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关注虾米:剩女们,让我们2015年做自己 - 简书
2014年已经过去几天了,我一直找不到2015年自己最想要以及最需要的目标,但就当我昨天再次听Cobie Caillat 2014年爆火的EP——《try》之后,突然有一种直指内心的感觉。这首歌名字叫做《Try》,乍看之下好像是叫人勇於尝试什么,但并非如此。Cobie Caillat 创作者歌曲源于自身经历,她在
访谈中说到:「她去录音室时常倍感压力,因為她感觉经纪公司一直想要她变成一個不像她自己的人。」她要迎合大众口味变成HOT GIRL,上好美美的妝、戴假睫毛、做指甲美容、做头发……這樣才漂亮,才能符合大众的审美,渐渐地变得活在別人的视线下——“我不妆扮我就比不上其他人”、“我要苗条,这样才會有人爱”……蔻比·凱蕾 感受得了这种倾向,大声呼唤做自己就是美,于是《Try|做自己》诞生了(更多访谈內容 : /news/beauty-makeup/colbie-caillat-try-video-makeup-transformation)我们知道当代女性,常常被赋予很多压力。前几天,和好友吃饭,她聊起了自己的压力,她是一位非常独立的女性,自己在美国打拼六七年,完成了MBA学习,获得了在美工作机会,接下来就是绿卡、自己买房……这些看似很正常的步伐,知道其中艰辛的人就明白是有多么地不容易,尤其是学商科留美。但她凭借自己的勤奋努力做到了,本应该是一个值得我们竖起大拇指啧啧称赞,而她的现状也应该是我们觉得蒸蒸日上的。但那天吃饭她聊起了自己的无奈:妈妈旁敲侧击催婚、公司同事总觉得她单身就是花心、甚至有人评价她为交际花……一个自强自立的女孩就因为27岁还没有结婚就被贴上了如此标签,实在让人痛心。剩女的标志像个无形的压力指向了很多中国女性,似乎所有甚至乃至我们的父母、朋友都空前一致地认为女孩子到了一定年龄必须要结婚生子,否则就要被担忧被用异样眼光看待、被剩下。甚至我们女孩子自己很明白,那种担忧不是恶意的,他们是出于“关心”,他们是真的害怕你这样下去此生会不幸福,他们需要用自己的“善意”、“经验”去指导你、提醒你,让你“更好”!但他们忘记了每个人都有每个人的选择,每个人也有每个人的标准,怎么过?过程怎样?……无论怎么的方式和过程都应该是被尊重。生活不是真理,它不存在唯一的标准。我们可以护肤护发健身保持年轻貌美姿态,但做这些的初衷都是源于我们自己本身高兴;我们可以结婚生子,但做这些的初衷是源于我们自己的意愿。那么2015年让我“做自己”!《TRY》Put your make up on /打粉底 上好妝Get your nails done /繪上色 美容指甲Curl your hair /頭髮燙捲Run the extra mile /瘦身 多運動Keep it slim so they like you /曼妙身材 取悅他人Do they like you? /這樣能換得真心嗎?Get your sexy on /慾誘性感 盡情釋放Don't be shy, girl /女孩要自信 別害羞Take it off /褪去衣裳 展露身軀This is what you want /這是你的自以為To belong /要歸屬 要合群So they like you /好讓他們喜歡你Do you like you? /做作虛偽 你喜歡這樣的自己嗎?You don't have to try so hard /其實你並不必 大費周章You don't have to give it all away /不要迎合 失去自我You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up /你只需 一點自信 打起精神 清醒領悟 做自己You don't have to change a single thing /並不需要 改變自己You don't have to try, try, try, try /不要一昧 去追求 去嘗試 去改變
[x3]You don't have to try /一切都不必要Yooou don't have to try /做自己最美Get your shopping on, at the mall, max your credit cards /去逛街購物 刷爆信用卡額度You don't have to choose, buy it all /打包全部 揮霍利落So they like you /好讓臉上沾光 讓人覺得豪闊Do they like you? /但這是真心崇拜嗎?Wait a second /深思一下Why should you care, what they think of you /何必在意 他人的眼光When you're all alone, by yourself /當你獨自一人 面對自己Do you like you? /這是你想成為的自己嗎?Do you like you? /喜歡別人塑造的自己嗎?You don't have to try so hard /其實你並不必 大費周章You don't have to give it all away /不要迎合 失去自我You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up /你只需 一點自信 打起精神 清醒領悟 做自己You don't have to change a single thing /並不需要 改變自己You don't have to try so hard /其實你並不必 大費周章You don't have to bend until you break /不要屈服 傷害自己You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up /你只需 一點自信 打起精神 清醒領悟 做自己You don't have to change a single thing /並不需要 改變自己You don't have to try, try, try, try /不要一昧 去追求 去嘗試 去改變
[x3]You don't have to try /一切都不必要You don't have to try, try, try, try /不要一昧 去追求 去嘗試 去改變
[x3]You don't have to try /一切都不必要Yooou don't have to try /做自己最美You don't have to try so hard /其實你並不必 大費周章You don't have to give it all away /不要迎合 失去自我You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up /你只需 一點自信 打起精神 清醒領悟 做自己You don't have to change a single thing /並不需要 改變自己You don't have to try, try, try, try /不要一昧 去追求 去嘗試 去改變
[x2]You don't have to try /一切都不必要You don't have to try /就是 做自己最美Take your make up off /卸下妝 卸下虛偽Let your hair down /讓你的秀髮擺盪Take a breath /放輕鬆 深呼吸Look into the mirror, at yourself /看著鏡中 素顏的自己Don't you like you? /能不喜歡 你最真實的樣子嗎?Cause I like you /因為我喜歡這樣 坦然面對自己的你青春期2上面的歌谁知道这上面的歌叫什么啊 _其他_乐园
本文针对用户提问:“谁知道这上面的歌叫什么啊 ?” 所作出解答,网民回复:
第1个 peerless http://yuemiqiu/mp3/qita/peerless%20darinmp3 第二个歌是Floorfiller http://xufei1669vipupftp/4mp3裸婚时代上面的歌。详细描述如下:
peerless http://yuemiqiu/mp3/qita/peerless%20darinmp3城市猎人上面的歌
第1个 peerless http://yuemiqiu/mp3/qita/peerless%20darinmp3 第二个歌是Floorfiller http://xufei1669vipupftp/4mp3裸婚时代上面的歌曲名:An Angel歌手:Declan Galbraith
亲家过年上面的歌declan galbraith的an angle
Declan Galbraith _ An Angel
I wish I had your pair of wings
had them last night in my dreams
I was chasing butterflies
till the sunrise broke my eyes
Tonight the sky has glued my eyes
cause what they sees an angel hive
Ive got to touch that magic sky
and greet the angels in their hive
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you
All the sweet honey from above
pour it all over me sweet love
And while youre flying around my head
your honey kisses keep me fed
I wish I had your pair of wings
just like last night in my dreams
I was lost in paradise
wish Id never opened my eyes
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
But theres danger in the air
tryinso hard to be unfair
Dangers in the air
tryin so hard to give us a scare
but were not afraid
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
Wish I were you , Oh I wish I were you
END declan galbraith唱的《an angel》
declan galbraith,迪克兰?加尔布雷斯。英国人,2002年正式出现后就被称为歌唱奇才,更被英国媒体推崇为“终生难得一见的歌唱奇才”,当时才十岁,以他的首张专辑《Declan》轰动欧洲。
我第一次被他的声音征服是他的《tell me why》,也就是他十岁时唱的那首歌,初听时相当震撼,当然现在依然很震撼于他的歌声。 请问谁知道这上面的第一首英文歌曲名字叫什么?
谢谢 Golden Sky
Smile DK(微笑姐妹)
Let us fly_ay_ay_ay la_di_da_di_da_di_dah
To the golden sky
Its the paradise of Smile
Where the sun will always shine
Welcome to the wonderland, a place for you and me
If you treat me right then maybe you will have a key
This world is very special and Ill show it just for you
All you have to say is "Yes, I do"
Let us fly_ay_ay_ay la_di_da_di_da_di_dah
To the golden sky
Its the paradise of Smile
Where the sun will always shine
There are many secrets that Id like to share with you
I will show you magic if the words you say are true
Imagine that the wildest dreams are in this mystery
Its a perfect place for you and me
Let us fly_ay_ay_ay la_di_da_di_da_di_dah
To the golden sky
Its the paradise of Smile
Where the sun will always shine
Let us fly_ay_ay_ay la_di_da_di_da_di_dah
To the golden sky
Its the paradise of Smile
Where the sun will always shine
Let us fly_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay
Let us fly_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay_ay
Let us fly_ay_ay_ay la_di_da_di_da_di_dah
To the golden sky
Its the paradise of Smile
Where the sun will always shine
Let us fly_ay_ay_ay la_di_da_di_da_di_dah
To the golden sky
Its the paradise of Smile
Where the sun will always shine
La_da_di_da_di_da_di_dah谢谢 哈哈就是打篮球的那个,好象是个鞋的广告是JAY最新专辑&依然范特西&上的&红模仿&
歌词:中国风的歌曲有增无减是好是坏问方文山最清楚 从娘子唱到 双截棍东风破到发如雪一路走来 始终如一 多样的儿曲风 独爱中国风我坚持风格我活在我的世界谁都插不上嘴唱反调是我的本性出其不意是我的个性就算我站在山顶也只不过是个平民老百姓但我的肩膀 会有两块空地那就是勇气与毅力我要做音乐上的皇帝哼哼哈兮 哼哼哈兮哼哼哈兮 哼哼哈兮下坡的路 不费工夫别人已经帮你铺路但我选择了上坡因为我取名叫自负谦虚和那虚伪 就差一个字 有时有点分不清因为我喜欢真实的自己我不能够后退 因为不是绿叶如果只是点缀 愿当皎洁明月小草等待风吹不要靠你的背假如天会很黑我会请嫦娥奔月为什么写这首歌我现在还找不到动机不过用心听下去你会觉得更有意义如果你的未来只能恐惧眼前雾蒙蒙一片那是因为你没把眼镜给擦干净勇敢走下去 这首歌会陪你前进我常常在想宇宙只有一颗太阳为什么我的影子这么多 这么想战胜幻像 和我一样喜欢模仿的朋友们崇拜是件好事 欣赏是种美德但走在我后面 我很担心别人会看不起你 到最后 只是一个接一个的分身这样的鼓励 是否太直接太讽刺 老师在讲 到底有没有在听啊我告诉你做自己胜于跟太紧最大的敌人就是那内心中的自己 我不能够后退 因为不是绿叶如果只是点缀 愿当皎洁明月 小草等待风吹不要靠你的背假如天会很黑我会请嫦娥奔月 ayayayoo ayo 不错啊 ayayayoo ayo 好久不见 ayayayoo ayo 这个意思是。。 ayayayoo 就是哪个话讲的都可以 ayo ayoayoayooo ayayoo什么广告
美特斯邦威:不走寻常路 德尔惠:红模仿 动感地带:我的伦理
美特斯邦威:不走寻常路 德尔惠:红模仿
歌词超感人的! 标签:&&&&&&&&&&&&希兰从未想过成为别人,他一直在做自己希兰从未想过成为别人,他一直在做自己
It’s been just three years since UK singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran broke through into the pop world with his debut single The A Team. But now, he’s already one of the leading figures in the British music industry.三年前,身为创作型歌手的艾德o希兰携处女单曲The A Team(书名号只能用于中文)空降流行乐坛就大获成功;而如今,他已经成为英国乐坛的领军人物。The 23-year-old artist has performed at the Victoria’s Fashion Show, on X Factor and on The Voice’s finale, and toured with top singers including his close friend Taylor Swift. He was named most streamed artist globally on Spotify in 2014 and won Best British Artist at the BBC Music Awards. X, his second studio album, which was released in June, conquered the UK music charts and was nominated for the 57th Grammy Awards’ Album of the Year.年仅23岁的他不仅登上过维秘、X元素以及美国好声音的舞台,还曾为包括闺蜜泰勒o斯威夫特在内的诸多一流歌手登台助阵。他是2014年Spotify在线收听量最大的歌手,是BBC音乐盛典的最佳英国艺人。他的第二张专辑X在6月一经发行就占领英国各大音乐榜单,并获得第57届格莱美年度专辑提名。Who would believe this was the same red-haired British boy who bought a plane ticket from England to Los Angeles in April 2010, with just one date in his diary – playing guitar at a poetry night?可是谁又会相信这个红头发的英国男孩曾在2010年4月买了张机票从英格兰只身来到洛杉矶,只为在一个名为“诗歌之夜”的活动中抱着吉他演奏一场。Always showing up in baggy jeans, a T-shirt and a hoodie, with no fancy stage gear, what makes this red-haired nice guy stand out is his musicianship, said Financial Times. His songs are simple but emotional, with catchy tunes and touching lyrics inspired by real life.“他总是穿着宽松的牛仔裤、T恤和帽衫,没有华丽的舞台表演,而他的音乐才华足以让这个红头发的乖男孩出类拔萃。”《金融时报》如是评价道,“他的歌简单动人,曲调朗朗上口,歌词都是对现实生活的有感而发。”During his early days in London, at one point, he slept on the streets outside Buckingham Palace, which inspired his song Homeless. Weeks before his grandfather passed away, Ed wrote Afire Love with the heartbreaking words, “And if you fell to your death today, I hope that heaven is your resting place.”还在伦敦时,一次睡在白金汉宫外大街上的经历成为艾德创作Homeless的灵感来源。几周前,他的祖父离世,他于是在Afire Love中写到,“如果你坠落而亡,愿天堂成为你的安息之地”,令人心碎。Sheeran went to an ordinary school in Suffolk, England. He learned to play guitar at a young age and began to write songs at around 12. The boy’s earliest stage was his school’s concerts. At 16, Sheeran made the decision of a lifetime, to drop out of school and move to London to pursue his music career. He slept on friends’ sofas to save money to record his songs and gigged constantly for three years.希兰曾就读于英格兰萨福克郡一所普通的学校。他自幼学习吉他,12岁起就开始了音乐创作。学校的音乐会是他最早的舞台。16岁时,希兰做出了改变一生的决定——辍学前往伦敦追寻自己的音乐事业。为了省钱录专辑,他睡在朋友的沙发上,并在三年间不断地登台演奏。In early 2011, the young artist released his first EP No. 5Collaborations Project, which prompted a surge in his popularity on iTunes and brought him the attention of Elton John. Soon he signed to Asylum Records and his debut album + went quintuple platinum in the UK.2011年初,希兰发布了首张个人EP No. 5 Collaborations Project。这首歌令他在iTunes名声大噪,并且引起了(英国摇滚歌星)艾尔顿o约翰的注意。很快他就签约大西洋唱片,而他的首张专辑+在英国销量已经超过500万。He doesn’t try to be anything but himself – an average boy next door. Sheeran explains his philosophy to The Independent as “being selfish”. “Why bother to please everyone? Please yourself. The rest will follow.”希兰从未想过成为别人,他一直在做自己——一个看似普通的邻家大男孩。在接受英国《独立报》采访时,希兰曾说自己的人生哲学就是“自私”一些,他说“为什么要纠结于取悦他人?做自己就好,其他的都顺其自然。”industry n. 产业;工业;勤勉Our industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.我们的工业因研究投入不足而大吃苦头。stage n. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;驿站He was finally forced off the political stage last year by the deterioration of his physical condition.他最终因身体状况恶化于去年被迫离开了政治舞台。……………………………………………关注杰森英语公众号:杰森英语 外教1对1,每天9块72013最具品牌影响力外语机构二维码不会扫?其实很简单,您只需先把二维码保存到自己的手机相册,再打开“扫一扫”功能,点击右上角,选择“从相册选择二维码”,就能立刻添加杰森微信了!马上点击“阅读原文”或登陆官网或免费拨打400-700-7733免费体验吧!杰森英语便捷廉价高效学好英语的不二选择?


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