在什么情况下 do we use singular matrixverb with a collective noun denoting animate beings as subject?

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When to Add s to a Verb
If you feel confident about forming plurals in English by adding an s or es at the end of the word, I’m about to make you feel a little wobbly. Although most noun plurals are formed this way, only verbs with a third-person singular noun or pronoun (he, she, boat, courage) as a subject ever have an added s on the end. With plural nouns (but also the singular pronouns I and you) there is never an added s at the end of a verb.
For example, which verb is plural, talk or talks? Because you would say, “He talks,” and he is a third-person singular pronoun, talks is a singular verb. You would say, “The people talk,” and people is a plural noun, so talk is a plural verb.
Example: The position listed on the university Web site caught my attention because my education, experience, and training closely parallel/parallels your needs.
Answer: This sentence has two sets of subjects and verbs. The first subject/verb combination is position/caught. The second set of subjects is education, experience, and training, which is plural. We would say, “They parallel” so we must write or say, “…my education, experience, and training closely parallel your needs.”
Example: If he or she needs/need me, I will be in the other room.
Answer: In this sentence, he and she however, they are connected by or so we use the singular verb needs.
1. When he and Jenny walks/walk to work, they hold hands.
2. They leaves/leave at the end of the year for a month-long vacation.
3. Her dog, cat, and chicken gets/get along well together.
4. When he gets/get angry, his face turns red.
5. She goes/go away every August.
Pop Quiz Answers
1. When he and Jenny walk to work, they hold hands.
2. They leave at the end of the year for a month-long vacation.
3. Her dog, cat, and chicken get along well together.
4. When he gets angry, his face turns red.
5. She goes away every August.
Posted on Saturday, April 14, 2007, at 8:44 pm
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Top Five Grammar Blog Posts2009年7月全国高等教育自学考试英语语法试题-自学考试-青年人
来源:青年人()& 14:40:49 & 【青年人:中国教育考试第一门户】
二、填空题(本大题共28小题,共36分)Section A Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group.(共8小题,每小题2分,共16分) 21. has made, have made, makes, are, it's, they'reThe family _______ up their minds that _______ going to travel.22. a, a, the, the, any, allSingleton is _______ quiet village near Chicgester. The village has _______ population of a few hundred people.23. arranges, is arranged, has arranged, forget, have forgotten, have been forgottenThe list _______ alphabetically and nothing seems to _________.24. is, was, were, has, will have, would have_______ it to rain tomorrow, the opening ceremony _______ to be postponed.25. even though, as though, although, understand, understood, understandingWhenever the professor explained something, she kept smiling and nodding her head from time to time _______ _______ every word of his lecture.26. which, what, told, he told, was told, which was toldThere was one thing _______ me _______ I don't believe.27. is, are, to be, which, that, what_______ he said and thought _______ none of your concern.28. when, what, who, any, either, otherI don't know _______ I should choose. _______ way I'll lose a good manager.
Section B Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets. Make changes where necessary. ( 共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)29. That may be your lost car,_______ (it)?30. _______ (fast) you are running!31. No one will fail to marvel at the_______ (snow) of the Himalayas.32. She would work twelve hours a day all _______ (years) when she was at Cambridge.33. Would you mind going to the_______ (chemist) for me?34. I'm afraid you_______ (have) to be responsible for everything you do after you' re eighteen.35. John_______ (resemble) his father more and more as he grows older.36. I _______ (finish) the novel last night, but I was just too tired.37. Two bags which_______ (go) to Rome were at this moment being loaded aboard a flight to Milwaukee.38. I'm sorry, she's not here. She_______ (leave) already.39. I don't mind working late at night, but I can't stand_______ (get) up early in the morning.40. Would you speak louder so as to make yourself_______ (hear)?41. Is your mother any_______ (relaxed) after an hour's rest?42. This is by far_______ (good school) in the region.43. This coach doesn't go to Beijing. You will have to change_______ (Nanjing).44. The authority to call an emergency meeting_______ (rest) the president.45. The project_______ (which) they have been working for two years is a total failure.46. To eat to live and to live to eat_______ (constitute) two different attitudes toward life.47.In 1941 America assumed_______ (role) as a world power.48. - Haven't we met before?- I _______ (not think).
三、改错题(本大题共l 2小题,每小题1分,共12分)Correct the errors in the following sentences.49. We have got enough time to read such many novels.50. —Why have you set your alarm clock to go off at 5:30?—Because I will get up then. I've got a lot to do.51. Although best known for her prose works, Maya Angelou was also published several collections of poetry.52. Yesterday he got so drunk, but he could find the front door.53. When heated, the metal expands, and if been cooled, it will contract.54. His illness may well be thanks to malnutrition.55. Marge walked away otherwise, she might say something she would regret later.56. Why doesn't she buy us a drink? It isn't as although she had no money.57. They can choose their own jobs, that I can not.58. That human beings live in great numbers, the rivers are very likely to become polluted.59. The girl who came late danced prettily well.60. We have received your estimate for the alterations you propose but have decided that it would be too high.
四、改句题(本大题共1 2小题,每小题2分,共24分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.61. Reinforcing the negation:These goods are not satisfactory.62. Using a question tag:I don't suppose that he is serious.63. Using a non-finite verb form:Please advise me which I should choose.64. Combining two sentences using a condition-adjunct:The weather keeps fine. I see no reason why the village fete should not be a success.65. Using a relative clause:Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, has 11 satellites.66. Combining two sentences using a preference-adjunct:He did not ask for help. He decided to work it out on his own.67. Combining two sentences using a contrast-adjunct:We live in poverty. Our neighbours have money to burn.68. Using a non-finite clause as subject:It is difficult to study English well within 2 years.69. Using extraposition:To drive without a license is illegal.70. Using discontinuity:The days when he could boss me around are gone.71. Using fronting:He threatened to take his revenge on his father's murderer, and he will take the revenge.72. Using an appropriate cohesive device:I inherited some skills from my mother. Those skills have been put to the rest.
五、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题4分,共8分)Answer the following questions.73. Why can some non-progressive verbs be used in the progressive form?74. Under what circumstances do we use singular verb with a collective noun denoting animate beings as subject?&&&[2]&
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