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希拉里宣布竞选总统Hilary announced his candidacy for president
您的位置: > > > >BBC英语新闻:希拉里竞选总统 竞争优势明显— 查看译文 —tips:怎样阅读才是有质量的阅读了? 中英对照请点击【中英对照】查看译文请点击 【查看译文】进行核对。BBC News with Julie Candler.Hillary Clinton is to launch her bid to become the first female President of the United States on Sunday. The former Secretary of State is expected to use a video posted on the Internet to announce that she's seeking the Democratic Party's nomination for next year's election. Nick Bryant reports from Washington.&Ordinarily, presidential candidates launch their campaigns in front of adoring crowds in a blaze of red, white and blue. But Hillary Clinton will offer a less rather montage, a video posted online and promoted on social media. Then it's believed she'll head to Iowa and New Hampshire to meet individual voters in fairly intimate settings, rather than the usual rallies. It's a deliberately low-key, even humble start, choreographed to avoid the sense of entitlements that bedaubed her campaign in 2008.&A White House official has confirmed that President Obama and the Cuban leader Raul Castro, will meet formally on Saturday, the second day of the America Summit in Panama. The highly symbolic meeting will be their first since the recent thaw in relations between their countries. The Presidents have shaken hands only once before informally at Nelson Mandela's memorial service in 2013. The U.S. State Department has recommended that Cuba be removed from its list of states said to sponsor terrorism.Police in South Africa say a number of people have been killed during attacks on immigrants in the port city of Durban. More than 1,000 foreign nationals, mainly from other parts of Africa, have fled their homes. Here's Andrew Harding.&It's become a familiar problem in South Africa, with locals and and poor communities accusing immigrants of breaking the law and stealing their jobs. But this latest violence appears to have been directly provoked by this man. The influential Zulu king, Goodwill Zwelithini here, publicly accuses foreigners of dirtying our streets and tells them to pack their bags and leave. President Zuma's son, Edward, has made similar comments. The situation in Durban remains volatile, with police still not clear how many people have been killed.&Germany says it's buying back 100 Leopard 2 tanks it's sold to the defence industry during the years of sharp cutbacks in spending after the Cold War. The move is widely seen as a reaction to rising tension between NATO and Russia over Ukraine, as Steve Jackson reports.&Towards the end of the Cold War, the former West Germany had 3,500 tanks. But 30 years later, the reunited Germany has only 225. Putting the Leopard 2 tanks back into service will cost 23 million dollars, and will require changes to modernize them. Russia's actions in Ukraine over the past year have given NATO countries a sharp jolt, and their alliances are now trying to strengthen its forces and improve their reaction times.& World news from the BBC.India has formally protested to Pakistan after the man accused of masterminding the 2008 Mumbai attacks was freed from a Pakistani prison on bail. Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi is one of 7 men facing trial for the attacks which killed more than 160 people. Mr. Lakhvi's lawyer Rizwan Abbassi defended the decision.&The court considered all the aspects of this matter and they're keeping in view the lapses on the part of Indian authorities, keeping in view lack of evidence which has not been provided by the Indian authorities and just confined them. So, to the extent of sending dossiers, the court granted bail to Lakhvi.&Zimbabwe's main opposition movement, the Democratic Change, says it will not participate in forthcoming by-elections in 14 constituences until political reforms guaranteeing fair elections are in place. The decision was taken after hours of discussion at the headquarters of the MDC Party of Morgan Tsvangirai, who supports the boycott.The U.S. Secret Service says one of its officers has been arrested in Washington and is being charged with the destruction of property. The unnamed officer from the Service's uniformed branch worked in the protection of foreign missions.Gary O'Donoghue has more.&The precise nature of the allegations against the officer are not yet known. But following the arrest, he's been put on an administrative leave by the Secret Service, and the Director, Joseph Clancy, has ordered that the man's security clearance be suspended. This is just the latest in a series of embarrassments for the Service, which has already been investigated over an incident in March, when a car containing officers apparently crashed into a barricade at the White House after a party.&Spanish police have broken up an extortion ring run on mobile phones by a group of 4 prisoners from a jail in the Chilean capital, San Diego. The police said the prisoners had co-called random numbers in Spain and terrorized people by telling them they had kidnapped their family members. BBC News.Key Phrases/Words1. launch v.开始,发动,开展(活动、计划等)2. in a blaze of 一片3. deliberately adv. 故意地,深思熟虑地,从容不迫地4. choreographed v. 精心设计,研究5. symbolic adj. 象征的,象征性的6. thaw v. 解冻,融雪,变缓和7. terrorism n. 恐怖主义,恐怖手段,威吓,胁迫8. port city 港口城市9. provoke v. 激起,挑起,煽动10. volatile adj. 易变的,不稳定的11. cutbacks n. 削减,缩减,减少12. modernize v. 使现代化13. jolt v. (使)摇动,(使)震惊14. masterminding v. 巧妙地计划,策划(某一行动)( mastermind的现在分词)15. dossier n.(有关某人或某事等的)档案材料,材料汇编16. forthcoming adj. 即将到来的17. by-election n. 递补选举18. boycott v. 联合抵制19. allegation n. 陈述,主张,宣称20. barricade n. 路障,障碍物,防御21. extortion n. 敲诈,勒索周日,希拉里&克林顿开启了成为美国历史上第一位女性总统的竞选序幕。这位前美国国务卿通过从网上上传的一段视频,希望能在明年的选举中得到民主党的提名。尼克&布莱恩特华盛顿为您报道。&通常而言,总统竞选者应该在身披美国国旗支持自己的民众前发表竞选演讲。但是希拉里&克林顿仅仅通过剪辑一段视频传到网上,来引起社会媒体的广泛关注。与集会不同的是,她将前往爱荷华州和新罕布什尔与少数选民近距离接触。这一低调甚至谦卑的开始,是出于精心安排,以避免重蹈她在2008年大选时高调竞选失败的覆辙。一名白宫官员证实,奥巴马总统与古巴领导人劳尔.卡斯特罗将在星期六,也就是巴拿马美洲峰会之后的第二天举行正式会谈。这将是近期两国关系解冻以来具有象征意义的首次会谈。两国领导人此前仅在2013年尼尔森.曼德拉的葬礼上有过一次非正式的握手。美国国务院已建议将古巴从支持恐怖主义的国家名单中去除。南非警方表示,港口城市德班发生袭击移民事件,多名外国人丧生。1000多名来自非洲其它地区的外国侨民流离失所。安德鲁&哈丁为您报道。排外事件成了南非的常见问题,当地居民和贫民社区指责这些移民破坏法律,抢夺他们的饭碗。但这次的暴力事件的导火索是源自祖鲁国王古德维尔。这位有影响力的国王公开谴责外国人弄脏他们的街道,并勒令这些外国人卷铺盖离开。总统祖玛的儿子---爱德华也发表过类似言论。局势依然动荡不安,截至目前,警方还无法判定死亡人数。德国表示将买回曾在冷战结束后经费急剧缩减时卖给国防企业的100辆猎豹2坦克。此举被认为是为了应对北约和俄罗斯在乌克兰问题上的紧张对峙局面。斯蒂芬&杰克逊报道。&在冷战结束之际,前西德曾拥有3500辆坦克。但30年后,统一的德国仅有225辆。重新启用100辆猎豹2坦克将花费2300万美元,而且为适应现代战场坦克也需要改装。俄罗斯在过去一年对乌克兰采取的行动使北约国家陷入慌乱局面,现在北约的盟国正试图加强军事力量并提高应对效率。&被控策划2008年孟买恐怖袭击的人从巴基斯坦监狱被保释出狱后,印度向巴基斯坦提出正式抗议。七人涉嫌这起造成160多人死亡的袭击事件,扎基&乌尔&拉赫曼&拉克维是其中之一。拉克维的律师卢子万&阿巴西对保释作如下辩护。&法庭考虑了此次事件的各个方面,他们考虑到印度政府并没有提供相关证据而对他们实行了拘禁。所以,就已有的材料来看,法庭准予了拉克维的保释请求。&津巴布韦主要反对党&民主变革运动表示将参加临近的递补选举,直至确保公平选举的政治改革落实为止。由支持抵制的摩根&茨万吉拉伊领导的民主变革运动在其总部经过数小时讨论后做出该决定。美国特工处称一名特工在华盛顿被捕,并以毁坏财产罪被起诉。该名未被披露姓名的特工来自特工处的制服部门,负责国外任务的保卫工作。加瑞.欧.多诺胡为您继续报道。&对该名官员的具体指控还不清楚。但是自从被捕以来,特勤局批准了他的行政休假申请,特勤局局长约瑟夫.克莱西已下令暂停其参与特勤事务。这是特勤局自三月份以来一系列丑闻中最新的一起,当时一辆载有特勤局官员的汽车在晚会之后撞上了白宫前的路障。&西班牙警方捣毁了一个手机诈骗团伙,该团伙的四名成员均是智利首都圣地亚哥监狱中的囚犯。警方表示囚犯随意拔打西班牙号码,然后恐吓接听人说绑架了其家人。以上是BBC新闻。顶一下(1)100%踩一下(0)0%课程内容
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NPR英语新闻:希拉里最后一次听证会 称对班加西事件负责(双语)
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From NPR news in Washington, I am Lakshimi Singh.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is staunchly defending the administration's handling of the Benghazi terror attack, in what may be her final congressional testimony on the matter before she steps down. A few hours after addressing the Senate, she is now filled in questions in the US House.
&As I have said many times since September 11, I take responsibility and nobody is more committed to getting this right. I am determined to leave the State Department and our country safer, stronger, and more secure.& But republicans in both chambers accuse State Department of ignoring consular requests for additional security ahead of last September's attack that killed 4 Americans including the US ambassador.
The House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a measure permitting the government to borrow enough funds to avoid a first-time default for at least 4 months. The measure passed by a vote of 285 to 144 as majority Republicans backed away from previous demands at any increase in the government's borrowing cap be combined with an equivalent amount of spending cuts.
It has been nearly 3 months since super storm Sandy devastated the northeast. Most people assume that Manhattan is completely back to normal. But NPR's Margot Adler says not so.
Last week Con Edison which supplies the city's electricity said 22 large buildings are still without power or have only partial power. Nine small buildings also have issues. Verizon is still working on phone lines. Some businesses in Lower Manhattan particularly near the South Street Seaport still have spotty service. Most of the copper wires were destroyed in the storm. Verizon is upgrading to fiber optics but that may take until spring. The Downtown Alliance which manages the business improvement district for lower Manhattan says 87% of businesses are back. But there are still a few blocks where all shops are boarded up. And for the few stores are open on those streets, there is no foot traffic. Margot Adler, NPR news, New York.
上周,为曼哈顿供应电力的Con Edison公司表示,22座大型建筑目前仍处于无电力状态或是只有部分电力的情况。9座小型建筑也存在问题。威瑞森公司仍然要依靠电话线工作。曼哈顿下城区,特别是南街海港附近的一些公司,服务依旧不完善。大部分的铜导线都在暴风中被毁坏了。威瑞森公司正在升级光纤,可是这个过程要持续到春季。为曼哈顿下城区管理商业改进区的下城联盟表示,87%的商业都已经恢复。但是,一些街区的全部商店依然钉着铺板。那些街道上营业的一些商店也并没有客流。NPR新闻,玛戈特&阿德勒纽约报道。
Scientists say they are ending a voluntary moratorium among controversial bird flu experiments. Details from NPR's Nell Greenfieldboyce.
The research has been on hold for just over a year. Scientists had genetically altered the bird flu virus H5N1. And critics said the man-made viruses were dangerous. Flu experts argued that their work was essential to understand how viruses in nature may mutate and started a pandemic. Now in the journal Science and Nature, researchers say it's time to continue. Ron Fouchier is at Erasmus medical center in the Netherland.
&It is our opinion that in those countries where the research can be done safely. The research should restart because the research is clearly of importance to public health.&
He plans to resume his experiment soon. But scientists working with funds from the US government still need to wait for officials here to decide what experiments can go forward and under what lab conditions. Nell Greenfieldboyce, NPR news.
Dow was up 77 points.
This is NPR news.
The White House says it's going ahead with General John Allen's nomination to NATO commander. Now that he has been cleared of professional misconduct charges, or rather allegations. Allen came under Pentagon scrutiny as he became swept up in a sex scandal that forced retired General David Petraeus to resign as CIA director.
A suicide bomber has struck in northern Iraq and an Iraqi military commander tells reporters a man detonated his explosive belt as mourners were gathered for a funeral at a mosque in the disputed city of Tuz Khormato. He says dozens of people were wounded.
In New Jersey, voters overwhelmingly approve a Republican governor Christopher J. Christie's criticism of House GOP leaders holding up federal aid for victims of hurricane Sandy. That is according to new Quinnipiac University poll. NPR's S.V. Date has details.
新泽西方面,投票者以压倒性多数同意支持共和党州长克里斯托弗&克里斯蒂的观点,克里斯蒂曾指责众议院的共和党领导人延误了飓风&桑迪&受害者的联邦救助。投票结果来自琴尼派克大学一项新的民调。NPR新闻的S.V. Date将带来详细内容。
79% of voters support Christie's fierce attacks on his own party's congressional leadership, including 70% of New Jersey Republicans. Christie was urged by many Republicans to run for president last year but ultimately did not get in the race. He is seeking re-election to a second term as governor this November. The Quinnipiac poll finds that 68% of voters believe he deserves another term and that he leads potential Democratic challengers by 2 to 1 margins. The survey sampled more than 1,600 voters with a 2.4% margin of error. S.V. Date, NPR news.
NPR新闻,S.V. Date报道。
US stock is trading high with the Dow gaining 80 at 13,792; NADAQ up 15 points at 3158; S&P 500 up 3 at 1496.
I am Lakshimi Singh. NPR news.
1. be determined to do something
eg. They were determined to win the game.
eg. Both sides are determined to get what they want, and there seems to be no possibility of compromise.
eg. He was determined to hold on to this job whatever difficulties he might meet with.
2. permit somebody to do something
eg. It was because of her poor health that we did not permit her to go to the countryside.
eg. My conscience will hardly permit me to dissuade him from his severe decision.
eg. The progress of the world is the history of men who would not permit defeat to speak the final word.
3. back away
eg. The company backed away from plans to cut their pay by 15%.
eg. He's backing away from the policies and style of his predecessor.
James got to his feet and started to come over, but the girls hastily backed away.
4. on hold
eg. Any such plans would now seem to be on hold.
eg. This special report will show that the globalisation of banking, which has driven the industry for two decades, is in many ways on hold.
eg. Families looking to move abroad have had to put their dreams on hold.
5. clear of
eg. It is not surprising that scientists have generally stayed clear of the question of ultimate authorship, of the final &uncaused cause.
eg. We are finally clear of debt.
eg. They were still not clear of all suspicion.
The Associated Press (AP) 美国联合通讯社是美国最大


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