
下面的供参考:When Henry ford decided to produce his famous v-8 motor,he chose to build an engine with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block,and instructed his engineers to produce a design in one for the engine.The design was placed on paper,but the engineers agreed,to a man,that it was simply impossible to cast an eight-cylinder engine-block in one piece.Ford said,“Produce it anyway.”“But,” they replied,“It’s impossible!”“Go ahead.” Ford commanded,“And stay on the job until you succeed,no matter how much time is required.”The engineers went ahead.There was nothing else for them to do,if they were to remain on the ford staff.Six months passed and nothing happened.Another six months passed,and still nothing happened.The engineers tried every conceivable plan to carry out the orders,but the thing seemed out of the question:“impossible!”At the end of the year ford checked with his engineers,and again they informed him they had found no way to carry out his orders.“go right head,” said ford,“I want it,and I’ll have it.”They went ahead,and then,as if by a stroke of magic,the secret was discovered.The ford determination had won once more!This story may not be described with minute accuracy,but the sum and substance of it is correct.Deduce from it,you who wish to think and grow rich,the secret of the ford millions,if you can.You’ll not have to look very far.Henry ford was successful,because he understood and applied the principles of success.One of these is desire:knowing out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described.If you can do this,if you can lay your finger on the particular group of principles which made Henry ford rich,you can equal his achievements in almost any calling for which you are suited.亨利福特在要制造有名的v8汽缸引擎汽车时,曾指示他手下的工程师着手设计一种引擎,要把八个汽缸全放在一起.设计的纸上作业完成了,但是工程师们都异口同声地跟福特说,“要把八个汽缸全放在一起,压根是不可能.”福特说:“无论如何都要做出来.”他们又回答:“但是,那不可能啊!”“动手做.”福特一声令下,“不论花多少时间,做到交差为止!”工程师只得着手去做.如果他们还想呆在福特的公司里讨生活,就别无他途可行,值得去做.过了半年,没有动静.又过了半年,一样没有半点进展.工程师们试过了所有想得出来的计划去执行命令,结果仍然是:“不可能!”过了一年,福特的工程师们都没有进展,他们再次告诉他,他们想不出有什么办法可以做到的指示.“继续做,”福特说.“我要八汽缸引擎,就一定要做到!”他们继续努力,然后仿佛如有神助似的,做法出笼了.福特的决心又打赢了一仗.这个故事也许说的不够详尽,但是故事的内容却都是“如假包换”的.要想致富的你,从这个故事可以推算出福特百万家财的秘密何在.务须舍近求远,就在眼前.亨利福特了解成功的原则,也运用了这些原则,所以他成功了.这些原则中,有一项就是渴望:知道自己要做的是什么.阅读这篇文章时,请牢记这则福特的故事,时时在字里行间寻找他了不起的原因.只要你能做到,能正确无误地指认出福特所运用的原则,就几乎可以在适合自己的任何行业里,和他一样地出类拔萃.
演讲者如何调侃自己 作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒.As a speaker, I’ve only had two complaints from audiences. One, that I talk so loud they can’t fall asleep. And two, that I talk so long they can’t stay awake. 创新句子:你们或者睡觉,或者不睡,只要不打呼噜,我就接着讲. 作为一个讲演者,他的演讲总拿来和林肯的哥得堡演讲[一个著名的演讲]相比较.当他演讲结束时,也有悲伤、眼泪和悲痛——特别是计划委员会.As a speaker, he has often been compared to Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address. When he finishes his speech, there is also sorrow, tears and mourning ---- especially by the program committee.幽默注释:演讲者讲得太糟糕了,组织者哭得很伤心. 演讲结束时,宴会主人感谢你从繁忙的日程中抽出时间来——你泰然自若,优雅地点头微笑着,心里非常清楚你日历上唯一的事情就是就早餐后喝点咖啡.Poise is when you finish your speech and the toastmaster thanks you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be a part of their program --- and you nod and smile graciously knowing full well that the only thing on your calendar is a little coffee from breakfast.幽默注释:一些老干部退休后没什么事干,有人请他参加一些活动,他还假装很忙,好象推开了很多事才赶去似的. 过去我演讲时常常会比较紧张,但那时我看到一条信息说如果你想象所有的观众都是裸体会有所帮助.此时此刻,我站在这里想象着观众都是裸体,真的起作用,我不再紧张了,但眼睛有些疲劳.I used to get nervous when giving a speech but then I read that it helps to think of the entire audience as being naked. And so, at this very moment, I’m standing up here imagining every one in this audience as being naked. And it really works. I no suffer from nervousness. Eyestrain. Yes.幽默注释:把观众想象成裸体,意思是我不怕你们,就不紧张了. 创新句子:大部分人站在讲台上都会有点儿紧张,我属于少部分人,我非常紧张. 我本人不自负——我简直不能告诉你们我是多么钦佩我这一点.Personally, I have never been conceited --- and I can’t tell you how much I admire myself for that.幽默句子:他因为自己不自负,所以变得非常骄傲. 创新句子:我一点儿都不自负,我希望别人也这么看我. 我先用简单明了的英语演讲,以后我再翻译给律师听.Let me put this into plain English. I’ll translate it for the lawyers later.幽默注释:律师总喜欢用复杂的语言,简单的话都听不懂了. 创新句子:我的讲话有三个版本,小学生版本,中学生版本,大学生版本,你是听小学一年纪版的,还是小学二年纪版的? 如果你听过这个故事,请不要打断我,我就知道这一个故事.If you’ve already heard this story, please don’t stop me because it’s the only one I know.幽默注释:就是你知道两个故事,讲故事前也可以这么说. 创新句子:我讲个笑话,如果你们听过,也希望装做没听过,我也这样照顾你们. 演讲就象给草坪浇水,如果有四分之一的水渗下去你就满意了.Making a speech is like watering a lawn. You’re satisfied if just a quarter of it sinks in.幽默注释:有人打呼噜,有人说话,都是正常的,有四分之一观众听就不错了. 演讲开始时我们有一些共同点,你们不知道我要讲什么——我也不知道.At the very start, let me just say that we both have something in common. You don’t know what I’m going to say --- and neither do I.幽默句子:即兴演讲的开场白. 创新句子:我不知道你们会不会喜欢我的演讲,我不知道我要讲点儿什么. 开始前我想告诉你们下面的演讲已经编辑成了电视节目,我现在少讲20分钟,我们能够及时赶回家看2台的节目.Before I begin, I want you to know that the following speech has been edited for television. I cut 20 minutes out of it so we could all get home in time for the game on channel 2.幽默注释:放着现场不看,偏要回家在电视上看. 可能你们有些人知道我今晚出现在这里有两个原因:第一个原因是你们的计划委员会一直在设法寻找一个聪明、有趣、老练的演讲者,——他们找到了.第二个原因是那个人病了,所以就打电话把我找来了.As some of you may know, I’m appearing here tonight for two very good reasons. The first reason is your Program Committee was trying to find a speaker who’s intelligent, entertaining, sophisticated --- and they did. The second reason is, he got sick so they called me.幽默注释:一开始好象在说自己很牛,其实就是个临时替场. 创新句子:我认为我演讲很风趣,可为什么没人笑呢? 有人有舞台恐惧症,我没有;舞台不会怎么样我,是观众快把我吓死了!Some people suffer from stage fright. I don’t. The stage doesn’t bother me at all. It’s the audience that scares the hell out of me!幽默注释:stage fright舞台恐惧症,而不是舞台吓唬我. 我们每个人都希望能在某一时刻把时钟拨回去.如果我能够把时钟拨回去45分钟,我就是这间房间里最幸福的人,我把演讲稿落在厨房桌子上了.At one time or another, I think each of us has wished we could turn back the clock. I know if I could turn back the clock just 45 minutes, I’d be the happiest person in this room. Because that’s when I left my speech on the kitchen table.幽默注释:自己上台前还在刻苦练习,演讲稿落家里了,讲错了希望观众包涵. 我不想吹牛,但上次我演讲时所有的观众都站了起来,他们再也没有坐下,直到走到他们的汽车那儿.I don’t want to brag, but the last time I did this it brought the audience to its feet. And they never sat down again until they reached their cars.幽默注释:观众听他演讲,都站起来走了,他还在吹牛呢. 创新句子:我演讲时用一种平缓的语速娓娓道来,观众睡得很香甜. 如果我有点儿犹豫,你们一定要原谅我,这是我第一次饭后演讲——在卖当劳里冲我的小孩儿喊叫除外.If I’m a little hesitant, you’ll have to excuse me. This is the first after-dinner speech I’ve ever made ---except for yelling at my kids in McDonald’s.幽默注释:自嘲自己演讲没什么经验. 创新句子:你可能知道我已经养成了饭后演讲的习惯. 我不习惯面对这么多观众演讲,让我鼓起勇气的一件事情就是我在谈论我最喜欢的题目——我.I’m not used to speaking to such a large audience. The one thing that gives me courage is that I’m speaking on my favorite subject --- me.幽默注释:电视上老是邀请一些名人在那儿大谈自己,这些人开场可以这么说. 人们总问我为什么我戴顶10加仑的红色帽子(或者一些其它非常显眼的衣服饰品),我告诉他们那是我采取的积极现实的生活态度.我知道不管发生什么事情,善良的上帝总在注视着我们.现在地球上有60亿人,我希望上帝能从芸芸众生中一眼就挑出我来.People always ask me why I wear a big red ten gallon hat (or some other very noticeable article of clothing) and I tell them. It has to do with taking a positive but practical view of life. For instance, I know that no matter what happens, the good Lord is watching over us. Then again, there are now six billion of us, so I want to make darn sure He can pick me out of the crowd.幽默注释:多么新颖的创意,戴顶绿帽子就想引起上帝注意. 创新句子:别再说谎了,趁上帝还没注意你. 如果你们允许我准备读我的讲稿,我有三个理由:第一,我记忆力非常差——其它两个原因我记不清了.With your permission, I’m going to read this paper. I’m going to read it for three reasons: one, I have a very poor memory –and the other two I can’t remember.幽默注释:为自己忘词找好借口. 创新句子:我记忆力不好,我忘了把讲稿带来. 不必要的单词是精彩演讲的祸根,我再重复一遍…Unnecessary words are the bane of good speeches. Let me repeat that…幽默注释:这时候重复带来很好的效果. 创新句子:演讲时最忌讳重复,我再说一遍:千万不要重复. 有时候确实让人糊涂,你看见代表举起了胳膊,但你根本确定不了他是在凭良心选举还是在检查他的关节炎.It did get a little confusing at times. If you saw a delegate raising his arm, you could never be quite sure if he was voting his conscience or testing his arthritis.幽默注释:有人举胳膊未必是在真心选你. 创新句子:选举时只要我关节炎不犯,我肯定会举手. 对不起,(从钱包里拽出一张纸币,象拿手绢一样,在上面打喷嚏,然后扔掉)如果说我憎恨什么的话,那就是炫耀.Excuse me. (Pull a bill from your wallet, handle it as you would a handkerchief, sneeze and then throw the bill away and say) If there’s one I hate ostentation.幽默注释:炫耀吧,有钱人有炫耀的资本. 创新句子:我不想炫耀,有学问的人不爱炫耀. 你们都知道,在公司里我只要求员工三件事:诚实、正直和崇拜偶像.As you know, in all these years with the company, I have only asked for three things from my staff: honesty, integrity and idolatry.
求短一点的 适合学生的 5分钟以内的
my dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher. you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling. china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place. do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true! thanks~ 我的梦想 你好大家!这是我很高兴能够分享我的梦想与你今天。 我的梦想是成为一名教师。 你知道作为一个教师,是一个东西,这是非常宝贵的,非常有趣。我认为它必须是一个伟大的乐趣与子女所有。如果我是一名教师,我可以教我的学生很多知识。他们可能会成为强大和聪明,因为我了。这是一个非常知足的感觉。 中国是一个发展中国家。中国人是不是优秀,在他们的智能。所以老师在中国可能非常非常重要的。他们可以提供社会了不少成功的人,使中国成为更美好的地方。 你认为我有一个很好的梦想,我将努力工作,使我的梦想变成真!
09-10-16 &匿名提问


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