英语问卷三个多选项问卷的spss分析A.yes B.no C.intended until 分别是什么意思?

我有一些英语习题 .单项选择:从下列ABC三个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将其代号填在题前的括号里.(1分╳15=15分)  ( )46.Amy:Does your father go to work on foot?  Jim:___________ .  A.Yes,he is.B.Yes,he goes by bus.C.Yes,he does.  ( )47.Sarah:How do you go to school,Ann?  Ann:__________..  A.I go to school by bus.B.I can go by the No.13 bus.C.Yes,I do.  ( )48.John:Excuse me.Where is the library?  Policeman:.  A.You can walk there.B.No,there isn't.  C.It's east of the bookstore.  ( )49.A:When are you going to Hong Kong?  B:I'm going __________.  A.this weekendB.by planeC.yesterday morning  ( )50.I like __________ because I can eat ice-cream.  A.fallB.summerC.spring  ( )51.A:What does Tom do?  B:______________.  A.He goes to school B.He is a boy C.He is a TV reporter  ( )52.I usually ___________ football on Sunday.  A.am playing B.played C.play  ( )53.A:____________________?  B:I'm going to clean my room.  A.Where are you going B.What are you going to do  C.When are you going  ( )54.A:What's your English teacher like?  B:___________.  A.She is tall and thin B.She likes shopping C.She is tired  ( )55.A:What can you do at home?  B:I can __________.  A.climb mountains B.pick up leaves C.do the dishes  ( )56.A:What's your favourite fruit?  B:_______.  A.Cabbage B.Grapes C.Orange juice  ( )57.A:Why do you like winter?  B:Because I can ________.  A.make a snowman B.fly kites C.go swimming  ( )58.A:What did you do last weekend?  B:_____________.  A.I am going hiking B.I play basketball C.I read books  ( )59.A:Are there any flowers in the park?  B:Yes,__________.  A.there are B.there is C.they are  ( )60.Look!The tiger _________ fast.  A.ran B.runs C.is running  VII、Read and arrange.读下面五组问句和答句,请你重新搭配一下,把正确的答句  的字母标号填入相应问句前的括号内.(2分╳5=10分)  ( ) 61.Where are you going this afternoon?A.I'm going to buy a dictionary.  ( ) 62.What are you going to do?B.You can go by the No.12 bus.  ( ) 63.When are you going?C.It's near the bookstore.  ( ) 64.Where is the cinema,please?D.I'm going to the bookstore.  ( ) 65.How can I get to the cinema?E.I'm going at 3 o'clock.
where 表示地点,这里基本都是你要去哪。。后边回答必须是地点
一些初中的英语考试题、高手进1.---Was there a sport meeting in the hall last night?---______.A.Yes,there was B.No,there was C.Yes,there were D.No,there weren’t 2.---Did you go to the shuishang Park yesterday?---_____.A.Yes,I didn’t B.No,I didn’t C.Yes,I was D.No,I did 3.----How was your Women’s Day,Denny?---_____ A.It was wonderful!B.I didn’t like it.C.It is good.D.I got many gifts.4.Nancy didn’t like her new shoes _____.A.a lot B.very much C.at all D.a little 5.---I’m hungry.Can I have the hamburger?---No.It tastes _____.A.terribly B.terrible C.good D.well 6.---Guess what?The great movie is on in the cinema.---Nothing new.I ____ it with my parents on the first day.A.saw B.see C.am seeing D.to see 7.---When _____ your mother _____ you that blue dress,Lucy?---Sorry,I really can’t remember.Maybe two or three weeks ago.A.will,buy B.does,buy C.did,buy D.did,bought 8.He has _____ to tell us.A.something else B.anything else C.else something D.else anything 9.It rained ____ last Sunday.They had to stay at home.A.all the day B.all days C.the all day D.all day 10.---How many souvenirs ____ you _____ in the shop?----I bought only one.A.did,bought B.does,buy C.did,buy D.does,bought 11.____ you _____ to the zoo yesterday?A.Are,going B.Did,go C.Did,went D.Are,go 12._____ a dolphin show in Blue Water Aquarium last Sunday.A.There has B.There had C.There was D.There were 13.The students first visited the Visitors’ Center and then ____ to the Outdoor Pool.A.go B.are going C.going D.went 14.The story is ______ and all of us are _____in it.A.interest,interesting B.interested,interesting C.intered,interest D.interesting,interesting 15.Peter _____ a famous actor this morning,but he didn’t ____ his sutograpg.A.meets,gets B.met,got C.met,get D.meets,get
扫描下载二维码[no yes]Didyouhelpthemcleantheirroom?[ ]A.Yes, Idid.B.No,
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[no yes]Didyouhelpthemcleantheirroom?[ ]A.Yes, Idid.B.No,
篇一 : Didyouhelpthemcleantheirroom?[ ]A.Yes, Idid.B.No,Didyouhelpthemcleantheirroom?[ ]A.Yes, Idid.B.No, Idid.C.Yes, Ididn't.题型:单选题难度:偏易来源:同步题A考点:考点名称:一般疑问句一般疑问句:是疑问句的一种。它是以be动词,have或助动词、情态动词开头,用yes(是)或no(否)来回答的句子。其结构是:系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分一般疑问句的肯定形式为:助动词+主语(+实义动词)。肯定答语用“yes+可定结构”。一般疑问句的否定形式为:助动词构成的缩写否定词+主语(+实义动词)。否定答语用“no+否定结构”。 例:— Do you like this story-book? 你喜欢这本故事书吗?— Yes, I do. 喜欢。/ No, I don’t. 不喜欢。— Is he a student? 他是一名学生吗? — Yes, he is. 是,他是。/ No, he isn’t. 不,他不是。 一般疑问句的改写:一、含有be动词的一般疑问句,通常把be动词调到句首。例如: 陈述句:They are in the swimming pool. 一般疑问句:Are they in the swimming pool? 注意:一般疑问句句末要用“?”。 二、含有情态动词的一般疑问句(can, may...),把情态动词调到句首。例如: 陈述句:He can drive a car. 一般疑问句: Can he drive a car? 三、含有have的一般疑问句,have译为“有”。一般疑问句式有两种形式: 1.把have/has调到句首。例如: 陈述句:Tommy has a computer. 一般疑问句:Has Tommy/he a computer? 2.加助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其他人称用do。其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + have...?例如上句可变为: Does Tommy have a computer? 四、一般动词的一般疑问句,也要借助助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其余人称用do。其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形+其它? 陈述句:Amy speaks English. 一般疑问句:Does Amy speak English? 一般疑问句的回答:首先要有人称的改变。当主语为名词时,在答语中要改成其相应的代词。另外,答语有两种,肯定的回答(用yes)和否定的回答(用no),否定式常用缩写形式。现在还是让我们分句型一一说明。 一、一般疑问句含be动词时,用be动词回答,句末用句号。例如: -Is Mary your sister? -Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.(缩写) 二、一般疑问句含有情态动词(can, may, should等)时,用情态动词回答。例如: -May I come in? -Yes, you may. / No, you can’t. 三、一般疑问句含有have(译为“有”)时,有两种回答方式。 1.直接用have/has回答。例如:-Have they any pictures? -Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t. 2.用助动词do/does回答。例如:-Does Millie smoke? -Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 四、一般动词的一般疑问句回答时也用助动词。例如:-Do the workers live in London? -Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.篇二 : 如何使用“YES”和“NO”正确使用YES和NO,是学好肯定句和否定句的关键。中学生常误译“YES”为“是”,“NO”为“不”。因为“YES”有“是”、“NO”有“不”的含义。生活中的说话者有时也会搞错,译作如不留意也会出毛病。中英互译如果掌握不好,会导致词不达意或意思相反。汉语中的“不”字有时可用“没有”、“无”、“非”等字来代替,以便达到句子意思相同或相近。英语的否定句和肯定句很灵活,可能出现在单词、词组或句子的句型中。中学英语课本有关“YES”和“NO”的泽法,你能理解吗?(1)——Didn’t you have a good time at the party?——Yes, a very good time。—— 难道你在聚会上玩得不快活吗?—— 不,玩得很快活。(2)——I don’t think I know you.——No, you wouldn’t。—— 我想我并不认识你。—— 是的,你不会认识我的。(3)——That’s not a very good place for papers, is it?——Yes, it is.—— 那不是放稿子的好地方,是吗?—— 不,这是个好地方。上述几个句子中,“Yes”译为“不”,“No”译为“是的”。一般问句中的回答,“YES”是“是”,“NO”是“不”的含义。例如:Are you a worker? Yes, I’m. / No, I’m not. (“你是工人吗?”“是的,我是工人。”“不,我不是工人。”)但具体情况要具体分析,按上下文去翻译,“Yes”可能是“不”,“NO”可能是“是”的意思。因为各民族语言有其习惯表达方法,英语单词不能与汉语划等号。错用“YES”和“NO”,在英语对话里引起了许多误解。这两个词在答语中代表了整个句子。有时叫做“句词”。假设你的朋友问你,“Haven’t you finished your exercises yet?”你可能回答“Yes”或“No”,“Yes”代表“I have finished them.”“No”代表“I have not finished them.”显然不可能说,“Yes, I have not finished them.”也不能说,“No, I have finished them.” 这叫做答语要一致。在一般否定问句和反意问句的前半部是否定时,答语的“Yes”是“不”,“No”是“是的”的含义。“Yes”表示不赞同提问人,“No”表示赞同提问人。例如Haven’t you finished your exercises?或You have’t finished your exercises, have you?回答“Yes”,意思仍然是“Yes (不), I have finished them.”“No”意思仍然也是“No (是),I haven’t finished them.”在改革开放的年代里,国际友人来华访问、交流、参观等活动,外语起了交际桥梁作用。英语显得尤其重要,因为英语在世界上是一种被广泛应用的语言。我们应该学会“Yes” 和“No”的正确使用,不然会弄出笑话来。如果外国人问你,“Haven’t great changes taken place in your country since liberation?”(解放以来你们的国家没有发生巨大变化吗?)你应该理直气壮地回答“Yes”。(Yes, great changes have taken place in our country since liberation .(不,解放以来我们的国家发生了巨大变化)。外国人带有一种强烈感情意识想了解你或他人的情况时可用反意问句。例如:Aren’t you proud of being a Chinese? / You aren’t proud of being a Chinese, are you?(难道你作为一个中国人不感到自豪吗?)你的回答是:Yes./ Yes, I’m.(我作为一个中国人而感到骄傲。)如果有意打听某人情况,如说:He isn’t a running dog, is he? /Isn’t he a running dog? Your answer may be“Yes, he is /No, he isn’t.”你的回答可能是“(不),他是一只走狗。(是),他不是走狗。”有关“YES”or“NO”的问题需要弄清楚:(1)英语的肯定和否定与汉语不尽相同。英语的否定常出现在谓语部分(A)、主语(B)、宾语(C)、表语(D)、状语(E)或不定式(F)。句子有部分否定(G)、双重否定(H)、否定转移(I)等。A. He doesn’t study English every day.B. Nobody can prevent us from doing this work.C. I have nothing to do.D. He is not the first one to come here.E. We’ll build the house with fewer people and less money.F. Please tell him not to play with fire.G. Both of them are not here.H. We can not finish the work without your help.I. Li Ming has not been married for a month. (李明结婚还不到一个月。)(2)英语的肯定句译成汉语时,有时汉语有否定意义。因此,一句话可能有几种表达方式。例如:① 不喜欢英语。He dislikes English.肯定句) He doesn’t like English.否定句)②He is impolite to people.肯定句)(他待人没有礼貌。)He is not polite to people.否定句)(3)有些不定式是肯定式,但有否定内容。①He is too old to work. (他太老了不能工作。)②He is too young to join the army. (他未达到参军年龄。)句型:too +adj.+to+V.,太……而不……。但too接下列形容词pleased,glad,wise,ready,anxious,不能用这个句型译法,因为too=very/so。例如:He is too ready to help you. (他乐于帮助你。)He is too anxious to do this work. (他急于做这一动作。)(4)肯定句变否定句时,一些词语有不同搭配。在英语中一些词语习惯上只用于肯定句,而不在否定句中使用,若变成否定句式,要把这些词改成与其相对应的词。例如some→any,,too/also→either,and→or,very much→at all,already/still→yet,a long way→far,a lot→much,plenty of/lots of→much/many,等等。例如:①I caught some birds.→I didn’t catch any birds.②He can speak English too.→He can’t speak English either.③You have a lot of friends.→You don’t have many friends.④He sings and dances.→He never sings or dances.用any的合成词作主语时,谓语不能用否定式。Anything can be done here.→Nothing can be done here.(5)英语十大词类中,除了数词和冠词本身没有否定内容外,其他八大词类中某些词含有否定意义。如介词but,except,without,against,beyond,等等;连词or,unless,but,otherwise,neither ...or...,等等。例如:All are present but/except Li Ming.He came here without being invited.We’ll go there unless it rains tomorrow.(6)单词前后缀有否定含义。下列是肯定句:The meeting is unimportant.They ate carelessly.Li Ying dislikes English.(7)除了no,not,none,neither之外,还有许多单词有否定含义,常做准否定词,如seldom,little,never,few,scarcely,hardly,rarely等。反意疑问句后半部常用肯定式。这些词位于句首时,常用倒装句。You seldom hear from him,do you?Never have I seen him before.(8)句子的否定转移。You don’t think/suppose/guess/believe he is wrong.It was not until ten o’clock that I went to bed.She had not been married for many weeks.(她结婚还不到几个星期。)本句否定状语部分,不能译为“几个星期前她还没有结婚”。It is not a place where anyone would expect to see strange characters on the street.(在这里人们不会想到在街上碰到古怪人物。)这句也是否定转移,anyone的谓语部分不能有否定式。(9)否定句式也可能表达肯定内容。We can not praise him too much.我们无论怎样称赞他也不算过分。(can’t ...too...决不会……)I can’t thank him too much.(我对他的感谢无论如何也不会过分。)We can’t live without water.(没有水我们就不能生存。)(否定加否定变成肯定。)综合上述,英语的肯定句式和否定句式内容较为丰富,因此,“Yes”或“No”的正确使用不容忽视。
本文标题:[no yes]Didyouhelpthemcleantheirroom?[ ]A.Yes, Idid.B.No,&版权说明
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1、《[no yes]Didyouhelpthemcleantheirroom?[ ]A.Yes, Idid.B.No,》一文由262阅读网()网友提供,版权归原作者本人所有,转载请注明出处!
选择最佳答案:Is this your brother?________A.Yes,it is.B.Yes,he is.C.No,I'm not.D.Yes,he is"nt 请教最佳选项.
A 问的是this.
选 B Yes, he is.翻译:是的,他是。
从A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳答案.1.Mr Smith ▁▁ some water and then ▁▁ with Lucy.A.talk B.talk C.talked.2.---Did you work for a foreign company in 2000?---▁▁ .Iwas a student at that time.A.Yes,Idid.B.No,I didn't C.Yes,I do.3.Jim Right enjoys ▁▁ magicshows.A.watch B.to watch C.watching4.Tom,can yousee the key on the floor?Please ▁▁ for me .A.pick up it B.pick it up C.pick them up5.Kitty entered ▁▁ her room without ▁▁ anything.A.take B.to take C./;taking如果可以,麻烦写上选这个答案的原因,


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