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近几年乡村风的代表之一,Lady Antebellum。
音乐风云榜Excel 2007 error: Different format than specified by the file extension – ITExperience.NET
After upgrading to Excel 2007, you may get the following error when you try to open an excel document:
The file you are trying to open .xlsx is in a different format than specified by the file extension. verify the file is not corrupted and is from trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?
This errors particularly occurs when you’re trying to open an XLS file (Excel ) with Excel 2007.
The easiest way to solve this problem, is to insert the following registry key. This will suppress the notification:
The step-by-step instructions are as follows:
Click Start, click Run, type regedit.exe and press ENTER. This will open your Registry
Right click in the right window and choose New -& DWORD
In the Name field, type “ExtensionHardening”
(without the quotes)
Verify that the data has the value 
I advice the steps above to solve the problem, despite the fact that it is quick and dirty.
If you want a more constructive way, you should define MIME types and associate them with extensions.
When you use a Document Management System (like Sharepoint or Livelink), you can try adding these:
.xls = application/msexcel
.xlsx = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
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MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View
Projectile Motion Tutorial
Learning Goal:
Understand how to apply the equations for 1-dimensional motion to the
directions separately in order to derive standard formulae for the range and heightof a projectile.A projectile is fired from ground level at time , at an angle with respect to thehorizontal. It has an initial speed . In this problem we are assuming that the ground islevel.
Find the timeit takes the projectile to reach its maximum height.
Hint A.1A basic property of projectile motion
Hint not displayed
Hint A.2What condition applies at the top?
Hint not displayed
Hint A.3Vertical velocity as a function of time
Hint not displayed
Hint A.4Putting it all together
Hint not displayed
(1 of 97) [12/13/:26 PM]
MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View
Hint A.5A list of possible answers
Hint not displayed
Express in terms of , , and (the magnitude of the acceleration dueto gravity).
Find , the time at which the projectile hits the ground.
Hint B.1Two possible approaches
Hint not displayed
Hint B.2Some needed kinematics
Hint not displayed
Hint B.3Solving for
Hint not displayed
Express the time in terms of , , and .
(2 of 97) [12/13/:26 PM]
MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View
Find , the maximum height attained by the projectile.
Hint C.1Equation of motion
Hint not displayed
Hint C.2When is the projectile at the top of its trajectory?
Hint not displayed
Hint C.3Finding
Hint not displayed
Express the maximum height in terms of , , and .
Find the total distance (often called the range) traveled in the
in otherwords, find where the projectile lands.
Hint D.1When does the projectile hit the ground?
Hint not displayed
Hint D.2Where is the projectile as a function of time?
Hint not displayed
Hint D.3Finding the range
Hint not displayed
Hint D.4A list of possible answers
Hint not displayed
Express the range in terms of , , and .
(3 of 97) [12/13/:26 PM]
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| Published: April 10, 2013 |
Last Updated: January 3, 2015
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RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is an default open source and most popular package management utility for Red Hat based systems like (RHEL, CentOS and Fedora). The tool allows system administrators and users to install, update, uninstall, query, verify and manage system software packages in Unix/Linux operating systems. The RPM formerly known as .rpm file, that includes compiled software programs and libraries needed by the packages. This utility only works with packages that built on .rpm format.
20 Most Useful RPM Command Examples
This article provides some useful 20 RPM command examples that might be helpful to you. With the help of these rpm command you can managed to install, update, remove packages in your Linux systems.
Some Facts about RPM (RedHat Package Manager)
RPM is free and released under GPL (General Public License).
RPM keeps the information of all the installed packages under /var/lib/rpm database.
RPM is the only way to install packages under Linux systems, if you’ve installed packages using source code, then rpm won’t manage it.
RPM deals with .rpm files, which contains the actual information about the packages such as: what it is, from where it comes, dependencies info, version info etc.
There are five basic modes for RPM command
Install : It is used to install any RPM package.
Remove : It is used to erase, remove or un-install any RPM package.
Upgrade : It is used to update the existing RPM package.
Verify : It is used to query about different RPM packages.
Query : It is used for the verification of any RPM package.
Where to find RPM packages
Below is the list of rpm sites, where you can find and download all RPM packages.
Read Also :
Please remember you must be root user when installing packages in Linux, with the root privileges you can manage rpm commands with their appropriate options.
1. How to Check an RPM Signature Package
Always check the PGP signature of packages before installing them on your Linux systems and make sure its integrity and origin is OK. Use the following command with –checksig (check signature) option to check the signature of a package called pidgin.
[root@tecmint]# rpm --checksig pidgin-2.7.9-5.el6.2.i686.rpm
pidgin-2.7.9-5.el6.2.i686.rpm: rsa sha1 (md5) pgp md5 OK
2. How to Install an RPM Package
For installing an rpm software package, use the following command with -i option. For example, to install an rpm package called pidgin-2.7.9-5.el6.2.i686.rpm.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -ivh pidgin-2.7.9-5.el6.2.i686.rpm
########################################### [100%]
########################################### [100%]
RPM command and options
-i : install a package
-v : verbose for a nicer display
-h: print hash marks as the package archive is unpacked.
3. How to check dependencies of RPM Package before Installing
Let’s say you would like to do a dependency check before installing or upgrading a package. For example, use the following command to check the dependencies of BitTorrent-5.2.2-1-Python2.4.noarch.rpm package. It will display the list of dependencies of package.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -qpR BitTorrent-5.2.2-1-Python2.4.noarch.rpm
python &= 2.3
python(abi) = 2.4
python-crypto &= 2.0
python-twisted &= 2.0
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 2.6
RPM command and options
-q : Query a package
-p : List capabilities this package provides.
-R: List capabilities on which this package depends..
4. How to Install a RPM Package Without Dependencies
If you know that all needed packages are already installed and RPM is just being stupid, you can ignore those dependencies by using the option –nodeps (no dependencies check) before installing the package.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -ivh --nodeps BitTorrent-5.2.2-1-Python2.4.noarch.rpm
########################################### [100%]
########################################### [100%]
The above command forcefully install rpm package by ignoring dependencies errors, but if those dependency files are missing, then the program will not work at all, until you install them.
5. How to check an Installed RPM Package
Using -q option with package name, will show whether an rpm installed or not.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -q BitTorrent
6. How to List all files of an installed RPM package
To view all the files of an installed rpm packages, use the -ql (query list) with rpm command.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -ql BitTorrent
7. How to List Recently Installed RPM Packages
Use the following rpm command with -qa (query all) option, will list all the recently installed rpm packages.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -qa --last
Tue 04 Dec :06 PM BDT
Tue 04 Dec :51 PM BDT
Tue 04 Dec :06 PM BDT
Tue 04 Dec :05 PM BDT
Tue 04 Dec :04 PM BDT
Tue 04 Dec :03 PM BDT
8. How to List All Installed RPM Packages
Type the following command to print the all the names of installed packages on your Linux system.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -qa
9. How to Upgrade a RPM Package
If we want to upgrade any RPM package “–U” (upgrade) option will be used. One of the major advantages of using this option is that it will not only upgrade the latest version of any package, but it will also maintain the backup of the older package so that in case if the newer upgraded package does not run the previously installed package can be used again.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -Uvh nx-3.5.0-2.el6.centos.i686.rpm
########################################### [100%]
########################################### [100%]
10. How to Remove a RPM Package
To un-install an RPM package, for example we use the package name nx, not the original package name nx-3.5.0-2.el6.centos.i686.rpm. The -e (erase) option is used to remove package.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -evv nx
11. How to Remove an RPM Package Without Dependencies
The –nodeps (Do not check dependencies) option forcefully remove the rpm package from the system. But keep in mind removing particular package may break other working applications.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -ev --nodeps vsftpd
12. How to Query a file that belongs which RPM Package
Let’s say, you have list of files and you would like to find out which package belongs to these files. For example, the following command with -qf (query file) option will show you a file /usr/bin/htpasswd is own by package httpd-tools-2.2.15-15.el6.centos.1.i686.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -qf /usr/bin/htpasswd
13. How to Query a Information of Installed RPM Package
Let’s say you have installed an rpm package and want to know the information about the package. The following -qi (query info) option will print the available information of the installed package.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -qi vsftpd
Relocations: (not relocatable)
Vendor: CentOS
Build Date: Fri 22 Jun :24 PM BDT
Install Date: Mon 17 Sep :28 PM BDT
Build Host: c6b8.bsys.dev.centos.org
: System Environment/Daemons
Source RPM: vsftpd-2.2.2-11.el6.src.rpm
License: GPLv2 with exceptions
: RSA/SHA1, Mon 25 Jun :34 AM BDT, Key ID 0946fca2c105b9de
: CentOS BuildSystem &http://bugs.centos.org&
: http://vsftpd.beasts.org/
: Very Secure Ftp Daemon
Description :
vsftpd is a Very Secure FTP daemon. It was written completely from
14. Get the Information of RPM Package Before Installing
You have download a package from the internet and want to know the information of a package before installing. For example, the following option -qip (query info package) will print the information of a package .
[root@tecmint]# rpm -qip sqlbuddy-1.3.3-1.noarch.rpm
: sqlbuddy
Relocations: (not relocatable)
Vendor: (none)
Build Date: Wed 02 Nov :21 PM BDT
Install Date: (not installed)
Build Host: rpm.bar.baz
: Applications/Internet
Source RPM: sqlbuddy-1.3.3-1.src.rpm
License: MIT
: Erik M Jacobs
: SQL Buddy ? Web based MySQL administration
Description :
SQLBuddy is a PHP script that allows for web-based MySQL administration.
15. How to Query documentation of Installed RPM Package
To get the list of available documentation of an installed package, use the following command with option -qdf (query document file) will display the manual pages related to
[root@tecmint]# rpm -qdf /usr/bin/vmstat
16. How to Verify a RPM Package
Verifying a package compares information of installed files of the package against the rpm database. The -Vp (verify package) is used to verify a package.
[root@tecmint downloads]# rpm -Vp sqlbuddy-1.3.3-1.noarch.rpm
c /etc/httpd/conf.d/sqlbuddy.conf
17. How to Verify all RPM Packages
Type the following command to verify all the installed rpm packages.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -Va
c /etc/rc.d/rc.local
c /etc/dnsmasq.conf
c /etc/yum.conf
c /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
18. How to Import an RPM GPG key
To verify RHEL/CentOS/Fedora packages, you must import the GPG key. To do so, execute the following command. It will import CentOS 6 GPG key.
[root@tecmint]# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6
19. How to List all Imported RPM GPG keys
To print all the imported GPG keys in your system, use the following command.
[root@tecmint]# rpm -qa gpg-pubkey*
20. How To rebuild Corrupted RPM Database
Sometimes rpm database gets corrupted and stops all the functionality of rpm and other applications on the system. So, at the time we need to rebuild the rpm database and restore it with the help of following command.
[root@tecmint]# cd /var/lib
[root@tecmint]# rm __db*
[root@tecmint]# rpm --rebuilddb
[root@tecmint]# rpmdb_verify Packages
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