
内容提示:unit 2
section a deep concern
高伟华 @qqm
new words 1 concern n. u 故事里,父母对他们的女儿表现出极大 的担忧。 in the story the parents show their great concern for their daughter.
医生对他的健康表示严重担忧。 the doctor expressed his serious concern about his health.
他主要关心的是为家里赚钱。 his main concern is to be able to provide money for his family.
我挣多少钱与你无关。 how much money i earn is none of your concern.
vt 1 令专家最为担忧的是城市的污染日趋 严重。 what concerns the experts most is the increasing level of pollution in our cities. 这不是你的问题,你用不着担心。 it isn’t your problem---don’t concern yourself with it.
这篇文章讲的是代沟的问题。 this article concerns the issue of generation gap. 下面这个故事是关于淘金时代的两个著名任 务的。 the story that follows concerns two famous characters of gold rush days. 这项研究涉及夫妻对婚姻的期待。 this study concerns couples’ expectations of marriage.
2 click vi 钥匙在锁里咔嗒响了一声。 the key clicked in
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新视野大学英语读写教程预备级1unit1-7 reading翻译
出门在外也不愁《新视野大学英语读写教程》第一册1Unit10:课文、词汇、练习单词免费下载:Being Honest and Open;Web Site Resources:The Best Aid for Cheating? How not to Cheat?
Pre-reading Activities
First Listening
&&& Having ideas about a story before you read it is an important reading skill. Please listen to a very short piece of recording.
Second Listening
&&& Now listen to the recording for the second time and try to the best of your ability to answer the following questions.
&&& 1. What must you have in order to be honest?
&&& 2. What are the three principles that constitute honesty?
&&& 3. What two qualities help make relationships stronger?
Being Honest and Open
&&& My grandparents believed that you were either honest or you were not. There was no middle point. They had a simple saying hanging on their living-room wall: &Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show.& They didn't h they demonstrated this truth by their life style.
&&& They understood instinctively that integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner compass for judging your behavior.
&&& Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today & and getting scarcer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society and a discipline we must demand of ourselves. A good test for this value is to apply what I call the &Integrity Triangle&, which consists of three key principles:
&&& Stand firmly for your convictions when confronted with personal pressure. There's a story told about a surgical nurse's assistance during her first day on the medical team at a well-known hospital. She was responsible for ensuring that all surgical instruments and materials were accounted for during an operation. The nurse said to the surgeon, &You've only removed 11 sponges, and we used 12. We need to find the last one.&
&&& &I removed them all,& the surgeon assured her. &We'll close now.&
&&& &You can&t do that, sir,& protested the nurse. &Think of the patient.&
&&& Smiling, the surgeon lifted his foot and showed the nurse the twelfth sponge. &You'll do just fine in this or any other hospital,& he assured her.
&&& When you know you're right, you can't concede.
&&& Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs. Don&t be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be more intelligent than you are.
&&& David Ogilvy, founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy & Mather, clarified this point to his newly appointed office heads by sending each of them a Russian nesting doll with five progressively smaller figures inside.
&&& His message was contained in the smallest doll: &If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants.& And that is precisely what O & M became & one of the largest and most respected advertising organizations in the world.
&&& Be honest and open about who you really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors & their looks or status & in order to feel good about themselves. Inevitably they will do everything they can to preserve this false mask, but they will do very little to enhance their inner value and personal growth.
&&& So be yourself. Don't engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life. &Tough times never last but tough people do,& as Robert Schuller says. In other words, face reality and be mature in your responses to life&s challenges.
&&& Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others. Integrity means you do what you do because it's right and not just fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not yielding to the tempting attractions of an easy morality, will always win the day. It will take you forward into the twenty-first century without having to check your tracks in a rear-view mirror. My grandparents taught me that.
&&& Words: 596
n.&& a main room for general use in a house 客厅
vt.& show clearly 演示;证明
vi.& take part in a march or meeting to protest or to make demands 参加游行;示威
n.&& honesty 诚实;正直
n.&& 1. right or wrong 道德
2. goodness 德行
n.&& 1. (figurative) limit 界限;局限
2. dividing line 分界线
n.&& 1. comfort 舒适;便利
2. usefulness 有用;方便
a.&& 1. secret 内心的;未表达出来的
2. inside 内在的;内部的
n.&& 1. an instrument for showing direction, with a needle that points to the north 指南针
2. an instrument for drawing circles 圆规
a.&& not much or many compared hard to find 稀少
v.&& 1. gi use for a purpose(使)产生作用,适用于;运用
2. request officially 申请
3. devote 致力于
n.&& a figure or shape with 3 straight sides and 3 corners 三角(形)
vi.& (of) be made up of 由&&组成
n.&& [U](formal) help or support 帮助,援助
vt.& 1. make sure or certain 确保,担保
secure 保证得到
n.&& a doctor who does surgery 外科医生
n.&& a simple sea animal with a rubber- a piece of plastic or rubber material full of holes used for washing, cleaning, etc. 海绵
vt.& 1. tell positively or confidently 郑重告知
2. make (oneself) convince 使确信
v.&& 1. object 反对;抗议
2. declare seriously 宣称;声明
n.&& 1. a statement that denies or objects 抗议
2. a serious statement 宣称;声明
v.&& 1. yield 让步
2. admit as true, often unwillingly 承认
a.&& clever 聪明
vt.& explain 弄清楚;解释
vt.& choose (someone) for a job, a position, etc. 任命
vi.& build or use as a nest 筑巢
n.&& a depressed place built or found by a bird for a home and a place to hold its eggs 巢
n.&& a small figure of a person, especially for a child to play with 洋娃娃
a.&& 1. moving forward continuously or by stages 连续的;一步一步的
2. improving or changing according to new ideas 不断改善的
ad.& in a way of going
step bit by bit 逐步;逐渐
n.&& a person of much less than usual size 侏儒
vt.& cause to appear small by comparison(由于对比)使显得矮小
n.&& 1. a person who is much bigger than usual 巨人
2. (figurative) a person of great ability 伟人
a.&& unusually large or important 巨大的;重要的
a.&& true 真实的
n.&& 1. (figurative) the central or most important part 中心或重要部分
2. the hard, central part, containing the seeds, of fruits like apples and pears 核
vi.& (on) have confidence in 依靠;依赖
a.&& 1. (figurative) easily se on the surface 外在的;表面的
2. outside 外部的;外面的
a.&& which cannot be prevented from happening 不可避免的
ad.& certainly 不可避免地
vt.& 1. protect 保持;保护
2. store 储存
n.&& a covering for the face to hide or protect it 面具;面罩
vt.& 1. put a mask over 戴面具
2. hide 掩盖
a.&& 1. difficult 很难的
2. strong 结实的;有力的
n.&& the sense of right and wrong 良心;良知
n.&& a necessary or essential part 成分;部件
n.&& (pl. bases) 1. foundation 基础
2. base 主体;基地
vt.& 1. improve 改善;改进
2. make rich or richer 使丰富
n.&& 1. friendship or connection between people 亲属关系;友好关系
2. connection 关系;联系
a.&& following the fashion 时髦的;时尚的
v.&& 1. quit 屈服;放弃
2. produce 出产;生产
vt.& invite 诱惑
n.&& 1. (figurative) pull 魅力
2. a thing that delights or attracts people 吸引人的东西
a.&& in the back 后面的
n.&& back 后面;背后
n.&& a sight of what is behind 后视
n.&& a piece of glass in which one can see oneself 镜子
vt.& reflect 折射
middle point
(figurative) a position which is between two very different ones 中间道路;折中
sell out (to)
let down one's cause or one's side (to sb.) 背叛事业或立场
1. near in time or place 即将到来;近在手边
2. being considered 在考虑之中
in short supply
not quite available 缺货;短缺
the bottom line
the m the main or essential point 重要因素;关键的东西
expect (sth.) from (sb. or sth.) 期待;要求
consist of
be made up of 由&&组成
1. hold (an opinion); mean or believe (sth. such as a principle) 主张;相信
2. accept or bear (sth. bad); bear with 承受;忍受
3. represent 代表
account for
1. give a statement about sth. (esp. money) 对(钱等)东西做交代
2. be or give a reason for (sth. or doing sth.) 说明(原因);解释(原因)
1. have... in one's mind 考虑;为&&设想
2. have thoughts concerning (sb. or sth.) 回想,想起
3. imagine (sth. or doing sth.) 想像
do a good job 干得很好
give (the) credit
give (sb.) praise (for sth.) 赞扬
rely on/upon
depend on/upon 依赖;依靠
feel happy, confident, pleased with oneself 感觉好
1. (cause to) take part in or work at (sth.); make (oneself) busy in (sth. or doing sth.) 参与
2. cause (sb. or sth.) to be concerned in (sth.)(使)关心
in other words
that is (to say); differently expressed 换言之
win the day
(also carry/gain the day) win in a competition, etc.; be successful 赢;成功
David Ogilvy
Ogilvy & Mather
a.&& 1. 俄国的;俄罗斯的
2. 俄国人的;俄罗斯人的
n.&& 1. 俄国人;俄罗斯人
Robert Schuller
Web Site Resources:
& The Best Aid for Cheating?
&&& SAN FRANCISCO (CNN) & For generations of students, writing term papers has been a major source of nerves and frustration, if not the ultimate homework nightmare. But for those with Internet access, illicit resources are just a few links away.
&&& The contemporary student who wants to fake a term paper does not have to search far. All one has to do is to go to the appropriate Web site, where online papers can either be purchased, ordered, or downloaded for free.
&&& Collegiate Care Research Assistance, for instance, may do the job. Do you want to &write& a paper on &Hamlet&s irreconcilable moral dilemmas&? Simply hand over $29.75, and the essay is yours.
&&& For those who find this too great an expense, there is an alternative. Collegiate Care, with its &highest quality papers at the lowest possible prices&, offers on-file papers for $5.95 per page. So, a few pages may just do the trick for the cost-conscious students.
&&& Genius Papers, another student assistance site, offers &high-quality& and &low-priced& term papers. &You will be happy and successful,& the web site promises potential consumers.
&&& If you are too lazy or simply too busy writing your own term paper, Genius Papers is readily available. For a one-time fee of $9.95, you get access to pre-written papers for an entire semester.
&&& Some sites, such as Term Paper Emporium and Absolutely Free: Online Essays offer course papers for free. Simply press the button and download & if you find the paper you want, that is.
&&& Students are, of course, fully aware of these web site resources, and some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheating.
&&& For teachers, the problem is figuring out whether a student&s author-ship is authentic. But, as teaching assistant Jane Morrison explained, the task may not be too difficult for the perceiving teacher.
&&& &Students who have gotten it off the Internet don&t look at me, twitch a little bit and look at their feet. And students who wrote every bit of it can talk about the paper very intelligently and look me in the eye,& Morrison said.
&&& Faking term papers is nothing new, and stolen intellectual property has been& marketed for years. But the appearance of the Internet raises the issue: Is this new technology making cheating more widespread?
&&& A senior official at Berkeley doubts it. &Students who are inclined to cheat are going to cheat regardless of the technology. I think it&s sort of a cynical notion to think that this new tool is going to spread the incidence of cheating,& Gary Handman said.
&&& This view was backed by Berkeley graduate student Arianne Chernock, who says that, after all, students have to decide what&s best for themselves. &It&s a question of honesty. We&re here to learn, so we&ve got to make the most of it ourselves.&
&&& And inventive teachers can make their assignments almost cheat-proof.
&&& &If you structure the assignment in a creative way, and if students, for instance, have to transform the information into a hand-out, or do a drama, or write an account in first person narrative, then you may curb illicit work,& said library media teacher Leslie Farmer.
&&& That kind of strategy, some experts say, will basically force students to do more than simply download their education.
&&& Words: 571
n.&& 1. computer network (计算机)网络
2. a net of thin threads made by a spider 蜘蛛网
v.&& act in a dishonest way for one's own benefit 欺骗
n.&& a person who cheats 骗子
n.&& 1. threadlike part in the body that carries feelings and messages to and from the brain 神经
2. strength or control of mind 勇气;胆量
3. disrespectful manners 厚颜
a.&& 1. greatest 最大的
2. at the final
being at the end or happening in the end 最终的;最后的
n.&& 1. a bad, frightening, or terrible experience or event 恐怖的经历;可怕的事情
2. an unpleasant and terrible dream 恶梦
a.&& unlawful 非法的
n.&& connection 纽带
vt.& join or connect 连接
a.&& 1. of the present 当代的
2.of the same time 同代的
n.&& a person who belongs to the same period of time 同代人
vt.& 1. make a copy in order to trick 伪造;造假
2. pretend 假装
n.&& a person or thing that is not what he/she/ something that is not real 假货;赝品
a.&& ri or fitting 合适的,适当的
vt.& transfer sth. to or from a computer network 下载
vt.& 1. make friendly again 和解
2. find agreement between (two actions or ideas) 调和
a.&& impossible to bring into agreement 不可调和的
n.&& a difficult choice between two (bad) a problem 进退维谷;难处
n.&& a short piece of
an article 文章;短文
n.&& cost or charge 花费;费用
a.&& recorded or kept in a file or in a database of information 存档的
prep.for each 每
n.&& a person who buys and uses goods and services 消费者
ad.& 1. willingly 甘愿
2. quickly and easily 轻易地
n.&& money paid for professional services, to join a club, etc. 费;酬劳
n.&& (AmE) either of the two periods into which a year at uni (BrE) term 学期
n.&& a large store selling many different things 商场
vt.& 1. recognize (someone) as important by calling out (a name of honour, etc.) 向&&欢呼;拥戴(某人)为&&
2. call out to (someone) by name or in greeting 招呼
n.&& the writer 作者
a.&& genuine 真实的
vt.& 1. see 看见
2. t understand 理解;明白
v.&& move with a quick, sharp pull of a muscle 抽动
n.&& a slight, unconscious movement of a muscle or a quick, sharp movement of some part of the body 抽动
a.&& 1. showing unusual reasoning powers 有知识的
2. concerning the ability to reason (rather than to feel or act) 理智的;智力的
n.&& a person who is well-informed and intelligent, and interested in activities involving the intellect 知识分子
n.&& 1. possessions 财产
2. (area of) land and/or building(s) 房地产
3. a quality, power, or effect that belongs automatically to something 属性
n.&& 1. an important point 要点;问题
2. a single printing of a newspaper or magazine, etc. (书、报等)期、号
vt.& 1. put forth 颁布;发行
2. publish 出版;刊行
v.&& 1. (to) feel drawn to 倾向;意欲
2. tend to influence or cause (someone) to feel, think, etc. 使倾向;使意欲
a.&& doubting or making fun of 玩世不恭的;好挖苦人的
n.&& 1. understanding 思想;理解
2. an opinion 见解
n.&& range of happening or influence 发生率;影响范围
n.&& 1. an opinion 观点
2. what one can see 眼界;视域
vt.& 1. regard 考虑
2. watch 看;观察
a.&& having or giving protection 能防&&的
n.&& way of showing that something is true 证据
a.&& protected against cheating 能防止受骗的
vt.& order so that each part is proper put together 组织;构造;建造
vt.& change completely 改变;改造
hand-out (handout)
n.&& 1. a paper containing a review of information or subjects which will be dealt with in a lecture or talk 印发的讲稿等
2. something given for free 施舍物
n.&& 1. a play 剧(单个戏剧)
2. plays 戏剧(总称)
▲ narrative
n.&& 1. a story or tale 故事
2. the practice or ac narration 叙述;讲故事
a.&& that narrates or tells 叙述的
vt.& restrain 抑制;控制
n.&& limit 抑制;控制
n.&& television, radio, newspapers, etc. 媒介;媒体
n.&& 1. able planning and management of anything 策略
2. the art of planning movements of armies or forces in war 战略;兵法
ad.& essentially 基本地
without charge or cost 免费
deliver 递交
do the trick
do accomplish the purpose 达到目的
get/have access to
have the right or permission to approach, enter, have admittance of 有权得到、使用等
recognize (sth.) as (sth. good) 称赞&&为&&
figure out
1.understand (sth. or sb.) with difficulty 理解
2. find out by using figures 想出,得出
(cause to) be removed from (sth. or sb.) 搬移;取走
a little bit
to a small range or degree 有点
be inclined to
tend to 倾向于;容易(做)
rather 有点;有几分
make the most of
get the best use or greatest gain from 充分利用
San Francisco
Cable News Network(美国)有线新闻网
Collegiate Care
Jane Morrison
Gary Handman
加里& 汉德曼(人名)
Arianne Chernock
阿里亚尼& 彻诺克(人名)
Leslie Farmer
莱斯利& 法默(人名)
How not to Cheat?
&&& You're taking a science test and are unsure of an answer. While the teacher is busy, you notice you can see the test answers of the student next to you.
&&& Would you look closer?
&&& Are you a cheater?
&&& More than half the kids in a national survey are. The &1998 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth& found that 7 out of every 10 high school kids have cheated on a test at least once. Including all grades, the number is more than 6 out of 10.
&&& And reports of cheating are increasing. There's intense pressure for kids to succeed. Sometimes they feel they have to & at any cost.
&&& Parents, teachers, even friends can put a lot of pressure on students to get good grades. Some parents threaten to punish for bad grades or offer rewards for good marks.
&&& Most students think about cheating at some time. It could be copying someone else' it could even be giving answers to somebody else.
&&& &If they're doing really badly in a subject, that makes kids want to cheat so they can get a better grade,& says first class Scout Ben Patrick, 11, from Troop 69, Palatine, Illinois.
&&& David Kimwell, 16, of Provo, Utah, agrees, &Kids are driven to cheat when there is pressure to succeed.&
&&& But these kids also know that succeeding on a test by cheating is not really succeeding at all.
&&& When students cheat, they are less likely to really understand their schoolwork. And when you don't understand your schoolwork, your grades
cheating can only get you so far.
&&& The bottom line is: If you don't really learn it now, you'll probably have to learn it later!
&&& Here's how not to cheat:
&&& Talk to your parents. Think about the kinds of pressures they might be putting on you. Sometimes parents think rewarding or punishing will encourage kids to work harder, but often they don't encourage at all. Let your parents know how you feel, and let them know how they can reduce school stress for you, while still encouraging good grades.
&&& Change your study habits. Have you sometimes felt the urge to cheat when you didn't study well enough for a test? Try changing your study habits. Study with a friend or have your parents help. Do not force all your studying into the last minute, and get a good night's sleep before a test. Finally, make practice tests so you can focus on those areas in which you need the most work.
&&& Talk to your friends. If you feel stress to get good grades & and maybe cheat & because your friends get better grades, talk to them. Ask how they prepare for tests and suggest studying in a group. You might get some ideas from them.
&&& An honest C will get you much further than a not-so-honest A. Face it: Cheaters never succeed & and pay a high price when caught.
&&& Whether you're a junior school student or a young adult at college, get caught cheating and you'll pay the price & usually a very high one. Here's how schools handle cheaters:
&&& For junior school students: a strict talk with the student and a call to the parents. Repeat cheaters are removed from in-school activities.
&&& For middle school students: a zero or no grade on the assignment or the test on which the student cheated. Students may be removed from in-school activities, and parents will be told.
&&& For university students, like those in Harvard, Cambridge, or Massachusetts: cheaters are normally required to leave for two back-to-back terms.
&&& Words: 614


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