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Buy Call of Cthulhu&: Dark Corners of the Earth
$9.99 USD
"This game is so wicked, you probably won't be able to handle it."
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About This Game
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is a first-person horror game that combines intense action and adventure elements. You will draw upon your skills in exploration, investigation, and combat while faced with the seemingly impossible task of battling evil incarnate.
Diverse array of levels from quaint towns to alien locations, including Deep One City
Dynamic Sanity system resulting in hallucinations, panic attacks, vertigo, paranoia, and more!
Incredibly detailed real-time graphics with atmospheric lighting and dynamic shadows
Intelligent gameplay involving puzzle solving as well as combat and exploration
1920s weaponry and vehicles as well as evil artifacts and alien technology
Lovecraft's famous monsters and locations
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/2000
Processor: Pentium 3 800Mhz
Memory: 128MB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9.0 3D compliant Video Card
Hard Drive: 2.0 GB
Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth(TM)
(C) 2005 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda, ZeniMax and their respective logos are registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. Developed under license from Headfirst Productions Ltd. (UK). Call of Cthulhu is a registered trademark of Chaosium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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17.7 hrs on record
Well aside from the large number of glitches in this game (I encountered two, one of which made it impossible to beat the game even with a unoffical patch.) So if you cant get over all thoes glithces its a good game. I would say dont buy on pc but if you have no other option and you really want to play this game wait for a sale.
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15.7 hrs on record
I finished it and personally felt it was worth it.I ran into gamebreaking bugs along the way but the uniqueness of the game encouraged me to troubleshoot and finish (which was possible with help from the internet).
There really hasn't been a game like it that I've encountered. The camera and audio effects tied to &sanity&, the many scripted in-engine cutaways for notable scenes and events, its being in the classic Cthulhu setting and time period along with varied gameplay (obviously firstperson ranged and melee combat but also environment and inventory puzzles, platforming and also mandatory and othertimes optional stealth) revolving around a developed narrative with elaborative backstory material strewn about in the form of journals, letters, books and miscellania.
All well presented visually and audibly in an adequate (for it's time and still decent) engine.I'd have loved to experience the fullness of the creators vision, it's a shame this is reputed to be truncated. It could have used some more polish and some of the small deficiencies include
difficulty (this can be changed in Options however)
the game can only be saved at save points (and they are sometimes sparsely placed)
ammo scarcity (although this is likely by design catering to the horror genre)
some of the puzzle solving requires copious running back and forth (agonizing sometimes if trying to stealth!)
the stealth system gives you little feedback as to whether you are close to being detected other than trial and (lots of) error (although in time I got the hang of it)
the terrain sometimes allows you to traverse vertically and when something other than a ladder is the visual cue this is not always apparent
some of the puzzle points and objects are not easy to locate or identify (but this is generally true of all games with puzzle components)
Personally I really enjoyed it but can understand the frustrations of those hung up by bugs.
*Spoilers ahead.*
I had to use the unofficial patch to get past the ocean faring level (the chanters) and then at the end the patch didn't work for the escape but setting the cpu affinity to one core allowed me to finish. If you don't understand what I just refered to and don't have the patience to research it if you run into bugs then you should think twice before purchasing this title. But if you think you can overcome the technical hurdles and aren't dissuaded by last-gen visuals you will get to experience a very immersive mystery/horror/adventure game that isn't afraid to try things that other games haven't done already.
As to what the game does well, it was able to ellicit some authentic dread at times and that is a rarity for myself.
The ambiance contributes to this from the very beginning and creates a feeling of isolation, unwelcome, and heightened suspicion amongst strangers that is very apropos.
You encounter this from the initial embarkment but things the pace of exposure to negative mental stimuli was very measured and carefully crafted throughout the whole.
The sound scape contributes a lot to this and is excellent thoughout (ambient sounds, footsteps, combat sounds, enemy sounds, environment sounds, etc).
A nice touch are the sounds (and dialog) that greets you as you exit the game to the menu (and this varies).
Some bit characters are merely adequately voiced but the voice acting is on balance very good, particularily with the recurring cast.
The level maps are unique thoughout and a lot of care and detail was given to each due to the many scripted events and having the map reflect progressions in the plot.
It takes sometime before you move beyond the general local of the beginning of the game but once you do it changes much more frequently, however the duration in the first locale is plot dependent and makes the change of location a median acheivement of the game as a whole.
The second half is difficult to describe without spoilers, let's just say it's quite a journey.
Visually I would call it adequate to good, the character models and textures are generally last-gen looking but are decent.
There are definately some crazy moments in the game and the visual do not get in the way from creating the desired effects in the player (imo). For those who know how to do so this game can benefit from an ENB and/or SweetFX profile/s.
I can attest both can work. Overall it is a unique game that despite some drawbacks offers a singular experience.
I highly recommend it!
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8.7 hrs on record
Incredible atmosphere,
great story, good voice acting, decent gameplay, terrible engine.
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12.9 hrs on record
Love it! Love it! Love it! Yes this game can be glitchy but boy oh boy is it intense! This first person survival horror game is a MUST for any fan of H.P. Lovecrafts works. Sure this game dosn't have the best graphics, but the immersion is very strong with this game!
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2.8 hrs on record
For hardcore horror game, survival game. and Lovecraft fans: here's your game.For everyone else:
The aged graphics still look good, just not amazing. This wouldn't be a problem but I feel it takes away from the feeling of dicomfort and fear. I'm sure it felt scarier to play when it was released, although still really scary in terms of story. Great use of Lovecraft lore.I would LOVE a reboot or a remake of this game so I can play it like Amnesia. Where I don't play past the menu so I don't crap my pants.Personal Rating: 8/10
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12.8 hrs on record
Everything was going good until I looked at a statue of Cthulhu for a tad too long.Now my brain is leaking out my left ear. Thanks Obama!
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1.0 hrs on record
Praise Cthulhu for thy gifts~A grateful knave
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23.4 hrs on record
I love this game to pieces but unfortunately it suffers from a plethora of glitches. You can't even finish the game because of the speed of your character. I wish I could love this game because it is very story rich and immersive. I feel that this is what Lovecraft invisioned, but with these setbacks the game is unplayable. If you're truly interested wait for it to be on sale, or what would be a better idea is to buy the original xbox version of this game.
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9.8 hrs on record
I?d love to recommend this Cthulhu adventure but I can?t I can?t I can?t :( Clunky controls, badly ported from consoles to PC, unfair and unbalanced gameplay, lame told (but interesting) story. This isn?t the Cthulhu horror/adventure game I have hoped for. Maybe a remake would be nice here.
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12.2 hrs on record
I want to recommend it because there aren't many options for a real Lovecraft game out there. But really, the gameplay is weak, the story is meh, and the bugs are gamebreaking. I made it about 3/4 of the way through and could go no further because of a glitch. Even with other options that I could search out to complete the game, I still wouldn't feel right telling most people to pick up CoC:DcotE. If I could have given it a 'sorta recommends', I would have.Buy and play (as far as you can) if you really want a Cthulhu game and don't really care about much else.
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1.4 hrs on record
im sorry but this game sucks , i can only get as far as safe with the beer :P then the cop finds me
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0.3 hrs on record
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14.7 hrs on record
AN HONEST REVIEW FROM AN HONEST FAN! CTHULHU FHTAGN!Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth is a Extremely Atmospheric First Person Adventure Stealth Horror Riddle Shooter.The game was a bugfest. Crashes, blackscreens, the famous cliffbug, oh man. Win 7 users had to suck so many ????? ;( I know that from experience :P. Win XP is the only OS able to properly play this game. Many bugs appeared for Win 7 users. Especially the famous cliffbug. Halfway through the game, you get to play a really nice atmospheric creepy boat scene, one of the objectives is to shoot down the fishmen sorcerers on the cliffs with the front cannon. Sadly you can?t see any of these sorcerers and you are not able to shoot them. There is a program to fix this problem though. I will post the link to it down at the bottom of my review. So, it?s a bugfest, why am I still recommending this game to you? If not the steam version, or if it is the steam version why am I STILL RECOMMENDING IT? Because it?s a ????ing fantastic game if you have patience, a sense for atmosphere and if you are able to use that brain of yours. Because you might need it. Let?s start with the actual review for this glorious game:Story:You play Jack Walters, a private detective. One day you get called to help out in a serious nutcase shootout. You enter the building and you find the nutcases talking to you like they know you. You find something very dark and menacing deep down the house in the basement and you turn insane. You are now in an asylum, you get cured and can continue your work as a detective. You still look for answers what happened back there down in the basement, but of course you still have to continue your work as a private detective. Making a living. You get a new case, a boy named Brian Burnham is gone missing in a dark creepy fishermans town called Innsmouth.The story is told very well, it?s very immersive and the characters are good. It does a good job telling an actual adventure and letting you feel like you went through an adventure at the end of the game, just like the metro games. Really, really great. Gameplay:This game is unique... and if I say unqiue, I mean unique. The health system is based upon real time healing. Meaning: If you get shot at the leg, you have to go to your inventory and pick the spot you got shot at and leave the inventory. Walters will bandage himself then for couple of seconds. You have to be careful and manage to get as least damage as possible or else you run out of medical supplies or you have to bandage yourself and pursuers are going to hunt you down quickly. This also means real life effects. White and black screen as soon as you run out of blood (blood loss). Or you get shot with a shotgun in the legs, meaning you walk like a cripple until you fixed it. You have an inventory but it?s never really annoying, you don?t have any inventory management at all. You have your tiles but there are always enough. Don?t worry about carrying too much, the inventory isn?t based upon survival, its purely esthetic.GUNS! Well, the guns recoil is realistic, you have no HUD, YES! NO HUD! It?s a purist game. No HUD, no ammo counter, no health indicator. You know you have 31 rounds left? Better count your shots, cause realism is meant to be taken seriously in this game. Arm sway on the weapons, but it?s done in an excessive amount. Lots of arm sway and delay during aiming, the aiming with mouse is still smooth and accurate though! You have to play carefully. To understand what I mean, it?s like in Red Orchestra. Everyone who played Red Orchestra, knows what I mean with arm sway. Spongy controls. Or like in The Darkness I. Realistic games have this, Mirrors Edge, Red Orchestra, etc. The game plays very nicely, it?s overall a mix out of stealth parts, which not always work, and shootouts. But I think the most important part takes the level design. There are many riddles to be solved in order to advance. In one mission you have to get a car working and while &he& fixes it, &you& get your ??? moving trying to get that &special item& for him from the police stations safe. You have to combine many things or use things you acquired earlier in the game in order to progress later on. The game was complicated and it gave you some options, either you sneak or you go in guns blazing, either you rescue her or you let her die. The game really wants to force the detective out of you and uses many mean tricks in order to make you go bat???? crazy. It really is hard sometimes and don?t cry if you don?t get it at the first time. The game is not for casuals at all! It?s very challenging and overly complicated at some point and you need to have patience, internet for research or a will stronger than my ???? during a sado maso session. There?s one scene in this game I want to mention though: &the marsh refinery end sequence&. In this sequence you have after easily 30 min progress no checkpoints or saves. Mark my words and make sure you look it up before playing any further. Right after you burned the entity and you can finally go to the secret shrine, look at a playthrough and remember the place you need to place the pillar with the gem on it in order to open the door before the time runs out. You will know what I mean as soon as you experienced that ????ty ??? scene once. ^^?Game Length:This game is so immersive, and has such a extreme intense atmosphere, time flies by so fast that you might wanna know how long it takes. Average 12 hrs. Depending on your playstyle and the time you need to get through.... slow pace... lots of idle internet research, bug fixing.... 18 hrs even maybe? 12 hrs for sure though.CRASHES, BUGS:The crash after the manhunt savepoint, the cliffbug and the anti aliasing problem, the ladder crash.The game crashes randomly at one save point and a ladder in the beginning of the game: It?s due to resolution and anti alising. Try through every possible setting, turn off the anti aliasing. Try a 4:3 resolution without any AA, it should work then. You can turn back the settings to 16:9 and AA as soon as you got past it. The cliffbug can be fixed by using a program you find here:It?s my personal file I kept on my &Cheats & Fixes Folder for older games.& I uploaded it for you since I couldn?t find the original source anymore.It skips the three waves and automatically kills the sorcerers and has many other features.NOTE: I?m not sure about the compatibility of the bugfixer. It works with the latest official patch though, which steam has.There are also tons of unofficial patches! Look on MODDB.There?s not much more to say except it?s a game you need to play! I recommend the Robbaz walkthrough for looking more into the game before deciding. I would give it a clean 7/10.
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1.2 hrs on record
True to Bethesda form, it's a very good game, but infested with more bugs than the Starship Troopers universe.
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4.0 hrs on record
I think this is the only survival horror game next to Silent Hill that truly made me feel anguish and fear. Not for the weak of heart.
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4.1 hrs on record
DISCLAIMER: I recommend the game, but do NOT get this version.So, long story short, I think that this game is really good if you're able to look past the fact that it's a bit dated (I think it shows more age than games that were actually released before it). However, the biggest issue is that this Steam version is terrible.I played the game when it first came out and loved it, never had issues with it. Then I bought this Steam version to experience it again. But things are broken in that the game crashes at just about every corner, lags without FPS drop (and it lags WITH an FPS drop--two different symptoms) despite being such an old game, and drops sound occasionally.I've tried patching the game but to no avail. So, I'm incredibly irritated at the moment, as I'm currently only like 1.5 hours into the game really (despite having played for like 4) and currently my game keeps crashing and exiting when I'm trying to finish a level. Each time I walk through a doorway, the executable crashes.The game itself is good in that it is atmospheric. There's no HUD (and to my memory, it was one of the earlier games of this type to ditch the HUD) and tries to really draw you in. And you don't really get weapons for a good while, so you're mostly meant to sneak and be afraid. Your character can go insane too, so it makes things even more difficult but also fun. Plus, I like Lovecraft.Anyway, the game is good but dated. If you're going to give it a try, however, do not get this version. Look for it elsewhere.
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4.1 hrs on record
-First Day Reviews- =======Highlights =======- Amazing Cult Storyline- Artwork And Detail Are Astounding- Creepy At Shocking At Moments- Exellent Characters And Atmosphere- Im not going into the Sewer Again...Nope=============Journal Experience =============Journal Entry 1 I've arrived in the small fishing village of &innsmouth& People sure are friendly here! I can barely get them to stop talking to me... hah.. I kid.... The air is fowl with the smell of spoiled fish, its dark and foggy, the poorly lit lanterns emit a orange glow that sinks into the fathoms of the cobblestone streets. If evil was a place it would be called &innsmouth& Journal Entry 2 The people of this town are hideous and appear to have mostly inbred genes. With large bug eyes and bumpy mud covered leathery skin, I wouldn't be shocked if the town's odor wasn't coming from the rotten fish at all. They speak with raspy and unclear words loudly slurring and gagging. After speaking to some of the local &police& I've determined that they are defiantly hiding something. They cast me off anytime I get near certain areas. The missing boy im searching for may indeed have picked the wrong town to get lost in. Journal Entry 3 I have also met a seemingly alcoholic gentlemen in a back alley who has directed me to the &poor house& to discover more information. After searching some of the dirty scum ridden back alleys I finally arrived. I slowly crept through the building and the name Poor House started to become quite justified in its title. The rooms were filled with the sick and diseased inhabitants cast out from the rest of society. Cockroaches scurry over the sleeping low income residents coughing, moans and cry echo the paper thin walls.... there is blood and lord knows what other types of body fluids splayed on the floors and walls. Its obvious that I won't get any reliable info from these people. After exiting the hellish sorrow that was the &poor house& I found myself in relief to be back in the scummy streets.Journal Entry 4 I wandered down the street a ways, hearing footsteps sneaking through the loud howls of wind behind me... is someone following me?? I have come across a home known as the &Waite residence&. Here is where I may be able to find the answers about the missing boy. I knock on the door and it slowly opens. To my surprise I see a small girl with mangy clothing, she politely invites me inside after she telling me her father will be home soon and her mother....is in the...attic?...uh ..ok..... There is something very strange going on here. Journal Entry 5 She explains that im not able to speak to her mother because she ...bites... She says that she doesn't love her mother as much as her dad because her mother growls when she gets close to the door....uh....ok then... we will wait for dad. She goes to the living room and plays with her drawings. This is my chance to explore the house, maybe I can find some clues before the father gets home. Journal Entry 6 The house is decorated with very old vintage furnishings, it has old paintings and finely detailed red flower carpet. The lighting in this house is no brighter than the street, candles seem to be the popular choice for the residents of Innsmouth. I decide to head upstairs, I can see a family photo but it appears that the wife has been cut from the picture.... Journal Entry 7 I come across a large barred off door... what is this? ... it appears to have a small slider to peak through the opening. I can hear heavy breathing and growling? do they have some kind of animal in here? I decide to take a peek, I pull back the slider and peep through the small barred opening... the room on the other side is vacant, it is very poorly lit by a candle in the corner but I can't see anything else. wait... whats that.... *SMASH* something hits the door, all I can see are large gnashing teeth biting at the open slot, a large screaming growl and pounding on the door.... Its still hitting the door! that lock better hold it! Journal Entry 8 The door came bursting open, sending me flying back onto the ground, ....some...thing... ran out, It was so fast I can't make out what it was... some kind of scaley creature... it was big and it was powerful... im nearly unconscious from the knock back.. I can hear the little girl screaming... but I can't get up.... im starting to... pass ..out.... ==========Video Reviews==========PlaythroughComing Soon ================First Day Reviews Links================Youtube Facebook TwitterSteam GroupTwitch
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14.5 hrs on record
The game truly captures the Lovecraftian ambiance. The first person perspective actually enhances the game as you feel the main character's terror and thoughts through on-screen effects. Aside from one bug in the game that needs an external patch, the game is fun and thrilling from start to finish.
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8.3 hrs on record
Nice game.Old and full of bugs, but good story taking parts from the novella &Shadow over Innsmouth&.If you like dark universes, human sacrifices for strange gods, ugly people transforming into fish-like beings, read Lovecraft and play this game. Else, ???? you. Really.Fans of H.P. Lovecraft will appreciate, others too or I kill 'em.Love.
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9.3 hrs on record
Except for several bugs this game is really really really Awesome and i would like to see a Sequal because H.P. Lovecraft is very COOL
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Title: Call of Cthulhu(R): Dark Corners of the Earth
Release Date: 26 Apr, 2006
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