急求翻译日语,请能帮忙翻译一下这几张图上的退货 英文翻译原因,非常感谢!

でも!这是我们为他做的生日礼物すみません,Anisama in Shanghai的时候、约束よ。お苦労さまでした,中国永远欢迎你,无论多少次,所以,没有好好应援是我们的错!谢谢你一直那么照顾祥ちゃん,ごめね,非常感谢!まだね,麻烦你转交给他、大家真的很喜欢祥ちゃん
ようこそ中国へ、ごめんね!これは私たちが作った祥ちゃんのお诞生日プレゼントですすみません,Anisama in Shanghaiのとき!ずーと祥ちゃんの面倒を见てくれまして。でも、何回も、约束よ!まだね、たくさん応援してなかったのは、私たちのミスでした、ですから、みなさんは祥ちゃんのこと大好き、どうもありがとうございます、祥ちゃんに渡してもらえませんか、ご苦労さまでした
友情链接:  Sasol’s chemical activities are structured around the global focus areas of Polymers, Solvents and Waxes. The South African based nitrogen cluster of businesses comprising Ammonia, Explosives and Fertilisers complement the international operations.    These are supplemented by the Merisol phenolics, African Amines and Polymer joint ventures, which further extend our activities into Autralasia and North America.     The acquisition of the Condea Group has expanded our operational footprint globally in solvents and opened doors for geographic diversification.     All products are backed by world-leading technology and R&D resources.     Sustainable development is key to our entire operation. We are committed to Responsible Care&, a worldwide initiative by the chemical industry that strives to improve performance in safety, health and environment.     Our focus is on the manufacturing, refining and marketing of automotive and industrial fuels and oils, with a growing interest in gas.     Unique Fischer-Tropsch technologies backed by world leading R&D are fundamental to the invention of our processes and their development.     We operate the world’s only coal based synthetic fuels facility, producing liquefied petroleum gas from low grade coal.     Our automotive fuels which are marketed in South Africa are designed to advance performance. Both Sasol dualfuel™ and Sasol turbodiesel™ are breakthrough products in this country.     In industry, we provide premium fuels and lubricants that meet or exceed stringent specifications. We also produce jet fuel, fuel alcohol and illuminating kerosene.     Our entry into hydrogen and methane rich gas production and exploration has extended activity into southern and West Africa.     Sustainable development is not only key, but a priority. Sasol is also a signatory of Responsible Care&, a worldwide initiative that strives to improve performance in safety, health and environment.     Pioneering our new generation Gas to Liquids (GTL) technology on a global scale is a key priority.    Increasing finds of natural gas reserves, especially in remote regions, present the opportunity to apply our Slurry Phase Distillate (SPD) process in many parts of the world. Project work for the construction of the US$950 million ORYX GTL plant has commenced in Qatar. Sasol has been awarded a GTL project in Nigeria. Gas rich regions such as Australasia, the Middle East and the Caribbean are under review.    Sasol’s entry into methane rich gas production and exploration has expanded activity into southern and West Africa.    through the Mozambique natural gas project in the Temane and Pande gas fields, pipeline gas will be supplied to customers in Mozambique and South Africa from 2004.    Sustainable development is key to our operations. We are committed to Responsible Care&, a worldwide initiative that strives to improve performance in safety, health and environment.  帮忙看看这是南非沙索公司英文简介一部分,我看不懂,急于了解!
  楼主大人,帮帮忙.....翻译      对于文化这个及其宽泛的概念,很多学者试图给出一个较为准确的定义。现代文化学之父,美国著名人类学家克鲁克洪定义文化为“历史上所创造的生存式样的系统,即包括显型式样,又包括隐型式样,它具有为整个群体共享的倾向,或是一定时期中为群体的特定部分所共享。”罗伯特•拉多和语言学家爱德华•萨丕儿也都指出文化行为的模式化特性。英国学者泰勒做出了另外一种经典的定义:“所谓文化或文明,即知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗以及其它作为社会成员的人们能够获得的包括一切能力和习惯在内的复合型整体。”虽然定义的角度各不相同,但无疑文化具有极大的含概性,包容了几乎人类社会的各个方面。
  to 作者:superfly7    please stop there, just quit!  -------------------------------------    I gotta pause for a short while, I’ve got little time:)
--是隶属博雅网络向互联网推出的又一个全新的文章站点,本站以英语学习为主线,主要为在各行各业正在为学习英语的人们,提供一个学习、交流的平台。 本站分为11大版块,90多个小版块分别以最完整,最全面,最明了的内容展现给大家。您在不同的版块可以找到,你所需要的任何学习英语的方法,经验,技巧,会让你受益非浅。我们还提供用户注册功能,让平台和用户产生互动的作用,你可以在我们平台上发表自己目前在学习英语的过程中,所急需要的东西,我们会以更快的速度为你寻找你所需要的资料,让你不会为寻找不到资料而发愁。 各用户对本站有新的意见,建议请在用户留言版中提交。       本站理念:       
以用户为中心,以技术为基础,以速度求生存,以内容求发展!     目前本站点,目前正在开设法语,日语等相关频道,让学习外国语言的朋友更加容易~~~~~~!  
  车子转弯急刹易甩尾,鬼面罩脱落,粘贴不良,粘胶测试不合格;  滑浪板入水后,电子板爆炸烧黑电源线;  湿度测试超标两度,请返工再安排时间检验,  拉力,扭力,跌落,掷箱测试是否通过美国标准。
  请LZ帮忙翻译一下呢,谢谢了      责任心强,组织协调能力突出,能吃苦,较强的适应能力和学习能力及良好的团队协作精神。     熟悉机械产品的生产流程,有对汽车零部件加工,装配的现场管理经验。     熟练使用CAD制图,熟悉工装设计。    6.7在重庆卡福汽车制动转向系统有限公司从事生产现场的生产及管理。    2006.8至今在无锡威孚集团从事工装设计工作    
  To 作者:危险人物勿近    车子转弯急刹易甩尾,鬼面罩脱落,粘贴不良,粘胶测试不合格;  滑浪板入水后,电子板爆炸烧黑电源线;  湿度测试超标两度,请返工再安排时间检验,  拉力,扭力,跌落,掷箱测试是否通过美国标准  The car is inclined to drift when stop in a hurry, the front grille is ungeared on account of the bad gluing and the illegal glue test.  When the wash board succumbed to water, the circuit board blasted away and the electr  Two degrees exceeds the regulatory limits in the humidity test, please develop the re-doing and arrange another test.  Please guarantee that the test of Torsion, Traction, Drop and Toss will pass the American Standard.    这些词汇太过于专业, 我上面只是硬翻, 你可以去这里细细的查:  /article_view.asp?id=683&page=2
  note that fred maeyer is changing their warehouse  locatins from seattle to tennessee.  we need to change the delivery &destination on order .find revised order attached with earlier 11/26  delivery shiping to NW,please understand & cinfirm &fax bac singed,谢谢,请翻译一下
  TO:一条泛滥的河流    谢谢你的帮助!那请问筹建处的英文是啥子啊?急急急!    但对于那个不是PRODUCT NUMBER吗?有疑问请帮忙解释啊!  
  TO:一条泛滥的河流    谢谢你的帮助!那请问筹建处的英文是啥子啊?急急急!    但对于那个不是PRODUCT NUMBER吗?有疑问请帮忙解释啊!  
  thank you all the same  enjoy?
  请楼主帮忙翻译:    在江苏办公伙伴贸易有限公司做订单员.主要处理销售订单,做销售报表以及客户回访和做客户拜访情况表等工作.
  请楼主帮忙翻译:  --------------------------------------    我公司与贵司于日签订的合同中(我方合同编号N-LAPP001,贵司合同编号No.8807244),第21项(OELFLEX CLASSIC 110 SY 12G0.75
100M)和第25项(OELFLEX CLASSIC 110 SY 4G6.0
100M),因贵司无法按期交货,分别要延迟到12月中旬及12月底交货,即使贵司可能采取紧急措施,最快也需要12天才能交货,这将直接导致我公司的整机产品无法按期交付给国外客户,给我公司的信誉和经济造成巨大损失,这些损失将远远超过本批电缆的总价值和其它相关费用。为避免这种损失,我公司决定通过其它途径,自行采购。因12G0.75这种规格无法调到货,本批我公司用12G1.5代替。  现本着双方今后长期合作的精神,我公司向贵司提出下列要求:  1. 我公司为了解决此问题所发生的一切费用均由贵司承担,其中包括:  a. 我公司紧急购买的这两种电缆的购买金额:USD460.25  b. 国外发到国内的运费USD379.00  c. 报关费,增值税,国内运费(按实际发生费用计算)  d. 人工费,以及相关其它费用(按合同总金额的
%计算)  2. 此合同中的第21项和第25项,仍按原定的分别在12月13日,12月25日之前交货。    以上如无异议,请签字盖章回传!    ---------------------------------------    谢谢!  我在线等*************  
  谁帮我翻译一下 谢谢!!!!        1 学校银行安装了自动取款机,这样一来我们在晚上也可以取钱了.    2 人们买股票是为了赚钱    3 不好的广告会对孩子们产生不良影响    4 我父亲太忘事,老是在找钥匙    5 她容貌秀美,举止优雅,很吸引人    6 从医生的角度看,脾气越急躁的人越易于失控.因此他们往往容易患心脏病    7 要是我没说那些愚蠢的话该多好!那时我太年轻,不能明辩是非      THANKS    
  to 作者:flrlily    “筹建处“, 在google上有这样的讲法: (Project) Preparation Department, 如上海外高桥电厂二期工程筹建处--“PhaseⅡProject Preparation Department of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Power Plant“  另外也有“Planning Office“的译法.
  To 作者:女鬼妞妞    可见你不是经常来逛, 与真正的高手相比, 我只是这里芸芸初中生群体中的一员, 还需努力:)  热心也谈不上, 这个贴的标题是有问题的, 不是“义务翻译“, 而是翻译练习, 最终还是为了自己:)
我国的高职教育从孕育到发展,从决策到实践探索,经历了一个较长的过程。本文通过对经济发达国家重视发展高职教育,促进经济发展的经验及做法的认识出发,分析了我国高职教育的发展历史及现状,并结合自己的想法和思考,探讨了在新形势下通过借鉴国际发达职教经验如何大力促进高职教育有效发展健康的一些措施,以期能够在理论上对我国高职教育的发展事业有所贡献。    高职教育是高等职业技术教育的简称。高职教育是在我国高等教育大发展的浪潮中崛起的一个新的教育类型,是职业技术教育的高等阶段,是高等教育的重要组成部分。在高职教育的发展过程中传统教育思想和观念的制约,也决定了我国高职教育实践探索过程的复杂性。我国高职教育的发展改革有了长足进步,形势之好,前所罕有。但从高教战线的整体发展看,高职教育依然是个弱势群体,是高等教育的薄弱环节。因此从总体上看,我国高职教育的发展还存在着认识不到位、政策不配套、特色不明显、办学规模和水平还不适应经济建设和社会发展需要等许多问题。应该说我国的高职教育事业依然不容乐观。我们应该在考虑自身国情的基础上有的放矢地借鉴国际发达国家高职教育发展的一些先进经验和理念,并采取有针对性的发展措施。        
  帮忙翻译个英文摘要,我自己翻了下,但老师说翻得不好...急等...  谢谢楼主了 ......  ::::  ::::  在网络技术逐渐渗入社会生活各个层面的今天,传统的考试方式也面临着变革,而网络考试则是一个很重要的方向。基于网络的考试系统是传统考场的延伸,加上数据库技术的利用,大大简化了传统考试的过程。因此网络考试系统是电子化教学不可缺少的一个重要环节。所以现在较好的考试方法为网络考试,考生通过姓名、准考证号码或口令进行登录,试卷可以根据题库中的内容即时生成,可避免考试前的压题;而且可以采用大量标准化试题,从而使用计算机判卷,大大提高阅卷效率;还可以直接把成绩送到数据库中,进行统计、排序等操作。因此,采用网络考试方式将是以后考试发展的趋势。  网络考试系统的实现技术有多种,我们开发制作的网络考试系统是采用浏览器/服务器(Browser/Server)结构模式,系统按照功能的分类划分为相对独立但又相关的四大部分,其开发主要包括用户管理子系统、题库管理子系统、试卷管理子系统、考试子系统。本文所论述的试卷管理子系统包含两个子模块: 老师管理试卷模块和学生考试抽题模块。老师管理试卷模块主要是用于老师组织考试,管理学生的自测和被测试卷。学生通过考试抽题模块进随机抽题,在考试子系统中调用题目进行自测和被测。笔者着重于试卷管理子系统和随机出题模块的设计,因此本文侧重于阐述这两个子系统的设计与实现。  本考试系统以WindowsXP操作系统,利用ASP网络编程技术和SQL SERVER 2000数据库技术实现B/S模式下的网上考试,Active Server Pages (ASP) 是服务器端脚本环境,可用来创建交互式网页并建立强大的 Web 应用程序,SQL Server 2000是Microsoft公司推出的大型关系数据库,本数据库符合各种企业级的开发,同时适合B/S模式下的各种开发要求。  
  I ain’t gonna translate thesis, abstract, homework, personal commercial duty and the like, but I’ll do in my favor:)
  为学英语路过此处.......  楼主真是不错的!!!
以后要多向楼主和以上的各位学习了 ...........  希望加你的QQ:
  1 学校银行安装了自动取款机,这样一来我们在晚上也可以取钱了.  After the ATM is installed in our school, we’re able to draw our money at night.  2 人们买股票是为了赚钱.  People trade stocks for profit.  3 不好的广告会对孩子们产生不良影响.  The maligned Ads exert a very bad impact on children.    4 我父亲太忘事,老是在找钥匙.  My father has a bad memory and he looks for his keys quite often.  5 她容貌秀美,举止优雅,很吸引人.  She is good-looking, elegant and really attractive.  6 从医生的角度看,脾气越急躁的人越易于失控.因此他们往往容易患心脏病.  In the eyes of doctors, people who have a quick temper are likely to be out of control and thus are likely to suffer from heart disease.  7 要是我没说那些愚蠢的话该多好!那时我太年轻,不能明辩是非.  If only I had not said those stupid words! I was too young to tell right from wrong then.
  上文答 作者:寒鸣        ---------------------------------  To be repeated:    I ain’t gonna translate thesis, abstract, homework, personal commercial duty and the like, but I’ll do in my favor:)
  摘要:课堂是实施培养目标的主战场,课堂教学的好坏直接关系到人才培养的质量.让我们重新审视课堂教学,构建新的课堂教学观--新型的师生观,新式的教学观.    关键词:构建 课堂教学观 课堂 焕发活力      帮忙翻译一下,急用!万分感谢!!!!  
  楼主我实在太佩服你了  真是个大好人啊  
  lz,帮忙下了,  9.Arbitration:  All disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with this agreement, shall be settled through friendly negotiation, in case no settlement can be reached through   negotiation, the case shall then be submitted to the current regulation of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral awards are final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by losing party.   
  被lz精神感动了 可惜水平差 否则也来打个下手 当个楼主助理之类的
  楼主有时间么?帮我翻译下,实在很着急,自己水平有限,谢谢啦      上海市四赫维化工有限公司是由上海试剂四厂改制而成的以资本为纽带,实现跨行业、跨所有制的多元投资主体的有限责任公司。创建于1958年,位于上海市宝山区泰和路1004号。产品主要有精细化学品和化学试剂两类近300种。公司从1979年开始着手环保治理,迄今为止共有环保设施13套,其中含砷、含氰、含氟及综合废水治理设施各一套,氯化氢、氟化氢、氮氧化物废气治理设施共9套。安装了TOC在线监测(监控)系统,完成了雨污分流截污纳管工程,绿化面积占18%。公司坚持确立绿色化工的理念,使发展与环境相协调,实现由末端治理为主向清洁生产、循环经济的轨道转变,在城市发展中树立起企业良好的环保形象。
  我试着翻了一下,觉得很烂,还是让楼主帮我修改下吧,实在很脸红,错误百出!    科莱恩是全球处于领先地位的特种化工产品公司。公司拥有庞大的业务关系,并致力提供优秀的服务与广泛的应用方案予客户,以成为顾客的首选业务伙伴。  Clariant is a special kinds of chemical manufacture company which is a market learder of its industry
in the world. It owns huge operation
connection. Clariant
afford excellent service and comprehensive application blue print to the client.
To comes to be the all-important operation associate in client’s eyes.    
科莱恩的全球组织网络分布于五大洲,由超过 100 个集团公司组成。 公司总部设在(瑞士)巴塞尔附近的 Muttenz。现有25000 名员工,年销售额更是超过 85 亿瑞士法郎。  The cosmopolitan organizational meshwork of Clariant is distributing in the five continents, preponderate over 100 aggregative company make up of it. The HQ set up in Muttenz near the Basel(Switzerland). Clariant have more than 25 thousands employee, saleroom even more 8.5 billion every year.     
公司五大部门的产品和服务涵括纺织,皮革和纸张化工用品,颜料和添加剂,色母粒,功能性化工用品,生命科学化学品等。  In our company, the manufactures and service of 5 branches which include the spin、leather and paper chemical, pigment and additive,色母粒(?),functional chemical, life sciences of
chemical and so on.  科莱恩十分重视环保、安全和健康 (ESH) 的问题并视为最重要任务。科莱恩属下的所有公司都必须执行这套严格的 ESH 企业准则。在大中华区的科莱恩有限公司也严格遵守这项指示。  Clariant is recognition the questions of environment protection、safety and healthiness(ESH) extraordinary, and regard they(ESH) which are the most important mission. Every subordinate company of Clariant which must be abide and administer the set of strict corporation criterion (ESH). The Clariant which in Chinese Mainland also must be abide.    
例如:科莱恩(天津)有限公司和科莱恩颜料(天津)有限公司均各自拥有最优良的废水处理系统、以配合环保安全和健康准则。 此外,科莱恩(天津)有限公司建设的喷雾干燥塔就配备了特制的内置过滤器使机器排出的废气几乎不带任何的染料微粒。     For example: Clariant(Tianjin) Ltd and Clariant pigment(Tianjin) Ltd, each of them owned the best system of deal with the waste water、safe environment protection the healthy rule. Besides, the building spray desiccation tower by Clariant(Tianjin) Co.,Ltd
had equipped the tailor-made inner filter. It can mad the exhaust gas became with little coloring matter grain nearly.
因此,我们在公司内部实施 ESH 企业准则,以避免员工接触有害物质,节省能源,减少废物数量和废气排放,并保持我们的环境清洁。 当地法规被视为科莱恩属下的所有公司必须符合的最低要求。如有需要,科莱恩更会提升标准,超越这些要求。  Therefore, the Clariant will actualize the corporation rule of ESH within, in order to the deleterious contact the employee, economize the energy, reduce the voidance of the exhaust gas and the amount of garbage, and maintenance the sanitary environmental of us. All of the Clariant
subordinates must accord with the bottommost request which is local rule of law. If it have demand, Clariant will step up the criterion with knobs on, beyond this rules.    
  The goal of us, no matter in the process of producing manufacture and applying manufacture, all of these will make the economy increase in best and the most environmental fashion. When the investigating new manufacture and founding the new generative arts and crafts, at the very start the Clariant already thought over the matter of
environmental protection, we were looking
for the settle project in the underway phases. Clariant
try to improve on our manufactures and procreative system ceaseless. Below these number you could found our effort:    • 科莱恩在研发方面聘用了超过1650名员工。  
In the investigate aspect,
engaged about 1650 employee.
  • 整体集团而言,科莱恩将4% 的年销售额投入到研究和开发中。  For the all and the one, Clariant will dive into investigation and exploitation with 4% of saleroom of a year.    
  To 作者:荷叶的小露珠     You’ve done a great job already, I ain’t albe to correct your work, ’coz it’s too long and I’ve got little time recently, but I recommend to resort to our common tutor----dictionary, hehe:)
  请大师帮我翻译下面一段话好吗?论文的摘要部分,要译成英语,7474.在线等,万分感谢.    矛盾无所不在,即使以严格性为最要素的数学,也充满了矛盾的斗争与解决。这些矛盾中,最深刻的是数学悖论,数学史的三次危机都由悖论而起。而数学悖论和数学危机的解决,又给数学带来革命性的发展。
  作为一名会计专业人员,爱岗敬业,希望通过实际工作,丰富财务经验,延长个人职业生涯。  在XX公司计划财务中心任出纳,熟悉现金和各种银行业务,熟练操作金蝶财务软件。          在XX电子信息有限责任公司任会计,负责日常账务处理,纳税申报,工商税务年检,协调与银行等政府部门关系。     在XX任会计,     具备外资企业总账会计经验,熟练操作FLEX财务软件        ☆熟悉应收,应付账款管理工作,定期分析应付账款,规 定付款顺序,编制账龄分析表。    ☆ 负责费用审核,编制月度,年度费用预算并监督其执行情况    ☆ 进行仓库抽盘,核对进销存账目,并进行差异处理    ☆ 编制各类财务报表,并报送相关管理层    ☆ 协助财务主管处理其它日常业务  
  The colour of the items to be the same as the hammer document (I do not want the house tools they are for colour match only)         我们发了印花产品的图案给客户,他给我的回复     不知道是什么意思       能不能帮我翻译下,谢谢
Notarial certificate  
Sino champion investments limited  
(the “company”)  I, Henry David Stevenson, Notary Public, duly admitted, sworn and practicing in Samoa, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached document is:  A certified true copy of the Certificate of Incorporation  The original of the above appears in the corporate records of Sino champion investments limited.  IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand and Office this 18th day of Sep,2006     NOTARY
PUBLIC   My Commission inures for life    
Certification  I , Tony Lee, Registrar of International and Foreign Companies of the Independent State of Samoa hereby certify and confirm that the certified true copy of the Certificate of Incorporation attached hereto relating to Sino champion investments limited has been certified by Mr Henry David Stevenson in his capacity as Notary Public.  
Given under my hand and seal this 19th day of September 2006.  
  楼主,你好,有几个关于企业文化的句子能否抽空给翻译一下,急等着用,谢谢了!    1.高效-雷厉风行,今日事,今日毕.    2.创新-勇于开创,推陈出新,敢为天下先.    3.有诺必行,有行必果.    4.注重环境,从自身一点一滴做起.    5.开拓创新,勇于学习,善于学习,积极学习.
  有时间的话,帮我翻译一下这段,谢谢,,  THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS AT REEBOK   The sales teams at Reebok are organized based on Reebok’s three major distribution channels: athletic specialty stores, sporting goods stores, and department stores. The smaller stores have sales teams assigned to them based on geographical location within the United States (west coast, central, and northeast). The salesforce is then further broken down into footwear and apparel teams. the salesforce is primarily organized by distribution channel because this is most responsive to customer needs and wants. The salesforce is compensated on both a short-term and long-term basis. In the short term, salespeople are paid based on sales results and profits for the current quarter as well as forecasting. In the long term, salespeople are compensated based on their teamwork and teambuilding efforts. As Neville explains,“Money is typically fourth or fifth on the list of pure motivation. Number one is recognition for a jop well done. And that drives people to succeed.“ Management at Reebok is constantly providing feedback to the salesforce acknowledging their success, not just during annual reviews, and Neville feels this is the key to the high level of motivation, energy, and excitement that exists in the salesforce at Reebok.   WHAT’S NEW ON THE HORIZON FOR THE SALESFORCE AT REEBOK?   Reebok has recently issued laptop computers to its entire salesforce that enable the salespeople to check inventories in the warehouses, make sure orders are being shipped on time, and even enter orders while they’re out in the field. Reebok is also focusing more on relationship selling. McMahon describes his relationship with a major buyer as “one of trust and respect. It’s gotten to the point now where we’re good friends. We go to a lot of sporting events together, which I think really helps.“ Another recent innovation is for the salesforce to incentivize the stores’ sales clerks. For instance, whoever sells the most pairs of Reebok shoes in a month will get tickets to a concert or a football game.   questions:   1 How does Reebok create customer value for its major accounts through relationship selling?   2 How does Reebok utilize team selling to provide the highest level of customer value possible to its major accounts?   3 Is Reebok’s salesforce organized based on geography, customer, or product?   4 What are some ways Reebok’s selling processes are changing due to technical advancements?
  可以帮我翻译下吗??谢谢```我急用```呵呵``3Q``  In order to construct the harmonious campus, this semester my school develops the activity “ paying attention to everybody“ in the school “. The schoolmaster first sets an example and pays attention to each organized group member and each teaching and administrative staff in turn. And then the directors and group leaders in turn pay attention to each teaching and administrative staff which has jurisdiction over in the scope, The teaching and administrative staff pays attention to each student in turn. The content includes: Paying attention to individual prospect, study, personal ac helping them to solve the difficulty and question in individual development, the study, paying attention to their opinion and suggestion to each work of the school. At present, this activity already officially started. All plans already appeared, Each superintendent goes into action .people talk about individual prospect, study, work, life and development and expressed their idea freely. The atmosphere is friendly and happy. The concern and support of the leaders warm everybody. The activity makes the harmonious atmosphere of my school even more thick.
  正忙于找工作,无心顾及翻译练习,籍此停笔一段时日, 但仍然欢迎英语学习交流:)
Materials saved due to process influencing either in-house or at the supplier. Out of all cost-reducing measures (in all functions / areas of responsibility), MCP relates only to material savings and Purchasing-driven measures with quantity reduction in direct (wages, salary, time budget) and indirect areas (processes, “overhead“). PPC / VAM possibly connected to MCP are to be separated. Avoid double counting! CRI is not a purchasing-driven measure with quantity reduction !   ——————————————————————————————————  楼主这是救命用的,你一定要帮我  
  楼主强啊!!能不能帮忙翻译一下这了啊,救命的啊  Employment   THOMAS J. WATSON, JR. TO THOMAS J. WATSON  “I have got to make good”  All chief executive officers are subject to second-guessing and criticisms, but when Thomas J. Watson, Jr. took over at IBM in 1956, he discovered that his most pressing criticisms came from his own parents. His father, Thomas J. Watson, founded the company as a penniless sewing-machine salesman and built it into a leading technology company by the 1950s. The son had mighty shoes to fill he succeeded his father.  The following letter was prompted by an inquiry from his mother about the firing of a low-level manager. The wife of the employee wrote her to complain about her husband’s treatment. Watson’s letter in response reflects the weight of issues that confront any company president—among them, trying to balance conflicting pressures, often making decisions with only partial information.  Watson remained head of the company through 1971. His faith in IBM proved justified and it became the largest computer company in the world.  … All of the thoughts which you, Dad, have expressed to me… about the possibilities of things not going well in IBM—the fact that we must watch expenses—the fact that if the business starts slipping, it’s hard to stop—these are all facts which I knew about before you mentioned them. In truth, they are possibilities which I go to bed with every night. If they should come about my reputation as a businessman is vanished—my reputation as a successful son is finished. No wonder I think about them frequently. I have got to make good.  There are literally hundreds of incidents throughout the year like the Smith situation. That Mrs. Smith saw fit to write you, Mother, is unfortunate. But before she did, the matter had been fairly & well settled. Therefore I don’t believe we should panic or be rushed into decisions because of a dishonest man who has been fired. I would tend to discount his threats and allegations. Let’s suppose though that Mrs. Smith had not written you & let’s suppose we handled the matter as we did. Isn’t it vital that we be capable as a team of handling these matters well because you both can’t know of all of them nor can I. If the present team…isn’t operating to your satisfaction, I believe you should make adjustments until you have a group in which you have complete faith—a group who can give you peace of mind about the IBM Co.  Nothing would please me more or help me more than to have your advice on every matter which comes to my attention—much of the time, I’m somewhat in the dark…[But] I don’t share your fears about IBM. I believe the company is as strong as it has ever been—with as competent a management as ever, and as well run as ever! This is because you have trained me to think along the lines you think and because you have permitted me to pick a team of the strongest men in the business.  If I am right in my beliefs about IBM, then it ought to be possible for the builder of this great business to drop around and chat with us about our really important problems: Our Department of Justice case—how much of our capital investment should go into electronics—how we should improve the Time division—how we can find and upgrade more executive possibilities from the field. This rather than getting involved in criticizing…our operations as in the Smith matter or the general administration of the company.   Can you not by looking at our annua! Report…convince yourself that we are not doing too bad a job? Can you not take some pride in the fact that the job is being done by T.J. Watson trained men? Can you not find some personal satisfaction and peace of mind in watching this wonderful business enterprise which you have built, grow on to greater heights & move forward on all fronts with a continuing fine profit directed by your team?    Love to you both.  Tom   
  免费发布你需要翻译的信息,网罗全国各地的翻译精英,成千个翻译高手帮你解决急需的翻译困难,尽在 “寰球通论坛翻译项目发布”.网址: /bbs/main.bbscs.    
  强啊!这是一个产品的说明,有空帮帮忙啊。    热磁振美体仪是以微机处理为基础,采用磁场、振动、温热三种技术相结合的治疗仪器。是我公司应用祖国传统医学经络学说的精华,运用现代磁学的最新成果结合大量临床实践,为克服传统磁疗中所用静磁的各种弊端,推出旋磁振热治疗仪充分利用强磁场的交变效应,大大增加磁场的渗透率使磁场作用深度加大。同时结合机械按摩及远红外溶脂达到减肥纤体治疗的功效。  磁场:磁场强度的大小和方向均随时间做周期性交替变化的磁场称为交变磁场。交变磁场具有重要的临床治疗作用和价值:可以促进致痛物质的水解,从而降低致痛物质的的含量和神精末梢的兴奋性,提高痛阈,缓解疼痛;同时磁场可以改善血液的循环,加速血液流动,从而促进致痛物质从局部移走,起到止痛的作用;磁场可以降低肌肉紧张度,使肌肉痉挛得到缓解,对平滑肌痉挛和膈肌痉挛等都有明显的缓解作用。在磁场的作用下局部组织获取的营养物质及氧增加,血管通透性增高,促进炎症产物排除,有助于消炎;磁场作用导致血液循环改善,可把引起肿胀的滞留在组织间隙的水份吸收与消散,从而可以消除肿胀。  振动:振动可伴有舒适的按摩感,可以解除因工作紧张或体位不正引起的疲劳,肌肉酸痛。  温热:温热首先作用于皮肤富有的各种末梢感受器装置和血管。当皮肤感受到热刺激时,相应的自主神经中枢受到作用,能影响到脊髓上段和下段的自主神经中枢,甚至脑皮层的功能,引起相应脊髓的节段反应和全身反应。具有加强血液循环和组织营养过程,减轻疼痛的作用。      
  最近忙于找工作,实在没功夫没心思顾及长篇翻译, 请勿再贴长篇, 有短句我们可以站内短信交流.    ----------请勿长篇,不予回复.
  ------质量投诉与质量事故处理制度  质量投诉与质量事故处理制度  一、目的:规范质量问题处理程序,维护药品市场秩序和公司合法权益  二、适用范围:药品质量投诉、质量事故处理   三、责任人:总经理、质量负责人   四、正文:
一、 照国家有关药品不良反应报告制度的规定,注意收集由本企业售出药品的不良反应情况。如发现不良反应情况,立即采取措施,停止同品种药品的销售,同时按规定上报当地药品行政管理部门。二、 对药品质量投诉,要查明情况,确认是否药品存在质量问题。确实存在质量问题的,要向当地药品行政管理部门报告,并及时查明原因,分清责任,采取有效的解决处理措施,并做好真实、准确、完整的记录。   三、 本公司销售的药品产品引起质量事故时,应立即向当地药品行政管理部门报告,并通知厂商及时查明原因,分清责任,采取有效的解决处理措施,并做好真实、准确、完整的记录。   四、 发现假药、劣药和其他不符合国家有关规定药品,以及质量可疑药品时,应当及时向所在地药品行政管理部门报告,不得自行决定做出退货、换货、销毁处理,不得销售。
 五、 收集药品质量信息,并备案。六、 质量事故处理程序按照中华人民共和国产品质量法(2000修正)第四十三条 因产品存在缺陷造成人身、他人财产损害的,受害人可以向产品的生产者要求赔偿,也可以向产品的销售者要求赔偿。属于产品的生产者的责任,产品的销售者赔偿的,产品的销售者有权向产品的生产者追偿。属于产品的销售者的责任,产品的生产者赔偿的,产品的生产者有权向产品的销售者追偿。七、 1、质量事故的报告范围:质量事故分为一般事故和重大事故两大类。凡发生以下情况之一者,均属重大质量事故应立即报告。(1) 由于采购失误或因保管不善,人为造成整批商品报废者。   (2) 在库商品由于检查不严,致使整批药品变质,不能在厂方负责期内提出索赔或退换货者。   (3) 在库药品由于保管养护不善,造成整批虫蛀、霉烂变质、污染、破损等不能再供药用者。   (4) 配方药品发生混药,严重异物混入或其他质量低劣,并造成质量事故者。(5) 因质量问题每次(批)造成经济损失3000元以上者。   (6) 采购进口药品,因质量问题未及时发现,延误索赔或造成事故影响较坏者。   2、质量事故的报告程序、内容、认定和处理办法:   (1) 发生重大质量事故或造成重大损失的,应立即报告企业负责人,并在24小时内向当地药品行政管理部门报告。   (2) 其他重大质量事故也应报告企业负责人,并在3天内报告当地药品行政管理部门,查清原因后,再书面报告。   (3) 凡发生重大质量事故不报告者,追究当事人的责任。   3、质量事故的处理实行“三不放过”原则:   (1) 事故调查:查清事故发生的时间、地点、相关人员、事故经过、事故后果,做到实事求是,准确无误。   (2) 事故分析:以事故调查为依据,组织有关人员进行认真的分析,确认事故的原因,明确有关人员的责任,提出整改预防措施。   (3) 事故的处理原则:做到不查清不放过,事故责任者和有关人员不受到教育不放过,没有防范措施不放过,并及时、慎重、有效的处理好质量事故。   4、防止事故再次发生的改进措施:   (1) 通过事故调查分析和合理化建议,完善并严格执行制度,使改进措施规范化。   (2) 加强对现场管理,开展质量体系审核,排除出现差错的可能。   (3) 采取必要的技术措施,实行有效的技术改造,防止质量事故发生。八、 以上产品质量投诉与质量事故处理制度详见我公司制定文件:(1) 产品质量投诉处理管理规程(2) 产品质量事故管理制度(3) 产品退货和收回管理规程(4) 产品质量统计报告管理制度           请帮助
  帮忙翻译一下哦:  Comprehensive Evaluation System for Suppliers Based on Green Supply Chain
  2006年至2007年上半年,中国的股权市场遇到了十年难得一遇的牛市,短短半年时间沪深两市的总市值就增加了1.25倍,达到了18亿元,越来越多的中国人民把自己的多年储蓄投资到了股市。但是,由于我国的资本市场的发展时间还很短,资本市场还存在很多的不足,我国资本市场的基本功能的发挥还不充分。本文通过对我国资本市场的基本功能进行阐述和分析,分析我国资本市场的基本功能的发挥的现状和不足,并且给出了我对我国资本市场未来的发展方向的几点建议,以促进我国的资本市场能够基本功能的发挥,推进我国的经济发展。    急急急急!!!!版主帮我翻译一下,可以吗????谢谢!!!!
  HOW DOES INVENTORY CAPITAL TRADING WORK?    You negotiate directly with the supplier  The supplier delivers to you but invoices to financer   The financer pays your supplier and invoice you +/- a margin   You pay invoice on agreed terms 30 – 120 days   In some case you can offset you supply debt with your client debt true supply china finance    Presentation 2         CAPITAL TRADING WORKS BEST FOR YOU WHEN     You sell goods and services business to business     When your annual turn over is 500k plus     Your average invoice or debt is over $2000     You are a growing business with quality debtors      OUR LENDERS WILL CONSIDER     Companies with out available security or profitability single debts –or one of large transactions     Start up business and new ventures     Companies with balance sheet constraints who need to raise capital without adversely affecting existing bank arrangements


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