My experience as a leader in themy classroom课件

学习啦【英文自我评价】 编辑:燕欣
  In the class has been serving as a life post, usually work seriously responsible. In our freshman year we join the office of the Student Union of our branch and the office of the Student Administration Committee of the apartment. I have been very serious and responsible for the work, on time and the quality and quantity to complete the above account of the tasks, and be able to do the correct work and study, has won the apartment student management committee of the outstanding officer of the honorary title. Usually actively participate in various sports activities, participated in the school's aerobics contest, and won the first three good results, also participated in the 1000 meters around the city relay, and won the first three good results. Actively participate in various cultural activities organized by the branch, such as the computer festival, welcome party and so on have performed on stage.
  In the sophomore as a computer xx class assistant class teacher to help learn younger brother younger sister school to learn more quickly, to adapt to the school, they do not understand when they can give answers in a timely manner. In the sophomore last semester I also from the original association of the Office of the Deputy Director rose to the post of Director. Sophomore also served as branch of the student branch of propaganda members of the party members of the apartment floor floor. Sophomore summer vacation to Yunnan to teach, learn a lot of things.
  Junior three years in the branch as a student assistant student, College of outstanding student assistant honorary title. One year of study made me very familiar with the work of the office. Junior has also served as student party branch organization members, assist the branch secretary to carry out various activities.
  People are not saints, everyone can not be perfect, but the pursuit of perfection has always been the direction of my efforts. I do not have any capital, only a pursuit of a better life, to seek satisfaction with the enthusiasm of the work. Like all young people, just into the community, of course, no work experience, but I think this is precisely what I have good plasticity.
  Since entering our school students, with rigorous learning attitude, excellent learning ability, with honesty and credibility of the character, to work, learning a serious and responsible, aggressive, dare to face difficulties.
  Three years of TV study life is nearing completion, although ** students have already embarked on the work of students, not as full-time students in all-weather school life, but this work & learning & practice & re-learning & re-practice ... ... the learning model, so that he harvested. Recalling the three-year learning process, feel a lot.
  In ideology, ** students to pursue progress, with good moral cultivation, and a firm political stance, love the collective, caring for others, strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the school, and gradually improve their political and ideological consciousness.
  In class work, the most class cadre, ** with superior ability to lead, full of team spirit, with good communication and interpersonal coordination, enthusiastic, able to take the initiative to care and help students in trouble, for the class to create a solidarity Harmonious learning atmosphere. During the work as vice-squad leader, responsible due diligence, can assist the teacher and the teacher, good completion of learning tasks, handle the class affairs, fully play as a class leader exemplary role.
  In learning, hard work, good at thinking, to plan a reasonable time to adjust the allocation of learning tasks. As a student, he attaches great importance to learning, strict compliance with school rules, adhere to face-to-face learning, do not be late, do not leave early, not absent, class seriously concentrate on the task of learning, quality and quantity.In his spare time, he carefully read the teaching materials, carefully comprehend the contents of each course, do pre-class preview understanding, the content does not understand to the classroom, after-school review consolidation. The teacher's counseling can always be cordial, peace of mind to listen, carefully circle the focus, carefully do a good job by category notes, not only take into account the basic knowledge, and highl willing to spend time home, according to review the outline carefully read , Carefully recite the memory, so that on the basis of understanding to remember, on the basis of memorabilia to understand. This is generally normal for full-time school students, however. But for TVU students, generally have to participate in the work, a family, can do not pull a lesson is not easy, must overcome many difficulties, but also correctly handle the relationship between work and study, do work and study Wrong, but also take into account the family. From the ** excellent academic performance, in this regard he did quite well. As a class teacher, can deeply appreciate the efforts behind him. TVU amateur learning itself is very difficult, not to mention elective is &electromechanical integration& such a more difficult professional, some students chose to give up, and he still insisted on learning to the present, and excellent results, this is not easy, For his class teacher is pleased and happy.
  In summary, as the class teacher, more than two years in this coexistence and cooperation, from his consistent performance, in the future study and work, he will, as always, make persistent efforts to achieve excellence. So I firmly believe that ** students is a proactive, hardworking, team-oriented, self-discipline of the outstanding student cadres.
  I look forward to two years of college life and social practice of life, there is desire, there is the pursuit of success also failed, I tirelessly, constantly challenge themselves and enrich themselves, to achieve the value of life and lay a solid foundation.
  A relatively speaking, the class division of the division of labor is not clear for the work, many of the squad will be idle to do nothing, and some classes do more dry things, though, in some cases, some Class cadres will come to help, however, called more people will feel annoying .After all, no matter not board three treasures, only one Jiaoren, people will find some interface to shirk .Perhaps there are some things too Trivial, and is more trouble, as people do not always ask the other to help clean up the classroom, but more people do not know you will know you, and he will be the same. In short, this class is not only the class cadre, is a whole thing, in any case, we must work together to manage this class together.
  When I was in the office of this position, the instructor to me, and the students to do a good job relationship .I was a bit confused, saying: at home by parents, monks by friends Make friends This is what we need, but I now know that college friends are not just a few days can be realized. The environment is not enough to adapt, always silent, my language expression is not so good, it created a vacancy on the exchange, but as a class cadre, not just obscure class services. Class to make contributions, but as a class representative, he should do in addition to services, or to bring a class group.Because this class will not only our class classes, but fifty-two class group I live as a committee member, with the classmates to make good, is to let them also participate in the work for the class, but the different disposition of the people will have their own different work style, or dry well 'or dragging in. For the former, To praise, because it represents the high quality of the person, the latter, is to our class cadres to the aftermath .Anyway, many friends, the work will be much more help.
  Third, the reward system is not perfect class. First of all, there is nothing in the class to bind the enthusiasm of the students of the class. As this class is not their work is always procrastination.If this class has a reward system , Which can form a &more than one officer, many benefits,& the idea to teach you some of the daily behavior.This also helps you correct their own attitude towards daily life.Secondly, through this system to improve the students to learn Enthusiasm, after all, in school for the study is, we have to unite the class together to discuss the students to learn, can we all progress together.
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学习啦 版权所有Financial Measures of Wuhan as a Leader in the Rise of Central China--《Finance Forum》2006年02期
Financial Measures of Wuhan as a Leader in the Rise of Central China
The Study Group of Hubei Branch, ICBC
Our party committee put forward the strategy of the Rise of Central China from the height of balanced regional development. As a super large city in Central China, Wuhan assumes such leadership at the right time in the right place with the right popular support. So, banks are duty-bound to bolster Wuhan's position as leader in this drive. Specifically, they should pool together financial resources, actively support Wuhan to implement the strategy of joint ta accelerate system and business innovations, actively experiment with and incorporate fund management companies, establish Central China Development Bank, state-owned commercial banks to try out securitization of credit assets and housing mortgage in Wuhan, encourage assets management firms to cooperate with governments to dispose of sour assets, vigorously expand investm ameliorate financial-eco environment, sharpen the sensitivity of credit policy to industrial policies, improve the efficiency of financial resource allocation, direct and strengthen financial support.
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XIE Lan-zhang(Department of Economic and Administration,Wuhan Institute Of Shipbuilding Technology,Wuhan,Hubei 430050,China);[J];Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science);2007-01
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