
[真题备考] 雅思真题解析-剑8Test4口语Part3解析
  1. What do you think makes someone a good friend to a whole family?
  Well, in order to be a good friend to the whole family, they need to have all the usual traits of a friend, like loyalty, sincerity, and consideration, but they also need to care about and look after the needs of the entire family. My dad has an old friend that is like an uncle to us. Whenever hc comes over, hc brings gifts and asks lots of questions to show that he is interested in everyone, but I think this kind of friend is pretty rare.
  2. Do you think we meet different kinds of friend at different stages of our lives? In what ways are these types of friend different?
  We definitely meet different friends at different times. My childhood friends were all just children that lived nearby and that I could play with. As long as we could play together happily, we could be friends. Maybe I wasn't as selective then, but they are still some of my dearest friends. Later, my friends were largely high school or university classmates and having common interests was the most important thing. Many of my university friends shared the same major with me. Now many of my friends are coworkers, and I'd say that although we get along well together we don't have the same kind of deep friendship I've had in the past.
  3. How easy is it to make friends with people from a different age group?
  It's not that easy to make friends with people from different age groups, but still possible. For one thing, you are going to have tewer things in common and therefore less to talk about. You may even find that there is a small generation gap between you. After joining the working world, it may be easier to make close friends with people from different age groups. I have become friends with some of my older coworkers. We can talk about our shared interest in work and I value the experience and wisdom they are able to share with me. Maybe someday I will have the chance to do that with younger friends.
  Influence of friends
  1. Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in person? Is this real friendship?
  Honesty, I don't think that it's possible for people to have real relationship with people that they have never met in person. I know that nowadays many people have internet relationships and I have even heard stories of people dating on the internet without ever meeting, but I don't think that is real relationship. It's too easy to deceive a person about who you really are and it lacks genuine intimacy. I think in the end it's just a fantasy.
  2. What kind of influence can friends have on our lives?
  Friends influence our lives in many ways. There are even several old sayings that suggest the people you spend time with determine who you are. I can give a few examples. If you spend time with hardworking successful people, they will motivate you to work harder. However, if your friends just waste away their days in internet cafes, you may also eventually just slack off and not try so hard. Friends can also more direcdy influence our lives by providing suggestions and advice when we need them.
  3. How important would you say it is to have friends from different cultures?
  Having friends from different cultures can be fairly important. At the very least, there are lots of advantages to having them. If you want to study a language, they are real asset to your learning. You can practice together and get the hang of how people actually talk in a natural setting. Of course, foreign friends also give you the opportunity to
they have different perspectives on important issues and different ways of doing things.
  Friendship: Good for the Body, Good for the Soul
  Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.Friends are our truest treasures. How many times have they made us laugh when we felt like crying over a bad mistake? Made us feel loved when our boyfriends (or girlfriends ) broke up with us? Gave us the courage to go back to school or to change careers? Like armor, good friends make us almost invincible, capable of warding off the blows life occasionally deals us. Because of their steadfastness, we see setbacks for what they are: temporary.
  It"s no wonder, then, that medical researchers have found that those who have friends tend to be happier, healthier, and live longer than those who do not. In fact, friendship has numerous physical and spiritual benefits.
  A growing body of research confirms that having compassionate friends is beneficial for our psychological and spiritual well-being and for physical health. Thus, one can say that a healthy lifestyle includes not only eating well, exerdsing, and avoiding tobacco but also having a circle of friends. In fact, researcher Janice KiecoltGlaser of Ohio State University calls the connection between satisfying personal relationships and better immune function &one of the most robust findings& in psycho-neuro-immunology (the study of how emotions, stress, and behavior affect resistance to disease ).
  Having a strong social network is linked to lower mortality rates for both healthy and unhealthy people, including those with heart disease and some types of cancer. In cases of terminal illness, having close friends is associated with longer survival rates.
  Research has found not only that friendship benefits us, but that the lack of it harms us. Those who have no friends or dose ties seem to suffer the most from loneliness, social isolation, and feelings of worthlessness. These with such feelings feel more stressful, and stress contributes to a variety of health disorders. These disorders include heart attacks, asthma, certain types of cancer, diabetes, herpes, headaches, and even the common cold! As James S. House of the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research stated, &Social relationships, or the relative lack thereof, constitute a major risk factor for health rivaling the effects of well-established health risk factors such as cigarette smoking, blood pressure, blood lipids, obesity, and physical activity.&
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添加方式2.搜索微信号ikekenet添加即可。  最近趁着颁奖季,看了许多好电影,《妇女参政论者》(suffragette)是其中之一。  为什么要提这部电影呢?因为作为一个雅思阅读的老师,看到电影海报,职业病就犯了...脑海里立马想到的是雅思剑三test 4 passage 2真题文章。同样去年也发现一部电影《实验者》“experimenter& 也是讲剑五test 1 passage 2的心理学实验。  是不是顿时觉得那高高在上的雅思阅读真题文章原来这么接地气啊?但话又说肥来,碰到一篇考试的文章,又刚好是自己看过的电影这种幸运程度,也是直接可以去买Powerball了。  所以,如果你要在看影视剧作品中学点雅思词汇,纪录片绝对是最好的选择!一则,由于纪录片的科普性,雅思阅读词汇出现频率极高。二则,剧情有时候枯燥到你只想关注底下的字幕。  如果大家做雅思阅读真题做得非常多的话会发现,文章的话题重复性很高。所以我就常出现的一些文章话题,给大家推荐一些相应的纪录片。  社会类  ① 《永远的女性参政论者》suffragettes forever  如上所述雅思真题中出过女权运动,也有剑六中Do literate women make better mothers? 就算不是为了背单词,我也推荐大家看一下这个纪录片,我们以为理所当然的东西是多少先驱用血的代价换来了。女生要看,男生更应该去看。  ②《第四公民》Citizen four  大名鼎鼎的斯诺登的事情大家可能听说过,这部记录片会告诉你事情的来龙去脉。也是获得了奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖。我看了四遍,里面有大量关于科技,隐私,监听相关的词汇。刚好让学生看了这部,他们做基础阅读有一篇工作环境中侵犯隐私行为的那一篇,词汇毫无压力。  制造类  ①《皮克斯工作室:25个神奇时刻》Pixar :25 magic moments著名动画制作公司如何制作动画的。在《基础阅读》里面有一篇文章也是讲如何制作动画人物的。 ②《伦敦地铁史话》The Tube: an underground history雅思真题不少出交通方式类的文章,4-10里面我数了一下就有6篇。 ③《维基解密--背后的故事》Wikipedia ---the secret story  雅思真题中,我们见过有好多篇人物传记一类的文章, 所以要推荐几部人物传记类的,英国人为主。今天要说不仅仅看英国人,因为1.31真题考的就是莫扎特。  人物传记类  ① 《真实的简. 奥斯汀 》The real Jane Austen  ② 《阿加莎.克里斯蒂的谜样人生》The mystery of Agatha Christie  ③ 《神奇的费曼先生》The fantasitic Mr. Feyman 他是20世纪著名的物理学家。看完你会觉得物理学家也太可爱了。当然也有霍金的纪录片,但是我总觉得人还活着的话就不会出题。  实验类文章在雅思阅读中也不少出现,甚至我们都摸索出来这类文章结构会如何写。很多人在第一次看到剑五 nature or nurture 那篇实验之前早都了解过那个实验,做题就会特别顺畅。那我来推荐几部实验类,也许你考试就碰到了呢。  实验类  ① 《斯坦福监狱实验 》The Standford Prison Experiment  ② 《我们的孩子足够坚强吗?中式学校》Are our kids tough enough? Chinese school 这类和教育结合在一起的实验在雅思真题中也是出现过,两个国家之间的教育对比也是出现过。而且本身这个很轻松,推荐给大家。教育类的文章在雅思阅读中也是常出现,有学龄前教育项目对比的,有日本和英国数学教育对比的文章。  教育类也是爱出的一种话题。  ①《数学的故事》the story of maths  动物类和环境的雅思文章,真题随便一本都能有。而相关话题的纪录片,你随便一搜discover,BBC出现非常多。这里我推荐几部我看过的。  ①《蝴蝶的神奇之旅 》the incredible journey of the butterflies  ②《北极熊:一个夏天的奥德赛 》polar bears: a summer odyssey  ③ 《珍古德的野生黑猩猩》Jane Goodall's wild Chimpanzees猩猩一类的既可以在动物类也会出现在一些实验类文章里面或者跟人与社会关系对比上面。所以这个纪录片大家要仔细看。  ④《BBC:非洲 》BBC: Africa 地理环境的文章在雅思中也不少,所以要关注这种环境地理类的纪录片。  ⑤《美丽中国》 wild China 一定找英文的!  ⑥《日本:地球迷人之岛》Japan: Earth Enchanted islands是唐顿庄园大小姐Mary 配音的  以上17部纪录片推荐给大家。看的时候光看一遍对于记住单词是不够的,至少三四遍以上。我们很多同学都说背单词最难得就是背了又忘了,老师都会跟你说还是你反复背的次数不够。  其实背单词,在上下文中背是最有效率的。所以能在纪录片里看到这些词的应用,会记得特别牢的。最好是能把纪录片里所有生词摘取出来形成一个自己的生词小红书,时常翻出来看看,阅读单词量肯定有大的飞跃。 也推荐两个看纪录片的网站,在线看或者下APPS 离线缓存都可以。大名鼎鼎的A站和B站:AcFun和bilibili。Megan的沙龙(Megan_de_Salon) 
At some point in your life, you will inevitably get ca对于大多数考生来说,一提到雅思听力考试,都会想到如下几个问题:我明明听到答案了,但是最后拼写错啦!为什么废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第九集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第五集本期内容:To come unglued点击↓播放录制:Megan 后期:Leo更多精彩内容,扫描下方二维码We all get confused at times, but prolonged periods of1、吉米肥伦今夜秀(The Tonight Show)电视频道:NBC  “吉米肥伦今夜秀”目前由吉米·福隆废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第十集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第六集本期内容:Black hole点击↓播放录制:Megan 后期:Leo更多精彩内容,扫描下方二维码关注 MeA previously unknown Egyptian-style pyramid has been fSAT阅读速度慢的五大原因  SAT阅读速度的快慢直接影响了大家阅读考试的时间和整体的分数,所以大家在备考S废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第十一集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第七集本期内容:Take a turn for the better点击↓播放录制:Megan 后期:Leo更多精  并列句是SAT语法难点中相对比较简单的部分。下面为大家整理了并列句的结构划分以及含义的理解。希望对大家的废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第十二集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第八集本期内容:Snowed under点击↓播放录制:Megan 后期:Leo更多精彩内容,扫描下方二维码关注出游邀请出游邀请英文邮件范文1Dear Mary,The cherry blossoms of Wuhan 废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第十三集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第九集本期内容:Food for thought点击↓播放录制:Megan 后期:Leo更多精彩内容,扫描下方二维Tulisa《Living Without You》废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第十四集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第十集本期内容:Stop cold点击↓播放录制:Megan 后期:Leo更多精彩内容,扫描下方二维码关注 MegTulisa《Live It Up》废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第十五集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第十一集本期内容:To death点击↓播放录制:Megan 后期:Leo更多精彩内容,扫描下方二维码关注 MegaRecent evidence and various sleep studies suggest that  雅思听力中同意转换总是让大家劳心费神,听到了一个词就是不知道另一个词该填什么,为了避免同学们这种问题的产废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第十六集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第十二集本期内容:Off the hook点击↓播放录制:Megan 后期:Leo更多精彩内容,扫描下方二维码关注As a freshman, the sense of being lost in a big new wo每次托福听力考试必考生物类话题和艺术类话题的讲座。生物类可以说是整个托福考试最大的学科场景,因为除了听力以外废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第十七集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第十三集【★原创★Megan英语一分钟】Off the hook Megan教学团队 Megan【★原创★Megan英语一分钟】Off the hook Megan教学团队 MeganThe older we get, the harder it seems to remember nameSAT语法考试中一个非常重要的原则就是简洁,这一点在SAT语法考试的三个题型中表现的都非常明显。那么我们该如废柴联盟(Community)第三季 第十八集记忆神探(Unforgettable)第一季 第十四集Jacquie Lee《Tears Fall》As an entrepreneur of ten years I've learned all too w  通过词缀记忆SAT词汇是最经典的一个方法,下面天道小编搜集整理了通过图解的方式解析SAT词汇中的常见词缀在应对托福听力备考的过程中,很多基础较弱的同学往往都会抱怨听力的备考有着许多环节需要关注,包括词汇、题型、速Megan_de_SalonMegan's Salon for English Study.热门文章最新文章Megan_de_SalonMegan's Salon for English Study.您的浏览器太古老,该升级了~


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