i ()()()()do thecoin laundry 歌词不久之后 我将会洗衣服

do laundry - 必应 词典网络洗衣服;洗衣服的英文是1.洗衣服英汉,互译。 翻译英语短语_百度知道 ... 14.退学 drop out 15.洗衣服 do laundry 1.结束,告终 end ... |2.洗衣服的英文是在北美所谓的水洗都是在家里用洗衣机洗, 这种洗衣服的英文是 (Do laundry), 没有洗衣机的人可以将衣服拿到 Laundry Mat 这种地方丢...|例句释义:全部,洗衣服,洗衣服的英文是类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.
with the ,
few 2. face
, a perfect
to do 6.All
of 必应词典应用准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典万用的Do(2)_生活英语情景对话_VOA英语网
1. He is doing his masters degree in Madison.
他正在 Madison 攻读硕士学位。
&攻读&某一个学位最正式的用法是 pursue 这个词。比如你可以说:I will definitely pursue my Ph.D. after I graduate.(我毕业后肯定是要继续攻读博士学位的。)但是中的讲法,do 要远比 pursue 来得容易地多了。比如:I am doing my masters degree in Chemical Engineering.(我正在攻读化学工程硕士学位。)
2. Let's do Rachel.
轮到 Rachel 了。
这句话是我从Friends中学来的。一群人在玩猜别人小秘密的游戏,而下一个轮到猜 Rachel 的秘密,这时你要怎么说?你可以说&It's Rachel's turn.&不过比较地道的说法应该是&Let's do Rachel!&在这里 do someone 有谈论某人、猜他的秘密等等多重意思在内。当然要注意,do someone还有其他的意思,我们这里所讲的用法都是在特定的语境下的解释。
3. We like to do our laundry on Sunday.
也许很多人都知道 do the laundry 就是洗衣服,但是可能不知道 do 这个词还有&清洁&的意思。比方说&Let me help you do the dishes after dinner.&这里的 do the dishes 就是&洗碗盘&的意思。所以下次如果当你再听到老美说&Let's do the kitchen before we move out.&时,你就不会觉得太惊讶,因为这里的 do the kitchen 就是 clean the kitchen。当然了,do the kitchen 也可能意味是 cleaning, remodeling, painting, tearing down the kitchen,具体的意思还要根据情景来决定。由此也可见,do是一个多么灵活的词。
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laundry是什么意思 laundry在线翻译 laundry什么意思 laundry的意思 laundry的翻译 laundry的解释 laundry的发音 laundry的同义词 laundry的反义词
laundry英 ['l?:ndri] 美 ['l?ndri, 'lɑn-] 第三人称复数:laundry 基本解释名词洗衣店,洗衣房; 洗好的衣服; 待洗的衣服; 洗熨laundry 相关例句名词1. Has the laundry come back yet?&&&&送洗的衣服送回来了吗?laundry 情景对话问询A:Is (breakfast/ tip/ laundry service) included?&&&&&&包括(早餐/小费/洗衣服务)吗?B:No.&&&&&&不包括。洗衣服务A:What are your rates of laundry service?&&&&&&洗衣服务怎么收费?\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCDB:There's a rate chart in your folder in the dresser drawer, sir.&&&&&&在您的梳妆台抽屉里有价格表,先生。A:I see. Well, would you please send someone to Room 528 to pick up some laundry for me?&&&&&&我知道了。请派人来528房间好吗?我有衣服要洗。B:Yes, sir. I'll send someone immediately.&&&&&&好的,先生。我立即派人去。 ……A:I'd like to have these clothes washed.&&&&&&我想把这些衣服洗一下。danci.911cha.comB:Could you please fill out the laundry form?&&&&&&请填一下这张洗衣表好吗?A:OK. By the way, I'd like my silk shirt to be handwashed. Please use cold water, then it doesn't shrink.&&&&&&好的。我希望我的丝绸衬衣用手洗。请用冷水。那样它就不会缩水了。B:By hand in cold water. I see.&&&&&&手洗,用冷水。我明白。A:I need them to be washed right away. Can you have them finished by tomorrow morning?&&&&&&我需要快点洗出来。明天早晨怎么样?B:Sorry, it won't be possible. It's already 10 o'clock. I'm afraid it's too late for today's laundry.Tomorrow afternoon is the soonest.&&&&&&对不起,这不可能。现在已经10点了。恐怕赶不上今天的洗衣时间了。最快也得明天下午。A:Oh, no! I have a date at 11:00 tomorrow.&&&&&&我的天!我明天11点有个约会。laundryB:We have a special three-hour service. We will deliver it within 3 hours, but it is 35% extra charge.&&&&&&我们有一个3小时特殊服务。3个小时内我们能将洗好的衣服给您送去,不过要加收35%的费用。A:I guess that will have to do.&&&&&&好象也没有什么其他好办法了。laundry 网络解释1. laundry的反义词1. 洗衣:薰衣草还可以用于个人沐浴和清洗衣服,英文的洗衣(Laundry)这个字也是从拉丁文的清洗而来. 薰衣草原产于地中海沿岸. 借由罗马人的协助,逐渐在英国和欧洲北方的其他土地上繁殖,进而蔓延到全欧洲.
薰衣草可以用来治疗严重烧伤和外伤,2. 2. 洗衣服务:我又提出洗衣服务(laundry),前台称20000越南盾/公斤,然后拿我们的脏衣服称了下,正好1公斤(越南酒店普遍提供洗衣服务,基本都是1-1.5美金/公斤,我每天都让他们洗,也就1-2公斤,洗的也很干净).laundry 双语例句1. 1. These are my many years of experience in laundry, for your reference, help you to be able to wash quickly and material saving in net again!&&&&答:不起作用,或单独的酒吧!又如你用肥皂和摩擦的地方脏看,然后在洗衣粉什么效果会更好浸泡。2. When melted Ice cream rises up from a flat bottom ice cream bowl it would easily spill over. Then all hell let loose. A pleasant experience becomes a laundry time nightmare.&&&&眼看它消失后流淌在平坦的碗底波动,偶尔一不小心,还会洒上书本,染上一片地毯,让原本幸福悠闲时刻,变成手忙脚乱的开始,究竟如何才能优雅地享用美味的ice cream?3. 3. You have time to do your laundry, freedom to play your favorite bad music really loudly.&&&&你有空去洗衣服,可以自由地把你最喜欢的音乐开得震天嘎响。4. In advanced countries it seems that doing the laundry is meant to be fun.&&&&洗衣服这回事,在先进国家,应该是一件乐事吧!5. For years I dreamed of having the sort of massive oak slab that would dominate a room no more child`s desk in a trailer laundry-closet, no more cramped kneehole in a rented house.&&&&多年前,我一直梦想有张橡木书桌,而且要大到可以占据整个房间,房间除了书桌,不再摆设其他的家具。6. 6. I see. Well, would you please send someone to Room 604 to pick up some laundry for me?&&&&我知道了,哦,请派人到604房帮我收拾一些送洗的衣服好吗?7. 7. We like to do our laundry on sundy.&&&&我们喜欢星期天洗衣服。8. 8. How bad will he be in 10 years when, on top of cooking, cleaning, and laundry to do, you still have homework to supervise and Halloween costumes to make?&&&&如何不好,可他在10年时,除了做饭,打扫卫生,洗衣,做你还有功课,以监督和万圣节服饰作?9. Every time we have a dormitory laundry, all the racks dormitory will be looking past - is too many clothes, so in our bedroom, laundry is a mutually exclusive events, while two people can not wash.&&&&每次我们寝室有一个人洗衣服,全寝室的衣架都会被搜罗过去——衣服实在是太多了,所以在我们寝室,洗衣服是一个互斥事件,不可能两个人同时洗。10. Pretreat stains if there are any, and wash with a gentle laundry soap meant for baby.&&&&预处理污渍,如果有任何,洗一个温和的洗衣皂的意思为婴儿。11. In addition, all projects are small units advertised their hotel-style management and perfect service facilities, in fact, constitute a single induction cooker kitchen simply can not meet the most basic living needs, so spend reservation, money laundry, etc. become small units of life must be.&&&&&&此外,所有项目都是小单位宣传其酒店式管理和完善的服务设施,实际上构成一个单一的电磁炉厨房根本无法满足最基本的生活需要,因此花费的保留,洗钱等成为小单位必须的生活。12. Leonard slips a small paper-wrapped package out of the laundry bag, hides it under his apron, and keeps sorting...&&&&&&兰纳德偷偷地从装着脏衣物的袋子里拿出一个纸裹着的包,藏到了他的围裙下面,然后继续分捡衣物。13. laundry的意思13. She had been up to her ears doing laundry all day long.&&&&&&她已经洗了一整天的衣服了。14. I know it's her laundry day...&&&&&&她不爽是因为我知道15. Cooking and laundry for you every day, it is the most worthy of your life Sishou people ah.&&&&&&每天为你煮饭洗衣的人,那才是最值得你厮守一生的人啊。16. 16. I do the dishes every day, but I don't do the laundry every day.&&&&&&我每天洗碗,但是我没有每天洗衣服。17. 911查询·英语单词17. I have to do the laundry every day and it takes me at least two hours out there each time.&&&&&&我每天都要洗衣服,每次都得在洗衣房呆上至少两个小时。18. 18. Air is humid, laundry day, do not.&&&&&&空气是潮湿的,洗的衣服当天干不了。19. laundry19. He does the laundry himself every day.&&&&&&他每天自己洗衣服。20. 20. Uncle and aunt launched a laundry with the blunt hunter.&&&&&&伯伯和伯母与坦直的猎人开办了一家洗衣店。laundry 词典解释1. 将要(或正在)洗的衣物;刚洗好的衣物&&&&Laundry is used to refer to clothes, sheets, and towels that are about to be washed, are being washed, or have just been washed.laundry在线翻译&&&&e.g. I'll do your laundry...&&&&&&&&&&&我来帮你洗衣服。&&&&e.g. ...the room where I hang the laundry...&&&&&&&&&&&我晾挂衣服的房间2. 洗衣公司;洗衣店&&&&A laundry is a firm that washes and irons clothes, sheets, and towels for people.&&&&e.g. We had to have the washing done at the laundry.&&&&&&&&&&&我们得把衣服拿到洗衣店去洗。3. 洗衣间;洗衣房&&&&A laundry or a laundry room is a room in a house, hotel, or institution where clothes, sheets, and towels are washed.&&&&e.g. He worked in the laundry at Oxford prison.&&&&&&&&&&&他在牛津监狱的洗衣房工作。4. to wash your dirty laundry in public -> see laundry 单语例句1. Another included topic is to reinforce the combat against money laundry related to drug trafficking and avoid by all means the financing to terrorism.2. I've spoken to Time Warner about whether their coaxial and fiber optic cable can be restrung laterally across the courtyard for laundry drying.3. Hadley played down the memo as simply a laundry list of ideas rather than a call for a new course of action.4. In addition to helping her clean the house and do the laundry, the young woman buys Li food and has helped pay her medical bills.5. Every day attendants clean his room, bring him meals and do his laundry.6. Real boatmen were so comfortable with their skins they would not cover up even when passing a village with women doing laundry by the river.7. Ice cream and laundry detergent prices rose as much as 8 percent in the quarter, while ice cream volumes fell in Europe.8. Unilever's shampoo, skincare and laundry detergent products held 12 percent to 15 percent of domestic market share.9. And three of the top four laundry detergent producers have been acquired by foreign companies.10. A shopper reaches for Procter & Gamble Co Tide brand laundry detergent at a supermarket in New York.laundry的意思laundry 英英释义noun1. workplace where clothes are washed and ironed2. garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering&&&&Synonym: laundry是什么意思,laundry在线翻译,laundry什么意思,laundry的意思,laundry的翻译,laundry的解释,laundry的发音,laundry的同义词,laundry的反义词,laundry的例句,laundry的相关词组,laundry意思是什么,laundry怎么翻译,单词laundry是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 暮光之城o暮色 第192期:第十二章 平衡(8)
I changed the subject. &What time will I see you tomorrow?& I asked, already depressed by thethought of him leaving now.
&That depends& it's a Saturday, don't you want to sleep in?& he offered.
&No,& I answered too fast. He restrained a smile.
&The same time as usual, then,& he decided. &Will Charlie be there?&
&No, he's fishing tomorrow.& I beamed at the memory of how conveniently things had workedout.
His voice turned sharp. &And if you don't come home, what will he think?&
&I have no idea,& I answered coolly. &He knows I've been meaning to do the laundry. Maybe he'llthink I fell in the washer.&
He scowled at me and I scowled back. His anger was much more impressive than mine.
&What are you hunting tonight?& I asked when I was sure I had lost the glowering contest.
&Whatever we find in the park. We aren't going far.& He seemed bemused by my casualreference to his secret realities.
&Why are you going with Alice?& I wondered.
&Alice is the most& supportive.& He frowned as he spoke.
&And the others?& I asked timidly. &What are they?&
His brow puckered for a brief moment. &Incredulous, for the most part.&
I peeked quickly behind me at his family. They sat staring off in different directions, exactly thesame as the first time I'd seen them. Onl their beautiful, bronze-hairedbrother sat across from me, his golden eyes troubled.
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