
  该文献由利洋公司技术部陈明卫翻译,主要原文的摘要、介绍(背景)、图片说明、讨论部分,其它部分没有翻译。原文献有南海所徐力文老师提供。  虾的白便综合症是肝胰腺上的微绒毛脱落之后,在身体里聚集形成的蠕虫状体,表面看像簇虫&nbsp  Siriporn&nbspSriurairatana&nbsp  玛希隆大学,曼谷,泰国  摘要:随着虾的急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)在亚洲蔓延,在虾的肝胰腺和肠道开始流行蠕虫状像簇虫一样的东西。这种情况很大的概率会出现白色的粪便,这种现象称为白色粪便综合征(WFS)。取肝胰腺的新鲜组织染色涂片,用光学显微镜观察得知,蠕虫状体近乎透明,其直径与有蠕虫状体虾的肝胰腺小管相匹配。尽管有蠕虫状的物质出现,但结果显示它没有细胞结构。在高倍镜下观察发现(LM与40-100x目标),它是由一层膜包围的加厚的跨折叠膜的复合物。透射电子显微镜(TEM)发现该蠕虫状体膜孔的非层膜与质膜和已知簇虫、其他原生动物或后生动物的外层都不相同。亚细胞的细胞器例如线粒体,细胞核,内质网和核糖体是不存在的。内部膜有一个管状的子结构,偶尔会包含整个B细胞,B细胞从肝胰腺小管上皮细胞脱落。这些内部膜显示,微绒毛从肝胰腺小管上皮细胞脱落,然后在管腔内聚集。微绒毛脱落时,原始细胞裂解了。与此相反,B细胞保持完整或分别独立地和整体的从细管上皮脱落。在光镜下,当脱落的微绒毛聚合包围B细胞就可能被误解为囊肿状结构,使它看起来像簇虫。&nbspATM(蠕虫状体)的原因目前还不清楚,但微绒毛脱落和随后的细胞的裂解表明其形成是一种病理过程。如果足够严重,他们可能会延缓虾的生长,可能会使虾易患条件致病菌病。因而,&nbspATM(蠕虫状体)的原因和它与急性肝胰腺坏死病之间的关系(如果有的话)需要继续研究确定。&nbsp  介绍&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp  实验的手稿显示,发现肝胰腺上的微绒毛脱落,之后聚合成蠕虫状体,它表面看起来像簇虫这个现象,断断续续花了6年时间。刚开始这个研究独立的,之后在对各种已知虾病原体从病毒、细菌、真菌和寄生虫的项目研究时,顺便也研究观察ATM。但直到最近才被单独研究ATM的把它们之间联系起来,使它们成为链接成一个连贯的整体。为了找出它们之间的联系,我们把它作为主要工作进行了密集的调研。&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp  自2009年以来,特别是2011年以来,进行了数以百计的虾标本研究,试图确定急性肝胰腺坏死病(AHPND)与它的关系。最近的,严重的虾流感大流行对亚洲虾的养殖业造成严重的损失。AHPND暴发始于培育南美白对虾、斑节对虾和中国对虾。南美白对虾的AHPND在2009年的中国暴发后,逐渐蔓延到越南(2010年),马来西亚(2011年)和泰国(2012),尽管该疾病在当时不知道具体原因。事实上,它直到2011才首次被定义为AHPND(称为急性肝胰腺坏死综合征或AHPNS),它在2011年6月,由来自亚利桑那大学的D.V.莱特纳(未发表),在一个由越南动物卫生厅在河内组织的研讨会上提出。随后,于月,它被全球水产养殖倡导杂志定义为早期死亡综合症(EMS)。后来在同一年,亚太地区的水产养殖中心(NACA)编写了一个病证并在其网站上提供(www.enaca.org)。最后,该病原体(即单独的副溶血性弧菌)被发现于2013年[1]。此病独特的诊断特点是虾肝胰腺中内侧脱落许多小管上皮细胞,目前把它作为来源于虾胃的致病菌的一个未知结果毒素(s)。目前确诊仍依赖于HP细胞的大量脱落的组织学诊断,数百虾涉嫌AHPND感染,主要做头胸部组织切片观察,且主要专注于虾的肝胰腺。在此工作的过程中,各种其他肝胰腺病原体有也遇到并记录,但不经常报道。这里发现了一个日益流行的异常现象,在斑节对虾和南美白对虾的肝胰腺、胃和肠道的连接处的小管内发现了蠕虫状体,表面看起来像簇虫。它们有时会产生大量的白色的粪便,这种现象称为白色粪便综合征(WFS),池塘养虾大约养到2个月开始发生,他们最初认为是簇虫导致的白便[2]。据估计,2010年WFS对泰国的损失为10%-15%,主要降低虾的存活率和虾的规格,且这一估算排除了每年由白斑病给泰国造成的正常损失。在这里,我们用光学显微镜和电子显微镜对蠕虫状体进行了详细研究,表明它们不独立的有机体,而是是编队组成的集合。微绒毛转化(ATM)是虾肝胰腺小管上皮细胞从上面脱落,之后它们聚集在肝胰腺和肠道相接的地方,之后通过肠粪便排出。A浮便B食盘里的粪便C白肠D金棕色肠道E粪便的显微照片  a低倍镜下显示有3个蠕虫状体,其中1个在小管内&nbspb高倍镜下可见蠕虫状体内有B细胞&nbspc用孟加拉红给蠕虫状体染色,在高倍镜下观察其内部膜结构。  肝胰腺组织涂片染色,HE染色揭示ATM。显微照片清楚地显示蠕虫状形态,ATM内部或游离的囊肿样的内容。&nbsp  结果:  A细小碎片B早期聚合C中期聚合D压缩E在肠道附近聚集F肠道内真实的族虫,细胞核突出  虾的肝胰腺HP组织切片甲苯胺蓝染色。(a)一个HP小管的远端末端截面显示在隐窝上有密集的染色颗粒,由细管管腔微绒毛在转化ATM时形成。注意微绒毛层所有的细胞是完整的。&nbsp(b)HP小管处脱落,微绒毛正在转化中。&nbsp(c)一个B-细胞从HP小管上脱落,有正常和正在转化的微绒毛,还有一个在裂解的细胞&nbsp(d)在高放大倍率下的蠕虫状体ATM,有些包裹B-细胞,在ATM周围有很多碎片。透射电镜ATM:左边有包含的B细胞,单层的封闭膜,里面有脱落聚合的微绒毛复合物。  TEM(投射电镜)的微绒毛转化和脱落的步骤。&nbsp(a)HP小管上皮细胞的低倍率显示正常和转化的微绒毛和两个脱落细胞的裂解。表明早期是由一层膜包围的。(b)低倍率下,部分微绒毛脱落,细胞裂解前的情况和未脱落的B细胞&nbsp(c)高倍率下,清楚地显示出正常和转化、脱落的微绒毛之间的不同。&nbsp(d)高倍率下HP小管上皮细胞的转化和脱落。  TEM(投射电镜)在HP小管隐窝中不寻常的电子致密颗粒。(A)低倍率下,HP小管内可变形的不知名的电子致密颗粒(B)高倍率下,上皮微绒毛上有一个颗粒,可能是之前进入的细胞。&nbsp(C)高倍率下,微绒毛上皮细胞里面有电子致密颗粒,它旁边邻近的微绒毛表层细胞的形状发生了变化&nbsp(D)低倍镜下,一个小管上皮细胞内有很多电子致密颗粒,其绒毛在转化的前期。&nbsp  讨论:&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp  在我们用电镜揭示ATM的起源以前,我们用光镜发现其跟簇虫相似。那时一个关于簇虫的文献表明,在虾中还从来没报道过簇虫,当然也包括泰国发表的那篇与簇虫很相似的ATM。具体来说,它们缺乏动力,并没有表现出细胞器,如通常突出的原子核。从后续电子显微镜的结果确认:ATM没有细胞核和簇虫常有的超微结构(例如,复杂的膜结构,线粒体,核糖体等)。但是,我们发现了一个同约翰逊以前的研究相似的现象。她在螃蟹的肝胰腺小管中偶尔会发现透明的薄膜状的物质,她认为这个物质是从微绒毛上皮产生的。但她没有给出它们形成的细节,并表示无法解释它们的功能或意义,无法断定它们是否的一个正常的过程或是结果某种罕见的病理。我们虾的ATM形态特征与约翰逊螃蟹中的不明物质很相似,特别是投射电镜图。我们在其它甲壳动物的公开刊物中没找到类似的物质。当ATM的发生严重时,它可以导致虾形成白色粪便,如果很多同池的虾同时表现出这种现象,它可以导致浮便,有时会漂浮堆积(即白粪便综合征或WFS)。它通常出现在虾养殖2个月的时候,并可能伴有较高的死亡率。然而,ATM有时与虾的肝胰腺疾病如AHPND、弧菌病及对虾肠微孢子虫一起出现。导致的结果是,在越南WFS被认为是对虾肠微孢子虫导致的[17]。但这随后在泰国的自然感染和实验室研究实验中表明不太可能是孢子虫导致的[18]。因此,可以肯定的是,严重的WFS是大规模形成ATM导致的。然而,ATM形成的原因仍然是个谜,希望更多人能够去研究它的特性和形成机制。总的来说,我们的工作表明,ATM是由小管上皮细胞脱落,裂解,导致微绒毛转化而形成的。这表明ATM的形成是一种病理过程。事实上,现在通过活虾的HP组织涂片,很容易就发现了它。以前ATM在虾中没有发现,可能是流行率比较低的原因,正如先前约翰逊报道螃蟹也一样[16]。然而,它们在亚洲流行越来越严重,就不能忽视这个问题了。明显的是ATM的流行于AHPND暴发流行有关系。虽然这可能有一定的因果关系,但同时也出现了肝胰腺的微孢子虫和AHPND一起流行的情况,但现在我们知道,当AHPND没有感染细菌时,微孢子虫与ATM的因果关系的可能性不大&nbsp[1]。而亲虾和仔虾的感染会导致微孢子虫和AHPND细菌增加虾的发病率。这个观点可以找到一点依据,泰国一些虾农收到同一批S&nbspP&nbspF&nbsp仔虾,但它们或多或少在同一时间暴发了AHPND。我们的研究也可以说明,一些地方性的微孢子虫可以在南美白对虾亲虾和仔虾时感染,这应该是来源于美国,但却从未报道过&nbsp[18]。  总之以前的信息表明,虾孵化场的生物安全措施没有做到位,像外来的和当地的病原体都没排除干净。因此,对于ATM,我们必须考虑两个可能性。无论它们感染了类似AHPND和微孢子虫时,或它们感染了多种病原体但交替的表现不同病源病症。例如,已经报道,AHPND细菌产生一种强效的毒素能引起肝胰腺小管上皮细胞脱落[1]。在没有细胞脱落时,低剂量的毒素能否导致ATM?为了测试这后一种可能性,实验室用病原体细菌的稀释毒素建立了感染模型&nbsp[1]。当出现新的病原体时,不管虾中有或没有ATM]时&nbsp,对其基因组进行对比分析是比较有效的。或者,电子致密颗粒与微绒毛的转化有有关的,这个可以作为一个研究方向。比如,可以用物理手段将它们分离出来。通过组织匀浆,差速离心和过滤,之后对它进一步分析。最后,我们通过透射电镜发现,ATM的表面结构跟簇虫很像。现在在亚洲养殖的虾的肝胰腺体内常发现不是独立有机体的物质。它是由HP小管的上皮细胞的脱落和聚合,微绒毛转化时形成的。裸露的上皮细胞随后裂解,表明该过程对虾的生长和存活有负面影响。严重时可导致白便综合症(WFS)。需要进一步研究ATM产生的原因,并评估其对虾养殖业生产的影响。&nbsp (本文已被浏览 3332 次)
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问题提出时间: 21:49:43
求一篇论英文论文 题目为《The Translation skills of Sentences》
我是武汉大学自考本科段的学生,是英语教育专业的,需要写一篇题为《The Translation skills of Sentences》的毕业论文,要英文版的,字数为字,如果有参考文献就更好了,论文提纲可以列出,马上就要交了,我想写好,但又没时间,缺乏这方面的写作素材,迫切希望得到专家及伙伴们的帮助,本人将深表感谢!!!!时间急迫。求各位朋友帮忙解决。万分感谢。
回答时间: 21:54:02
The Translation skills of Sentences&&& With the development of modern technology, it becomes more and more frequent for us to communicate with people from other countries. Sometimes it will be difficult for us to do business with others because of language barriers, thus we need translators here, when reading works in other country's language, translation will become more important. The following is some methods and skills about translation for English-Chinese, if you will have a translation work about that, hoping the following suggestion can help you. I.& Words.Words chosen: usually there are different meanings of one English word, when translating, you should understand the correct meaning of the word at first You can choose the word according to the following three methods: collocation of context and words, word category selection and major selection. exchange of words' meaning: on the basis of understanding the original meaning of English words, you can translate it into words with Chinese habit, or antonyms, in other words, it is anti-translated text or translation of the text in anti. exchange of words category: change the form of the words such as nouns, gerunds, non-finite verbs into verbs. words supplement: if there is some meaning in the original text that has not been clearly stated, when translating, you need to supple the meaning thus the text can become more easy for reading, e.g, there is no measure words between numbers and nouns, you should add measure words when translating. II. The Structure of SentencesThere are three main translation skills for sentence structure: word order type, the combination of words and the conversion class.Word Order Type: Sequential Translation and Reverse Translation When writing English sentences, it is both OK for you to put time adverbial front or back. What's more, it is convenient for you to put adverbials such as result, condition etc You can put in front or back. While in Chinese, the statement always accords with sequence of time and logic, therefore, no matter sequential translation or reverse translation, actually it is always with the same Chinese habit. If English statement is the same as Chinese, it is sequential translation, otherwise, it is reverse translation.The choice of sequential translation or reverse translation, it depends on the personal preferences.Prefix notation For short period of restrictive attributive clauses and appositive of identity and characters in English, when translating, you can always put it before the antecedent.Points from the total Syrian and Syria from the point of total It is very common for English long sentences and nested sentences because empty words are very active in English with strong generative capacity such as conjunctions, relative pronouns, relative adverbs etc, they all can form compound sentence, composite sentence and some other combining forms.Though it is very difficult for you to translate the sentences in such forms, there are still solutions. Though they are long sentence, there are still the main body and several other declaration parts such as attributive clause, adverbial clause etc. Before translating, you should find the main body first, after having stated the main part clearly then you will deal with the resting parts. In the way, it will be easier for you to explain the sentence clearly with good translation.Induction To deal with some particularly difficult and active sentence, and it is difficult for you to translate it one word by another word, then you should analysis the whole sentence in comprehensive treatment, understanding that translation is another kind of recreation. After induction, you will understand the sentence clearly and state it in your own words.2. Composition Class& A. Phrase of Sentence& Sometimes due to the use of words that show connection in the sentence, in the form it is a sentence, actually there are several independent parts in the sentence with complete meanings. You can divide them into short sentences without any efforts. And the place for division is usually at those connection words, which generally are relative pronouns, relative adverbials, dependent adverbial, accompanying verbs etc.& B. Syntactic Amalgams& If there are two or more than two sentences formally, while they are in relative meanings. Only if the translation is not too long, you can state the whole meaning in one sentence. E.g. if a simple sentence and a composite sentence own the same objective, you can be combined into co-constit for shorter attributive clause or adverbial clause, they can be shorted as modifier for objective.&3. Related Coverage
some suggestion and notices for your translation.
There are so many people unable to differ transcription from translation. When doing a Google for transcription, this difference is getting more complex with results about DNA. So, what are differences between 2 definitions?
This article is specifically for those of you that are interested in becoming a translator. Here is some helpful advice for you to become a successful Japanese translator.
When talk of translation services arise, the issue of whether it is wiser to use a translation software or a human translator always comes up. The question, however, is a really bad one to ask. How can a machine ever be better than a human in such a field?Conversion Attribution &A. Conversion of Sentence Elements&In the above, we mentioned that words can be sequential translation, do does sentence element. The conversion of sentence elements is usually caused by the grammatical relation between collocation of verbs and nouns in translation text.&B. Conversion of The Passive Voice&Some sentences in passive voice can be translated directly, while most of the sentences in passive voice need to be converted when translating thus it can be much easier for Chinese to understand because there are less passive voice sentences in Chinese culture.&The following are some common method for passive voice sentence translation: 1st, you can reduce the sentence into active sentence. You can reduce the action issuer after &by& as objective, or adding &people & &we& or some other action issuer that has been eliminated in original text as objective. 2nd, you can form active sentence. You can translate the sentence with the use of those words such as &by, of, from etc& into active sentence. 3rd, you can convert the sentence into automatic sentence. By choosing verbs in Chinese translation text, you can convert the action bearer in English text into objective in translation text. 4. EllipsisIt refers to ellipsis some words in original text without translation on the condition that it will never affect the complete meaning. E.g. the measure words mentioned above, it can be omitted when translating into E most possessive pronouns can be omitted when translating.5. Parallel and RepetitionWhen explaining some meaning of repetition in English, it usually uses sharing, substitute or conversion. While in Chinese, there are usually plenty of repetition words to strengthen the power of words. E.g. in English you can use possessive pronouns to
as for verb phrase, you can only repeat preposition and omit main verbs. When translating into Chinese, you may consider repetition.Actually no matter how accurate you translate the original text, there will still be some differences. E.g, the Chinese word &shouji& can be translated into two English words cell-phone and mobile phone. In Chinese, they refer to the same thing, while in English, there are some difference between them. Cell-phone only means &shouji&, and mobile phone means all the phones that can be taken away with you, portable phones. It is evident that mobile phone contains cell-phone.But in order to communicate with other countries, we need to learn more about other countries' culture. Though some difference cannot be eliminated when translating, what we can do it to state the original text in another language clearly and accurately. Maybe most of us will not a translator, but when we talked with foreigners, it is a kind of translation, at this time, you should try to get the main meaning clearly.其实不管你多么准确翻译原文,仍然会有一些分歧。 Eg, the Chinese word &shouji& can be translated into two English words cell-phone and mobile phone.例如,汉语词&shouji&可以翻译成两个电话(英语单词细胞和移动电话。 In Chinese, they refer to the same thing, while in English, there are some difference between them.在汉语中,它们指的是同样的事情,而在英国,它们之间存在一些差异。 Cell-phone only means &shouji&, and mobile phone means all the phones that can be taken away with you, portable phones.手机只是意味着&shouji&,移动电话是指一切可以采取与你远离手机,手提电话。 It is evident that mobile phone contains cell-phone.很明显,移动电话包含手机。 But in order to communicate with other countries, we need to learn more about other countries' culture.但为了与其它国家一样,我们需要更多地了解其他国家的文化。 Though some difference cannot be eliminated when translating, what we can do it to state the original text in another language clearly and accurately.虽然有些差异是无法消除的翻译时,我们能做些什么来说明它在另一种语言的原始文字清晰,准确。 Maybe most of us will not a translator, but when we talked with foreigners, it is a kind of translation, at this time, you should try to get the main meaning clearly.也许我们大多数人不会翻译,但是当我们与外国人交谈,这是一个翻译类,在这个时候,你应该尝试让主要的意思清楚。 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 来自互联网
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问题提出时间: 21:21:54
求一篇英文论文题目为《The Translation skills of Sentences》
回答时间: 21:33:30
The Translation skills of Sentences&&& With the development of modern technology, it becomes more and more frequent for us to communicate with people from other countries. Sometimes it will be difficult for us to do business with others because of language barriers, thus we need translators here, when reading works in other country's language, translation will become more important. The following is some methods and skills about translation for English-Chinese, if you will have a translation work about that, hoping the following suggestion can help you. I.& Words.Words chosen: usually there are different meanings of one English word, when translating, you should understand the correct meaning of the word at first You can choose the word according to the following three methods: collocation of context and words, word category selection and major selection. exchange of words' meaning: on the basis of understanding the original meaning of English words, you can translate it into words with Chinese habit, or antonyms, in other words, it is anti-translated text or translation of the text in anti. exchange of words category: change the form of the words such as nouns, gerunds, non-finite verbs into verbs. words supplement: if there is some meaning in the original text that has not been clearly stated, when translating, you need to supple the meaning thus the text can become more easy for reading, e.g, there is no measure words between numbers and nouns, you should add measure words when translating. II. The Structure of SentencesThere are three main translation skills for sentence structure: word order type, the combination of words and the conversion class.Word Order Type: Sequential Translation and Reverse Translation When writing English sentences, it is both OK for you to put time adverbial front or back. What's more, it is convenient for you to put adverbials such as result, condition etc You can put in front or back. While in Chinese, the statement always accords with sequence of time and logic, therefore, no matter sequential translation or reverse translation, actually it is always with the same Chinese habit. If English statement is the same as Chinese, it is sequential translation, otherwise, it is reverse translation.The choice of sequential translation or reverse translation, it depends on the personal preferences.Prefix notation For short period of restrictive attributive clauses and appositive of identity and characters in English, when translating, you can always put it before the antecedent.Points from the total Syrian and Syria from the point of total It is very common for English long sentences and nested sentences because empty words are very active in English with strong generative capacity such as conjunctions, relative pronouns, relative adverbs etc, they all can form compound sentence, composite sentence and some other combining forms.Though it is very difficult for you to translate the sentences in such forms, there are still solutions. Though they are long sentence, there are still the main body and several other declaration parts such as attributive clause, adverbial clause etc. Before translating, you should find the main body first, after having stated the main part clearly then you will deal with the resting parts. In the way, it will be easier for you to explain the sentence clearly with good translation.Induction To deal with some particularly difficult and active sentence, and it is difficult for you to translate it one word by another word, then you should analysis the whole sentence in comprehensive treatment, understanding that translation is another kind of recreation. After induction, you will understand the sentence clearly and state it in your own words.2. Composition Class& A. Phrase of Sentence& Sometimes due to the use of words that show connection in the sentence, in the form it is a sentence, actually there are several independent parts in the sentence with complete meanings. You can divide them into short sentences without any efforts. And the place for division is usually at those connection words, which generally are relative pronouns, relative adverbials, dependent adverbial, accompanying verbs etc.& B. Syntactic Amalgams& If there are two or more than two sentences formally, while they are in relative meanings. Only if the translation is not too long, you can state the whole meaning in one sentence. E.g. if a simple sentence and a composite sentence own the same objective, you can be combined into co-constit for shorter attributive clause or adverbial clause, they can be shorted as modifier for objective.&3. Related Coverage
some suggestion and notices for your translation. There are so many people unable to differ transcription from translation. When doing a Google for transcription, this difference is getting more complex with results about DNA. So, what are differences between 2 definitions? This article is specifically for those of you that are interested in becoming a translator. Here is some helpful advice for you to become a successful Japanese translator. When talk of translation services arise, the issue of whether it is wiser to use a translation software or a human translator always comes up. The question, however, is a really bad one to ask. How can a machine ever be better than a human in such a field?Conversion Attribution &A. Conversion of Sentence Elements&In the above, we mentioned that words can be sequential translation, do does sentence element. The conversion of sentence elements is usually caused by the grammatical relation between collocation of verbs and nouns in translation text.&B. Conversion of The Passive Voice&Some sentences in passive voice can be translated directly, while most of the sentences in passive voice need to be converted when translating thus it can be much easier for Chinese to understand because there are less passive voice sentences in Chinese culture.&The following are some common method for passive voice sentence translation: 1st, you can reduce the sentence into active sentence. You can reduce the action issuer after &by& as objective, or adding &people & &we& or some other action issuer that has been eliminated in original text as objective. 2nd, you can form active sentence. You can translate the sentence with the use of those words such as &by, of, from etc& into active sentence. 3rd, you can convert the sentence into automatic sentence. By choosing verbs in Chinese translation text, you can convert the action bearer in English text into objective in translation text. 4. EllipsisIt refers to ellipsis some words in original text without translation on the condition that it will never affect the complete meaning. E.g. the measure words mentioned above, it can be omitted when translating into E most possessive pronouns can be omitted when translating.5. Parallel and RepetitionWhen explaining some meaning of repetition in English, it usually uses sharing, substitute or conversion. While in Chinese, there are usually plenty of repetition words to strengthen the power of words. E.g. in English you can use possessive pronouns to
as for verb phrase, you can only repeat preposition and omit main verbs. When translating into Chinese, you may consider repetition.Actually no matter how accurate you translate the original text, there will still be some differences. E.g, the Chinese word &shouji& can be translated into two English words cell-phone and mobile phone. In Chinese, they refer to the same thing, while in English, there are some difference between them. Cell-phone only means &shouji&, and mobile phone means all the phones that can be taken away with you, portable phones. It is evident that mobile phone contains cell-phone.But in order to communicate with other countries, we need to learn more about other countries' culture. Though some difference cannot be eliminated when translating, what we can do it to state the original text in another language clearly and accurately. Maybe most of us will not a translator, but when we talked with foreigners, it is a kind of translation, at this time, you should try to get the main meaning clearly.来自互联网
回答时间: 07:10:09
回答时间: 19:21:06
回答时间: 15:41:53
The Translation skills of Sentences
With the development of modern technology, it becomes more and more frequent for us to communicate with people from other countries. Sometimes it will be difficult for us to do business with others because of language barriers, thus we need translators here, when reading works in other country's language, translation will become more important. The following is some methods and skills about translation for English-Chinese, if you will have a translation work about that, hoping the following suggestion can help you.
回答时间: 13:35:08
回答时间: 13:44:10
The Translation skills of Sentences
With the development of modern technology, it becomes more and more frequent for us to communicate with people from other countries. Sometimes it will be difficult for us to do business with others because of language barriers, thus we need translators here, when reading works in other country's language, translation will become more important. The following is some methods and skills about translation for English-Chinese, if you will have a translation work about that, hoping the following suggestion can help you.
Words chosen: usually there are different meanings of one English word, when translating, you should understand the correct meaning of the word at first You can choose the word according to the following three methods: collocation of context and words, word category selection and major selection.
exchange of words' meaning: on the basis of understanding the original meaning of English words, you can translate it into words with Chinese habit, or antonyms, in other words, it is anti-translated text or translation of the text in anti.
exchange of words category: change the form of the words such as nouns, gerunds, non-finite verbs into verbs.
words supplement: if there is some meaning in the original text that has not been clearly stated, when translating, you need to supple the meaning thus the text can become more easy for reading, e.g, there is no measure words between numbers and nouns, you should add measure words when translating.
II. The Structure of Sentences
There are three main translation skills for sentence structure: word order type, the combination of words and the conversion class.
Word Order Type:
Sequential Translation and Reverse Translation
When writing English sentences, it is both OK for you to put time adverbial front or back. What's more, it is convenient for you to put adverbials such as result, condition etc You can put in front or back. While in Chinese, the statement always accords with sequence of time and logic, therefore, no matter sequential translation or reverse translation, actually it is always with the same Chinese habit. If English statement is the same as Chinese, it is sequential translation, otherwise, it is reverse translation.
The choice of sequential translation or reverse translation, it depends on the personal preferences.
Prefix notation
For short period of restrictive attributive clauses and appositive of identity and characters in English, when translating, you can always put it before the antecedent.
Points from the total Syrian and Syria from the point of total
It is very common for English long sentences and nested sentences because empty words are very active in English with strong generative capacity such as conjunctions, relative pronouns, relative adverbs etc, they all can form compound sentence, composite sentence and some other combining forms.
Though it is very difficult for you to translate the sentences in such forms, there are still solutions. Though they are long sentence, there are still the main body and several other declaration parts such as attributive clause, adverbial clause etc. Before translating, you should find the main body first, after having stated the main part clearly then you will deal with the resting parts. In the way, it will be easier for you to explain the sentence clearly with good translation.
To deal with some particularly difficult and active sentence, and it is difficult for you to translate it one word by another word, then you should analysis the whole sentence in comprehensive treatment, understanding that translation is another kind of recreation. After induction, you will understand the sentence clearly and state it in your own words.
2. Composition Class
A. Phrase of Sentence
Sometimes due to the use of words that show connection in the sentence, in the form it is a sentence, actually there are several independent parts in the sentence with complete meanings. You can divide them into short sentences without any efforts. And the place for division is usually at those connection words, which generally are relative pronouns, relative adverbials, dependent adverbial, accompanying verbs etc.
B. Syntactic Amalgams
If there are two or more than two sentences formally, while they are in relative meanings. Only if the translation is not too long, you can state the whole meaning in one sentence. E.g. if a simple sentence and a composite sentence own the same objective, you can be combined into co-constit for shorter attributive clause or adverbial clause, they can be shorted as modifier for objective.
Related Coverage
Translation Skills (1) some suggestion and notices for your translation.
Transcription, Translation and Replication - How Do They Look? There are so many people unable to differ transcription from translation. When doing a Google for transcription, this difference is getting more complex with results about DNA. So, what are differences between 2 definitions?
Japanese Translator This article is specifically for those of you that are interested in becoming a translator. Here is some helpful advice for you to become a successful Japanese translator.
Software Translation Vs Human Translation When talk of translation services arise, the issue of whether it is wiser to use a translation software or a human translator always comes up. The question, however, is a really bad one to ask. How can a machine ever be better than a human in such a field?
Conversion Attribution
A. Conversion of Sentence Elements
In the above, we mentioned that words can be sequential translation, do does sentence element. The conversion of sentence elements is usually caused by the grammatical relation between collocation of verbs and nouns in translation text.
B. Conversion of The Passive Voice
Some sentences in passive voice can be translated directly, while most of the sentences in passive voice need to be converted when translating thus it can be much easier for Chinese to understand because there are less passive voice sentences in Chinese culture.
The following are some common method for passive voice sentence translation: 1st, you can reduce the sentence into active sentence.
You can reduce the action issuer after "by" as objective, or adding "people " "we" or some other action issuer that has been eliminated in original text as objective. 2nd, you can form active sentence. You can translate the sentence with the use of those words such as "by, of, from etc" into active sentence. 3rd, you can convert the sentence into automatic sentence. By choosing verbs in Chinese translation text, you can convert the action bearer in English text into objective in translation text.
4. Ellipsis
It refers to ellipsis some words in original text without translation on the condition that it will never affect the complete meaning. E.g. the measure words mentioned above, it can be omitted when translating into E most possessive pronouns can be omitted when translating.
5. Parallel and Repetition
When explaining some meaning of repetition in English, it usually uses sharing, substitute or conversion. While in Chinese, there are usually plenty of repetition words to strengthen the power of words. E.g. in English you can use possessive pronouns to
as for verb phrase, you can only repeat preposition and omit main verbs. When translating into Chinese, you may consider repetition.
Actually no matter how accurate you translate the original text, there will still be some differences. E.g, the Chinese word "shouji" can be translated into two English words cell-phone and mobile phone. In Chinese, they refer to the same thing, while in English, there are some difference between them. Cell-phone only means "shouji", and mobile phone means all the phones that can be taken away with you, portable phones. It is evident that mobile phone contains cell-phone.
But in order to communicate with other countries, we need to learn more about other countries' culture. Though some difference cannot be eliminated when translating, what we can do it to state the original text in another language clearly and accurately. Maybe most of us will not a translator, but when we talked with foreigners, it is a kind of translation, at this time, you should try to get the main meaning clearly.
回答时间: 16:51:02
回答时间: 16:52:46


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