If there were no food ads,parents(would)still buy lots ofvery unhealthyy food.为什么不能填will

Should junk food ads be banned?
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// Should junk food ads be banned?
by Matt O'Neill
With kids’ obesity now a regular news item, the debate over banning junk food advertisements aimed at children is hotter than ever. Dietitian Matt O’Neill explains what’s happening to help your clients and their families, and provides some ideas for what you can do.
It’s been a decade since I was working at the Australian Consumers’ Association (ACA) and calling for a ban on food advertising during children’s television. In 1996, Consumers’ International released its Spoonful of Sugar report revealing that Australia topped the 13-country study for volume of food advertisements during children’s television.
Australia averaged twelve ads per hour with a total of 231 ads for the twenty hours studied. At the time, health ministers said we needed more proof that food advertising affected children’s food choices and could be implicated in contributing to obesity.
Since 1996 childhood obesity rates have escalated but the Federal Health Minister, Tony Abbot, is still resisting tough action on advertising food to children. Following the health ministers’ April meeting, the Sydney Morning Herald (8 April) reported Mr Abbott’s statement, ‘we agree to disagree on TV advertising because there is not enough evidence and more research is needed to determine its effectiveness.’
Evidence for a ban
The Consumers’ Association, however, is still convinced that there is enough evidence. In a media release on 11 November 2005, Senior Food Policy Officer Clare H ‘Industry groups opposing an ad ban claim that there is no evidence that food ads contribute to obesity or that a ban would help to reduce obesity. Yet countries that already have ad bans in place do have lower levels of obesity, and surely manufacturers wouldn’t spend so much money on advertising if it wasn’t going to influence what we buy.’
The food advertising-obesity link is inherently obvious, but incredibly difficult to prove. Even so, researchers from NSW Health last year found that the average Australian child is exposed to eleven advertisements each day, or 77 per week, for foods high in fat and/or sugar.
The stu ‘Foods most advertised during children’s viewing hours are not those foods that contribute to a healthy diet for children. Confectionery and fast food restaurant advertising appears to target children. Australian children need protection from the targeted promotion of unhealthy foods on television, but currently little exists.’
What needs to happen?
On 20 August 2006, Professors Paul Zimmet and Phillip James weighed into the debate with an article in the Medical Journal of Australia entitled ‘The unstoppable Australian obesity and diabetes juggernaut. What should politicians do?’
‘This epidemic is guaranteed to continue, unless we accept that the decades-long reliance on health promotion and intense media coverage of obesity have had virtually no effect… Our politicians need to accept that major legislative and other regulatory measures are required.’
These measures were spelled out and comprised:
o Banning all marketing of food to children, including television advertisements.
o Establishing strict food and physical activity requirements for schools.
o Removing junk foods and drinks from all publicly funded premises.
o Requiring ‘traffic light’ food labelling (based on nutritional profiling) on all foods, drinks and meals, wherever sold.
These options are now causing heated discussions between politicians, nutritionists, the food industry and concerned parents.
What is the food industry doing?
Naturally the food industry as a whole doesn’t want any bans on what it sells or advertises and is arguing against any restrictions. In November of this year the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC), the food industry’s peak organisation, announced that it would launch a new voluntary food labelling scheme.
The extra labelling will show, on the front of packaging, how many kilojoules in a serve and also the per cent of daily value, which is the percentage contribution to the recommended total daily energy intake for an adult.
Whilst sharing this information may be useful for savvy label readers, it falls short of a simplified traffic light or logo-based labelling scheme that may have a better chance of triggering positive changes in food choice, especially in less educated consumers.
What can you, the fitness professional, do?
Whether you’ve got kids or not, an environment that constantly bombards you with advertisements for junk food makes the challenge of eating well a little, or a lot, harder.
Here are a few suggestions for how you can help your clients:
o Decide on where you stand in the junk food ad-ban debate and logically share your views. If you have strong views, let our politicians know.
o Emphasise positive role modelling to parents. Encourage them to eat healthy food and get into shape.
o Keep an eye on media stories, as they can be useful triggers for discussions with clients who have seen the same report.
o Take the time to learn about new food labelling, whether this is in the format of kilojoules per serve, per cent of daily value or understanding what various logos mean.
o Help educate your clients on how to read current and new food labels.
Matt O'Neill
Matt, a leading Australian dietitian who specialises in weight management, was named Australian Fitness Network’s Author of the Year
in 2005. You can subscribe to Matt’s e-mail newsletter and download useful tools at
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人教新目标版九年级英语Unit4 检测试题
  从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其代表字母填在题前括号内。 1. If I ___you ,I'd drink some milk before going to bed.
  A was B am C are D were 2. I don't want to let my friends____.
  A up B down C on D off )3. My little dog ___for one year.
  A. died B. has died C. was dead D. has been dead 4.If my mother___I got a grade of 50 in English exam, she would be angry. A knows B knew C had known D would know 5. I heard the old man got ____yuan in the lottery. A five millions    B five millions of   C five million D millions 6.----Children, help yourselves to some eggs.
  A.That's all right B. Give me some C.It's very kind of you D.Well
  ( )7.____people usually like art and music.
  A. confident. B. outgoing. C.creative. D.shy ( )8. I have to hide medicine___my son,because he often think it is candy and eat it.
  A.with. B. at. C.on. D.from 9. I want to buy a digital camera online ,can you show me ___the Internet A. To search. B. search. C. how to search D. what to search.
  ( )10. He cut his finger ___ accident.
  A.by. B. at. C .in D. on 11.You shouldn't worry about what___people are wearing.
  A.else B.other C. another D.the other 12.My teather has a lot of experience___English at our school.
  A.to teach B.teaching C.to learn D.learning .13.My mother would stay at home to watch TV___out for a walk.
  A.than go B.than going C.rather than going   D.rather than go .14.If it___ Sunday tomorrow, I ___go to see my friends.
  A .were, would B. was, will C. were, will D. is would 15.---You should use English as often as possible.
  ---What if I____mistakes A.will make B. made C. makes D.make II.补全对话(共15分) A 从方框中选出适当的句子补全对
Lack of parent willpower may contribute more to juvenile obesity than under-exercising or overeating.
Research suggests that having overweight parents is a big influence (影响) upon a child"s weight, withone study finding that children with overweight parents were four times more likely to be overweight themselves.
The findings add heat to an already fierce political debate (争论) over childhood obesity. The Prime Minister, John Howard, last week decided that $116 million be used for programs to deal with obesity, while the Opposition Leader, Mark Latham, recently announced that his party would move to protect children from unhealthy food advertisements.
Clare Collins, a senior lecturer at the University of Newcastle, believes such programs will definitely failunless they influence the way of life of whole families. " If we can"t get parents to take action against theirown weight problems, then we can"t expect to influence their kids," she said.
However, Professor Louise Baur from the Children"s Hospital at Westmead, doubts whether adult education programs offer any solution to weight problems." Many parents know they need to lose weight and they know it influences their kids, but they lack the willpower to do anything about it."
The 10-year study of 150 American children found two-thirds of children with overweight parentsbecame overweight. Only one in six children whose parents were of average weight became overweight.
The president of the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity, Associate Professor Gary Wittert, said parents needed help in doing their job and the Opposition Party"s policy (政策) might be on the righttrack.
" We know that driving without a seat belt is unsafe, so we make law against it," he said. " Obesity isa major public health concern, so why shouldn"t we change the law regarding unhealthy food ads?" 1. What does the underlined phrase " juvenile obesity" mean? A. Adult education. B. Childhood overweight. C. Parents" influence. D. Growing pains. 2. What is TRUE about the programs supported by the Prime Minister?A. Debates on them will become less fierce. B. They will be effective in dealing with obesity. C. A large sum of money will be spent on them. D. They will influence people"s way of life. 3. Both Collins and Baur believe that overweight parents _____. A. will come up with better solutions B. will help with their children"s education C. should be more active in reducing weight D. should carry out at least 10 years" study 4. According to some experts, the Opposition Party"s policy _____. A. can help fight against unemployment B. may protect kids from unhealthy food adsC. should be brought back to the right track D. will work well to prevent traffic accidents
Lack of parent willpower may contribute more to juvenile obesity than under-exercising or overeating.
Research suggests that having overweight parents is a big influence (影响) upon a child"s weight, withone study finding that children with overweight parents were four times more likely to be overweight themselves.
The findings add heat to an already fierce political debate (争论) over childhood obesity. The Prime Minister, John Howard, last week decided that $116 million be used for programs to deal with obesity, while the Opposition Leader, Mark Latham, recently announced that his party would move to protect children from unhealthy food advertisements.
Clare Collins, a senior lecturer at the University of Newcastle, believes such programs will definitely failunless they influence the way of life of whole families. " If we can"t get parents to take action against theirown weight problems, then we can"t expect to influence their kids," she said.
However, Professor Louise Baur from the Children"s Hospital at Westmead, doubts whether adult education programs offer any solution to weight problems." Many parents know they need to lose weight and they know it influences their kids, but they lack the willpower to do anything about it."
The 10-year study of 150 American children found two-thirds of children with overweight parentsbecame overweight. Only one in six children whose parents were of average weight became overweight.
The president of the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity, Associate Professor Gary Wittert, said parents needed help in doing their job and the Opposition Party"s policy (政策) might be on the righttrack.
" We know that driving without a seat belt is unsafe, so we make law against it," he said. " Obesity isa major public health concern, so why shouldn"t we change the law regarding unhealthy food ads?" 1. What does the underlined phrase " juvenile obesity" mean? A. Adult education. B. Childhood overweight. C. Parents" influence. D. Growing pains. 2. What is TRUE about the programs supported by the Prime Minister?A. Debates on them will become less fierce. B. They will be effective in dealing with obesity. C. A large sum of money will be spent on them. D. They will influence people"s way of life. 3. Both Collins and Baur believe that overweight parents _____. A. will come up with better solutions B. will help with their children"s education C. should be more active in reducing weight D. should carry out at least 10 years" study 4. According to some experts, the Opposition Party"s policy _____. A. can help fight against unemployment B. may protect kids from unhealthy food adsC. should be brought back to the right track D. will work well to prevent traffic accidents
Lack of parent willpower may contribute more to juvenile obesity than under-exercising or overeating.
Research suggests that having overweight parents is a big influence (影响) upon a child"s weight, withone study finding that children with overweight parents were four times more likely to be overweight themselves.
The findings add heat to an already fierce political debate (争论) over childhood obesity. The Prime Minister, John Howard, last week decided that $116 million be used for programs to deal with obesity, while the Opposition Leader, Mark Latham, recently announced that his party would move to protect children from unhealthy food advertisements.
Clare Collins, a senior lecturer at the University of Newcastle, believes such programs will definitely failunless they influence the way of life of whole families. " If we can"t get parents to take action against theirown weight problems, then we can"t expect to influence their kids," she said.
However, Professor Louise Baur from the Children"s Hospital at Westmead, doubts whether adult education programs offer any solution to weight problems." Many parents know they need to lose weight and they know it influences their kids, but they lack the willpower to do anything about it."
The 10-year study of 150 American children found two-thirds of children with overweight parentsbecame overweight. Only one in six children whose parents were of average weight became overweight.
The president of the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity, Associate Professor Gary Wittert, said parents needed help in doing their job and the Opposition Party"s policy (政策) might be on the righttrack.
" We know that driving without a seat belt is unsafe, so we make law against it," he said. " Obesity isa major public health concern, so why shouldn"t we change the law regarding unhealthy food ads?" 1. What does the underlined phrase " juvenile obesity" mean? A. Adult education. B. Childhood overweight. C. Parents" influence. D. Growing pains. 2. What is TRUE about the programs supported by the Prime Minister?A. Debates on them will become less fierce. B. They will be effective in dealing with obesity. C. A large sum of money will be spent on them. D. They will influence people"s way of life. 3. Both Collins and Baur believe that overweight parents _____. A. will come up with better solutions B. will help with their children"s education C. should be more active in reducing weight D. should carry out at least 10 years" study 4. According to some experts, the Opposition Party"s policy _____. A. can help fight against unemployment B. may protect kids from unhealthy food adsC. should be brought back to the right track D. will work well to prevent traffic accidents 科目:难易度:最佳答案
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