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Being Alone 还是 Being on Ones Own
??在大多数美国人心目中,"being&alone"和"being&on&one’s&own"之间有微妙的区别。多数美国人把它们看成是两种不同的概念和两种不同的存在状态。"being&alone"指的是孤立、无伴的、与世隔绝的、离群索居的(being&isolated&and&cut&off,being&without&the&company&of&other&people)。因此大多数美国人认为这种存在状况是不理想的,是要极力回避的事情。而"being&on&one’s&own"意为依靠自己的、机智的、独立的、有主见的(being&on&one’s&&or&res;independent)。&being&on&one’s&own被认为是美国个人主义的最高表现(the&ultimate&ex-pression&of&American&individualism),它能最大限度地证实一个人的能力---足智多谋、首创精神、勇往直前、意志坚定、健康向上等。如:Yankees&tackle&&on&their&own.(美国佬独立解决问题。)We’ll&be&able&to&manage&on&our&own&now,thanks.(我们现在能独自处理自己的事务,谢谢你的好意。)"Being&on&one’s&own&means"that&you&are&ca-&pable&of&balancing&your&needs&and&desires&with&other&people’s&in&some&sort&of&proper&symbiontic&relationship.(being&on&one’s&own指的是你能以某种恰当的共生关系平衡你和他人的需要和愿望。)& ??对美国人来说,being&on&one’s(their)own意味着他(们)是完全独立的个体,他们愿意能够行使自己的职责并且做出正确的选择。& &
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沪江词库精选on their own是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: prep.独立地,凭自己的力量
Every tree is known by its own fruit
Every tree is known by its own fruit
To tell its own tale
of one's own accord
I own a laser camera.
Paddle your own canoe.
Paddle your own canoe
exclusively foreign - owned enterprises
A publicly owned enterprise
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on ones own是什么意思
on ones own是什么意思 on ones own在线翻译 on ones own什么意思 on ones own的意思 on ones own的翻译 on ones own的解释 on ones own的发音
on ones ownon ones own 双语例句1. So, this text regards Essay, this periodical, as the breakthrough point, attempt through understanding its deep layer, integrated survey one periodical how under editor, joint efforts of author since the new period, break out and adhere to the self- style all the time from China's
And it, as one of the important positions of the domestic prose periodical, how to promote the development of prose, this recreation and sports, it is his abundant and prosperity contribution one's own enthusiasm and strength, thus left a thick and heavy in colours one in the field of con In addition it contemporary writer show self- platform, in order to concentrate on works to issue serious meaning for own duty and famous for ideological content it, so has reflected the Chinese writer's thought current situation and mental outlook in one period effectively, how much mind experience are the ones that refracted the Chinese intellectual out.&&&&因此,本文以《随笔》这一期刊为切入点,试图通过对它的深层解读,综合考察新时期以来一份期刊是如何在编辑、作者的共同努力下,从中国为数众多的期刊中脱颖而出并且始终坚持自我的风格;而它作为国内散文期刊的重要阵地之一,又是如何推动散文这一文体的发展,为其丰富和兴盛贡献着自己的热情和力量,从而在当代散文领域也留下了浓墨重彩的一笔;此外,它还是当代作家展示自我的平台,它以集中发表严肃意义上的作品为己任并以思想性著称,因此也有效地反映了一段时期内中国作家的思想现状和精神风貌,折射出中国知识分了的几许心路历程。2. The knowledge, power and illumination of the soul which accompany this opening will then be concentrated on the good of others and not to ones own misdoing.&&&&随之而来的灵魂的知识、力量和启迪就会集中于他人的利益、而不是一个人自己的坏事上。3. With the extinction of the imperial court in the people of the Jin Dynastys invasion Northern Song Dynasty, After the south cross, husband Zhao MingCheng serving of her die in the alien land, Li Qingzhaos life has changed too, so, the word mainly describes ones own distress on her later stage, but write among them the country is defeated and the home lost, there are certain positive social effects from the not soil of township.&&&&南渡之后,情深似海的丈夫赵明诚病死,李清照开始过1种孤寂、凄苦、颠沛流离的生活,这种完全不同于前期甜蜜生活的苦难历程,使得她后期词作从内容到形式都发生了巨大变化。她的后期词作主要抒写自己的愁苦,抒写国破家亡、离乡别土的悲伤。4. Phoebe: Maybe your resolution is to not make fun of your friends, especially the ones who may soon be flying you to Europe for free on their own plane.&&&&也许你的决心该是不再拿朋友寻开心。尤其是本打算开飞机免费载你去欧洲的朋友。5. Phoebe: Maybe your resolution should be not to make fun of your friends, especially the ones who may soon be flying you to Europe for free on their own plane.&&&&也许你的决心该是:不再拿朋友寻开心尤其是本打算开飞机,免费载你去欧洲的朋友6. Train students creativity in juveniles dance teaching, have an important effect on improving students ones own ability and development in an all-round way with growing up healthy and sound.&&&&在少儿舞蹈教学中培养学生的创造力,对于提高学生自身能力及其全面发展和健康成长起着重要作用。7. Freedom to act or judge on ones own.&&&&根据自己的判断决定行为的自由。8. Which are and which are not is something one soon enough learns on ones own.&&&&对值得和不值得的选择,一个人自然而然很快就能学会。9. Having a good self-image is based on a realistic assessment of ones own worth and value and capabilities.&&&&对自己的形象有积极的认识,是建立在对自己的价值和能力的符合实际的评价基础上的。10. 10. Loneliness is a party on ones own.&&&&孤单是一个人的狂欢。11. Having a good selfimage is based on a realistic assessment of ones own worth and value and capabilities.&&&&&&对自己的形象有积极的认识,是建立在对自己的价值和能力的符合实际的评价基础上的。12. The first youth was given by G Second of the youth depends on ones own efforts.&&&&&&第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。13. on ones own的翻译13. The city and urban sports have caused unfavorable influence on ones own the other side.&&&&&&城市以及城市体育也给各自的对方也造成了不利的影响。14. 14. The third part put forward ones own view on the basis of first two parts, and analyses the inculpation of actio libera in cause in terms of the cognizance of criminal capacity. It solves the problem of inculpation of actio libera in cause and coordinates the relationship between the inculpation of actio libera in cause and the principle of culpability or even the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime by means that still inferring the person who sinks into the state of criminal incapacity or limited capacity forcriminal responsibility with free will for having complete criminal capacity.&&&&&&文章的第三部分则是在前两个部分的基础上提出自己的观点,从刑事责任能力认定的角度来分析原因自由行为的可罚性问题,通过将自陷于无责任能力状态或者限制责任能力状态的行为人依然推定为完全刑事责任能力人的方式,来解决原因自由行为的可罚性,协调其与罪责原则与罪刑法定原则之间的关系。15. Maybe lack of sprit, energy, and consciousness, I couldn't write some long articles on my own, and when I read a book, I always pick some short ones to read before reading long ones, including novel, prose, or other kind of litratrue forms.&&&&&&也许是我的精、气、神都不足吧,不但自己写不出长的东西,我读一本刊物时,也总是先挑短的看,不论是小说、散文或是其他的文学形式,最后才看长的。16. Certainly my task should be to act Buddha`s disciple role at home well first, others see that you learn Buddha and live very happily, they will study Buddha with you naturally, it was unhappy if saw that you study Buddhism, then you say who else would like to study Buddha with you, so I must adjust one`s own heart, the local realm liking to be full of in the law, I do not want to return and rotate too tight result forced by oneself, the ones that do not hope to put by oneself either are too loose and slacks off, not hoping to demonstrate on purpose that very outstanding for face either, it is too rotten not to want to behave because of face either, that is to say how pass usually, with usually the same, unnecessary because of Wang lecturer cause, teacher of uncle Wang, demonstrate on purpose that progresses greatly or holds the martial law sincerely very much, that is to say that he comes here to live in meaning, I cross like this too, I am so too that he does not come here to live, not aroused in interest and right if want to repair, just depend on Buddha`s strength while relying on oneself insufficiently, if a drop of water droplets are entered in the sea, incorporating the saline taste of the sea, that is to say, read a corresponding a praying to Buddha to read and read to pray to Buddha correspondingly in meaning, rely on oneself insufficient to rely on Buddha strength, he is it transfer to evil reason become kind reason to exchange since so, it becomes the favourable circumstance that the adverse circumstance rotates, no longer make and vainly hope, all depends on Buddhism Bodhisattva strength of wishing, capable classics is it a bit, is it is it give up precise and tight a bit to hold to have the ability to watch more, capable many any charity, it is that gift Buddha prays to Buddha if ability is insufficient, don`t look down upon this Buddha`s symbol, this hides the always holding of 12 departments three times, can cross to all all living creature of six three circles to the limit, you see how very holy this Buddha`s symbol is, certainly can cooperate and say according to Buddha that immeasurable longevity of Mahayana is held and can get twice the result with half the effort through repairing, one Buddha symbol supreme dark delicate deep meditation very really, one Buddha symbol can is it is it five accumulate all empty to see to take, heart Buddha`s all living creature originally have no difference, must fix if take heart into consideration in this way, Buddhism symbol can be crossed by oneself and can also be crossed to people, can go back light to heavy, focal point if they haphazard I, I it prays to Buddha to be better, diligent in instant, want view think doing well all right most basic they I against pay again predestination, the adverse circumstance is more and more the realm of practising Buddhism or Taoism.&&&&&&当然我的任务应该是先把在家佛弟子的角色给扮演好,别人看到你学佛过得很快乐,他们自然会来跟你学佛,如果看到你学佛学的不快乐,那你说还有谁愿意来跟你学佛,因此我必须要调整自己的心,在法喜充满的地方境界,我不想因为把自己逼的太紧结果退转了,也不希望自己放的太松而懈怠,也不希望为了面子故意表现出很优秀,也不想因为面子而表现太烂,也就是说平常怎麼过,跟平常一样,没有必要因为王讲师王师叔的缘故,故意表现出很精进或者持戒严谨,意思就是说他来这边住,我也是这样过,他不来这边住我也是这样,要修不动心就对了,自力不足的时候就是依靠佛力,如果一滴水滴入大海中,就融入大海的咸味,意思就是说,一念相应一念佛念念相应念念佛,自力不足就是仰仗佛力,这样自他交换转恶缘成善缘,转逆境成顺境,不再打妄想了,一切依靠佛菩萨的愿力,有能力经典就多看一点,有能力持戒就精严一点,有能力就多布施一点,如果能力不足就是礼佛念佛,不要小看这一句佛号,这可是三藏十二部的总持,可以渡尽三界六道的一切众生,你看这一句佛号多麼殊圣,当然能够配合依照佛说大乘无量寿经来修持可以事半功倍,一句佛号真的是无上甚深微妙禅,一句佛号可以照见五蕴皆空,心佛众生本无差别,这样观照内心就能够得定,一句佛号可以自渡还能渡人,因此就能够回小向大,重点就是如果他们乱我,我就是念佛就好了,在刹那当中用功,把最基本的做好就好,要观想他们都是我的逆增上缘,逆境越来越是修行的境界。17. Following recountal and comparison of developments in and outside China, we propose on how to set up credit reporting agencies of our own, i. e. to have private agencies as major players, to establish regional ones before sharing information nationally, and to introduce competition into the credit reporting field.&&&&&&通过阐述比较国内外征信机构的发展状况,本文对在我国设立征信机构提出了相关建议,即以民营征信机构为主要经营主体、先建立区域性征信机构再进行全国联网并在征信领域引入竞争机制。18. 18. So great is the importance that everyone attaches to the physical condition of his own heart or those of his closest and dearest ones, that merely a minor disease would enduringly weigh on his mind.&&&&&&下面的句子译得令人拍手称好,每个人都无比关注自己及至亲至爱之人心脏的健损,以至于稍有微疾便惶惶不可终日。19. So great is the importance that everyone attaches to the physical condition of his own heart or those of his closest and dearest ones, that merely a minor disease would enduringly weign on his mind.&&&&&&下面的句子译得令人拍手称好,每个人都无比关注自己及至亲至爱之人心脏的健损,以至于稍有微疾便惶惶不可终日。20. The Lusheng of Miao is used for three occasions: the first is the one for worshiping and ceremonies, using the large gourd sheng, such as the funeral ceremony, the family worship and offering sacrifices to the grandfather and grandmother and so on, with the worshiping master plays the worshiping melodies with large gourd sheng, in which, only the masters of their own family are allowed to play and others and the ones who are not recommended by the members of the family are on no condition the second is the one for the entertainment in the production and daily life, using the small lusheng.&&&&&&苗族用芦笙一般分三种场合。一是祭祀礼仪场合,使用大葫芦笙。如丧葬、家族会祭、祭祖公祖婆等场合,就由祭祀芦笙师用大葫芦笙吹奏祭祀芦笙曲调。在这种大型祭祀礼仪场中,只允许本家族的祭祀笙手担任此重任,其他外人和不受族人推举委任的笙手无论其有多大能耐都不能履行此礼仪任务。二是生产生活中的娱乐活动,使用小芦笙。on ones own 单语例句1. Chua said Malaysia needed to produce its own vaccines because it was risky to depend on imported ones.2. The big holding companies also own other businesses, including ones that execute trades both on their clients'behalf and for themselves.on ones own是什么意思,on ones own在线翻译,on ones own什么意思,on ones own的意思,on ones own的翻译,on ones own的解释,on ones own的发音,on ones own的同义词,on ones own的反义词,on ones own的例句,on ones own的相关词组,on ones own意思是什么,on ones own怎么翻译,单词on ones own是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 31.Nowmanyyoungpeoplearetravelingaroundtheworldontheirown,notbecausetheyhavenoonetotravelwith,butbe-题文31. Now many young people are traveling around the world on their own, not because they have no one to travel with, but be-cause they prefer to go alone. Kristina Wegscheider from California first traveled alone when she was at college and believes that it is something everyone should do at least once in their life."It opens up your mind to new things and pushes you out of your comfort zone." Wegscheider has visited 46 countries covering all seven continents. In foreign countries, with no one to help you read a map, look after you if you get ill, or lend you money if your wallet is stolen. It is challenging. This is what drives young people to travel alone.it is seen as character building and a chance to prove that they can make it on their own. Chris Richardson decided to leave his sales job in Australia to go traveling last year.He set up a website,? The Aussie Nomad, to document his adventures. He says he wished he had traveled alone earlier."The people you meet, the places you visit, or the things you do, everything is up to you and it forces you to grow as a person," said the 30-year-old. Richardson describes traveling alone like "'a shot in the arm", which "makes you a more confident person that was ready to deal with anything". He said: "The feeling of having conquered something on my own is a major part of what drives me each day when I'm dealing with a difficult task."I walk around with my head up because I know deep down inside that nothing is impossible if you try. The great 19th century explorer John Muir once said: "Only by going alone in silence can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness."1.Which of the following will Kristina Wegscheider agree with? A. Traveling alone is a necessary experience for everyone. B. It is more meaningful to travel in foreign countries. C. It is comfortable to travel around without a friend. D. Traveling abroad helps people to find new things.2. Traveling alone is challenging because . A. you have to make things on your own B. it is hard for you to prove yourself to others C. you depend on yourself whatever happens D. it will finally build your character3.What can we infer about Chris Richardson? A. He started traveling at an early age.
B. He was once shot in the arm. C. He used to work as a salesman.
D. His website inspires others a lot.4. What is the best title for the passage? A. Travel Abroad
B. Travel Unaccompanied C. Travel Light
D. Travel Wide and Far31.Nowmanyyoungpeoplearetravelingaroundtheworldontheirown,notbecausetheyhavenoonetotravelwith,butbe-causetheyprefertogoalone.KristinaWegscheiderfromCaliforniafirsttraveledalonewhenshewasatcollegeandbelievesthatitissomethingeveryoneshoulddoatleastonceintheirlife."Itopensupyourmindtonewthingsandpushesyououtofyourcomfortzone."Wegscheiderhasvisited46countriescoveringallsevencontinents.Inforeigncountries,withnoonetohelpyoureadamap,lookafteryouifyougetill,orlendyoumoneyifyourwalletisstolen.Itischallenging.Thisiswhatdrivesyoungpeopletotravelalone.itisseenascharacterbuildingandachancetoprovethattheycanmakeitontheirown.ChrisRichardsondecidedtoleavehissalesjobinAustraliatogotravelinglastyear.Hesetupawebsite,TheAussieNomad,todocumenthisadventures.Hesayshewishedhehadtraveledaloneearlier."Thepeopleyoumeet,theplacesyouvisit,orthethingsyoudo,everythingisuptoyouanditforcesyoutogrowasaperson,"saidthe30-year-old.Richardsondescribestravelingalonelike"'ashotinthearm",which"makesyouamoreconfidentpersonthatwasreadytodealwithanything".Hesaid:"ThefeelingofhavingconqueredsomethingonmyownisamajorpartofwhatdrivesmeeachdaywhenI'mdealingwithadifficulttask."IwalkaroundwithmyheadupbecauseIknowdeepdowninsidethatnothingisimpossibleifyoutry.Thegreat19thcenturyexplorerJohnMuironcesaid:"Onlybygoingaloneinsilencecanonetrulygetintotheheartofthewilderness."1.WhichofthefollowingwillKristinaWegscheideragreewith?A.Travelingaloneisanecessaryexperienceforeveryone.B.Itismoremeaningfultotravelinforeigncountries.C.Itiscomfortabletotravelaroundwithoutafriend.D.Travelingabroadhelpspeopletofindnewthings.2.Travelingaloneischallengingbecause.A.youhavetomakethingsonyourownB.itishardforyoutoproveyourselftoothersC.youdependonyourselfwhateverhappensD.itwillfinallybuildyourcharacter3.WhatcanweinferaboutChrisRichardson?A.Hestartedtravelingatanearlyage.B.Hewasonceshotinthearm.C.Heusedtoworkasasalesman.D.Hiswebsiteinspiresothersalot.4.Whatisthebesttitleforthepassage?A.TravelAbroadB.TravelUnaccompaniedC.TravelLightD.TravelWideandFar31.ACCB答案31.解析ACCB相关试题parent are often upset when their children praise the homes of their
friends and regardit as a slur on their own cooking cleaning or furniture and
often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed they can even accuse them of disloyalty or make some spiteful remark about the friends' parents.s 的翻译是:当他们的孩子是诋毁自己烹饪的清洗或家具称赞他们的朋友和 regardit 的家,而且往往是愚蠢到让看看他们都很懊恼的青少年可以甚至责备或让朋友们的 parents.sucha 失去尊严的坏话和幼稚行为,成年人的一部分陷入深深震惊着少年父们常常表示不满并使它们将来他们也不会说,他们的父母的地方或人他们访问之前很长时间内会抱怨父母孩子是那么神秘和从未无声 angthing,% 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
parent are often upset when their children praise the homes of their
friends and regardit as a slur on their own cooking cleaning or furniture and
often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed they can even accuse them of disloyalty or make some spiteful remark about the friends' parents.s
当他们的孩子是诋毁自己烹饪的清洗或家具称赞他们的朋友和 regardit 的家,而且往往是愚蠢到让看看他们都很懊恼的青少年可以甚至责备或让朋友们的 parents.sucha 失去尊严的坏话和幼稚行为,成年人的一部分陷入深深震惊着少年父们常常表示不满并使它们将来他们也不会说,他们的父母的地方或人他们访问之前很长时间内会抱怨父母孩子是那么神秘和从未无声 angthing,%
(名) 双亲, 父亲
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工 日加工 & aThere is no tranquillity back home. 没有宁静后面家庭。 & aenfer 地狱 & aSerial Number 797632 号码797632 & aseeing you soon 正在翻译,请等待...
& aCANCELLATIONS NOT PERMITTED 没被允许的取消 & aIncludes Special eV Set(s) 正在翻译,请等待...
& a人在人上,肉在肉中。上下移动,其乐无穷 Human on human, meat in meat.Reciprocated, endless enjoyment & a疑问需要确认 The question needs to confirm & aEvery accounting transaction affects at least two items and preserves the basic equation:Assets+Liabilities=Equity.Accounting is a double-entry system. 每会计科目事务处理影响至少二个项目并且保存基本的等式:Assets+Liabilities=Equity.Accounting是一个复式簿记的系统。 & a我爱你!!! I love you!!! & a前端部分由各种传感器模块组成。 Front end the part is composed by each kind of sensor module. & aVous allez perdre toutes vos donnees,continur?
& a我是远在他乡的游子 I am far in the another region decoy & aWe will act in accordance with what you meant dealing with the 我们将行动与什么符合您意味涉及 & aWithin two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had 正在翻译,请等待...
& a市商业联合会餐饮同业公会向全市的餐饮企业发起《诚信 自律 抵制“地沟油”》的倡议,倡议一经发出,就有多家餐饮企业积极响应。 The city commercial federation dining trade association initiates "Good faith Autonomy Resisting to the whole city dining enterprise “Ditch Oil”" the proposal, as soon as proposes passes through sends out, has the many dining enterprise positive response. & aA network 一个网络 & a线和扁钢的联接点 正在翻译,请等待...
& ainstruments, 仪器, & ait would seem that 它将似乎那 & aDear Yunus F. Husain 亲爱的Yunus F。 Husain & ainterconnecting 正在翻译,请等待...
& a22% of American college graduates now maiorin business compared
with only 2% in history 正在翻译,请等待...
& ayou counot the old man 您counot老人 & aOur products have been endorsed by the National Quality Inspection Association 正在翻译,请等待...
& a设计精英 Designs the outstanding person & a我爸爸比我妈妈大5岁。但我妈妈比我爸高一点点 My daddy is bigger than 5 years old my mother.But my mother compared to my father high little & a官员们表示他们不会向工人的要求进步 The officials express them not to be able to worker's request progress & aIt is believed that pipes are parts of volcanoes that were formed when molten rock pushed upward through the earth’s crust 它被相信管子是被形成火山的一部分,当溶解的岩石通过地皮推挤了向上 & a很高兴收到您的来信。我是echo,jacky的助理, Receives your incoming letter very happily.I am the echo, jacky assistant, & ado not cover the IR sender on the dongle.otherwise,the signal cannot be sent to the car. 正在翻译,请等待...
& a差损小于0.6dB The difference damages is smaller than 0.6dB & a知道JIM在学习上有了更大的兴趣和进步,我真的非常感谢你们。 Knew JIM had a bigger interest and the progress in the study, I really extremely thank you. & a我不是科班出身 I am not the professionally-trained worker & aSame process for both recipes 同样过程为两份食谱 & a如果相关 If is connected & aNever
Sad 从未使您哀伤 & aHAVE YOU THE PHOTO OF TEMPLE 有您寺庙相片 & a中国的经济发展快 China's economy develops quickly & a泛北部湾“一轴两翼”战略的推行 Exudes Gulf of Tonkin “axis two wings” strategic carrying out & a好的,我会按照你的要求更改模板 Good, I can defer to your request change template & a法苑杂谈 正在翻译,请等待...
& aparent are often upset when their children praise the homes of their
friends and regardit as a slur on their own cooking cleaning or furniture and
often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed they can even accuse them of disloyalty or make some spiteful remark about the friends' parents.s


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