paul says, "Imitate me as I imitate Christ." Ephesians 5:1 says, "Be imitators of God as dear children." Also many Believers are "empty, swept and garnished" (Matthew 12:44) by lukewarm Christian Doctrines. If you just go to church, you will be a weak Christian and trials will make havoc of your life. But if you go to church AND read the Word every night, you will become a strong Christian. Most Christians do not read the Bible every day, so if all you do is go to Church, you will be a weak Christian. A few Christian growing passages are Proverbs 8:17-21. Psalms 1:1-3. John 14:21-27. James 1:2-8. I Thessalonians 5:16-18. II Timothy 1:6-7, Hebrews 8:6,10. Ephesians 6:10-18. Proverbs 4:20-23.
Acknowledge that you have faults (sins) and then
-- change your attitude and pray. Realize that conversion is not simply one act but the beginning of a life-long commitment. Persistence and perseverance are continuing attitudes for engaging life with. Don't be hard on yourself if and when you fail, trust in God and move forward.
READ and DO what the
says. James 1:22 - Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." Matthew 4:4 - Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" The bible also says that "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable [for something] for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for train" - 2 Timothy 3:16.
Allow God to change you: As a follower of Jesus, you cannot change yourself, only God can through his Son. Ezekiel 36:26-27 - "I will give you a new heart and put I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws." Ephesians 4:24 says "and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness". A true Christian, when converted, will immediately notice an unavoidable change in sensitivity to his daily routine. They will begin to question their taste in movies, music, clothing, even choice in friends! The Bible says "Therefore, rid yourselves of everything impure and every expression of wickedness, and with a gentle spirit welcome the word planted in you that can save your souls."(James 1:21)
Understand that
for your beliefs. Do not allow others' attacks to weaken your faith. Have courage in your convictions and do well but don't judge others. 2 Timothy 3:12 - "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,"
Set aside time for . Make intercession for people who do not pray enough for their own development, i.e.: children, cousins, friends, enemies and family, etc. In Ephesians 1:16 Paul prays for a "Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation" I recommend that you say the prayer in Ephesians 1:16-23 for yourself everyday for one year and God will open up your spirit and develop your understanding.
Try to see the perspectives (point of view) of others, even if you personally disagree with them. Of course, an answered prayer for peace for your enemies and that they would become blessed as children of God would help both you and them.
who do not make you happy or even upset you. Work on trying to forgive those who may have hurt you. You must learn to love your enemies. God loves everyone, and we need to, also. Say farewell to selective loving. If you have a hard time loving your enemies, pray to God to provide understanding through his Holy Spirit.
Work and pray for others to the best of your abilities. Care for people who are in need when they ask for help. James 2:16 "If one of you says to them, "G keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?" This is one of the things Jesus talked about in His teachings. Giving does not always having to be financial, it can be in the form of perishables or clothing.
Treat others kindly as you would like to be treated. Even simple acts of kindness like holding a door open for someone are good deeds that can --because then you feel that others should think well of you and of your testimony in Christ.
Strive to live a quiet life. 1Thesolonians 4:11 - "and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you," Pride can imply that you are judging others falsely and is said to be the mother of all sins, because pride resides in each one of us. The source of all sin is ones' own selfishness (greed, lust, hate for others, murder, theft, etc.).
Openly share the good news! Remember, living the
through your actions will show others that God must be working in your life. Always stick up for your beliefs such as
and liberal in giving your own goods--not being a Robin Hood or "welfare-monger" (profiting off poverty) or welfare-cheat, but planting seeds in others towards Christ by grace through faith, which always results in good deeds (which are a RESULT of salvation and NEVER a means to salvation).
Make special efforts to fellowship with other believers. It is a wonderful thing that God wants Christians to unite in church and Bible study evenings--so do not think of others as hypocrites or hold yourself out as an example. Give the credit for any good that you may do to God and to God's blessing. You will find it a blessing to talk with Bible study members about the Christian life: but not sensationalism like argumentative opinions... This may be called being accountable--being open to share your views or any misgivings and weaknesses.
Practice what you preach...
Jesus gives us a very good example in Matthew 7:3-5 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Help people. Volunteering is a great place to start for a Christian who is sure or unsure of what God wants them to do. For example, you could take a shift at a soup kitchen near you, or visit people staying in a nursing home.
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Ant control?
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Skin Care?
Tell us everything you know here. Remember, more detail is better.
Please be as detailed as possible in your explanation. We will take your detailed information, edit it for clarity and accuracy, and incorporate it into an article that will help thousands of people.Don't say: Eat more fats.
Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
You can help yourself by listening to the 10 ways on how to live a good christian life.
All you have to do is trust God and Jesus.
If you aren't a Christian, but you want to be, accept Jesus into your heart then find a local church and learn the gospel. F there is no in-between, (worldly) Christianity. You are either with Jesus or against him. As Christ said, you can't wear the world's hat and God's hat at the same time. You can't drink out of the cup of the lord and drink out of the cup of demons at the same time.
Remember the heart of your faith should be love, not an obligation to check off these boxes but to live as Jesus--easier said than done--but as long as you are aspiring to be like him, you're on the right track. God will always be there to help you through it, one step at a time.
Forgive yourself and others.
Trust in him with all your heart and you will .
Ask people for help. Everybody learns something new every day.
Read the Bible as many times as it takes for you to understand it.
Take it 1 step at a time move forward don't look back.
Love other people and remember that being a christian is more
It's about loving people through your love for God.
Do not ever be discouraged. Always look forward and never backwards. Remember God loves you and will forgive you no matter what. So if you make a mistake don't think that God doesn't love you anymore. Just remember that God loves you with no boundaries or limits to his love!
Remember, though, don't be mistaken that this means you only have forgiveness if you do it through someone else... No! God knows your heart, and as long as you ask forgiveness for real, you're forgiven. God's always there for you!
Remember that being a Christian is a lifelong journey toward benefiting others in Christ. Don't expect to be free from sin and error overnight and do not judge yourself or others harshly. Maintain good morals and good habits that
in your body in everyday life--not to brag or boast, but to glorify God.
Even if you have problems, or bad stuff happening, don't give up! Christ will help you!
There is one advocate like a lawyer as your representative before the judge: 'There is one God. There is also one mediator between God and human beings--a human, the Messiah--Jesus Christ.
and a weekly Christian church/school to help learn more about the Christian life and what it means to practice your faith.
You can change a lot through prayer, but do not abuse it. God answers all prayers, and He will say "No," to any prayers that are unjust or hurtful. Pray that His will be done in you, because He wants the best for all of us, and He changes all bad things in our life to be good, if we'll trust in Him to do so.
P do not underestimate it.
Do not bury your talents or exclude your goods from others--share as much as possible--give to those with less than yourself and serve as a guide giving aide to the less fortunate instead of judging them as lazy or as sinners because of their ill-fortune and poverty. Usually poverty is not a punishment from God, for example an extreme drought or terrible storms may bring starvation, disease and famine and they fall upon all in a state or nation even upon the good and the wise.
Never forget what the definition of "Christian" means... it means "Christ-Like". 2 Corinthians 3:18 But we Christians have no we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him.
Peter reminds us to share the reason for our hope, but with "gentleness and respect". Do not be rude or violent in spreading the faith.
You can know a Christian by his fruits, but that is a positive statement. Remember that only God can save and has already saved. There love others as you love yourself.
Every aspect of a Christian's life should be backed with scripture.
In Bible reading there are some parts in the Old Testament that are Israel's genealogy, history or legal system which seem archaic (and uninteresting). The Old Testament books like Isiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Samuel and several others are especially interesting because of prophecies (predicting the future) and stories of miracles. The books of the entire New Testament are very readable.
Forgive and don't bring it up again--although you can not change past events--but you can change your views and activities about the past and so ( and ). God forgives all manner of sin when we repent sincerely: be like God!
When you are confused as to how to live a Christian life, just ask yourself one question "What would Jesus want me to do?" If you are still unsure than pray to God for help then reference scripture. "If any of you needs wisdom to know what you should do, you should ask God, and He will give it to you. God is generous to everyone and doesn't find fault with them."(James 1:5)
Jesus said "Whatever you do to the least of my children--you do to me! Your good or bad deeds are to me." That also means since you are one of Gods very own that if you suffer ridicule and abuse because of insisting on truth, honesty, loving their enemies and other good works, etc. then they are hating Him and doing that to God and not just to you...
Never lose faith in God.(There will be times this happens in life, we are not perfect and not called to be)
Remember that God loves everybody, and we should too.
Realize that ones ill-health or illnesses like some cancers, sugar diabetes, drunkenness, drug use, extreme obesity, other physical and emotional suffering are often related to personal choices that Jesus knew were conducive to health, good morals and character.
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Becomean Author!God and common sense
It's common sense to believe in God
It is a simple fact that throughout the history of the world just about everyone has believed in some sort of god. Religion, like music and art or our longing for good relationships, is one of the few things shared by every human culture that has ever existed.
Even today, 92% of people still acknowledge the existence of some kind of god. Of course, some people (less than 5%) are still atheists. They argue that the beautiful complexities of the universe are just accidents. But most people follow the logic of the ancient poem found in the Bible:
The heavens d
the skies proclaim .
Common questions:
Whose god?
The fact that most people believe in some god raises an obvious question:
Whose god should we listen to? The choices seem endless - Hinduism, Bahai, Islam, Buddhism and so on, all offer an alternative god and an alternative view on life. How can we be certain which one is right?
The central claim of Christianity is that God has come into the world so that we can be certain of who he is.
The life of Jesus Christ offers a unique, public signpost to God. He is the intersection between our world and God's. By looking at his life "his teachings, healings, death and rising to life" we can discover who God is and what he is like.
Common questions:
The Christ Event
Jesus was a real person who lived some 2000 years ago.
He was a public figure who did things and said things that made him famous in his time.
Eyewitnesses have recorded these events and preserved them for us in the .
The Christian faith is fundamentally historical. It is not a faith that must be accepted without question. Rather, it is based on a set of public events that can be studied and tested. Its as if Christianity has placed its neck on the chopping block of public scrutiny and invites anyone who wishes to come and take a swing.
Christianity, in other words, is a rational response to the Jesus we find in the Bible.
Common questions:
The Healer
The Bible tells us a lot about what Jesus did.
What stands out are his miracles and he healed the sick, controlled nature and even raised people from the dead.
The important thing about these miracles is what they mean. According to Jesus, these miracles were to show people that 'the kingdom of God has come.'
In Jesus' day the Kingdom of God was seen as the time when God would deal with all that was wrong with the world. He would come and undo sickness, overthrow evil and prove himself to be the King over his creation. Jesus showed by his miracles that this time was near.
Jesus' miracles show us that God cares about us and guarantee that what we all long for - the fullness of life and the end of evil and will one day arrive.
Common questions:
The Teacher
Jesus was also a famous teacher.
Even today many of his teachings are part of our culture: 'Turn the other cheek,' 'Do to others what you would have them do to you', and many others.
But of all his many teachings, Jesus said the most important one is to 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' And the second most important is to 'Love your neighbour as yourself.'
According to Jesus, God's way of living is summed up by these to love your Maker and to love your neighbour.
Yet in making this statement, Jesus is showing us how we fail even this simple test of living God's way. None of us has loved God or our neighbours to the extent that Jesus describes.
God holds us responsible for our failure. Jesus teaches about a time in the future when we will all have to come before God in judgement and face the consequences for the way we have lived. This is a serious business.
Common questions:
The Saviour
Christ's extraordinary life as teacher and healer ended abruptly and in apparent failure when he was crucified on a Roman cross.
He was crucified because he was seen as a political troublemaker.
But far from being a failure, Jesus death was the fulfilment of his role in God's Kingdom.
On the eve of his execution, as he shared a final meal with his followers, he spoke of his imminent death as a sacrifice that would secure God's forgiveness. As he passed a cup of wine around, He said ?EURoeThis is my blood which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."
Within hours, Jesus' blood was indeed poured out. He offered himself as a substitute for all of us who deserve God's judgement. We who failed to live up to God's standard can now be forgiven and saved. The teacher and healer is also our Saviour.
Common questions:
The extraordinary claim of the New Testament is that Jesus did not remain dead but was raised to life by God.
Jesus was not simply a great Jewish teacher or healer. His sacrificial death and resurrection marks him out as unique. Because of his love for us, Jesus willingly died in our place to save us. So God raised him to life again and made Him the Lord of heaven and earth - the King, the boss, the one who is truly in charge.
The strong connection between Jesus' resurrection and lordship is at the heart of the Christian faith. The New Testament says "If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved".
More than a teacher, or a healer, or even a saviour who died to save us from judgement, Jesus is the divinely appointed Lord. Heartfelt acceptance of this reality is the guarantee of God's salvation and the beginning of the Christian life.
Common questions:
Portrait of a follower of Christ
Being a 'Christian' has little to do with being moral or religious.
It is all about confidently trusting Jesus Christ, the healer, the teacher, the saviour, the Lord. Indeed, the word 'faith' in the Bible simply means trust.
A Christian is a person who trusts in Jesus the Healer, the Teacher, the Saviour, the Lord.
In particular a Christian:
acknowledges that they have not lived or loved God as they should and deserve to be punished.
trusts that Jesus was not only a man but God who died to secure forgiveness of sins and who rose from the dead and is now the Lord.
seeks to live as God want them to.
A person becomes a Christian by asking God to forgive them. This heartfelt act of turning back to God is all that is required. If you want to, you can pray to God now using these words:
I know that I have not lived as you want me to. I have not loved you as I ought nor loved the people who live around me. I am sorry and want to change.
Thank you for Jesus. Thank you that he lived and died for me and rose again and is the Lord.
Please forgive me and help me to live as you want me to.
When you turn back to God and pray such a prayer, God hears and forgives you. He gives you his Holy Spirit who helps you to love him as he wants. You also become part of his family, a member of his people who share the common bond of faith in Christ.
Common questions:


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