
集团公司召开2015年度工作会议添加日期: 阅读:317 发布人:何爽 字体:大 中 小2月4日,集团公司2015年度工作会议在能源大厦隆重召开。集团公司董事长、委书记张飞飞主持会议并作重要讲话,总经理汤大举作工作报告,集团公司领导朱宜存、邱先浩、罗太忠、施大福、史建伟、李波、邵德慧、刘亚成,监事会有关同志,各子公司和发电企业的主要负责同志,集团公司和皖能股份公司机关中层以上管理人员及外派高管人员出席会议。 汤大举首先代表集团公司作了题为《乘势而上 再接再厉 奋力开创皖能集团加速发展新局面》的工作报告,全面总结了2014年的工作成绩,阐述了2015年总体思路和目标任务,对全年重点工作进行了部署,要求各单位一要强化重点项目推进,力争突破制约瓶颈;二要强化安全生产管理,降非停提高指标水平;三要强化抓实降本增效,实现经营业绩持续提升;四要强化资金集中运作,持续优化资产结构;五要强化推进对标管理,提升依法治企水平;六要强化风廉政建设,宣贯提升企业文化。 张飞飞在会上作了《适应新常态 抢抓新机遇 努力实现皖能集团新发展》的重要讲话。他指出,集团公司去年取得了新的突出成绩,在经济效益、发展后劲、企业管理、市场开拓、建工作等五个方面实现新成效,成绩来之不易,应当充分肯定。 张飞飞强调,2015年是全面完成集团“十二五”战略规划的收官之年,也是承前启后,继往开来,谋划“十三五”集团发展的关键一年,集团公司要主动适应新常态,抢抓新机遇,迎接新挑战,实现新作为,引领企业新发展。一是必须在应对挑战中抢抓新机遇;二是必须在降本增效上拿出新招数;三是必须在项目推进上取得新突破;四是必须在强化管理上实现新提升;五是必须推动建工作再上新台阶。 张飞飞还就做好慰问困难职工群众工作、抓好节日期间安全生产及坚持廉洁自律节俭过节等工作提出了具体要求。 在会议上,皖能马鞍山公司、省天然气公司、皖能电力运营检修公司先后就其发展中的经验成果作了交流发言,集团公司领导与子公司和发电企业代表分别签署了2015年度安全生产目标责任书、经营目标任务书,对获得集团公司2014年度先进单位称号的省天然气公司、皖能马鞍山公司、集团公司群工作部和安全生产部四家单位进行了表彰。(集团办公室)
: 已告知天下,皖能业绩非凡!
作者:您目前是匿名发表 &
在下月和工资一起发放In the next month and the wage paid together
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。沪市公司去年业绩增速趋缓 结构调整取得积极进展
  2015年,作为公司转型升级、投资整合的重要手段之一,沪市公司的并购重组实现数量规模双增的总体态势。全年共完成并购重组863家次,交易总金额1.04万亿,两者同比均增长50%以上。92家公司完成重大资产重组,同比增加129.9%;涉及交易金额4351亿元,同比增加225.4%。合计增加市值1.8万亿元。同时,实施重大资产重组的沪市公司,盈利能力也得到了较为明显的提升。2015年,完成重组的92家公司共实现营业收入14,951亿元,同比增长123%;实现净利润611亿元,同比增长185%。(记者 赵一蕙)
[责任编辑:大学英语作文 公司去年取得很大业绩 每位员工下月将收到奖金$500与下月工资一起发放 希望大家继_百度知道
大学英语作文 公司去年取得很大业绩 每位员工下月将收到奖金$500与下月工资一起发放 希望大家继
努力工作 为公司发现做出新的贡献。祝愿公司明年取得更大成绩
the sun, moon, planets and stars all circle around it with circumference.. He believed that, because of the mysterious reason, he felt the earth is the center of the universe, and the circumference movement is perfect.. After the second Century B. C.,
发表于 17-8-13 10:49:32
目录& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & 封面
第二部分 章节题库
 第一章 听力理解
  ◆听 写
 第二章 语法结构
  ◆填 空
 第三章 阅读理解
  ◆填 空
  ◆匹 配
  ◆简 答
 第四章 英译汉
 第五章 写 作
  ◆通 知
  ◆其 他
第三部分 模拟试题及详解
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & 内容简介& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &本书更多内容&&
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&使用说明& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
第一部分 历年真题及详解
Part I ListeningComprehension (25 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4sections.
Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. Thereare 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. Thequestions will be spoken two times. When youhear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choicesmarked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example: You will hear:
  Youwill read: A) I’m not sure.
 B) You’re right.
 C) Yes, certainly.
 D) That’s interesting.
From the question we learnthat the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C) Yes,certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center. [A] [B] [C][D]. Now the test will begin.
1. A) Thank you. 
B) Here you are. 
C) Wonderful.
D) I’ll take one.
2.A) Yes, it’s John Smith  
B) It takes too muchtime. &&
C) Nice to see you.
D) You can’t miss it.
3.A) How are you? 
B) Yes, I do. 
C) Here it is.
D) My pleasure.
4. A) I’d love to.
B) Take it easy.
C) The department managers.
D) Five more minutes,please.
5. A) That’s too late. 
B) Not bad.  
C) On Monday morning.
D) 45 dollars.
6. A) Enjoy yourdinner. 
B) Have a good time. &&
D) Two single rooms,please.
7. A) On the thirdfloor. 
B) This way, please.
C) Mind your steps.
D) No problem.
Directions: Thissection is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are7 recorded dialogues in it. After each conversation, there is a recordedquestion. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When youhear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choicesmarked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Now listen to the dialogues.
8. A) She was tired of thejob. 
B) She moved to anothercity.&&
C) The work condition was poor.
D) The job was toochallenging.
9.A) Blue jeans. 
B) A pair of socks. 
C) A T-shirt.
D) A pair of shoes.
10. A) He’s been late. 
B) He’s filed aninterview. &&
C) He’s got a cold.
D) He’s lost his job. 
11. A) The flighttime.
B) The new model.
C) The meeting schedule. 
D) The after-sales service.
12. A) It is harmful tohealth.
B) It is helpful for learning. &&
C) It is a waste of time.
D) It is a good workinghabit.
13. A) The job isinteresting.
B) The salary is good. 
C) The boss is nice.
D) The office is nice.
14. A) Making a workplan.
B) Having a trainingcourse. 
C) Working on a new project.
D) Asking for a pay rise.
Directions: Inthis section there are 2 recorded conversations. After each conversation, thereare some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will bespoken two times. When you hear a question, youshould decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D)given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.Now listen to the conversations.
Conversion 1
15.A) One night.   
B) Two nights   
C) Three nights.
D) Four nights.
16. A) Near the shoppingmall. &&
B) In front of thebuilding. &&
C) Across the street.
D) Behind the building.
Conversion 2
17.A) A pay rise.    
B) A day off.  
C) A new position.
D) A paid holiday.
18.A) Two years.    
B) Three years.   
C) Five years.
D) Eight years.
19. A) To offer the woman atraining opportunity.
B) To discuss the matterwith the HR manager.
C) To send an email to thegeneral manager.
D) To give the woman moreresponsibilities.
Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded shortpassage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words orphrases missing. The passage will be read three times.During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phraseson the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear.The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.
Have you ever thought whatkeeps people happy in their work? We’ve recently  20 a survey. Of course, salary is important.Apart from salary, what else makes people happy with their jobs? Now pleaselook at the chart. You can see the  21 factor is the opportunities to learn andgrow. It represents  22 present of the people we asked. And 20percent of the people say 23 to achieve their goal is important. Oursurvey also shows that another two important factors are a good workingrelationship with co-workers and a good  24 .
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary& Structure (15 minutes)
Directions: This part isto test your ability to construct correct and meaningful sentences. It consistsof 2 sections.
Directions: In thissection, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete eachone by deciding on the most appropriate word or words front the 4 choicesmarked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.
25.He said he would continue to support us _____ we didn’t break the rules.
A) as well as 
B) as soon as
C) as far as
D) as long as
【解析】句意:他说只要我们不违反规则,他就会继续支持我们。本题考查固定词组。aslong as只要。因此D项正确。as well as也,和……一样。as soon as一……就……。as far as至于,就……而言;和……一样远。
26.The school was _____ in 1929 by a Chinese scholar.
A) established
C) imagined
27.We have reached an agreement _____ we should invest in the Internet-relatedbusiness.
28._____ the excellent service, guests can enjoy delicious food in ourrestaurant.
A) In place of 
B) In addition to
C) In charge of
D) In case of
【解析】句意:除了优质服务,客人们还可以享用我们餐厅的美味食物。本题考查词组辨析。in addition to除了……之外。因此B项正确。in place of代替,取代。in charge of负责,主管。in case of万一,假使,倘若。
29.Some of the employees in the company are _____ to work at flexible hours.
B) achieved
C) allowed 
【解析】句意:这家公司的一些员工被允许拥有灵活的工作时间。本题考查固定搭配。beallowed to do sth.是固定词组,表示“被允许做某事”。因此C项正确。take拿,取。achieve获得,实现。form构成,组成。
30.Please call us for more information as our website is currently _____ repair.
31._____, the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’ssales.
B) As usual
D) At most
【解析】句意:和往常一样,这位销售经理的报告以上个月的销量统计为开端。本题考查词组辨析。as usual和往常一样。因此B项正确。by now/so far到目前为止。at most至多。
32. We reallyappreciate our working environment, in _____ there was open, friendly workplacecommunication.
【解析】句意:我们真的很喜欢我们那能够自由友好地交流的工作环境。本题考查非限制性定语从句。此处需要填入一个关系代词,指代先行词working environment,且与介词in搭配,因此此处应用which,即本题应选D项。how、what不能引导定语从句。whom引导定语从句时,指代人。
33. A companymeeting provides an opportunity to _____ ideas and discuss any problems thatcome up within the workplace.
【解析】公司会议可以为(员工们)交流意见和讨论公司出现的任何问题提供机会。本题考查动词词义辨析。share分享,分担。share ideas交流想法,交换意见。因此B项正确。reach达到(多与agreement搭配)。take拿,取;接受,采纳。lead领导;导致。
34.Big changes have taken place at Marketing Department _____ the new managercame.
A) before 
Directions: There are 5 incompletestatements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the wordgiven in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on theAnswer Sheet.
35.We are looking forward to (receive) _____ your early reply.
【解析】句意:我们期待早点收到您的回复。本题考查固定词组。lookforward to doing sth.是固定词组,表示“期待/盼望做某事”。因此本题应填入动词receive的动名词形式receiving。
36.The main purpose of (educate) _____ is to teach students to think forthemselves.
37.I was told that their project (complete) _____ last week as scheduled.
【答案】was completed查看答案
【解析】句意:我被告知他们的工程上周已如期竣工了。本题考查动词时态和语态。根据题干中的last week可知,此处表示发生在过去的动作,即应用一般过去时。宾语从句中的主语theirproject是单数第三人称,且和动词complete之间是被动关系,因此应用被动语态(be+动词过去分词)。故本题答案应为was completed。
38.It is (general) _____ believed that about 14% of new cars can have electricalproblems.
39.As a new comer, almost everything in the company seems to be (interest) _____to me.
【解析】句意:作为一名新生,似乎校园里的一切对我来说都是有趣的。本题考查词性转换。此处应填入一个形容词,作be的表语,且修饰物(everything in the company),因此本题应填入名词interest的形容词形式interesting,表示“(物)有趣的,能引起兴趣的”。
Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension  (35minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully anddo the tasks as you are instructed.
Directions: After reading the followingpassage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each questionor statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make thecorrect choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center.
Starting a restaurant canbe rewarding but challenging. Here are some steps to help you to make yourrestaurant business a success.
First, take a look at therestaurants that will be your competition. Learn what your competitors (竞争者) are serving and use the information to create a restaurant thatwill stand out among them. Speak to people to understand what type ofrestaurant they would like to have in the area.
Next, you will need to makea decision as to what kind of food you plan to offer. Choosing your targetcustomers will help determine what type of food you will offer.
Research the differenttypes of menus and select the menu items that will be right for yourrestaurant.
Deciding on the buildingand its location is also important for your success. Make sure that thebuilding is easily found and reached. It is important to be located in an areathat will attract customers.
Finally, do plenty ofpublic relations work and advertisement of the restaurant opening. Considerhaving some special discounts and door prizes on the day of the grand opening.
40.According to the passage, the first step in starting a restaurant is to _____.
A) find a suitablelocation. 
B) set up your profitgoal. 
C) learn much about your competitors.&&
D) advertise the opening ofyour restaurant.
41.By choosing your target customers, you can _____.
A) learn how much you cancharge for each dish.
B) decide on what kind offood to offer them. 
C) know the cost of runningthe restaurant.
D) predict how manycustomers will arrive.
42.Which of the following is important when you choose a building for yourrestaurant?
A) There are no other restaurantsnearby.
B) It is easy for customersto visit.
C) There is a parking lotavailable.
D) It is popular withtourists.
43.On the day of the opening of your restaurant, you are advised to _____.
A) show customers aroundthe building.
B) invite some importantpersons.
C) offer some specialdiscounts. 
D) make an opening speech.
44.The passage is mainly about _____.
A) how to choose a restaurant location.
B) how to cut restaurant running costs.
C) how to attract customers.
D) how to start a restaurant.
40.C 根据原文第二段中的“First,take a look at the restaurants that will be your competition. Learn what yourcompetitors (竞争者) are serving and use theinformation to create a restaurant that will stand out among them.”可知,开一家餐厅的第一步就是要多多了解竞争对手的菜品,并用这些信息来打造自己的餐厅,使之在同行中脱颖而出。因此C项正确。
41.B 根据原文第三段中的“Choosingyour target customers will help determine what type of food you will offer.”可知,选择你的目标顾客可以帮助你决定(你的餐厅)要供应哪类食物。因此B项正确。
42.B 根据原文第五段中的“Makesure that the building is easily found and reached.”可知,在为餐厅选址时应确保餐厅的位置好找且容易到达。因此B项正确。
43.C 根据原文最后一段中的“Considerhaving some special discounts and door prizes on the day of the grand opening.”可知,在餐厅开业的那天可以考虑提供一些特别折扣或者入场奖品等。因此C项正确。
44.D 原文第一段中提到“Hereare some steps to help you to make your restaurant business a success.(以下是帮助你的餐厅取得成功的几个步骤)”,由此可知,本文主要是讲如何开好一个餐厅,并对此提出了几项建议(了解同行、选择目标顾客、研究本店菜单、选址、开业优惠等),D项“如何开餐厅”最符合文章大意。因此本题应选D项。A、C项过于片面,B项在文章中未提及,均应排除。
&&rewarding&&adj. 有回报的&&&&target&&n. 目标&&&&challenging  adj. 有挑战性的&&&&discount  n. 折扣&&&&stand out   脱颖而出&&&&grand&&adj. 豪华的,华丽的&&【全文翻译】
Directions: The following is a poster.After reading it, you will find 3 questions or unfinished statements, numbered45 to 47. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
45.Which of the following is advertised in the poster?
A) An arts exhibition 
B) A furniture shop
C) A sport event
D) A garage sale
46.According to the poster, the money to be raised will be given to _____.
A) a high school 
B) a teen center
C) a local hospital
D) a local newspaper
47.If you register before April 17, the registration fee is _____.
45.D 根据海报中的“ST. CHARLES COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE”可知,这张海报是关于圣查尔斯社区二手货拍卖会的。因此D项A garage sale“二手货拍卖会”正确。
46.B 根据海报中的“Help raise money for STC Underground—the popular teen center in St. Charles...”可知,这次二手货拍卖会的钱是为圣查尔斯备受欢迎的青少年活动中心筹集的。因此B项正确。
47.A 根据海报中的“$20 Early Bird Rate (until April 17)·Code 27602”可知,4月17日及之前注册的,注册费是20美元。因此A项正确。
&&raise&&vt. 举起,提升,募捐&&&&fee&& n. 费用&&&&participate in  参加,加入&&&&registration  n. 注册&&
Directions: Read the followingpassage. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling inthe blanks marked 48 to 52 (in no more than three words)in the table below. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheetcorrespondingly.
Using Best Buy ExpressService is easy. Just follow the Purchasing Guide. Or contact us if you needmore help. Please call 1-866-Best Buy with your questions.
The price of Best BuyExpress products are updated daily from
All Best Buy Expresstransactions (交易) are safe and secure. Anypersonal information you give us will be handled in the strictest confidenceaccording to our Privacy Policy available at $2000 limit per transaction.
If something is not right with your purchase, simply return youritem(s) to one of our Best Buy stores in the United States. Returns will onlybe processed starting from the day following your purchases. Best Buy storewill be pleased to exchange or give you a refund in any Best Buy store in theUnited States. The sales receipt will be required to process a return.
&&Best Buy Express Service&&How to use: follow the  48& &How to contact: call  49& &Price of products: updated  50 from & Privacy:& &1) personal information: handled in the strictest&&confidence.& &2) per transaction limit: $2000& &Returns:&&1) where to return: any Best Buy store in the&&United States.& &2) when to process returns: from the day following&& 51& &3) what to be required to process a return:  52& &【答案及解析】
48.Purchasing Guide
(由原文第一段中的“Using Best Buy Express Service is easy. Just follow the PurchasingGuide.”可知,使用百思买快递服务只需要遵循采购指南就可以了。因此此处应填入PurchasingGuide。)
49.1-866-Best Buy
(由原文第一段中的“Please call 1-866-Best Buy with your questions.”可知,如果需要更多帮助,可以拨打1-866-Best Buy联系百思买客服人员。因此此处应填入1-866-Best Buy。)
(由原文第二段中的“The price of Best Buy Express products are updated daily from”可知,百思买快递产品的价格每天都会更新。因此此处应填入daily。)
51.the/your purchases
(由原文最后一段中的“Returns will only be processed starting from the day following yourpurchases.”可知,在你购买后的第二天才会开始处理退货事宜。因此此处应填入the/yourpurchases。)
52.the sales receipt
(由原文最后一段中的“The sales receipt will be required to process a return.”可知,退货时需要出示售货发票。因此此处应填入the sales receipt。)
&&contact&&vt. 联系&&&&handle&&vt. 处理&&&&update&&vt. 更新&&&&confidence  n. 保密&&&&transaction  n. 交易&&&&available  adj. 可获得的,可利用的&&【全文翻译】
使用百思买快递服务很简单,只需要遵循采购指南就可以了。或者你需要更多帮助的话,可以联系我们。请带着您的疑问拨打1-866-Best Buy。
Directions: The following is a list of expressions often used forroad signs. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent tothose given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put thecorresponding letters in order of the numbered blanks, 53 through 57, on theAnswer Sheet.
A — Don’t follow tooclosely.&&J— Electronic toll collection (ETC)
B — Keep distance&&K— Service area
C — Accident area   L—No passing
D — Road closed   M— No parking
E — Road work ahead&&N— Dead end
F — Two-way traffic&&O— No horn
G — One-way traffic&&P— Falling rocks
H — Bend ahead&&Q— Slow down at exit
I — Bus lane
Examples: (Q) 出口慢行  (M)禁止泊车
& & 53.(&&)单向行驶&&( )事故多发区&&54.(&&)电子收费&&( )小心岩石滑落&&55.(&&)前方弯道&&( )服务区&&56.(&&)保持车距&&( )公交车专用车道&&57.(&&)禁止鸣号&&( )前方道路封闭& && &【答案】
A— 追尾危险
B— 保持车距
C— 事故多发区
D— 道路封闭
E— 前方道路施工
F— 双向交通
G— 单向交通
H— 前方弯道
I— 公交车专用车道
J— 电子收费
K— 服务区
M— 禁止泊车
N— 此路不通
P— 小心岩石滑落
Q— 出口慢行
Directions: Read the following passage. Afterreading it, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No.58 to No. 62). Youshould write your answers (inno more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.
Public Storage is an internationalself-storage company. It rents spaces, ranging from closet-sized (橱柜大小的) units to ones that can hold the contents of five-bedroom house. Weoffer indoor and outdoor business units — some withclimate control — that have drive-up, walk-up andelevator access and convenient access hours.
Once you find the rightstorage space, reserve (预定) the self-storage unit online forfree. Feel free to inspect the space and meet the property manager beforerenting the storage unit. When you’re ready to pack, we’ve got everything youneed, including the moving supplies.
Once you move in, you keepthe only key to your self-storage unit, which you can access on your schedule. Allof our business storage agreements are month-to-month, and you can change yourstorage unit space and location without penalty (惩罚). Easy and flexible --- that’s what you can expect from Public Storage.
58.What kind of business units does PublicStorage offer?
Public Storage offers___________________ business units.
59.How can customers reserve the self-storage units?
They can reserve it____________________ for free.
60.What are you advised to do before renting the storage unit?
To inspect the space and meet ______________________.
61.What will Public Storage promise todo if you get ready to pack?
They will provide everything, including _________________.
62.When can customers keep the key to their self-storage unit?
As soon as they ______________________.
58.indoor and outdoor
(题目问的是Public Storage提供哪种业务单位。根据原文第一段中的“We offer indoorand outdoor business units...”可知,Public Storage提供室内及户外的业务单位。因此此处应填入indoor and outdoor。)
(题目问的是客户可以如何预订自我存储单元。根据原文第二段中的“Once you find the right storage space, reserve (预定) the self-storage unit online for free.”可知,一旦你找到了合适的存储空间,你可以免费在网上预订自我存储单元。因此此处应填入online。)
60.the property manager
(题目问的是在租用存储单元之前你应该做什么。根据原文第二段中的“Feel free to inspect the space and meet theproperty manager before renting the storage unit.”可知,在租用存储单元之前你应该检查空间,并和物业经理见面。因此此处应填入the property manager。)
61.the moving supplies
(题目问的是如果你准备好要打包了,Public Storage公司将会承诺做什么。根据原文第二段中的“When you’reready to pack, we’ve got everything you need, including the moving supplies.”可知,如果你准备好要打包了,Public Storage公司将会准备你所需要的一切东西,包括搬家用品。因此此处应填入themoving supplies。)
62.move in
(题目问的是客户什么时候可以拿他们的自我存储单元的钥匙。根据原文最后一段中的“Once you move in, you keep the only key to your self-storage unit”可知,你一搬进来就可以拿走你的自我存储单元的钥匙。因此此处应填入move in。)
&&storage&&n. 存储&&&&inspect&&vt. 检查,检阅,视察&&&&convenient&&adj. 方便的&&&&property  n. 财产&&&&reserve&&n. 预定;保留&&&&supply  n. 供给物&&【全文翻译】
Part IV Translation—Englishinto Chinese (25minutes)
Directions: This part, numbered 63 to67, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the foursentence (No. 63 to No. 66) is followed by three choices of suggestedtranslation marked A), B), and C). Make the best choice and write thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.And then write your translation of the paragraph (No. 67) in the correspondingspace on the Translation/Composition Sheet.
63. Thetraining course is designed for managers who want to increase their confidenceand understand different marketing styles.
A) 本培训课程是为那些需要提高自信和了解不同营销风格的经理们而设计的。
B) 本培训课程的目的是为提高员工自信心,使他们了解不同的市场销售手段。
C) 本培训课程由经理设计,使员工掌握各种营销手段,用以提高他们的能力。
【解析】本句中的定语从句是修饰先行词managers(经理们),B项将定语从句的先行词理解错误,原句要表达的是“想要提高自信的经理们”,这里误译成“为提高员工自信”,且将be designed for(为某人而设计的)译为“目的是为……”、将marketingstyles(销售风格)译为“销售手段”均不准确。C项将be designed for误译为“由经理设计”,漏译了“who want to increasetheir confidence”,增译了“使员工掌握”、“提高他们的能力”。因此本题应选A项。
64. With over60,000 products available, we are able to provide you with the top brand nameson the market.
A) 我们能为你们提供市场上各种品牌,已拥有超过六万多商品。
B) 我们将继续为你们提供各种产品,争取总量能达到六万多种。
C) 我们拥有六万多个产品,可以向你们提供市场上的顶级品牌。
【解析】A项将伴随状语With over 60,000 products available(已拥有六万多个产品)译为“超过六万多商品”,译文本身就有语病,且将top brand names(顶级品牌)误译为“各种品牌”,也没有遵循原句的语序。B项将are able to provide you with(可以向你们提供)误译为“继续为你们提供”,将top brand names误译为“各种产品”,将With over 60,000 productsavailable误译为“争取总量能达到六万多种”。因此本题应选C项。
65. Our goal isto help business owners and professionals to master the art of effective communication.
A) 我们公司近期的目标是希望能找到具有沟通能力的专业人员。
B) 我们的宗旨是帮助企业主以及专业人士掌握有效交流的艺术。
C) 我们的目的是帮助公司老板与专家熟悉情况,提高沟通效率。
【解析】A项中的“近期的”、“希望能找到”均属无中生有,且将动词不定式to master the art of effective communication(掌握有效交流的艺术)误译为定语“具有沟通能力的”。C项增译了“熟悉情况”,且将master the art ofeffective communication译为“提高沟通效率”,属于望文生义,应排除。因此本题应选B项。
66. Beforedeveloping their new project, the management team had thoroughly examined theorganization’s current situation.
A) 在开发新的项目之前,管理团队全面审视了该机构的现状。
B) 管理团队要先研究策略,才能清楚的了解公司产品的情况。
C) 要研发新的产品,管理团队需仔细的摸清公司原先的状况。
【解析】B项将主句中的过去完成时理解错误,原句要表达的是“在……之前,管理团队已经……了”,而不是“要先……,才能……”;且将developing their new project(开发新的项目)误译为“研究策略”,将thoroughly examined(全面审视)误译为“清楚的了解”,将the organization’scurrent situation(该机构的现状)误译为“公司产品的情况”。C项也将句子的时态理解错误,且将project(项目)误译为“产品”、将thoroughly examined误译为“仔细的摸清”均不准确;将current situation(现状)误译为“原先的状况”。因此本题应选A项。
We repair computers of allbrands. We provide you with professional advice, saving you both time and moneyin the long run. Our team understands technology well enough to make mostcomputer systems work better.
  Bring your computer in for aFree Check-Up, and we will recommend the most efficient way to solve yourproblems. We will only charge money if we can provide you with results.
2. 第一句中的介词短语of all brands可译为定语“所有品牌的”。第二句中的saving you bothtime and money in the long run是现在分词作状语,时间状语in the long run(从长远来看)可根据需要相应地调整语序。
3. understandsth. well enough可译为“精通”。computer systems计算机系统。Free Check-Up免费检查。recommend推荐。charge money收费。
Part V Writing  (25minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You arerequired to complete a form according to the following information given inChinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.
所在部门:市场部 (Marketing Department)
请假类别: 病假 (Sick Leave)
拟请假日期:日— 24日
LeaveRequest Form
&&Employee&&Information&&Name:&& (1)& &Employee&&Number: ____(2)______&&Department:&&______(3)_______&&&&Leave&&Type: ______(4)______&&&&Starting&&Date : ______(5)________&&&&Resumption&&Date: January 25th, 2016&&&&Reason&&for Leave:& &______________________________________________________________________________&&______________________________________________________________________________&&______________________________________________________________________________&&______________________________________________________________________________& && &&&Signature&&of Applicant: Li Jun&&【审题构思】
LeaveRequest Form
&&Employee&&Information&&Name:&&Li Jun&&Employee&&Number: 120485&&Department:&&Marketing Department&&&&Leave&&Type: Sick Leave&&&&Starting&&Date : January 10th, 2016&&&&Resumption&&Date: January 25th, 2016&&&&Reason&&for Leave:& &In the past several&&weeks, I have long been sick, but haven’t seek medical advice in time for I&&have been on business trip out of town. Now that I have come back, I have to&&follow my doctor’s advice to hospitalize myself and receive certain&&treatment. Therefore, I would like to ask two weeks’ sick leave and I hope&&that you will approve it.& && &&&Signature&&of Applicant: Li Jun&&【闪光词汇】
sickleave 病假
Part IListening Comprehension(25 minutes)
Directions: This part is to testyour listening ability. It consists of 4 sections.
Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. Thereare 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. Thequestions will be spoken two times. When youhear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choicesmarked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example: You will hear:
You will read: A) I’m notsure.
B) You’re right
C) Yes, certainly..
D) That’s interesting.
From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listenerto leave a message. Therefore, C) Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C) onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the center,
[A] [B] [C] [D]
Now the test will begin.
1.A) You are late.&&
B) My pleasure.&&
C) Fine. Thanks.
D) Go ahead, please.
【录音原文】How is everything going Peter?
2.A) I’m John Smith.&&
B) Thank you.&&
C) Not too bad.
D) It’s over there.
【录音原文】May I have your name, please?
3.A) Pass it to me, please.  
B) Yes, of course.
C) This way, please.
D) Don’t worry.
【录音原文】Do you like to chat in English online?
4.A) All right.  
B) Not at all.
C) I’m fine.
D) It doesn’t matter.
【录音原文】Would you please sign your name here, sir?
5.A) Here you are.&&
B) Thank you for coming.
C) It’s too late.
D) Yes, once a month.
【录音原文】Do you often travel on business?
6.A) Never mind.&&
B) Mind your steps.
D) Don’t mention it.
【录音原文】Can you put me through to the manager’s office?
7.A) long time no see.  
B) Here it is.
C) Coffee, please.
D) No problem.
【录音原文】Shall we arrange a meeting sometime next week?
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues.There are 7 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recordedquestion. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you shoulddecide on the correct Answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) givenin your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet with a single line through the center. Now listen to the dialogues.
8.A) He missed the bus.  
B) He got to the wrongplace.
C) He forgot the time.
D) He was sick.
W: Tom, why were you latefor the interview?
M: I missed the bus.
Q: Why was Tom late?
9.A) By a gift card.  
B) By cheque.
C) In cash.
D) By credit card.
W: How do you like to payfor the computer?
M: By credit card, please.
Q: How will the man pay forthe computer?
10.A) The man’s foreign language ability.
B) The man’s educationbackground.
C) The man’s communicationskill.
D) The man’s workexperience.
W: We are really impressedby your work experience.
M: Thank you very much.
Q: What impresses the womandeeply?
11.A) She doesn’t like her job.  
B) She has changed her job.
C) She is retired.
D) She has quit her job.
M: Mary, why isn't Lindaworking here now?
W: She retired last week.
Q: What can we learn aboutLinda from the conversation?
12.A) From its advertisement.  
B) From its website.
C) From its newsletter.
D) From its sales people.
M: Excuse me. Where can Ilearn more about your company?
W: From our website.
Q: Where can the man getmore information about the company?
13.A) In a hospital.  
B) In a restaurant.
C) In a hotel.
D) In a supermarket.
M: Good morning. I have anappointment with Doctor Green at 10:30.
W: Please wait a moment. Heis with another patient.
Q: Where does thisconversation most probably take place?
14.A) Today.  
B) Next Monday.  
C) Tomorrow
D) This Friday.
W: I’m afraid you can’thave the meeting today as John isn’t here.
M: I see. Let’s have ittomorrow.
Q: When will they have themeeting?
Directions: In this section, thereare 2 recorded conversations. After each conversation, there are some recordedquestions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you shoulddecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) givenin your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet with a single line through the center. Now listen to the conversations.
Conversation 1
15.A) Meet a friend.&&
B) Visit a patient.
C) See a doctor.
D) Look for a dentist.
16.A) He’s caught cold.  
B) He’s got a headache.
C) He’s got his leg broken.
D) He’s got a fever.
15.C 录音开头男士便提到“我需要看医生,谢谢”,故C项正确。
16.A 录音中女士询问男士身体状况,男士回答“我感冒很严重”,故A项正确。
W:Good morning. May I help you?
M:(15)Yes. I would like to see a doctor, please.
W:Are you a new patient here?
M:Yes. This is my first time here.
W:I see. What’s your trouble?
M:(16)I’ve caught a bad cold.
15.What does the man want to do?
16.What's the matter with the man?
Conversation 2
17.A) Mrs. Green. 
B) Mrs. Smith.
C) Mr. Kale.
D) Mr. Black.
18.A) On Friday.  
B) On Thursday.
C) On Wednesday.
D) On Monday.
19.A) Write a letter.  
B) Arrange the meeting.
C) Send an email.
D) Pass a message.
17.D 录音开头男士便提到“请问我能和布莱克先生通话吗?”,故D项正确。
18.A 录音中男士提到“请通知他,我们的会议将在周五下午三点半举行”,故A项正确。
19.D 录音最后女士提到“好的,我会替你转达信息”,故D项正确。
W:Good afternoon, Tangle Industries.
M:(17)Hello. May I speak to Mr. Black, please?
W:I’m sorry. He is not in. Can I take a message?
M:(18)Yes. I’m John Brown. Please tell him our meeting will be held on Fridayat 3:30.
W:Friday at 3: 30.
M:And would you ask him to call me this afternoon?
W:Yes. What’s your phone number, please?
M:It’s 3584058.
W:(19)OK. I’ll pass the message to Mr. Black.
17.Whom does the man want to speak to?
18.When will they have the meeting?
19.What will the woman do for the man?
Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passageis printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. Thepassage will be read three times. During thesecond reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on theAnswer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The thirdreading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.
Good afternoon, ladies andgentlemen. Thank you very much for coming to our conference this afternoon. I’mHenry Johnson, the  20 of Smart Toys. Now, I’d like to introduceyou to a completely  21 of toy manufacture. Firstly, I’ll talkabout the market research which led to the  22 of this product. Then I’ll explain theproduction and our sales plan. Finally, I’ll make some suggestions so that youcan make this product a  23 . We are confident this new productwill sell well in the  24 . At the end of my speech, we’llhave a question-and-answer section.
20.Sales Manager idea
24.American market
Good afternoon, ladies andgentlemen. Thank you very much for coming to our conference this afternoon. I’mHenry Johnson, the Sales Manager of Smart Toys. Now, I’d like to introduce youto a completely new idea of toy manufacture. Firstly, I’ll talk about themarket research which led to the development of this product. Then I’ll explainthe production and our sales plan. Finally, I’ll make some suggestions so thatyou can make this product a success. We are confident this new product willsell well in the American market. At the end of my speech, we’ll have aquestion-and-answer section.
Part II Vocabulary& Structure (10 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct correct and meaningfulsentences. It consists of 2 sections.
Directions: In this section, thereare 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding onthe most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the center.
25.I am very happy to declare that this year’s sales target _____ ahead of time.
A) achieved  
B) has achieved
C) has been achieved
D) had been achieved
【解析】句意:我很高兴宣布今年的销售目标已经提前完成。本题考查时态和语态的用法。aheadof time表示“提前”,sales target表示“销售目标”,结合句意可知,销售目标已经完成,应用完成时,而本句谓语动词为一般现在时am,因此空格处应用现在完成时,又sales target与achieve之间为被动关系。故C项正确。
26.The new traffic rules will become _____ from the first day of 2016.
A) comfortable&&
B) excellent
C) challenging
D) effective
27. The newsquickly spread throughout the campus _____ he won the first prize in thecompetition.
28.The delivery of the goods was _____ because of the snow storm.
A) worked out&&
B) put off
C) turned on
D) taken in
【解析】句意:由于暴风雪,商品运输延迟了。本题考查动词短语辨析。put off表示“推迟,延期”,符合句意,故B项正确。work out解决。turn on打开。take in吸收;欺骗。
29.When _____, the project will help to greatly improve the environment in thecommunity.
A) finished  
B) to finish
C) finishing
【解析】句意:这个项目完成后,社区的环境质量将大幅度改善。本题考查非谓语动词辨析。结合句意可知,finish与其逻辑主语the project为被动关系,因此应选finished,为过去分词表示被动意义。因此正确答案为A项。
30.The task will not be fulfilled _____ we get help from other departments.
31.Vitamin B enables the body to _____ full use of the food taken in.
A) make  
【解析】句意:维生素B能够使人体充分利用摄入的食物。本题考查动词短语辨析。make full use of为固定搭配,意为“充分利用”,符合句意,故A项正确。reach达到;达成;够着。put放。bring带来。
32.These construction workers are required to participate _____ the safety trainingprogram.
33.We’ll send the memo in advance _____ all people can have enough time to getprepared.
A) in case&&
B) so that
D) ever since
【解析】句意:我们会提前发送备忘录,以便所有人能够有充足的时间做准备。本题考查连词辨析。结合句意可知,空格处应填连词,连接两个句子,由句意可知,空格前后为因果关系,so that表示“以至于,以便”,符合句意,故B项正确。in case以防万一。as if似乎,好像。ever since自……以来。
34.Congratulations on the great _____ you’ve made since last year.
A) progress&&
B) measure
C) appointment
【解析】句意:祝贺去年取得巨大进步。本题考查名词辨析。congratulation表示“祝贺”,空格处应填表示积极意义的词。make progress为固定搭配,表示“取得进步”,符合句意,故A项正确。measure措施,方法。appointment预约;任命;职位。sense感觉;理智;道理。
Directions: There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blankwith the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words inthe corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
35.It is hard (guess) _____ what comments the manager will make on the design.
【答案】to guess查看答案
【解析】句意:很难猜测经理对这项设计的评价。本题考查非谓语动词的用法。本题考查固定句型:It is + adj. + (for sb.) +to do sth.。其中it为形式主语,动词不定式为真正的主语,故空格处应填to guess。
36.Payment can (make) ______ online from your checking or savings account.
【答案】be made查看答案
【解析】句意:可以通过你的活期或储蓄账户进行网上支付。本题考查被动语态的用法。空格前是情态动词,空格处需用动词原形,主语payment与谓语make之间为被动关系,make payment表示“支付,付款”。因此空格处应填入be made。
37.This type of loan is (frequent) _____ used for this purpose.
38.It is possible that we reach a long-term (agree) _____ with the company.
39.I must admit that the situation is (difficult) _____ than I thought it would be.
【答案】more difficult查看答案
【解析】句意:我必须承认,情况比我过去预想的更困难。本题考查形容词比较级的用法。根据“than”可以判定,空格处应填入difficult的比较级结构,表示“更困难的”。故空格处填more difficult。
Part III ReadingComprehension(35 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you tofulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks asyou are instructed.
Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinishedstatements, numbered 40 to 44. For each question or statement there are 4choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and markthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecenter.
It is important for us toknow how to stay safe while traveling in foreign countries. We’ve all heard thestories of travelers having their wallets (钱包) stolen or finding themselves in the wrong part of town. So youhave to be more careful than usual, when traveling abroad.
Remember to carry a smallamount of cash and a copy of your ID with you at all times. There is no need tobring large amounts of cash with you. When shopping, use your credit cardinstead. Keep your wallet in your front pocket so that there is no waysomeone’s hand could get in there without your noticing it.
Travel with a friend,business partner if possible. It is always better to travel in pairs than to goalone. Know where you’re going and how to get there. Look at the map before youleave the hotel so that you know where you’re going and how to get there.
Lock your valuables (贵重物品) either in the safe in your hotel room or in the main hotel safe.
Be aware of yoursurroundings. Look around when walking, and avoid keeping your head low.
40.When shopping abroad, you are advised to _____.
A) use online services
B) use a credit card
C) pay by check
D) pay in cash
41.To keep your wallet safe, you’d better _____.
A) hold it in your hand
B) leave it in the hotelsafe
C) put it in your frontpocket
D) keep it in your shoulderbag
42.To know where you are going, you are advised to _____.
A) ask the police fordetailed information
B) look at the map beforeleaving the hotel
C) always travel with yourbusiness partner
D) have a smart phone withyou while traveling
43.Where should you keep your valuables while staying in a hotel?
A) In the hotel safe.
B) In your pockets.
C) In your traveling bag.
D) In a bedside container.
44.Which of the following can be the title for the passage?
A) How to Ask Ways WhileTraveling
B) How to Shop in a ForeignCountry
C) Protect Your PersonalInformation
D) Stay Safe WhileTraveling Abroad
40.B 事实细节题。根据题干意思可定位至第二段。该段第三句提到“When shopping, use your credit card instead.”,结合前文内容可知,此处的“shopping”指的是“海外购物”,因此正确答案是B。A、C两项文中并未提及,应排除。文章第二段第一句提出随身携带小额现金,并未表明购物用现金支付,因此选项D错误。
41.C 事实细节题。由题干可定位至文章第二段。本段最后一句提到“Keep your wallet in your front pocket so that there is no waysomeone’s hand could get in there without your noticing it.”,建议人们把钱包放在前面的口袋里以防小偷偷盗。故C项正确。A、D两项文中并未提及。文中第四段提出把贵重物品放在保险箱里,而非钱包,故B项错误。
42.B 事实细节题。由题干中的knowwhere you are going可定位至第三段。本段最后一句提到“Look at the mapbefore you leave the hotel so that you know where you’re going and how to getthere.”,由此可知,为了清楚知道目的地,可在离开宾馆前查看地图,故B项正确。A、D两项文中并未提及,C项表述过于绝对。
43.A 事实细节题。由题干中的yourvaluables可定位至倒数第二段。该段提到“Lock your valuables (贵重物品) either in the safe in your hotel room or in the main hotel safe.”,由此可知,贵重物品应该存放在旅馆房间或大堂的保险箱里。故A项正确。
44.D 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述海外旅行安全问题,包括购物安全、结伴旅行、贵重物品存放以及环境安全。因此正确答案是D。其余三项皆为安全注意事项的具体细节,不足以概括文章主旨。
&&cash   n. 现金&&&&valuable  v. 贵重物品&&&&credit card  n. 信用卡&&&&safe n. 保险柜,保险箱&&&&partner n. 伙伴&&&&aware  adv. 意识到……的&&&&alone  adv. 独自,一个人&&&&avoid vt. 避免&&【全文翻译】
Directions: The following is a notice. After reading it, you will find 3 questionsor unfinished statements, numbered 45 to 47. For each question or statementthere are 4 choices marked A), B) C) and D). You should make the correct choiceand mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.
45.To apply for a position advertised, you should _____.
A) make a phone call to theorganization
B) visit the organizationin person
C) send your resume online
D) sign up for registration
46. Whenthey are selected, the right persons will be _____.
A) shown around the company
B) provided with training
C) given a welcome party
D) sent to work abroad
47. Jobcandidates are advised to be dressed professionally as they are likely to_____.
A) sign a job contract
B) give a presentation
C) help the disabled people
D) attend an interview onsite
45.C 事实细节题。第二板块提到“Please send your resume to”,由此可以推断求职者可以通过网投简历来申请职位。因此正确答案为C。
46.B 事实细节题。图片中提到“Weare more than willing to train the right person”,由此可以推断合适人员或将接受培训。故B项正确。
47.D 事实细节题。图片中提到“Interviewswill be held on site for qualified candidates. Please arrive dressedprofessionally.”,由此可知,马里兰社区联合会将对合适的人选进行现场面试,因此本题正确答案为D项。
&&fair   n. 交易会&&&&specialist n. 专家,专业人员&&&&expand  v. 扩张,扩展&&&&human resources n. 人力资源&&&&seek  v. 寻找&&&&extraordinary  v. 特殊的&&【全文翻译】
Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you should complete theinformation by filling in the blanks marked 48 to 52 (inno more than 3 words) in the table below. You should write your answerson the Answer Sheet correspondingly.
Chevron is one of theworld’s leading energy companies. Our highly skilled global workforce consistsof about 64,500 employees, including more than 3,200 service station employees.
In 2013, Chevron’s averagenet production was nearly 2.6 million oil-equivalent barrels (桶) per day. About 75% of that production occurred outside the UnitedStates. Chevron had a global production of 1.96 million barrels of oil per dayat the end of 2013.
We care about theenvironment and are proud of the many ways in which our employees work tosafeguard (保护) it. Our efforts to improve onour safe work environment continue to pay off. We recognize that the worldneeds all the energy we can develop, in every potential form. That’s why ouremployees work responsibly to develop the reliable energy the world needs.
&&Chevron&&one of the world’s leading energy companies&&Workforce: about  48 employees& &Production in 2013:&&1) nearly  49 oil-equivalent barrels per day&&2) about 75% of the&&production outside  50& &3) a  51 production of 1.96 million barrels of&&oil per day& &Environment & Safety:&&1) care about the&&environment and safeguard it&&2) work responsibly to&&develop the  52 the world needs&&【答案及解析】
48. 64, 500。
(由空格前的“workforce(职工)”可定位至第一段。本段第二句提到“Our highly skilled global workforce consists of about 64,500employees, including...”,由此可知,公司拥有髙技能人才6万4千5百名,故空格处应填64,500。)
49. 2.6 million。
(由空格后的“oil-equivalent barrels per day”定位于第二段。本段首句提到“In 2013, Chevron’s average net production was nearly 2.6 millionoil-equivalent barrels (桶) per day”,由此可知雪佛龙2013年日均产值达到260万桶,故空格处应填2. 6 million。)
50.the United States。
(由“about 75% of the productionoutside”可定位至第二段。本段第二句提到“About 75% of thatproduction occurred outside the United States”,由此可知75%的产值来源于美国以外的地区,故空格处应填the UnitedStates。)。
(由空格后的“production of 1. 96 million barrels of oil per day”可定位至文章第二段。
该段第三句提到“Chevron had a global production of 1.96 million barrels of oil perday at the end of 2013.”,由此可知2013年年末Chevron的全球日均总产值196万桶,故空格处应填global。)
52.reliable energy。
(由“work responsibly to develop”和“the worldneeds”可定位至第三段。
该段最后一句提到“That’s why our employees work responsibly to develop the reliableenergy the world needs.”,也就是说,员工需要负责开发世界需求的可靠能源,故空格处应填reliableenergy。)
&&leading   adj. 主要的&&&&equivalent adj. 相等的&&&&skilled  adj. 熟练的,有技能的&&&&barrel&&n. 桶&&&&workforce n. 劳动力,职工&&&&safeguard v. 保卫,保护&&&&average adj. 普通的;平均的&&&&potential adj. 潜在的,可能的&&【全文翻译】
Directions: The following is a list of column titles used on a company’s website.After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those givenin Chinese in the table below. Then you should mark the corresponding lettersin order of the numbered blanks, 53 through 57, on the Answer Sheet.
A—Our Business
B—Our Customers
C—Customer Training
D—About Us
E—Career Development
F—Select Region
G—Contact Information
H—Site Map
I—Privacy Statement
J—Terms of Use
K—Company History
I—Campus Recruiting
M—Career Guide
N—Press Releases
O—social Media
P—Personal Investing
Q—Financial Reporting
Examples: (L)校园招聘 (N)新闻发布
&&53.&&(  ) 客户培训&&(  ) 公司历史&&54.&&(  ) 职业指导&&(  ) 使用条款&&55.&&(  ) 选择地区&&(  ) 财务报告&&56.&&(  ) 联系信息 && (  ) 社交媒体&&57.&&(  ) 职业发展&&(  ) 网站地图&&【答案】
Directions: Read the following letter. After reading it, you are required tocomplete the answers that follow the questions (No.58 to No.62). You shouldwrite your answers (in no more than 3 words) onthe Answer Sheet correspondingly.
Please join me in welcomingJim Johnson as our newest team member. Jim has become the General Manager sinceMarch 4. He will be in charge of a new project that can take our business tothe national level.
Jim used to be the VicePresi


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