
填空 用英语表示日期的方法有“————”或“————” 如;日可表达为————或————
In October 5,2008 或 On October 5th,2008 或 2008 5 october
扫描下载二维码2008 年10月15日英文怎么写
Oct.15th 2008
15th OCT. 2008
Oct 15, 2008短写October 15, 2008长写都是美式英语写法。
Oct. 15th 2008
鑫鑫紫 和 迷迷emily 正15th OCT. 2008 国外的日期是天、月、年所有表格的填写都会提示你:____(dd)____(mm)_____(yy)d=date, m=month. y=year用英文的表述为: fifteenth of october,two thousand and eight。
偶记得是月日年的顺序的~~October 15th, 2008
扫描下载二维码Too much to do around the house could have you running around like crazy. You may need to make a lot of calls, see too many people, or execute some rather
paperwork. This could have your nerves on edge by midafternoon, so take a few minutes for yourself every two hours or so. Step outside in the fresh air. This will calm you and help you stay sane.Taurus 金牛座尽管你的注意力通常很强,但是现在你可能会发现自己很难集中注意力。某些人可能在不断的干扰你。不要让他们过多的影响你。Although your concentration may be strong, it may be difficult to keep focused, since someone else keeps pushing your buttons. You get the feeling that someone is trying to start a war with you. Don't let yourself slip down to their level.Gemini 双子座开始你已经想了很久的计划吧!现在,种下自己的希望,用努力来浇灌它,之后也许你就会收获丰盛的果实。This is a day of beginnings for you. Start something that you have been meaning to start for quite a while. The universe is happy to support whatever newyou believe strongly in. Plant the seeds now and they will grow to fruition.Cancer 巨蟹座邻居们之间的八卦可能会让你有些担忧,你开始担心是不是自己一旦离开,他们就开始对你闲言闲语。别去被这些事情所烦恼。这只是无聊人之间的无聊消遣而已。An impromptu gathering including some neighbors could take place today. Someone could start a round of gossip, and this could turn you off. You might wonder if they're going to start in on you when you leave! Don't stick around. Listening to such talk could give you a headache. Gossip is the last refuge of people who have no life.Leo 狮子座可能你和你的爱人会短暂分离一下,这让你五味杂成。把注意力集中在自己手头的工作上,不要杞人忧天。A temporary separation between you and a lover could have you experiencing mixed feelings. You may need some time to yourself, but you'll miss your friend! Your insecurity could come up, and you may start wondering if there's someone else with your partner. Concentrate on your projects and enjoy the peace and quiet. You're making mountains out ofs.Virgo 处女座今天你可能觉得自己做什么事情都没有干劲,自己的注意力也很难集中。你可能只想出去购物,或者待在家里看看电视。不用为此感到愧疚,好好放松一下,然后重新将精力投入到工作中去。This may be one of those days in which you don't feel like doing anything and you can't force yourself. While you're out you'll shop just enough to take care of essentials, and at home you'll probably veg out in front of the TV. Don't feel any guilt over it. We all need days like this. Take it easy, relax, and you'll be your old self again tomorrow.Libra 天秤座你和周围人的关系良好,所以,大胆的说出你的想法,你会获得周围人许多的支持的。走出重要的一步吧!You are in good favor with the people around you and others are willing to stand up in your behalf. Go ahead and speak your mind. Your emotional confidence is strong, leading to tremendous support in the workplace. Make your big move now.Scorpio 天蝎座不要为了小事烦恼,如果你被小事所拖累,那么你根本不可能有机会接触到大的机会。所以你要学会取舍。Don't sweat the small stuff. If you let yourself get overwhelmed, angry, or depressed with the day-to-day difficulties, than you will lose touch with the bigger picture. This bigger picture is what will bring you the great success you desire.Sagittarius 射手座你觉得自己精力十足,但如果你将它乱挥霍,你可能会累着自己。所以你要了解自己,而不是过高的估计自己的能力。Today you may feel like you're brimming over with physical energy. You have a lot of energy, but it isn't a good idea to go climbing mountains, running marathons, or swimming long distances right now. If you don't pace yourself, you could be exhausted by midafternoon. You may be temporarily operating on nervous energy and limited stamina.Capricorn 摩羯座你可能觉得自己充满了活力。所以你可能会有为自己增加很多工作量的倾向。你要小心,你可能为自己接了过多的工作!不要过高的估计自己的能力。You're likely feeling strong, healthy, and energetic. You might be inclined to take on huge tasks, some of which are more appropriate for three people than one. Be careful. You could take on more than you can handle. The strength and energy you feel now could wilt under too heavy a load. Pace yourself!Aquarius 水瓶座累积了很久的紧张情绪终于烟消云散了,你感觉自己现在又精力十足了。你也赢得了自己同事和老板的尊重。总的来说,今天你会过很不错。Tension that has been building has finally released. You feel like you are back on top of things again. You are getting respect from your co-workers and your employers, and other people are sympathetic to your feelings. Overall, this is a stellar day for you.Pisces 双鱼座当你知道自己是对的时候,你不会害怕站出来为自己的辩护。但你要知道,对手可能会掌握更多有利的资源。也许你应该找中立的第三方来帮忙解决问题。When you know you are right about something, you are not afraid to stand up and fight in your defense. The problem is, the opposing side is holding all of the cards. Look to a third and neutral party to be a mediator who can help resolve the issue.
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