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1. 时间点:具体年月日、today、every year、on the third Tuesday in April、at the age of 14等
&&& When、While、During、As等引导的时间状语从句
3. 特殊点:But、However、While、Whereas等引导的强转折
&&& After all, In fact, Actually等词也可表示强转折
&&& 与原情况不同之处也算作特殊点(在第一遍扫读文章时可能区分不出来)
&&& 比较级、最高级和用于表达比较或最高级含义的形容词也算特殊点:
&& 例:As much as, Than, XX times greater, more than(程度), the more&the more,Significant,Important,Superior to,Inferior to等。
&&& Despite, although等是让步关系,一律不算作特殊点
1. 用自己习惯的三种标记进行划分,方便做题时迅速定位
2. 题目中出现的人名可作为搜索关键词,直接从已划线部分中的对应句的上下1~2句中找答案(2004.A)
3. 一般而言,人物事物类文章往往可以通过三点法迅速扫描完全文,帮助定位。但是这类文章有一种特例,如果读了两三段后,发现可以划的三点很少,果断放弃三点法,说明这类文章不适合用三点法,只能通过全面看文章,以及抓问题中的关键词来定位解题。(2002.A)
  关键词:篇章结构题;段落组织;写作方法;对策   中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(1   所谓篇章结构题,就是指那些针对文章的整体篇章结构或某一段落的发展层次所设置的问题。这类题主要考查考生对整个文章内在逻辑关系的理解或在论述观点过程中使用的论证方法进行推测、归纳和总结的能力。在所有英语高考阅读题的类型中,它属于较高层次的考查。但只要考生们能抓住文章的结构,把握文章的思路,他们就能够更好地解答其他类型的阅读题。篇章意识的形成能让考生更好地理解甚至欣赏文章,并且促进他们自己构架篇章,表达自己意思的能力,即写作能力。   高考中的篇章结构题可分为两个模式:一种是按照段落的组织方法来考查考生对整篇文章的把握;另一种是按写作方法来考查考生对文章结构的理解。接下来,我们将讨论一下这两种模式的考查特点以及我们的应对策略。   一、按段落的组织方法理解文章的结构   段落是构成文章的基本单位。文章是段落的扩展,段落是文章的缩影。文章的主题要通过连贯的段落来表达,段落的展开要和文章的主题保持一致性。把握住段落的组织方法,文章的结构就一目了然。   1. 主要提问形式   Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?   Which of the following shows the organization/structure of the passage?   How is the passage organized?   Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?   2. 对策   (1)学会判断文章体裁   浙江英语高考中,阅读文章的常见体裁有:人物事件类、应用说明文类、科普类、社会议论文类等。不同体裁的文章会有不同的篇章结构。在英语阅读文章中, 对应每种类型文章的篇章结构往往都会有固定的写法。所以要让考生们学会迅速判定所读文章的类型,然后把固有篇章模式在脑海中展开,使得他们有备而来。这就要求我们教师在平时阅读训练中训练考生的判断能力。其实,往往在读完第一段后就能判断出文章体裁,但切忌不可匆忙下决定,需要多读几段。   各类型文章较为固定的段落组织方法也需要考生们在平时的阅读中去积累。换句语说,考生要在做完阅读理解后,去反思文章篇章结构,这样才能让考生在分析篇章结构方面形成最有效和最扎实的进步。   英语阅读全文结构常为:总分总、总分和分总。人物事物类文章往往是按照事情发展顺序,或者时间先后顺序来写的。所以对于事件人物类文章,考生要牢牢抓住时间点。科普类的基本结构是:引言(用事例、试验等引出问题)――分析(分析原因;实验过程等)――结论(建议、解决方案)。社会议论文的常见结构是:提出论点(常以事例引出)――提出论据并论证论点――得出结论,最终说服读者接受某观点。而应用说明文常常自己带有小标题,将文章自然分成各部分。   (2)训练概括段落大意   考生在做“按段落的组织方法理解文章的结构”这类题目时,如果能概括每个段落的大意,然后将相关或关系密切的自然段并成一个部分,那么得到答案也是轻而易举的。关键在于如何有效训练考生们概括段落大意。其实,考生们应在平时的阅读中多多训练。如果仅仅局限于几个选择题,考生们的阅读能力又能提高多少。   是否有窍门?我们通常看到英语的文章段落结构60%-70%都是由主题句+扩展句构成的。所谓主题句,就是英语文章段落的中心思想句。它是英语文章段落的灵魂,在英语文章段落中居于主导地位。英语文章一般喜欢开门见山,所以主题句常常位于段落的第一句,其他句子则围绕它而展开。但是,我们有时也会碰到主题句不在段首,或者根本没有主题句。这就需要我们动动心思,理解整个段落了。   (3)注意段落间连接词   英语是一种逻辑性很强的语言,特别强调文字之间的严格逻辑关系。段落之间通常会通过连接词的使用来完成语义的衔接。逻辑连接词是创造语篇连贯的一个重要手段。它对连贯起到重要的保证作用,特别是正式的书面语篇。逻辑连接词的重要性在于它能表示作者的思路和语篇的意义中心。因此,连接词是判断篇章结构不容忽视的要素。   因此,考生在平时的阅读过程中,要注意各类逻辑连接词的积累,并按功能分类。除此之外,还可以多阅读有准确的连接词的段落,可以摘自杂志、报纸、英文书刊、英文原箸等,以促进他们对这些连接词的理解。   二、按写作方法理解文章的结构   为了透彻地阐明主题观点,作者可能采用不同的写作手法来组织文章。从写作方法角度考查的篇章结构题,一般考查全文是用什么方法展开论述或组织起来的,或者是某一段在全文所起的作用。   1. 主要提问形式   The passage is mainly developed by .   The author develop the passage mainly by .   The first paragraph is developed by .   How does the writer support the underlined statement in paragraph 1?
  2. 实例:根据2015年高考北京卷,阅读理解D(篇幅有限,原文略),笔者自行编制:   The fourth paragraph is developed by .   A. providing examples B. making comparisons   C. giving different figures D. making classifications   答案为:B   3. 对策   (1)掌握常见的写作方法   考生只有在掌握了常见的写作方法及其功能后,才能在阅读过程中对材料做出准确的判断。常见的组织文章的写作方法有:①时间顺序。按时间先后顺序说明某一事件的发展,或某一研究由过去到现在的发展情况。②空间顺序。按照事物的空间结构顺序,从左到右,或从内到外,或从整体到局部等进行描写或说明。③举例论述。用所列的事物来论证观点,通常是列举一些数据、事例等。④对比或类比。通常对比各事物之间的共同点或差异,来突出文章主题。⑤解释。对于专业术语,新事物或新现象进行阐述,降低阅读难度。⑥分析。分析某事物或现象发生的原因。⑦描述。抓住人物的特征、事情的关键情节发展或重要景物进行详尽、细致的描叙,突出中心思想。   (2)积累写作方法英文表述   在掌握了常见写作方法后,考生们在实际解题中还是会遇到问题――看不懂选项中写作方法的英文表述。往往同一种写作方法有很多不同的表述。这就要求考生们在平时去积累。常见的写作方法英文表述有:①时间顺序:in the order of time; according to time; time and event; following time order; by process. ②空间顺序:in the order of space; following space order. ③举例论述:using examples, giving examples; providing examples; by example; using recommendations; providing statistics; giving different figures; showing the results of experiment.④对比:examining difference; by comparison; making comparisons; comparison and contrast. 类比:classification; by classification; making classification.⑤解释:definition; giving a definition.⑥分析:cause and effect; offering reasons, analyzing causes. ⑦描述:telling personal experience; describing scenery; describing process; narrating a plot.   篇章结构是交流中信息传递的依托。在高考英语试卷中,篇章结构题的出现更证明它的地位。我们教师和考生都要高度重视。在英语课堂中,教师应注意培养学生分析和构造篇章结构的能力,考生则注意自己在日常阅读中的训练。希望以上讨论对彼此都有所启示。   (作者单位:浙江省象山县第三中学 315700)
推荐:    英语阅读理解之篇章结构题
(definition)(classification)(listing examples)(making comparisoncontrast),process
1. Description.Explanationdiscussion
a. phenomenon→analysis→conclusion
Put forward a question →Analyze the
question → Solve the question “”
Argument/Idea/opinion → Evidence →
Conclusion/ Restating the idea “/”
1(Paragraph 1)()234
The underlined word “they//…” in paragraph…
refers to… …
The sentence “… …” in paragraph … means
The example of … … in para….is
illustrate/show … ….
The last paragraph mainly tell us that …
The purpose of writing Paragraph … is ….
How is the passage
Which of the following best shows the
structure of the passage?&&&&
&The author develops the passage
mainly by….
ATopic—Argument—Explanation A
BOpinion—discussion---explanationCMain idea—Comparison—Supporting
In the course of working my way through
school, I took many jobs I would rather forget. But none of these
jobs was as dreadful as my job in an apple plant. The work was
and, most of all, the working conditions
were terrible.
First of all, the job made huge demands on
my strength. For ten hours a night, I took boxes that rolled down a
metal track and piled them onto a truck. Each box contained twelve
heavy bottles of apple juice. I once figured out that I was lifting
an average of twelve tons of apple juice every night.
I would not have minded the difficulty of
the work so much if the pay had not been so poor. I was paid the
lowest wage of that time—two dollars an hour. Because of the low
pay, I felt eager to get as much as possible. I usually worked
twelve hours a night but did not take home much more than $
100 a week.
But even more than the low pay, what made
me unhappy was the working conditions. During work I was limited to
two ten-minute breaks and an unpaid half hour for lunch. Most of my
time was spent outside loading trucks with those heavy boxes in
near-zero-degree temperatures. The steel floors of the trucks were
like ice, which made my feet feel like stone. And after the
production line shut down at night and most people left, I had to
spend two hours alone cleaning the floor.
I stayed on the job for five months, all
the while hating the difficulty of the work, the poor money, and
the conditions under which I worked. By the time I left, I was
determined never to go back there again.
52How is the text organized?
ATopic—Argument—Explanation& BOpinion—Discussion—Description
CMain idea—Comparison—Supporting
Supermarkets are trying out new computers that make
shopping carts more intelligent()They will help shoppers find paper cups or toilet soap,
and keep a record of the bill.
53The underlined word “they” (paragraph
1) refers to ______.
Bshop assistants&&&
Cshopping carts&&&&
Dshop managers
I receive a lot of emails every time a
column is published in 21st Century. The majority of questions I
get are like this: “My English is still very poor, could you please
give me some advice?” Since this kind of question is so big and so
vague, any answers will be too broad or too general. In fact,
asking questions is an art that s
training and practice in itself. And I
like to offer the following tips:
Always contextualize your question. If you
really want to ask for advice on something, you need to provide a
brief description of how you came up with the question and how you
can benefit from asking it. For instance, if you need to improve
your English, you need to state the skill area you are in the
greatest need of improving, and what difficulties you encounter
that cause you so many problems
The second piece of advice is that your question
be focused and specific. By that I mean that you
have a lot of questions, but choose the one that is most important
and at the same time the least complicated.
Third, you can practise asking one question in
multiple ways. For instance, if you are interested in knowing how
you can boost your confidence in speaking, you might
consider asking: “I often feel nervous before I ask a question, how
can I overcome my anxiety?” “Could you share with me your
experience of speaking in front of others?”
Of course, the best way to ask good questions is
through the practice of questioning. I highly encourage you to seek
opportunities to ask questions. It takes time to be a really good
How is the text organized?
CMain idea---comparison--- supporting
examples DTopic
& & Being able
to multitask—doing several things at the same time—is considered a
welcome skill by most people. But if we consider the situation of
the young people aged from eight to eighteen, we should think
& & What we
often see nowadays is that young people juggle an ever
larger number of electronic devices()as they study. While working, they
also surf on the Internet, send out emails, answer the telephone
and listen to music on their iPods. In a sense, they are spending a
significant amount of time in fruitless efforts as they
& & Multitasking
is even changing the relationship between family members. As young
people give so much attention to their own worlds, they seem to
have no time to spend with the other people around them. They can
no longer greet family members when they enter the house, nor can
they eat at the family table.
& & Multitasking
also affects young people’s performance at university and in the
workplace. When asked about their opinion of the effect of modern
gadgets()on their performance of tasks, many
young people gave a positive response(). However, the response from the
worlds of education and business was not quite as positive.
Educators feel that multitasking by children has a serious effect
on later development of study skills. They believe that many
college students now need help to improve their study skills.
Similarly, employers feel that young people entering the job market
need to be taught all over again, as modern gadgets have made it
unnecessary for them to learn special skills to do their
64.What does the underlined word “juggle” in
Paragraph 2 most probably mean?&
&A Want to buy&
&B Take the place
C Use at the same
time&&D Seek for
information from.
65.In Paragraph 3, the author points out that
&A family members do not eat at
the family table&
&B family member do not greet
each other&
&C young people live happily in
their families&
&D young people seldom
talk with their family members&
66.What is the main idea of the last
&A Multitasking is
harmful to young people’s
&B Young people benefit a lot
from modern gadgets&
&C Multitasking is an important
skill to young people.&
&D Young people must learn skills
for future jobs.&
67.The author develops the passage mainly by
&A providing typical
examples&& &B
following the natural time order&
&C comparing opinions from
different fields&&D presenting a cause
and analyzing its effects
you receive a phone call from the “telecommunications department”,
“the bank” or even“ the police” telling you that your bank account
has been hacked and you should transfer all your money to a safer
account, beware it is just another way for
to rob you of all your hard earned money
Between September and November, the city’s police received
reports of more than 500 such telephone frauds, which duped various
unassuming residents of over 20 million yuan ($2.9
woman surnamed Xu had no idea she’d be left penniless when she
received a phone call from a man claiming to be from the "China
Construction Bank" in September, saying someone had gained her
personal information and was likely to withdraw money from her
convinced Xu to transfer all her life savings to a "safer
account", which he had procured for her.
Within minutes, Xu transferred 845,700 yuan to the
swindler’s account, making it the biggest individual loss this
year, a police officer said. As soon as the transaction was
complete, the account, obtained on a fake ID, was closed and the
money gone, he said.
another case, a woman surnamed Wang received a call from a person
claiming to be from the "telecommunication department", saying she
had run up a huge bill for making international
Wang tried desperately to explain she had never made any
international calls, she was told she had probably fallen victim to
a fraud and the phone line was "transferred to the
"police officer" then told Wang someone had stolen her
identification information to open an account for money laundering.
Like Xu, she was told to transfer her money to a "safer
lost 130,000 yuan with that transaction.
December alone, the local police have come across 159 cases of
telephone cases involving more than 3.8 million
local public security department has called on all residents to
stay alert.
the Spring Festival approaching, the number of financial fraud
cases has increased," Hua Wei, a spokesman of Shanghai public
security bureau said. "Most of the victims are middle-aged and
elderly," he added.
Police said fraudsters often make calls to fixed lines, and
their caller-display numbers begin with the numbers "00196", "0000"
and "0193", which resemble those of tax authorities, telecoms
companies, and public security organizations.
warned that people "should not give out any personal information or
their bank account details to any stranger, and certainly not over
the phone". 60According&to&the&“passage,&the&city’s&police&received&about&_____&cases&of&telephone&cases&from&September&to&December
2035. You have a job, a family and you’re about 40 years old.
Welcome to your future life.
Getting ready for work, you pause in front of the mirror,
“Turn red,” you say. Your shirt changes from sky blue to deep red.
Tiny preprogrammed electronic are rearranged in your shirt to
change its color. Looking into the mirror, you find it hard to
believe that you are 40. You look much younger. With amazing
advances in medicine, people in your generation may live to be 150
years old. You’re not even middle-aged.
you go into the kitchen and prepare to pour your breakfast cereal
into a bowl, you hear: “To lose weight, you shouldn’t eat that,”
from your shoes. They read the tiny electronic code on the cereal
box to find out the nutrition details. You decide to listen to your
shoes. “Kitchen, what can I have for breakfast?” A list of possible
foods appear on the counter as kitchen checks its food
“Ready for your trip to space. You ask your son and
daughter.” In 2005 only specially trained astronauts went into
space.— and very few of them. Today anyone can go to space for day
trips or longer vacation. Your best friend even works in space.
Handing your children three strawberries each, you add, “The doctor
said you need these for space travel.” Thanks to medical advices,
vaccination shots are a thing of the past. Ordinary foods contain
specific vaccines. With the berries in their mouths, the kids head
for the front door.&
It’s time for you to go to work. Your car checks your fingerprints
and unlocks the doors. “My office. Autopilot,” you command. Your
car drives itself down the road and moves smoothly into traffic on
the highway. You sit back and unroll your e-newspaper. The latest
news downloads and fills the viewer. Looking through the pages, you
watch the news as video films rather than read it.
What changes the color of your shirt?
The mirror.&&&&&&&&&&&&
shirt itself. &&&
counter.& D.
The medicine.
How do the shoes know that you shouldn’t eat the breakfast
pouring the breakfast into a bowl.& &B. By listening to the
doctor’s advice.
testing the food supplies in the kitchen.
D. By checking the nutrition details
of the food.
The strawberries the children eat serve as ______.
B. lunch&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
vaccines &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
D. nutrition
How is the text organized?
&A. In order of
time& B. In order of
order of preference. D. In order of importance.
High-tech machines have made life easier for millions
around the world.
However, some people still prefer low-tech ways of doing things.
Here’s an example of why this is happening. You can microwave
a frozen hamburger in 60 seconds. However, it won’t taste as good
as one you cook on the stove. And if you’re in
that much of a hurry, you probably won’t take time to toast
the bun. High-tech
cooking saves time, but it doesn’t make for better tasting
Most people get their news from high-tech sources like television
or the Internet.
This has many advantages. For example, electronic news is more up to date than
newspapers or magazines. It’s also more exciting to see live and
videotaped news events than photographs. However, newspapers and
magazines have some important advantages. They give more background
and details. They also let you read the parts that are important to
you and skip the
Other high-tech timesavers have similar disadvantages. For example,
most people use the
phone or email to stay in touch with friends and family members who
live in other places. But when you use the Internet or the phone, you don’t always
think carefully about what you are saying, and sometimes you forget
the important
things you want to communicate. Similarly, when you word
process(文书处理) a home work assignment instead of
handwriting it, you can check your spelling electronically and put
in fancy headings. However, some students are so busy with
the computer that
they don’t pay enough attention to the actual words they are
Which of the
following statements is TRUE according to
&A. The writer likes high-tech
&B. Low-tech cooking
produces better-tasting meals.
&C. High—tech news programs always keep
you reading what is
important to you.
&D. Handwritten homework is better than word-processed
the writer feel
about high—tech tools?
&& A. Better late than
B. Easy come, easy go.
&& C. Every coin has two
Learn to walk before you run.
the main subject
discussed in the
&A. High—tech vs.
low—tech.&& B. Advantages
vs. disadvantages.
&C. Newspapers and magazines vs.
television and the
&D. Word—processing vs.
How is the text organized?
Main idea — Argument —
Explanation.&& B. Opinion —
Discussion — Description.
C. Topic — Comparison — Supporting
Introduction — Supporting examples — Discussion.


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