
·英语大赢家下册 ·英语初级口语 ·英语中级口语 ·英语高级口语 ·学英文不用背句型A ·学英文不用背句型B ·北美人就这么说 ·外贸英语口语 ·交际英语热门话题47个 ·时尚英语话题 ·听讲美国口语 ·游戏学英文男女速配篇 ·学校不教的口语 ·好莱坞电影口语模仿秀 ·生活英语基础版生存手册 ·生活英语提高版生存手册 ·商务英语提高版生存手册 ·流利的英语(Fluent English) ·动态英语新 ·研究生英语听说教程 ·英语口语1+1 ·英语九百句英音版 ·乐宁外教口语天天练 ·初级公司英语会话 ·逆向式英语口语 ·零距离美语会话 ·听英语背句型 ·美语咖啡屋 ·戴尔英语红宝书 ·留学美国口语 ·胡敏练口语记单词四级 ·胡敏练口语记单词六级 ·美语语音训练 ·英语口语999句 ·突破口语 ·ABC潘玮柏教学地道日常口语 ·笨小孩学口语 ·生活美语2 ·标准美国英语正音训练附字幕 ·美国常用口俚语附字幕 ·掌握新美语会话核心附字幕 ·新英语交谈译注版附字幕 ·挑战地道美国英语附字幕 ·轻松美语会话口袋丛书附字幕 ·轻松美语会话超级100附字幕 ·美国英语听力80篇1附字幕 ·美国英语听力80篇2附字幕 ·美国英语听力80篇3附字幕 ·美国英语听力80篇4附字幕 ·轻松美语会话第1辑附字幕 ·轻松美语会话第2辑附字幕 ·轻松美语会话第3辑附字幕 ·轻松美语会话闪电速成A ·轻松美语会话闪电速成B ·IBM总裁英语演讲附字幕 ·常用英语口语短句745附字幕 ·初级英语口语教程附字幕 ·从ABC到流利英语口语附字幕 ·国际英语演讲高手附字幕 ·海外求助英语会话附字幕 ·情景对话学英语附字幕 ·深圳基本英语100句附字幕 ·实用英语口语附字幕 ·随身应急英语会话附字幕 ·学校不教的英语口语附字幕 ·一口气说英语附字幕 ·英语口语初级1附字幕 ·英语口语初级2附字幕 ·英语口语初级3附字幕 ·英语会话800句附字幕 ·英语演讲比赛附字幕 ·英语口语流行口语1-20课附字幕 ·英语口语流行口语21-40课附字幕 ·英语口语流行口语41-60课附字幕 ·英语口语流行口语61-80课附字幕 ·英语口语流行口语81-100课附字幕 ·60堂英语口语必修课 ·听力每日练习 ·从ABC到流利口语 ·实用英语口语 ·越说越地道英语 ·英语口语每天说上半小时 ·英语句型学口语 ·新时代情景英语口语100主题 ·出国实用会话 ·英语口语8000句 ·电话英语交谈 ·七田真超右脑英语学习法 ·谈判英语一日通 ·英语口语红宝书 ·早读英语精华本基础篇 ·英语口语王 想说就想(一) ·英语口语王 想说就想(二) ·英语口语王 想说就想(三) ·英语口语王 想说就想(四) ·4+1听力口语语音 ·4+1听力口语思维 ·4+1听力口语句型 ·4+1听力口语词汇 ·各种交流的多种表达方式 ·美语听力与发音技巧
扫描下载二维码英语口语考试 求口语对话材料中职校英语 英语口语 两门课都需要考口语 希望有人能提供对话 (尽量简单点 初中左右的就行 基础实在是不行)英语 要求 两人一组 对话涉及了 喜欢什么类型的音乐,介绍家庭以及邀请对方(比如打篮球,看电影之类的)最少20句 A:B:这样的 英语口语 要求三人一组 话题没有限制 但是要有简单的剧情 30句左右A:B:C:这样
第一个:英语 要求 两人一组 对话涉及了 喜欢什么类型的音乐,介绍家庭以及邀请对方(比如打篮球,看电影之类的)A: Hi B, how are you today?B: I'm fine, Thanks! How was your weekend? I heard your parents took you to a concert?A: Yes, it was a lot of fun!B: What kind of concert was it?A: Pop music. (?这个你自由发挥了)B: What band was it?A: XXX. It is my favourite band. My parents love it, too!B: Oh, I like that band as well. I'm surprised that your parents like it. Most of young people like that type of music.A: My parents introduced me to that band, actually.B: I wish my parents are like yours. They like YYY music. I hate those.A: Well, they will come again next year. Would you like to go with me?B: Certainly! You need to let me know when and where.A: Sounds good!(20句有木有?都看懂了有木有?)第二个:英语口语 要求三人一组 话题没有限制 但是要有简单的剧情 (车祸现场)A: Oh my god, what happened! (被撞者)B: Why didn't you move? You were so slow! I can't stop that fast! (撞人者)C: What's going on here? (警察叔叔)B: (指A)This person was stupid. He/she stopped suddenly and I cant stop fast enough.A: I did not! The person in front of me stopped so quick, I tried my best to not to hit that person.B: But you hit me!C: Clam down. There is actually a camera here. Let's go to the police station and take a look at the video.(看完录像后)C: So...looks like someone drove too fast (看B).B: I was in a hurry. I needed to go to a meeting but now I missed it. My boss is going to fire me. And it's all A's fault!A: We all saw in the video, you were the problem, not me!C: B, I'm afraid you have to miss the meeting even longer. I would like to have a conversation with you. And you will pay for A's car fix.B: This is not fair!A: You need to follow the law.C: I agree with A. If you don't agree to fix A's car, you can find a lawyer. However, you will likely to lose.B: Alright, I will pay for the accident.
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或求一个3人英语口语对话要 期末考试 问复习情况 之类的
扫描下载二维码大学英语口语考试 关于best friends方面,自己一个人说2分钟左右,不要对话的
简单的My best friendI have a best friend,her name is Lily.We spend the hole day together.At school,we always take care of each other.In the class,we learn from each other and help each other.She is good at study,so she works hard.On the weekends,we often go to the libray to borrow some books on study or some books that we like to read.
I hope we are friends forever.这个有点技术含量,不过可以的高分!有些大学四级词汇,老师青睐!还不是太难.A good friend can teach you a lot and he is a such a friend who has a great influence on me.He is not only short, but also very fat. The round face wears smile all the time.A sweet mouth always makes people laugh. He is a blazing sun, driving sadness away, bringing warm to me. He is my deskmate who often makes me happy and gradually he turns to be my best friend.He gets through a lot of hardship on the way of growing up, but he is not the kind of person who gets upset easily. The bright smile on his face proves this. I think what I learn most from him is to maintain a positive attitude towards life. What's more, he encourages me to be brave enough to conquer difficulties. Supported by him, I'm always full of confidence to do anything.He is a sincere friend to me and I am very lucky to have such an optimistic and energetic friend希望你考试成功!


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