Mandarin Chinese口否理解为“普通话翻译成白话”?或是其他更贴切的翻译,谢谢!

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speaking mandarin chinese是什么意思
中文翻译讲普通话:&&&&adj. 1.发言的,交谈的,说话的。 2.栩栩如生的, ...:&&&&n. 中国柑橘(树) (=mandarin orange ...:&&&&adj. 中国(人)的;中国(话)的。 the Chin ...
例句与用法1.Summary : the listening comprehension questions that test your ability to understand spoken mandarin chinese are based on brief spoken dialogues and narratives primarily about every day topic总之,听力理解部分主要考查对日常生活中的口语问话或对话,以及陈述性或描述性的句子的理解。 2.He joined the u . s . foreign service in 1980 after graduating with a b . a . degree in english from the college of william and mary in williamsburg , virginia . he speaks mandarin chinese , korean and indonesian . mr . keith has received superior and meritorious honor awards from the department of state一九八零年他毕业于弗吉尼亚州威廉斯堡的威廉与玛丽学院,获得英文学士学位,之后,他加入美国外交界服务,他懂普通话、韩语及印尼语。
相邻词汇热门词汇Mandarin (普通话 / 汉语 / 国语 / 华语)
Mandarin is a variety of Chinese spoken mainly in China, Taiwan,
and Singapore by about 1.3 billion people. It is the main language of government,
the media and education in China and Taiwan, and one of the four official
languages in Singapore. Mandarin is also spoken in Malaysia, Indonesia,
Mongolia, Brunei, Thailand, the Philippines, Russia, the USA,
Vietnam, Laos, the UK and Mauritius.
Mandarin at a glance
Native names: 普通话 (pʰu˩˧ tʰɔŋ˥ hua˥˩); 汉语 (han˥˩ y˧˩˥); 國語 (kuɔ˩˥ y˧˩˥); 华语/華語 (hua˩˥ y˧˩˥)
Linguistic affliation: Sino-Tibetan, Sinitic, Chinese
Number of speakers: c. 1.3 billion
Spoken in: PRC, Taiwan, Singapore, and many other countries
First written: 12th century
Writing system: Chinese script (traditional and simplified versions)
Status: official language in the PRC and ROC, one of the official languages in Singapore
Mandarin is known as
(pŭtōnghu& - common language),
北京话 [北京話]
(bĕijīnghu& - Beijing language) or
汉语 [漢語]
(hànyŭ - Han language) in China,
(gu&yŭ - national language) in Taiwan, and
(hu&yŭ - Chinese language) in Singapore and Malaysia.
During the reign of the Jin () and Yuan () dynasties, a common
language, known as Old Mandarin began to emerge in northern China. It was used in
literature, along Classical/Literary Chinese, and written with either the Chinese
script, or the 'Phags-pa script.
Mandarin, in some form or another, has been used as the lingua franca in China
since the 14th century, particularly among officials. Until the middle of the 19th
century this lingua franca was based on Nanjing dialects, but since then northern
dialects, particularly the Beijing dialect, have risen to prominence.
The officials called their language 官话 [官話] (guānyŭ) or
"official language".
The word Mandarin comes from Portuguese mandarim,
from Malay menteri (minister), from Hindi मंत्री
(mantrī - secretary), from Sanskrit मन्त्रिन्
(mantrin - counselor, minster), and originally meant an official of the Chinese empire.
In the 1930s there was much dispute about which version of Mandarin to adopt
as the national language or gu&yǔ (国语 [國語]).
There were advocates for northern and southern dialects, and atempts to create
an artificial pronunciation. Eventually in 1932 the National Language Unification
Commission (国语推行委员会 [國語推行委員會]) decided to adopt
Beijing dialect. This became the official language of China. After the founding
of the People's Republic of China in 1949 it was renamed pǔtōnghu&
(普通话 [普通話]) or
"common speech".
Written Chinese is based on spoken Mandarin and is known as
汉语 [漢語] (hànyŭ) or 中文 (zhōngw&n). Speakers
of other varieties of Chinese have to learn the grammar and vocabulary
of Mandarin in order to read and write in Chinese.
Phonetic transcription systems for Mandarin
H&nyŭ Pīnyīn
The official romanization system used in China and in Western publications
about China is h&nyŭ pīnyīn (Chinese phonetic spelling)
or simply pīnyīn. It was developed in the Soviet Union in 1931
for use by Chinese immigrants living there. A slightly revised version
was adopted in China in 1958.
In China pīnyīn is used for road signs, maps, brand names, computer
input, Chinese Braille, telegrams, semaphore and for many other purposes.
It also appears in books for children and foreign learners of Chinese.
The United Nations and the International Standards Organisation (ISO)
both recognise pīnyīn as the standard romanization for Mandarin.
Pīnyīn uses all the letters of the Latin alphabet (except v) in the
following order:
a b c ch d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s sh t u w x y z zh
Bopomofo / Zh&yīn f&h&o
This system was devised by the Commission on the Unification of
Pronunciation (讀音統一會) between 1912 and
1913. It was adopted as the official transcription system for Mandarin in
China in 1928, though was abandoned in favour of H&nyŭ
Pīnyīn after 1949, and has been used in Taiwan since then.
Zh&yīn f&h&o, which is more popularly known
as bopomofo (after the names of the first 4 symbols), is used
in Taiwan in dictionaries, children's books, text books for foreigners
and some newspapers and magazines to show the pronunciation of characters.
It is also used to show the Taiwanese pronunciation of characters and to
write Taiwanese words for which no characters exist.
Bopomofo consists of 37 symbols derived from Chinese characters: 21
initials (consonants) and 16 finals (vowels, diphthongs, triphthongs
or vowels + n or ng). Finals can stand alone and some initials can as well.
When combined with characters, Bopomofo is usually written on the right
of each character.
The Wades-Giles romanization was devised by Thomas Francis Wade (),
a British ambassador in China and Chinese scholar who was the first
professor of Chinese at Cambridge University. Wade published the first
ever Chinese textbook in English in 1867. The system was refined in
1912 by Herbert Allen Giles (), a British diplomat in China.
Until 1998, Wade-Giles was the main romanization system used to represent
the sounds of Mandarin in Western publications. It is still used in
Taiwan for transliterating place names, street names and people's names.
However, as it is not taught in schools, few people know how to use
it properly. For example, in Wade-Giles Taipei should be written T'ai-Pei
or T'ai²-Pei³ (T&ibĕi in pīnyīn).
Without the apostophe, the t is pronounced like &d&.
In 1998 Taipei City government adopted a modified version of
to write the names of streets,
districts, etc, in Taipei City. In this new system, Taipei is written TaiBei.
The Wades-Giles system is still used elsewhere in Taiwan.
The Yale romanization system was developed by Yale University in the
1950s and 60s as an aid to teaching Mandarin and Cantonese to Americans.
Today it used mainly for romanizing ,
though it does appear in some Mandarin dictionaries and textbooks.
Gwoyeu Romatzyh
Gwoyeu Romatzyh was devised by the Committee for National Language
Romanization between 1926 and 1928, when it was adopted as the official
romanization system of Mandarin in China. It was first used in Gwoin
Charnyonq Tzyhuey (G&oyīn Ch&ngy&ng Z&hu&
- &Glossary of Frequently Used Chinese&) published in 1932.
Gwoyeu Romatzyh is still used in Mandarin textbooks published
by the Mandarin Daily News (Gwoyeu Ryhbaw) in Taipei. The Mandarin
Daily News is also the only Chinese newspaper I have come across which includes
transcriptions of characters.
Gwoyeu Romatzyh uses differences in spelling to indicate different
Palladius (Палла́дий)
The Palladius system for transcribing Chinese using the Cyrillic alphabet was devised
by Pyotr Ivanovich Kafarov (Пётр Ива́нович
Кафа́ров) (1817 &#), a Russian
sinologist and monk who spent 30 years in China with the Russian Orthodox Mission. Palladius
(Палла́дий), which was his monastic name,
published many manuscripts about China, and also compiled a Russian-Chinese dictionary.
Mandarin lessons and courses
A guide to the writing of Mandarin Chinese in romanization
Online Chinese Tools
Pinyin Joe's Chinese Computing Help Desk - information for typing hanzi and pinyin
Automatic transliteration of Cyrillic Chinese names into Pinyin
Learn Chinese from movies
Online Mandarin Chinese dictionaries
learn to read, write and pronounce Chinese characters
Available for
Transliteration Chinese into Cyrillic
Online radio and news in Mandarin
Omniglot Chinese - learn to read and write the hundred most commonly-used characters. Available for
is an eBook that helps language learners to successfully tackle the complexities of Chinese writing by showing them how to systematically break complicated characters down into simpler parts.


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