九年级英语任务型阅读读everybody in britain

> 【答案带解析】阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。(每小题1分,计10分)...
阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。(每小题1分,计10分)Everybody likes music. But do you know that music is different from songs? Songs express feelings with lyrics, but music with tones. Unlike songs, music tones have no specific meanings.Different people may get different things from the same musical performance. Though some music works are difficult to understand, people need music in their daily life because it brings fun to them. Different people like different music. Some love classical music and others like pop music. Most young people like pop music.Pop music began in the USA and became popular around the world during the 1950s and 1960s.The best-known early kind of pop music was “rock and roll”. Pop music has taken the place of local music in many parts of the world. It has caused the number of people for “jazz” music to become much smaller than that in the 1950s and earlier. And it now becomes the most popular one. Much pop music is without artistic value, but the work of some pop singers like Bob Dylan, the groups like Pink Floyd and Crosby are excellent. Today people still have great interest in pop music. Its concerts and festivals are held all over the world.Something about
1.The difference between music and songs1. Songs can express
with lyrics.2. Music tones have no special meanings.The
of music1. People can have fun from music.2. Different people are
in different music. For example, most of the
people like pop music.Pop music1. Pop music,
in the USA, became popular around the world during the 1950s and 1960s.2. “Rock and roll” was the
early kind of pop music.3.
music in many parts of the world has been taken the place of by pop music.4. Pop music now becomes more popular than “jazz” music.5. Much pop music has no
of art, but some pop singers and groups are excellent.6. The music
and festivals are held all over the world. 
&阅读表达是阅读理解题的一部分,它是近年来出现的新题型,它要求学生在阅读文章后对文章中的某些内容或整篇文章做出概括,是一种读写结合题,所以大家在做这类题时首先要弄清完成的是什么任务,然后有的放矢地去阅读,最后进行归纳与总结. 一般任务型阅读的题型多为细节题,好的方法是先看问题,然后带着问题读文,把细节画出来,还有一种题型是归纳题,它又分两类.一类是段落性的,一类是概括中心内容(全文性)这种较难,不过是有方法的.都是要通读全文,至少3遍. &
任务型阅读理解题型的特征和一般解题方法 : &
& &第一步:认真阅读试题背景,了解阅读材料的背景、话题或主题,确保解题时不脱离阅读的主题和正确思维的主线索。
& &第二步:仔细阅读题目,找出不同人物的不同要求,并在关键词下划线,以便有利于为第三步的的顺利解题创造良好的和必要的条件。 & & &第三:对照题目的要求,从A、B、C、D、E和F六个备选项中选出符合以上要求的对应条件。有时,我们只要顺着关键词的线索就能轻松找到正确的答案。例如,有一篇有关体育题材的任务型阅读理解的题目要求中涉及到姚明的NBA生涯,考生只要在备选项中找到”姚明”这个关键词,不用阅读整个题目和备选项就能轻松找到正确的答案。但是,在大多数情况下,还要从提出的若干备选项选择符合条件中的内容。同学们需要根据具体的情况灵活地选择解踢方式,跳读、扫读还是细读。在此,特别提醒各位同学:选项中肯定有一项是多余选项。 &第四步:快速对照“要求”和“条件”这一主要线索通读一遍,做到万无一失,提高答题的准确率,增强应试的信心。
& 阅读表达题步骤和技巧 &
& &1.认真审题,读懂题意。由于题目要求形式多样,在同一篇阅读材料中会要求完成不同的任务,因此解题前要先明确任务,做到心中有数。 & &2.快速阅读,掌握大意。在做题时要快速扫视一下文章的大意,然后结合前面的题目的要求,大致明白所要完成的任务。
& &3.细读题目,完成任务。在明白题意和文章意思的基础上,仔细阅读后面的题目要求,在原文中找出问题题干所包括的信息部分,这样就可以快速准确地抓住有效信息,确保答题的准确性。如果是根据英文释义写单词的题,则一定要确保所填的单词来源于原文,切不可脱离原文,随意发挥。
& &4.复读文章,核实任务。在初步完成所要求的任务以后,学生必须再仔细阅读所提供的短文,结合题意、文章和文后提供的任务信息、认真核实任务以保证答题正确。 &&
& &5.注意读写结合。任务型阅读不仅考查学生阅读理解层面的能力,更加注重考查学生“写”的能力。若是写单词,则要注意拼写正确,词形、词性有无变化,是否需要大写;若所要完成的是短语或句子成分,则需谨慎对待,依据所给题干分析要完成的是什么句子成分,需用什么样的表达方式,不可简单草率地将文中信息直接挪用。
& &总之,阅读理解不同于传统的阅读理解,它介于阅读理解与写作之间,教师应该适应新课改的要求,掌握阅读理解的特点,加强学生阅读能力的培养。
1.According to “I Can Do It”, what kind of food is Pizza?A.A kind of food that comes only in a box or from a restaurant.B.A kind of food made from plants and other ingredients.C.A school program class students will attend in their summer vacation.D.A kind of vegetable that grows in the garden.2.According to “Nature Miracles”, what will a jumping mouse do if you cut off its tail?A.It will jump farther than usual.B.It will die some time later.C.It will lose its balance.D.It will have a new one soon.3.According to “Make a difference”, what will the children do on Padre Island On November 16?A.They will have a pizza party on the beach.B.They will plant some trees there.C.They will collect newspapers, cans and bottles for some money.D.They will gather trash on the beach.4.According to “A Christmas Carol”, where did Scrooge eat Christmas dinner?A.At his nephew’s home. B.At Bob’s home.C.At his own home.
D.At his office.5.According to “A Christmas Carol”, what did Scrooge send to Bob Cratchit on Christmas morning?A.Fifteen shillings.
B.A big turkey.C.Meat.
D.A chicken. 
Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.In fact happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you. W hen you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health. When you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy too. All these are your happiness. If you notice them you can see that happiness is always around you.Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy because you have something else that can’t be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can’t say loudly you are very happy because you have more chances to challenge yourselves. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you take every chance you get, you will be a happy and lucky person.1.When you fall down in a PE class, both your teacher and your classmates will ______.A. laugh at you
B. play jokes on youC. quarrel with you
D. help you up2.What will your friends say to you when you make great progress?A. Congratulations.
B. Oh, so do I.C. Good luck.
D. It' s just so-so.3.Which idea is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?A. Happiness is always around you though difficulties come towards you.B. You can get help from others when you make mistakes.C. You can still be a happy person even if you have little money.D. People who have cars would never like to walk in the open air.4.Which of the following is this passage about?A. Bad luck
B. Good luck
C. Happiness
D. Life. 
“An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue(队伍) of one,” wrote a famous British author, George Mikes.While this sounds funny, it’s a popular English stereotype (刻板印象).From the supermarket to the subway, queues are a common sight on the streets of Britain.Here in China, queues are normal, too.It is a part of everyday life.People queue most of the time, from buying tickets in the cinema to waiting for seats at a restaurant.But in certain situations, you’ll find yourself in the middle of a rushing crowd, such as getting onto the subway.Even away from the busy subway platform, queues are different.One day I was standing in line at the supermarket.I left a small space in front of me.Within seconds, a girl walked by and took her place in that small space.I was surprised at first, but later I found these experiences very interesting.It is with these small, everyday differences that I get to live and learn in a new culture.Back in Britain, the person spends about six months of their life waiting in a queue, according to the auction site MadBid.To pass the time, maybe they tell themselves the famous proverb: Good things come to those who wait.1.The English are well known for _____.A. forming an orderly queueB. being rude and loudC. traveling on subwaysD. spending more time waiting in a queue2.The purpose of the article is to _____.A. call on people in China to queue moreB. compare queuing in two culturesC. praise the English for following good mannersD. explain why people rush in some situations3.In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read this article?A. Sports.
B. News. C. Culture.
D. Business. 
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。ATickets Information for Beauty and BeastDates: Mon. —Fri. 10 am, 7 pmSat. —Sun. 10 am, 2pm, 7pmPlace: Star TheatreTime Period:
1.5 hoursTicket Prices:
$ 15 per child$ 35 per adultAttentions: Please arrive early.People who are late for the show will not be allowed to enter until a proper break.1.What time can we see the film?A.At 12 a.m. on Tuesday.
B.At 10 a.m. on Thursday.C.At 2 p.m. on Friday.
D.At 9 p.m. on Saturday.2.How many shows are given each week?A.13.
D.16.3.Lucy is 7 years old and she sees the film with her parents. How much should they pay for the tickets?A.$45.
D.$ 105. 
请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Not everyone has the chance to be a detective. But I ever got one when I was thirteen years old. It happened in 1988.One afternoon, I was walking down the street when I saw my
new car. I expected to see my father, but to my
, I saw a young woman driving instead. “She stole my father’s car,” I thought. So I quickly stopped a
and got in. I said to the driver, “Follow that new car
. ” And I told him why.The taxi driver had a car telephone, and I asked him to
the police. Soon we heard the
of a police car and its loudspeaker. The policeman told the woman to
her car. Our car came to a stop, too. I
right then and said to the woman, “It’s not
car. It’s my father’s.”The woman
and said, “Oh. You’re Mr Jackson’s son, right? I’ve once seen your photo at your father’s
.”Before I could say
word, the woman explained that she was my father’s new assistant. My father had asked her to take his computer to the shop to have it
. he lent her his car. After hearing her words, we called my father and he told us what she said was
. the police and the taxi driver laughed. I
very sorry. It was both the first time and the last time for me to work as a detective. Don’t you think my story funny?1.A.mother’s
D.bike4.A.in front
C.at the back
D.at the back of5.A.tell
D.start8.A.got in
B.got into
C.got out
D.got away9.A.my
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>>>阅读理解。 Everybody in Britain talks about the weather, It'..
&&& Everybody in Britain talks about the weather, It's the most common subject of conversation, "Isn't a niceday?" "Do you think it will rain?" "I think it's going to be windy." These are common ways of starting aconversation. &&& Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly ever agree with each other. One man may say, "Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? It's going to rain tomorrow" Another manwill say, "Yes, it's cloudy in the east. But I think we are going to have fine weather tomorrow." &&& People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tellhim it's going to rain. He won't believe anything else. When some friends have a picnic, they're so sure the weather is going to clear up very quickly that they sit down and eat their lunch while it rains. &&& Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says. But he doesn't always tell us what we want, andonce in a while he makes a mistake. Still, he usually comes closer to being correct than anyone else.
1. We usually ______ when we start a conversation with our friends in Britain.
A.say hello to them B.ask them to sit down C.pass them some drinks D.talk about the weather
2. Why do many people hardly ever agree with each other when they talk about tle weather?
A.The weather changes very quickly. B.They don't listen to weatherman. C.Nobody can tell what the weather is going to be like. D.Each of them looks for the weather he wants.
3. The writer thinks the weatherman ______.
A.always makes mistakesB.makes fewer mistakes than anyone else C.never makes a mistake D.tells us the weather we hope for
1-3: D D B
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Everybody in Britain talks about the weather, It'..”主要考查你对&&历史文化类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
与“阅读理解。 Everybody in Britain talks about the weather, It'..”考查相似的试题有:
| | | | | | | | |
&&&&&&&&&& 2014.11
1. What kind of music does the man like?
A. Folk music. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Classical music.&&& &&&&&& C. Pop music.
2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
& A. At the airport. &&&&&&&& B. In a restaurant. &&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. At the hotel reception.
3. What is the woman’s possible occupation?&&&&&&
& A. A travel agent.&&&& &&&& B. A customs officer. &&&&&&&&&& C. A school teacher.
4. Why didn’t the man see the doctor earlier?
& A. He didn’t think it necessary.
B. He failed to make an appointment.&&&&&
C. He was too weak to go to see the doctor.
5. How much does one ticket cost?
&&A. It costs $2.5.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. It costs $3.75.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. It costs $7.75.
6. What’s the man’s problem?
& A. He’s poor in chemistry and physics.
& B. He has got to take a science course.
C. He has no idea which science course to take.
7. How many science courses does the woman take?
& A. 3.&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. 4.&&& &&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. 5.
8. What is the conversation mainly about?
&& A. What kind of food to eat.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
B. How to keep our mind strong.
&& C. How to keep our body in good condition.
9. How can we make our hearts stronger?
&& A. By sleeping well at night.
B. By doing physical exercise.
&& C. By eating lots of vegetables.
10. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
& A. An online service.
& B. The woman’s favorite TV shows.
&&&C. The quality of TV shows nowadays.
11. What does the woman like to watch?
& A. Old TV shows.
B. Current TV shows.
& C. Movies rented from stores.
12. What does the man want to do?
& A. Buy a TV.&& &&&&&&&&&&&& B. Join Netflix.&& &&&&&&& C. Watch a movie.
13. Why is it difficult for visitors to locate Cambridge University?
&& A. Because no tour guides are available.
B. Because all the buildings in the city look alike.
C. Because the university is everywhere in the city.
14.& &What does the passage tell us about the colleges of Cambridge University?
&&&A. They set their own exams.
B. They select their own students.
C. They award their own degrees.
15.& &What does the passage tell about women students in Cambridge University?
& &A. Very few of them are engaged in research.
B. They were not awarded degrees before 1948.
C. They have outnumbered male students recently.
16. No one has had ______ greater influence on ______ Western civilization than the ancient Greeks, who made many advances in various fields.
A. the&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. /; the&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. /&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. /; /
17. The manager is now in need of a capable assistant that he can ______ to take care of problems in his absence.
&& A. count on&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& B. count in&&& &&&&&&&&&&& C. count up&&& &&&&&&&&&&& D. count out
18. ______ to the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling’en Palace, known for its simple design and painted ceiling.
A. Added&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Adding &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Being added &&& &&&&&& D. Having added
19. He left home to waste all his time and money in gambling and was finally reduced ______ to be a porter.
&& A. to hire out &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. to hire himself out &&
C. to hiring out&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. to hiring himself out
20. When the Americans ______ to the British raising the tax rates, the British increased control over their American colonies, stationing soldiers there.
A. objected&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. opposed &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. submitted &&&&&&& &&&&&& D. appealed
21. How do you find your new boss, you guys?
Oh, I think he has earned our wide respect ______ he treats us fairly and kindly.
A. in that&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. so that &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. even though &&&&&&&&&&& D. as though
22. His questions concerning the preservation of the historic church at the press conference ______ his ignorance of the matters being discussed.
A. symbolized &&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. associated&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. underlined&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. delivered
23. You have made outstanding contributions to the company. I’m sure that you are ______ to get promoted soon.
A. possible &&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. bound &&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& C. necessary & &&&&&&&&&&&&& D. close
24. What’s up? What’s that terrible noise from our upstairs neighbor?
The spoiled boy is yelling and screaming to ______, I guess.
&& A. mend his way&&&&&&&&&&&& B. get his way&&&&&&& &&&&&& C. push his way&&&&&&&&&&&& D. stop his way
25. The doctor began feeling inactive and powerless a couple of days ago, but not until he developed 103-degree fever, ______ Doctors Without Borders, authorities said.
A. had he contacted&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&& B. he had contacted
C. did he contact&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. he contacted
26. My daughter is not present at this award&ceremony, so I will receive the prize ______ her.
&& A. on behalf of&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. in honor of&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. on account of&&&&&&&&&&& D. in favor of
27. Now we must look forward, and turn this into the moment ______ everyone C whichever way they voted C comes together to build that better, brighter future for our entire United Kingdom.
A. that&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. which &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. where &&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& D. when
28. It would mean C for any banks that remain in Scotland C if they ever got in trouble ______ Scottish taxpayers and Scottish taxpayers alone that would bear the costs.
A. there will be&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. it will be&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. there would be&&&&&&&&& D. it would be
29. Have you heard that the Taiwan pop singer Jam Hsiao will perform in Shanghai at the end of this month?
Of course. All his fans are ______ to hear the exciting news.
A. green with envy&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& B. feeling blue
C. tickled pink&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& D. white as a sheet
30. Since you’ve managed to sign the contract with the foreign company. You might as well begin to&expand your business overseas.
& &Thank you for your advice. As the saying goes, ______.
A. the early bird catches the worm
B. make hay while the sun shines
&& C. great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ
D. don’t count your chickens until they are hatched
It was a typical Wednesday. My wife and I were speaking in a nursing home about our successful recoveries from our heart attacks. Afterwards, one of the other residents, Miriam, asked if we had a few minutes to talk.
“I’ve always thought that to be &&31 &&I need three things: someone to &&32 &, something to do and something to look forward to,” she said. “I’ve got people here to love, and the activities to &&33 &&me as busy as I want, but I don’t have anything I’m looking forward to. Do you have any &&34& ?”
“What did you look forward to before you came here?” we asked.
“Oh, I used to love to laugh with others,” Miriam said.
“What did you &&35 &&about?” we asked.
“Everything I could see, hear, feel, taste or smell,” she said with a smile.
At that very moment, we got the idea to start our &&36& . We began looking for humor, and we used all of our &&37& . We started with a teabag with the &&38& : You are like this teabag … only in hot water do you realize how strong you are.
We continued &&39 &&and found cartoons and videos filled with humor. People brought us stickers, books, games and magazines. We &&40& &together humor baskets with books, tapes, greeting cards and toys for children of all ages.
Of course, we &&41& &a humor basket for Miriam, the woman who had &&42& &us on this project C “Search for a Smile and Share it”. She told us that the &&43& &of her day was sharing the &&44 &&of her basket with everyone she saw.
The project was so &&45& &that other facilities heard of it and made special &&46& . One nursing home asked us to make a humor cart, like a shopping cart. Volunteers &&47& &this down the hallways, sharing smiles and laughs with &&48& . Still another nursing home requested that we &&49 &&a humor room, complete with a projector showing fun videos.
What started as a simple gesture to &&50& &one elderly woman turned into a lifetime project.
31. A. busy&&& &&&& &&&&& &&&&&& B. happy&& && &&&&&&&&&&&&& C. rich&&&&&&& &&& &&&&&& D. healthy
32. A. love&&&& &&&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. meet&& &&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& C. visit&&&&&& &&&&& &&&&&& D. respect
33. A. lead&&& &&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. find&&& &&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& C. keep&&&&&& &&&& &&&&&& D. encourage
34. A. ways&& &&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. opinions && &&&&&&&&&&&&& C. plans&&&&& &&&&& &&&&&& D. ideas
35. A. talk&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. worry&& && &&&&&&&&&&&&& C. complain&&& &&& &&&&& D. laugh
36. A. procedure & &&&& &&&&&& B. project &&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& C. research&&&& &&&&&&&&&& D. preparation
37. A. efforts&&&&&& &&& &&&&&& B. senses&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& C. tools&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& D. families
38. A. message&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. letter&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& C. cover&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& D. sign
39. A. explaining&&&& & &&&&&& B. searching&& &&&&&&&&&&& C. expending&& &&&&&&&&&& D. researching
40. A. got&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. came&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& C. joined&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& D. put
41. A. paid&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& B. made&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& C. filled&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& D. applied
42. A. started&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& B. chosen&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& C. persuaded&& &&&&&&&&&&& D. turned
43. A. highlight&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& B. satisfaction&& &&&&&&&&& C. project&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& D. appointment
44. A. designs&&&&&&& &&&&&&& B. foods&&&&&&& &&&&&&&& C. books&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& D. contents
45. A. touching&&&&&& &&&&&&& B. successful&&& &&&&&&&&& C. interesting&& &&&&&&&&&& D. respectful
46. A. gifts&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&& B. donations&&&& &&&&&&&& C. requests&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& D. arrangements
47. A. walk&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&& B. push&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&& C. fix&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& D. perform
48. A. nurses&&&&&&&& &&&&&&& B. workers&&&&& &&&&&&&& C. residents&& &&&&&&&&&&&& D. children
49. A. design&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& B. organize&&&& &&&&&&&&& C. decorate&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& D. offer
50. A. save&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& B. help&&&&&&& &&& &&&&&& C. thank&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&& D. satisfy
Have you ever imagined walking through a glacier? Be it a yes or no, it is now a possibility.
On October 10, Travel Alberta, the tourism organization for the province of Alberta, Canada, traveled to Beijing to promote its new project, “Glacier Skywalk,” at a press conference.
The project is currently under construction and is scheduled to open May 2014. The new attraction is only minutes away from the Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Center, and is already expected to become a new Canadian landmark. The bold concept of walking amid a glacier may seem unrealistic, but a glass corridor extending from the glacier’s cliff will make the experience a reality.
The glass corridor will function as a fully accessible walkway leading to a glass-floored observation platform 280 meters (918 ft) above the Sunwapta Valley, and will allow visitors to witness the powers of glaciology. From ice-capped mountain peaks to vast glacier-formed valleys, the Glacier Skywalk will provide visitors with a front row seat to some of nature’s most grandeur beauty.
The project will not only become an innovative travel spot, but will also be seen as an engineering miracle. Its main purpose will be to provide visitors with a brand-new viewing experience, in which one can go beyond nature’s edge and immerse themselves in an awe-inspiring trip in one of the world’s most unique ecosystems.
Remember to breathe
“Remember to breathe” is the slogan of Travel Alberta’s global promotional campaign. Royce Chwin, one of the developers of the project and the Chief Marketing Officer of Travel Alberta, elaborated on the idea in depth at the press conference. “Remember to breathe” is a key statement which serves as a reminder to stop, take a moment, refill your energy, remember to slow down, take in your surroundings, take it all in and to drink in the unique personal experience that you create.”
For city dwellers who have a hectic life schedule for almost 365 days a year, this idea serves especially as a reminder that life resides in every breath that is inhaled and exhaled, so people should never forget to slow down and enjoy every moment.
China: essential outbound tourism market
As more Chinese travelers embark on foreign trips, many Western countries are wooing Chinese tourists, and Alberta is no exception. “China is extremely important to Canada, we have seen a double-digit 18% growth of Chinese visitors year after year, which is the world’s largest outbound tourism market for Alberta,” said Chwin.
One advantage adding to Canada’s appeal for Chinese tourists is the Approved Destination Status, a 10-year multiple-entry visa which Chinese travelers can apply for to make their travel much smoother. With more than 82 connecting flights a week between the two countries, traveling to Canada has never been easier.
51. Which of the following about Glacier Skywalk is true?
A. It is promoted by a tourism organization from Beijing.
B. It has no chance to become a new Canadian landmark.
C. It is mainly designed to let visitors have a brand-new experience.
D. It is far away from the Columbia Icefield Glacier Discovery Center.
52. The slogan of travel Alberta’s global promotional campaign “Remember to breathe” is used to ________.
A. warn tourists of the danger there
B. describe the beauty of Glacier Skywalk
C. indicate the excitement of walking through a glacier
D. remind people to slow down and enjoy every moment
Popcorn at the Movies
Advertising uses repetition to increase consumers’ preference for brands. Particularly for novel brands, much exposure and repetition is necessary to establish the brand name in the first place. Do you still remember your feeling when you see or hear the names YAHOO or GOOGLE for the first time? Now they are imprinted in your brain. Basic psychological research has already shown that repeatedly perceived () information is easier to be remembered for the brain process.
Recent research has shown that repetition effects actually are originally caused from the mouth. Each time we come across a person’s or product name, the lips and the tongue automatically simulate () the pronunciation of that name. This happens without our awareness and without actual mouth movements. During inner speech, the brain attempts to say the novel name. When names are presented repeatedly, this simulation happens repeatedly. However, if this inner speech is disturbed, for instance during chewing gum or whispering another word, the repetition effect vanishes.
An interesting experiment was conducted in movie theaters. 96 participants were invited to a real movie theater and were presented a block of commercials and a movie later on. Half of the participants received popcorn to eat. For them, the mouth was occupied with chewing the popcorn so the mouth muscles could not engage in inner speech when watching the ads for the novel brands. The other half of the participants only received a small sugar cube, which dissolved quickly in their mouth so that the mouth muscles were free to simulate the pronunciation of the brand names. The participants were invited to the lab one week after the cinema session. They were presented with images of products. Half of these products had been advertised i the other half were completely novel products. Participants were asked to indicate the products that they liked, and their physiological () responses were measured. Those participants who had only received a sugar cube proved that there was a clear advertising effect. They preferred advertised novel products and also showed positive physiological responses of familiarity for advertised products. However, those participants who had eaten popcorn while watching the commercials one week before showed no such advertising effect.
53. Why does the author mention Yahoo and Google in Paragraph One?
A. To remind readers of brand names.
B. To prove the influence of repetition.
C. To compare the effects of two brands.
D. To draw readers’ attention to the research.
54. What does the underlined word “vanish” probably mean?
A. Disappear. &&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. Improve. &&&&&&&& &&&&&& C. Reduce. &&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& D. Occur.
55. One week after the cinema session, the participants who ate sugar cube ________.
A. held positive attitude toward movies
B. showed preference for advertisements
C. tended to choose the advertised products
D. felt familiar with the commercials and the movies
56. Where is the passage likely to have been taken from?
A. A psychological report.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. An entertainment website.
C. A commercial advertisement.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. A popular science magazine.
Is this happening in your neighborhood? Children, notebook computers stuck under their arms, await the yellow bus for the trip to middle school. On the surface, the question of computers in schools is a no-brainer. It would be strange to insist that today’s technology shouldn’t be used to make the classroom experience more individualized, more effective, more immediate, more exciting. Computers have been in schools more than 20 yearsand probably even done some good.
But the idea of a personal computer as a necessary daily tool for every American grammar school pupil is altogether a different thing. Be aware of the seemingly attractive vision of 10-year-olds doing most of their workand homeworkon a computer. It is another illusory silver bullet that promises to solve all of society’s ills through technology. Regardless of whether parents or taxpayers buy the machinery, it’s bad policy.
Determining the proper role of computers in schools is too important to be left to computer suppliers and educators. An educated public with clear and realistic expectations needs to help determine the right track for technology.
Educators forever seem to seek the ultimate in teaching tools. They are always preoccupied with innovationjunior high school, new math, whole language, open classrooms, and mastery learning, to name a few. Some ideas turned out well and over time have earned permanent positions in our education systems. Other reflected change for changes’ sake and wound up in the trash bin, where they belong.
Exactly what is to be solved with computers in schools? Are we looking to improve instructional capacity and flexibility? Are we trying to make teachers and aids more productive by letting students take advantage of programmed learning tools? This all sounds good, and much has been accomplished with computer-assisted instruction.
But that’s not the same as making the computer a symbol of well-tempered educational policy. There’s danger in the message that a child is not fully educated if he or she can’t surf the World Wide Web skillfully, move around in Windows or the Founder, use a word processing program, or program in Logo or Basic.
These skills can be learned outside the classroom. Worse, the time it takes students to acquire them is time stolen from the teaching scheduleand that’s a bad trade.
And what kind of computers should be purchased? We’re not talking brand names. Most school systems don’t have the money to replace PCs or Macs on the two-to-three-year cycle that shifting technologies demand. On the other hand, $2500the cost of just one computerinvested in books for the school library produces wealth that has, shall we say, a longer shelf life.
And who changes the factory culture of schoolrooms to allow computers to be more effective? And who teaches the teachers? These are the really tough issuesthe ones that more hardware won’t solve.
Children are best served when schools contribute to shaping the solid foundations on which their future will be built. The student who can read with curiosity and understanding, who has mastered basic mathematical concepts, who can evaluate ideas critically, is the one schools should aim to produce.
57. A “no-brainer” in the third sentence of the first paragraph probably means ________.
A. something that is taken for granted
B. an idea that is brainless and foolish
C. a proposal that is not worthy of serious consideration
D. a machine that can never take the place of human brain
58. According to the author, teaching computer in the school classroom is bad practice because ________.
A. the computer is too expensive a luxury for school pupils
B. the pupils are not intelligently mature enough to master the skills
C. it takes too much time which might have been spent on regular courses
D. the pupils can learn nothing from computer-assisted instruction
59. In the last paragraph the author implies that ________.
A. computer skills contribute nothing to a proper education
B. computer teaching is an essential part of an education
C. the fundamental purpose of an education is being ignored
D. teachers should be taught how to teach computer skills
The First Hello
The man from the telephone department got off the bus, and made his way to the tea stall, wiping the sweat off his head, face, then slipping his handkerchief under his shirt to wipe his neck and back. It was a year ago that the phone line had been installed, six months later men from the public works department had come to put up the phone booth―a neat box-like structure, with a glass window, and wooden ledges, yellow in colour. And days after that, a painter had taken an entire day to colour in broad, black brushstrokes, the words: STD Booth, local and STD allowded.
No one could tell that the last word had been misspelled. Besides, he had taken the entire day. After he had a cup of tea, he left, waving cheerfully. And now months later, someone else was here again.
Everyone watched the man as he sat on the bench. No one said a word, and soon the sound of him slurping his tea filled the hot afternoon. A few leaves fell, heavy in the heat, and sometimes a car passed, on its way to the main city farther away.
When the man had finished, he tried to pay but the tea shop owner who sat behind his steaming kettle and the washed upturned cups, waved him away.
“You are our guest here.”
So the man took his handkerchief out again and wiped his face.
They crowded around him as he shut himself up in the phone booth. When the children pressed their nose against the glass, he shooed them away, as he took out a shiny black instrument and placed it on the narrow shelf. A sigh of satisfaction passed through everyone that soon changed to an excited yell as they saw him dial a number, pressing a finger into the ringed dialer of the phone and letting it go all the way in a half-circle. A while later, they hear him say into the mouthpiece, “Hello.”
“Hello,” the children around the booth took up the cry, the teashop owner broke into a smile and the men waiting for a bus smiled and said hello to each other. The sadhu() who sat under the banyan tree nodded wisely. As the sound carried, more hellos were heard. The women winnowing grain giggled as they tried the word tentatively, the shepherds feeding their flocks called out to their sheep, laughing as they used the word.
“It’s a big occasion,” said the headman, in an awed() voice.
“It is.” agreed those around him. The telephone man emerged and handed over a small chit of paper to the headman. “This is the telephone number.”
The headman looked at it respectfully as if it were a mantra(). The others around him read out the numbers slowly, digit-by-digit.
The telephone man was now too tired to notice the cheering around him. He knew he had to wait long before the bus to take him back arrived. As he sipped his second cup of tea, he remembered something else.
“Oh, you can’t start using the phone now. The minister will come next month and inaugurate it.”
No one said a word. No one was surprised. The a month more did not really matter.
60. In the story, fitting a working telephone booth __________.
A. was a process that had already taken 12 months
B. was in the charge of the headman
C. was finished more than a year ago
D. was an artistic challenge for a local painter
61. A misspelled word on the booth __________.
A. was a joke shared by the painter and the local people
B. made the painter miss his tea break
C. went unnoticed by the local people
D. kept everyone occupied for an entire day
62. When the man from the telephone department arrived, __________.
A. the hot afternoon was filled with quiet expectation
B. there was a sudden rush of activity in the village
C. he was greeted like a regular customer
D. he learned about the village while having a nice drink
63. What can be inferred from the story?
A. The man from the telephone department had a mentally demanding job.
B. Only the minister had the authority to make the first call.
C. It was a distant village free from modern technology.
D. Few of the local children went to school for education.
64. The examples of the children, the teashop owner, the men waiting for the bus, the women and the shepherds are given to illustrate __________.
A. the local people’s curiosity for the new thing
B. the ignorance of the local people
C. the local people’s enthusiasm for English learning
D. the popularity of the man from the telephone department
65. What words can be used to best describe the local people?
A. Innocent and cooperative.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Friendly and respectful.
C. Patient and competent.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& D. Independent and admirable.
66. --- I hear that the poet likes going to the beach whenever he’s free. Do you know why?
&& --- As I remember, he once said on TV that the beach is a rich source of i&& ▲& &&for him.
67. --- Are the two countries still at war?
&& --- Luckily, after lengthy talks they finally reached a c&& ▲& &.
68. --- A successful company must be one that can learn to adapt to the change of markets.
&& --- I can’t agree more, because we all know that markets are d&& ▲& &.
69. --- Last year I went to Luoyang and visited the first Buddhist temple in China.
&& --- Terrific! Is the temple the one d&& ▲& &&from AD 68?
70. --- Abraham Lincoln is considered as the hero in the American history.
&& --- Absolutely! Slavery was a&& ▲& &&in America due to the victory of the Civil War led by him.
In 1921, Ireland broke away from Britain to form an independent country, and the Irish substituted a new flag for the old one.
In 1921, after &&&▲& &&off from Britain, Irish got its independence and the Irish substituted a new flag for the old one.
Our manager went to France on business yesterday and he will not come back until 2 weeks later.
Our manager went to France on business yesterday and it will be a &&&▲& &&before he comes back.
Having left my hometown for many years, I find that it has changed so much that I can’t recognize it at all.
Having left my hometown for many years, I find that it has changed so much, almost beyond all &&&&▲ &&.
My sister is a store clerk. When the store has no customers, she has nothing to do.
My sister is a store clerk. When the store has no customers, she has nothing to &&&▲& &&herself with.
In the centre of the White Horse Temple complex is a south-facing courtyard that is shaped like a rectangle.
The White Horse Temple complex is &&&▲& &&around a south-facing courtyard that is shaped like a rectangle.
Something strange is going on. Between 1997 and 2001, the amount of time that American children aged 8 to 10 spent on outdoor activities declined by 50%. Richard Louv, the author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder (), believes this is a factor in the recent rise in childhood depression, attention-deficit disorder and obesity.
What’s keeping kids indoors? Louv covers a variety of reasons, starting with the fact that 57 million Americans now live in homes governed by homeowners’ associations or other neighborhood groups, many of which have rules that restrict outdoor free play. School free play outside is becoming a thing of the past thanks to concerns over lawsuits from parents and the increased focus on testing. Fewer children are playing alone even in their own backyards, due to parents’ fears about “stranger danger”.
Of course, there’s always soccer, right? Unfortunately, the explosion of organized sports has only served to make matters worse, without providing much of a benefit. Many towns are choosing to destroy areas of natural parkland to make room for more playing fields. But the increase in sports has gone hand-in-hand with that famous rise in childhood obesity. Something isn’t working.
Louv presents studies that show how nature can help heal traumatized () children, fascinate kids who suffer from ADHD and encourage physical exercise and social interaction. He also reminds us of the value in the kind of skill-building experiences that are unique to the outdoors like camping, fishing or constructing a tree house. We’re also in danger of losing an entire generation of potential environmental activists.
And guess what? Adults have nature-deficit disorder too. So don’t just send your children outside to play. Go with them! Don’t forget to grab a fishing rod, a sleeping bag or a jar to collect fireflies on your way out. Just be back in time for dinner, okay?
Title: Concerns over Nature-Deficit Disorder
The Elephant and the Fly
An elephant was standing and picking leaves from a tree. A small fly cameflying and buzzing near his ear. The elephant waved it away with his long ears. Then the fly came again, and the elephant waved it away once more.
This was repeated several times. Then the elephant asked the fly, “Why are you so restless and noisy? Why can’t you stay for a while in one place? ”
The fly answered, “I am attracted to whatever I see, hear or smell. My senses pull me constantly in all directions and I cannot resist them. What is your secret? How can you stay so calm and still?”
The elephant said, “My senses do not rule my attention. Whatever I do, I get involved in it. Now that I am eating, I am completely absorbed in eating. In this way I can enjoy my food and chew it better. I rule and control my attention. When you are in charge of your senses and attention, your mind will become calm.”
&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&▲& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&▲&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
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&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&▲& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
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1- 5 BCCAB&& &&&& 6- 10 CBCBA&& && 11- 15 ABCBB
16-20 CABDA&&&&&& 21-25 ACBBC&&&&&&& 26-30 ADDCB
31-35 BACDD& && 36-40 BBABD& &&& 41-45 BAADB& && 46-50 CBCAB
51-52 CD&&&& &&&& 53-56 BACD&&& & 57- 59 ACC & &&&&& 60- 65 ACACAB
66. Inspiration/imagination & 67. compromise& & 68. dynamic& &&&&&& 69. dating &&&& 70. abolished
71. Splitting/breaking&&&&& 72. fortnight&&& && 73. recognition&& 74. occupy&& &&&&&& 75. centred /centered
76. less &&&&&&&&&&&&&& 77. linked / connected / associated& &&& 78. Reasons
79. restricted&&&&&&&& 80. testing &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 81. avoid / prevent
82. Benefits / Advantages && 83. encourage &&&&&& 84. environmental &&&&& 85. accompany
An elephant was constantly disturbed by a restless fly, who wondered about the secret of remaining calm. The elephant revealed that calmness would be obtained when one’s senses and attention were focused.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& &&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (32)
Inspired by what the elephant said, I realized the ability to focus one’s attention is the key to success. Any person, if easily distracted, is unable to achieve his success.
This reminds me of what happened in my primary school. I once signed up for too many various after-class activities. As a result, I didn’t spend enough time on my studies. Consequently, I fell behind and failed in exams.
Since then I know that one should focus on one thing before it is well done. As a Senior Three student, having set a clear goal, I will give priority to it, trying to resist any temptation. I’m fully aware that only with a determined mind can I achieve my goal. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& & &&&(120)
3. 1301701-2
W: There’s a folk music concert tomorrow evening. Do you want to go?
M: Oh, thanks. But I don’t like folk music very much.
W: What kind of music do you like then?
M: Classical music. What about you?
W: We don’t seem to have a reservation for you, Sir. I’m sorry.
M: But my secretary said that she had reserved a room for me here. I phoned her from the airport this morning just before I got on board the plane.
M: What’s the purpose of your visit?
W: I’m here to attend a conference on teaching for the first part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.
W: Why didn’t you make an appointment to see the doctor last week when you first twisted your ankle?
M: The injury didn’t seem serious then. I decided to go today, because my foot still hurt when I put my weight on it.
W: Here is a ten-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight’s show, please.
M: Sure. Two tickets and here’s two dollars fifty in change.
M: Could I have your advice?
W: What about, David?
M: Well, I’ve put off doing my science requirement for three years. So, …
W: And if you want to graduate this year, you’ve got to take a science course.
M: Right. I suppose since you are doing pre-medical, you know about the different courses.
W: Well, I have to take biology, chemistry, math and physics. What you need is a good introductory course for non-science majors.
M: Yeah, I’m really weak in math. I did poorly in it in high school.
W: Then you’d better avoid chemistry and physics. How about astronomy? Everybody says Dr Hanson is great. I’d take that course myself if I had the time.
M: That’s what I thought I’d take. But it meets at the same time with my modern music course.
W: Geology is pretty interesting, then.
M: That’s a good idea. It even fits in with my hobby of mountain climbing. Thanks a lot!
W: What do we need to keep the body going?
M: We need to eat the right food.
W: What do you mean by “right”?
M: “Right” means quality and quantity. We need to eat healthy food and the right mixture of different kinds of food.
W: How does the right food help the body?
M: When we have the right mixture of different kinds of food, we have energy to learn, work and play.
W: What else do we need?
M: We need to drink plenty of water because more than half of the body is water.
W: What else?
M: We also need enough sleep and exercise.
W: Can you explain that?
M: The body’s systems restore themselves during sleep, and exercise makes the heart and lungs strong. And strong hearts and lungs get energy and oxygen to the muscles quickly.
W: How can we make our hearts and lungs stronger?
M: Some ways to make our hearts and lungs stronger are riding a bike, dancing, walking and swimming.
M: Lindsey, do you watch a lot of TV?
W: Well, Bruce, yes and no.
M: Um, what do you mean? Isn’t it kind of one or the other?
W: Not exactly. I don’t like watching the new shows on TV. They’re so boring. But I do like watching old shows on Netflix.
M: Oh, what’s Netflix?
W: Don’t you know? It’s a service that lets you watch TV shows and movies over the Internet. You just choose what you want to watch when you want to watch it! It’s really cool!
M: Sounds great. But is the quality good? I mean, I’ve watched something online before, and sometimes the sound or the picture is not very clear.
W: That’s one of the great things about Netflix. The quality is first-rate.
M: I suppose this service costs an arm and a leg.
W: Not at all! It’s actually pretty reasonable. Most subscriptions are about 15 dollars a month.
M: Well, then, where do I sign up?
“Where is the university?” is the question many visitors to Cambridge asked, but no one could point them in any one direction because there is no campus. The university consists of thirty-one colleges. It has lecture halls, libraries, laboratories, museums and offices throughout the city. Individual colleges choose their own students who have to meet the minimum entrance requirements set by the university. Undergraduates usually live and study in their colleges where they are taught in very small groups. Lectures and laboratory and practical work are organized by the university and held in university buildings. There are over 10,000 undergraduates and 3,500 post-graduates, about 40% of them are women and some 8% from overseas. As well as teaching, research is of major importance. Since the beginning of the 20th century, more than 60 university members have won Nobel Prizes. University has a huge number of buildings for teaching and research. Examinations are set and degrees are awarded by the university. It allowed women to take the university exams in 1881, but it was not until 1948 that they were awarded degrees.


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