求好心的网友帮助翻译成英文,万分一封感谢信 好心人

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In rock music there is a distinct and almost overwhelming
beat. No single beat is characteristic of the music today. but
each song has an easily recognizable rhythm. As you listen to
a song,your foot usually starts to pick up the beat. Before
long,your entire body seems to be moving with it. Your head
pounds with the beat,and there is no room for thought. Only
the surge of the music is important. In its own way,rock music
is as dominant as the rock Gibraltar. Its message ia an
evergrowing emotional one.
涌澎湃的音乐是最重要的。In its own way,rock music is as
dominant as the rock Gibraltar. Its message ia an evergrowing
emotional one.(最后两句我实在翻译不出来)。
&&In rock music there is a distinct and almost overwhelming beat
distinct --- 明显的。我不大把distinct翻译成‘独特的’。独特的, 应该用来表示只有这个东西有这些特征,而其他东西没有。
almost overwhelming --- 翻译成‘几乎是强烈的’好一点吧?&&什么叫‘势不可挡的节拍’?
beat-- 这个翻译得请懂音乐的人帮忙了。 我感觉可以叫‘拍子’。而rhythm可以看做‘旋律’。
As you listen to a song,your foot usually starts to pick up the beat.
listen to ---这个是‘听’,不是‘唱’。
pick up the beat --- 我不确定。 读起来像是‘你的脚开始捡起那拍子’。 大概就是随之而舞的意思,应该不是‘加快节奏’。
In its own way,rock music is as dominant as the rock Gibraltar. Its message ia anevergrowing emotional one.
dominant --- 我一般把这个词翻译成‘牛X’。
rock Gibraltar -- 这个网上我查了下, 这是一真‘rock’。 在离英国西班牙不远的一片海域上。 似乎在地理上很重要,很牛X。
最后那句话, 我也不敢翻译。 看别人的吧。
In rock music there is a distinct and almost overwhelming beat.
No single beat is characteristic of the music today,but each song has an easily recognizable rhythm.
As you listen to a song, your foot usually starts to pick up the beat.
Before long, your entire body seems to be moving with it.
Your head pounds with the beat,
and there is no room for thought. Only the surge of the music is important.
In its own way, rock music is as dominant as the rock Gibraltar.
-- 改“节奏分明”为“节奏鲜明”。
In rock music there is a distinct and almost overwhelming beat.
No single beat is characteristic of the music today,but each song has an easily recognizable rhythm.
As you listen to a song, your foot usually starts to pick up the beat.
Before long, your entire body seems to be moving with it.
Your head pounds with the beat,
and there is no room for thought. Only the surge of the music is important.
In its own way, rock music is as dominant as the rock Gibraltar.
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planning, the National Putonghua-secondary-level test. Served as editor of the student union for the United States, personnelWork experience September 2007 to July 2008, management. Can exchange Cantonese and Spanish adhere to the self-study, Shanghai Normal University summer school class love (supervision of trainees, Shanghai Normal University College of Humanities Career Center. As a Department of Chinese graduates, Shanghai Normal University College of Humanities student editorial board f......
熟悉Photoshop等图像软件,曾在报社当过实习编辑。 热爱语言学习, Shanghai Normal University summer school class love (supervision of trainees, answers to students on employment law , to participate actively in the work of the school。从中提高了各方面的能力, independent written review of various articles and editorial layout into a publication, editing, layout Museum of Art exhibition hall, the management of day-to-day affairs)
school year awards scholarships to third-class professional Certificate of CET-6,独立撰写, the Nat......
September 2007 to July 2008, Shanghai Normal University College of Humanities Career Center, employment assistance (to assist the work of all kinds) September 2007 to July 2008, Shanghai Normal University, the Department of Employment Association for the Advancement of editing editor-in-chief (text mining, editors and reviewers) From September 2006 to July 2007, Shanghai Normal University College of Humanities student editorial board for the United States (the cover design and layout) From Se......
07-06 01:34请英语高手帮忙翻译一下 万分感谢! 不要翻译器翻译的 再次感谢! 明天要用,希望好心人帮帮忙 谢谢谢谢!我们的宿舍住着八个人.我们在一起生活了两年多,所以亲如一家人.我们按年龄的长幼互称姐妹.大姐 二姐和三姐都来自蔬菜之乡---寿光市.四姐来自美丽的日照市.五姐和六姐来自海滨城市青岛.而我排行第七,来自内蒙古.八妹的家最远,在新疆.大姐和四姐有一个共同爱好就是看小说.而我们其他人则比较喜欢逛街看电影.五姐是我们的榜样,她的成绩在班里都是名列前茅的.我们天南地北聚在一起真是一种缘分.虽然生活中总会有一些小矛盾,但我们相处的很融洽.还有一年多就要分离了,我们都很珍惜在一起的快乐时光.这是我想写的一篇作文
希望语句连贯 能有一些漂亮的句子就更好了万分感激!!
Our dormitory lived eight people.We lived together for more than two years,so came.We according to the age of claimed his sister.Elder sister second sister and third sister from vegetable township - ShouGuangShi.Sis there from beautiful rizhao city.Five elder sister and six elder sister from coastal city of Qingdao.And I,7th out from Inner Mongolia.Eight younger sister's house farthest,in xinjiang.Elder sister and sis there have a common hobby is reading a novel.And we others prefer shopping watching movies.Five elder sister is our example,her grades in the class are second to none.We kill together is a kind of predestination.Although life there are always a few small contradictions,but we get along very well.More than one year will be separated,we all cherish good times together.
写的更像一片好的英语作文 如果您没有时间就算了
We lived in eight quarters. We lived together for more than two years, so close as a family man. We called each other according to seniority of age and sisters. Third Sister Sister and sister are from...
There are eight people in my dorm .We have lived together for more than two years,so we are just like families.According to our age,we call each other sisters.The first , second and third
sisters are...
We lived in eight quarters. We lived together for more than two years, so close as a family man. We called each other according to seniority of age and sisters. Third Sister Sister and sister are from...
There are eight people in my dormitory with
whom we've lived more than two years, so we feel like a family. We address eath other as sisters in order of age.
The first and second as well as third el...
求大神把下面一段翻译成英文 勿机翻 万分感谢??
求大神把下面一段翻译成英文,不要机翻 万分感谢.................................................................一直以来《堂吉诃德》鲜明的喜剧特征都是人们关注的焦点。喜剧通常是反讽的存在,但是于我而言有二者却是例外――其一是莎士比亚用喜剧“歌颂”,歌颂青春、爱情、友谊等人世间美好之物,让人充满向往;另一个则是塞万提斯的《堂吉诃德》,运用反讽手法,但却呈现出一种“含泪的笑”①,不同于任何其它反讽的笔调,情感上不是蔑视,而是基于一种同情甚至是赞美。如果要用一个词概括堂吉诃德,我想只能用“高尚”来形容了,的确他存在许多不切实际的空想和行为,但人类不正是需要这种理想主义来滋养吗?当下的为利主义正缺少那种对自由和理想主义的神往。
本人有一直接下属,平时做事很认真负责,很有上进心,但因入厂时机不是很好,进来后的工资比较低,现到年底想给他调整一下薪资,但此事要美国上司点头才行,所以想请好心的网友能够帮忙我把以下内容翻译成英文,好圆我帮他调薪的愿望,在此我及他向各位表示万分感谢调薪申请书尊敬的领导:您好!本部门员工世伟从2009年加入公司已来,在提高个人工作技术经验的同时,一直认认真真、兢兢业业地对待部门安排的每项工作。基于以下几点我希望能够考虑给予调整其薪资:1. 随着公司的珐胆粹感诔啡达拾惮浆发展和部门组织结构的调整,他本人的个人的能力也在不断的提升和进步,同时工作职责范围和工作量也在相应地增加、工作强度不断加大。从过去负责测试房流量的日常工作,增加了测试员的考核,拉线品质异常的跟进.2. 具有很强的动手能力和分析水平,在处理拉线品质问题时,能够以一个工程师的工作来要求自己,积极动手去验证,提出自己的观点和依据,常常为问题的分析与解决做出很有建设性的贡献,深得公司同事们的肯定,是一个值得培养和提升的员工;3. 具有较强的团队管理能力。保质及时的完成部门安排的任务外,能够协助上司对IPQC技术员进行管理,培训和日常的工作安排,有力的推动了IPQC部门工作的开展;4. 过往良好的业绩表现。所负责的测试房机架调校,在未增加新的人员的情况下,保质完成了IPQC测试房设备的日常调校与点检。同时来在生产部测试房人员流动性很大的不利条件下,出色的完成了对生产线测试员的考核工作。5. 好学进取,在完成本职工作外,努力学习相关知识,如流量计新软件的运用,测试采集数据的分析处理,以及协助工程师完成相关实验;同时我们所处的城市是一个正以惊人的速度向前发展的城市,无论是经济还是消费水平在全国都是名列前茅,而且目前的社会经济和物价已呈通货膨胀的趋势,薪酬是衡量工作价值的标准之一。从某种程度上说,一份好的薪资给员工带来的是强大的激励,也带动了工作积极性。我相信对于有一定能力和执行力的员工,老板是不会吝啬的,使之工作得到肯定与回报,安心为企业服务。鉴于以上因素,为了能更好地为公司效力,也为了使自身能得到更好的发展,特此向您提出加薪申请我诚恳地希望您能提出宝贵的意见或建议,让他在提升自己能力的同时将工作做的更好,向更高的目标迈进。
Dear leaders:Hello! The department's staff joined Swagelok Company in 2009, the technical experience to improve individual work at the same time, have been earnest, hard to deal with each department working arrangements. Based on the following I want to be able to adjust their salary be given to:1 With the company's development and sectoral adjustment of organizational structure, his own personal ability are also constantly upgrading and progress, while also working terms of reference and a corresponding increase in workload, work intensity increasing. The test room from the past is responsible for the daily work flow, increasing the testers assessment, follow-up pull-quality anomalies.(2) has a strong ability and level of analysis, quality problems in dealing with cable, an engineer can work to their own requirements, to verify an active hands-on, put forward their views and the basis for the analysis of the problem is often made with solutions constructive contribution to the company won t珐胆粹感诔啡达拾惮浆he recognition of my colleagues, is a worthy training an3 has a strong team management skills. Arrangements for timely completion of the durability department the task, the technician can help supervisors IPQC management, training and daily work, a strong impetus to carry out the work IPQC4 good past performance. The chassis tuning is responsible for the testing room, without adding new staff in the case, shelf-life test room equipment to complete the IPQC daily calibration check with the point. Production test at the same time to house personnel are highly mobile and under adverse conditions, excellent complete production line testers of the assessment work.5 studious spirit, in the completion of their work, to study the relevant knowledge, such as the use of new software meter, test analysis of the data collection process and to help engineers compAt the same time we live in the city is a positive move forward at an alarming rate of the city, whether economic or consumption levels are among the best in the country, and the current socio-economic and price has shown a trend of inflation, pay is a measure of the value of work one of the criteria. To some extent, a good salary to employees is a strong incentive, but to the enthusiasm for work. I believe that there is a certain capacity and execution of the employees, the boss is not stingy, so be sure and reward work, peace of mind for business services.In view of the above factors, in order to better effect for the company, and to make their own to get better development, hereby apply to you a raiseI sincerely hope you can offer suggestions or recommendations, let him be to upgrade their skills at the same time do a better job, to a higher goal.
Dear leaders, (To Whom It May Concern)
Hello! My department's staff
Shiwei joined our company in 2009, he improved his technical experience and individual work, in the mean time, he has been earnest and conscientious treatment sectors of each work arrangement. Based on the following I want to be able to adjust his salary be given to:
1 With the company's development and sectoral adjustment of organizational structure, his own personal ability are also constantly upgrading and progress, while also working terms of reference and a corresponding increase in workload, work intensity increasing. The test room from the past is responsible for the daily ...
1. 随着公司的发展和部门组织结构的调整,他本人的个人的能力也在不断的提升和进步,同时工作职责范围和工作量也在相应地增加、工作强度不断加大。从过去负责测试房流量的日常工作,增加了测试员的考核,拉线品质异常的跟进.
2. 具有很强的动手能力和分析水平,在处理拉线品质问题时,能够以一个工程师的工作来要求自己,积极动手去验证,提出自己的观点和依据,常常为问题的分析与解决做出很有建设性的贡献,深得公司同事们的肯定,是一个值得培养和提升的员工;
3. 具有较强的团队管理能力。保质及时的完成部门安...


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