谁知道untouchable-weparty like we doto party的歌词,就是自由篮球里的那一首,

《人民的名义》刷屏,你想知道的英文全在这里!《人民的名义》刷屏,你想知道的英文全在这里!时宇落学百家号3月28日,反腐大剧《人民的名义》在湖南卫视首播。若光看名字,会觉得这是部标准的“主旋律”,好像勾不起吃瓜群众的观看欲。但事实是,这部号称“史上尺度最大反腐剧”绝对是让人欲罢不能、每天都要搬着小板凳追剧的良心之作!超现实版反腐剧开启新风尚作为时下热播的反腐剧,该剧描述了各级政府官员针对高层官员(“老虎”)和基层官员(“苍蝇”)的反腐行动。The show portrays officials at various levels carrying out anti-corruption actions against high-ranking officials (“tigers”) as well as low-level ones (“flies”).《人民的名义》由同名小说改编而成,主人公是虚构人物——最高人民检察院反贪总局侦查处处长侯亮平,他正在调查卷入汉东省京州市地产分配案的贪官污吏。Adapted from a novel of the same name, In the Name of the People tells its story through the fictional character of Hou Liangping, who is the Procuratorate’s anti-graft department director in the show, which focuses on the investigation of a string of corrupt officials who are involved in real-estate allotment in Jingzhou city of Handong province.这部剧是自2004年起首部描写高层政府官员贪污的电视剧。The show is the first drama series to feature high-level government corruption as a central theme since 2004.这部剧想要传达的信息正如预告片中所说:“我们是人民当家作主的国家,一切权力属于人民”。片中还有很多吸睛的场景,如政府官员和金发碧眼的情妇被捉奸在床、共产党的干部藏了满屋的钞票等。The message is to convey that China is “a country of the people, all power belongs to the people,” the narrator says in the show’s previews, which offers tantalizing scenes from the series, including a government official caught in bed with a blonde mistresses, and a communist cadre who stuffs his apartment with banknotes.收获各方极高的反响据中国广视索福瑞媒介研究的调查显示,上周二此剧已荣登上收视冠军的宝座,第一集收视率就达到了2.41%。Chinese anti-graft TV drama In the Name of People became TV’s champion Tuesday night after its first episode pulled in 2.41 percent of total viewers, according to CSM Media Research.截止上周四中午,腾讯上前两集的观看量就达到了1970万,爱奇艺上也达到了1200万。The first two episodes (the second episode became available on Wednesday) had nearly19.7 millionviews on Tencent and more than12 millionviews on iQiyi as of noon on Thursday.除了在国内火得一塌糊涂,《人民的名义》也引起了不少外媒的关注。▼CNBC:中国的反贪运动或许离你仅一屏之隔▼中国新剧展现反腐好处,浏览量已达3.5亿次反腐话题翻译“记事录”一部《人民的名义》,引燃了“反腐”话题,也折射了党和政府在新时期将反腐进行到底的决心和信心。那么,今天米姐就来和大家谈谈与反腐的相关话题该如何翻译。艾瑞博迪,赶快get起来哟!▼《人民的名义》In the Name of Peopl剧中词句积累1、贪官 corrupt official▼例句腐败官员将家人送往海外已经成为他们的惯用手段。It has become a pattern for corrupt officials to send their family members overseas.2、行贿受贿 bribery* 向某人行贿,可以用bribe的动词形式, bribe sb to do sth;或名词形式 offer/pay/give bribes to sb。Bribe是可数名词,a bribe指一笔贿赂,bribes是多笔贿赂。(1)他向狱警行贿,让对方放他出狱。He bribed the guardsto let him out of prison.(2)行贿属于腐败行为。The offer or payment of a bribeis a corrupt practice.(3)他因行贿而入狱。He was jailed on charges of bribery.* 受贿可以用 take/accept/receive bribes,或被动形式 be bribed来表示。(1)警察不允许接受贿赂。Policemen are not allowed to accept bribes.(2)这位法官很正直,不会接受贿赂。The judge was too honest to be bribed.3、廉洁 clean(1)习近平要求军官清廉自律,为官兵做表率。Xi Jinping demands military officials stay cleanto set an example for the soldiers.(2)反腐仍举步维艰,我们必须坚定不移地继续树立党和政府的廉洁之风。The fight against corruption is still very difficult and the campaign of building a clean-fingeredParty and government should be firmly pushed forward.4、潜逃 abscond(1)丁义珍罪行暴露后,潜逃海外。Ding Yizhen absconded overseas after his crime was brought to light.(2)这个贪官携巨款潜逃了。The corrupt official absconded witha huge sum of money.此外,flee、escape、run away都可以表示逃跑。5、红色通缉令 Interpol red notice红色通缉令,即红色通报,相当于国际逮捕令(international arrest warrant),简称red notice。Interpol即the International Criminal Police Organization,国际刑警组织。(1)自2014年10月开展职务犯罪国际追逃追赃专项行动以来,我国已从37个国家和地区遣返、劝返外逃职务犯罪嫌疑人164人,其中包括“百名红通人员”中的27人。Since China launched a campaign to hunt down fugitives implicated in duty-related crimes in October
suspects, including 27 listed in an Interpol red notice,have been repatriatedor persuaded to return to China from 37 countries and regions.6、阿谀奉承 sycophancy阿谀奉承的行为,用一个比较高级的词汇来表达,可以是sycophancy:(1)然而省委书记已经开始厌倦他的阿谀奉承。The provincial Party secretary, however, was growing weary of his sycophancy.(2)我们应对党内的谄媚奉承采取零容忍政策。We should have a zero-tolerance policy on sycophancywithin the Communist Party of China.(3)还有一些更接地气的表达,如:* flattery 奉承他不为阿谀奉承所动。He is proof against flattery.* toady (up) to sb 拍马屁卡尔总爱拍老板马屁。Carl is always toadying up to his boss.* fawn on sb 巴结讨好奴才巴结主子。Underlings fawn on their bosses.7、双规 subject to questioning at an appointed time and place8、是搅局者?还是背叛者?正义与邪恶的终极博弈。A spoiler or a traitor? It’s the ultimate battle between good and evil.* spoiler:搅局者* traitor:背叛者* ultimate:终极的* good and evil:正义与邪恶9、你以为别人敬他酒敬的是他的人缘?那都是敬他手里的权力。Do you really think people propose a toast for his popularity? It’s the power in his hands!*propose a toast for:为...敬酒*popularity:好的人缘(实际上就是“比较受欢迎”的意思)10、别说了,像你们这种人,党和人民就是专门用来对不起的。Stop it! To someone like you, “the Party and the people” are nothing but part of your apology.* stop it:表示“住口”,类似的说法还有cut it out, knock it off.* the Party and the people:党和人民注:这里的“党”是特指,要大写首字母,并且前面加定冠词;“人民”也是特指,前面要加the* nothing but:仅仅是、只不过是* “专门用来对不起的”:我把它处理成为“是道歉的一部分”,有时候要用意译。剧外词句延伸“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打▼英国《卫报》:习近平在他领导的反腐斗争中表示要坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打,既要针对位高权重的领导也要针对低层官僚。China's president-in-waiting, Xi Jinping, has vowed to crack down on both &tigers& and &flies& – powerful leaders and lowly bureaucrats – in his campaign against corruption and petty officialdom.▼《华尔街日报》:老虎指的是那些一般意义上被认为是“动不得”的官员,politicians thought to be untouchable, known in the parlance of the campaign as “tigers”;而苍蝇指的是级别比较低的官员,但对普通人的影响更为直接:lower-level officials – referred to as “flies”—may telegraph the seriousness of the campaign more directly to ordinary citizens.2 把权力关进制度的笼子里▼新华社:Power should be restricted by the cage of regulations.▼英国《每日电讯报》:lock power in a cage3 猛药去疴、重典治乱,刮骨疗毒、壮士断腕全党同志要深刻认识反腐败斗争的长期性、复杂性、艰巨性,以猛药去疴、重典治乱的决心,以刮骨疗毒、壮士断腕的勇气,坚决把党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争进行到底。——习近平2014年1月在十八届中纪委三次全会上的讲话Describing the problem as &a disease that calls for powerful drugs,& Xi urged all Party members to continue the fight against corruption until the end with the resolution and courage depicted in an ancient Chinese idiom where a man has to cut off his own snake-bitten wrist to save his life.▼彭博社:Show courage to scrape the toxins off the bones and act with the bravery to cut off one's own wrist.* scrape /skrep/:用小刀刮* bravery /brevr/:勇气* toxins /tksn/:毒素* wrist /rst/:手腕4 无禁区、全覆盖、零容忍我们党从关系党和国家生死存亡的高度,以强烈的历史责任感、深沉的使命忧患感、顽强的意志品质推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,坚持无禁区、全覆盖、零容忍,严肃查处腐败分子,着力营造不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐的政治氛围。——习近平2015年1月在十八届中纪委五次全会上的讲话▼德国之声:This is why in the final communiqué of their mid-January meeting they stressed there was &no border and no taboo, but zero tolerance& in the war against corruption.”* taboo /tbu/ 禁忌tolerance /tlrns / 忍受、容忍、宽容5 开弓没有回头箭,反腐没有休止符▼习近平接受《华尔街日报》书面采访:“开弓没有回头箭,我们将继续坚定不移实现改革目标,风雨无阻,勇往直前。”Like an arrow shot that can not be brought back, we will forge ahead against all odds to meet our goals of reform.* arrow:/r/ 箭本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。时宇落学百家号最近更新:简介:爱落学的我,带给你最新的落学资讯作者最新文章相关文章VidalSassoon喜欢的音乐 - 歌单 - 网易云音乐
网易公司版权所有(C)杭州乐读科技有限公司运营:自由篮球一个背景音i like to party-untouchable求歌词_百度知道
自由篮球一个背景音i like to party-untouchable求歌词
't stop给你看我的high 我跟你一起flyI like to party 你是我 babymove it like a boom boom 我和你 dance danceI like to party 你是我 babymove it like a boom boom 我和你 dance danceI like to party 你是我 babymove it like a boom boom 我和你 dance danceI like to party 你是我 babymove it like a boom boom 我和你 dance dance看来你的眼神 相似我emotion给我你的呼吸 需要你的crazy离不开我的信息 我把你闹清晰我和你之间距离 轻易不能分离你不能在抵抗 我就要舞台上灯光已经so hot 忍不住i can\''t stopWe gonna be fine i\ll never don\&#39I Like To Party(我爱夜蒲) - 7CC词;t stop给你看我的high 我跟你一起flyI like to party 你是我 babymove it like a boom boom 我和你 dance danceI like to party 你是我 babymove it like a boom boom 我和你 dance danceI like to party 你是我 babymove it like a boom boom 我和你 dance danceI like to party 你是我 babymove it like a boom boom 我和你 dance dance看着我 我就是今日主角等什么 我就在你眼神中那时候的热情 再一次燃烧这一刻不回来 let\&#39: 7CC 曲: 7CCI wanna party tonight
不需要在忍耐U wanna dance flow
不需要在等待I wanna party tonight
不需要在忍耐U wanna dance flow
不需要再温柔时间已经不早 我就要行动now心中的一团火 就要放出来噢Hey baby 要什么 let me show u what the real我知道你要的 我就给你看我的show你不能在抵抗 我就要舞台上灯光已经so hot 忍不住i can\'ll never don\t stopWe gonna be fine i\&#39
now make it shake! come on.A.Say what you saybut give me that bomb beat from Drelet me serenade the streets of L; Shake it babyShake Shake it' Shake it Cali(Shake it Cali)Shake Shake it babyShake Shake itShake Shake it mamaShake it CaliOut on bail fresh outta jailCalifornia dreamin' WattsIn the citaaay' the city of Cs west sideso you know the Row won't bow down to no man.A;-machines servin' fiends.I been in the game for ten years makin'Soon as I stepped on the sceneI' the city of Compton.We keep it Rockin'We Keep it Rockin'(Dre) yeah&#39... we wearin' chucks not Ballies. (yea' that's right)Dressed in Locs and khaki suitsand ride is what we do.Flossin' but have cautionwe can lie with other crews.A;.Fiendin' for money and alcoholthe life of a west side playa'where cowards die' it's our ballOnly in Cali where we riot now rallies are live and die.In L.From Oakland to SacktownThe Bay area in bag downCalifornia...knows how to partyCali is where they put they mack downCalifornia.; wild westA state that's untouchable like Elliot NessThe track hits ya eardrum' like a slug to ya chestPack a vest for your Jimmy in the city of sexWe in that sunshine state with a bomb ass hemp beatthe state where ya never find a dance floor empty.And pimps be on a mission for them greenslean mean money-makin' the city of Compton.We Keep it Rockin'We Keep it Rockin'(Dre) Yeah&#39.California...knows how to partyIn tha citaaay of LAIn tha citaaay of good ol' WattsIn the citaaay&#39..;95and they clock me and watch mediamonds shinin&#39..knows how to partyCalifornia..knows how to partyCalifornia...In the citaaay of good ol' feel the same wayDre puttin' it down for Californ-i-a.C payThrow up a finger if ya&#39..knows how to partyIn tha Citaaay of LAIn tha Citaaay of good ol' WattsIn the citaaay'lookin' like I robbed Liberace.It&#39.Now it's &#39.Famous cause we program worldwidelet'em recognize from Longbeach to Rose GrandsBumpin&#39! We keep it rockin!Now let me welcome everybody to the wild&#39.W yeah now make it shake..;s all good' from Diego to tha BayYour city is tha bomb if your city makin&#392 pac -《California Love》C rap tunesever since honeys was wearin' sassoon...knows how to partyIn the citaaay of L.uuhhhShake Shake it babyShake Shake itShake Shake it mama' Shake it Cali(Shake it Cali)Shake Shake it baby(Shake it Cali)Shake Shake itShake Shake it mama(West Coast)Shake it Caliuh' yeah' uh'm hearin' hoochies screamin&#39!Shake Shake it babyShake Shake it&#39..; and Grindin' like a slow jamit&#39..
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We Like To Party(Ck Party 2016 新年倒数BigroomHouse开场)
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Salvo Dj-Hey 2016(Jiang.x Rmx)-男ElectroBounce
Playmen-Fallin(DjNejtrino And DjStranger Rmx)-女House
Sento Un Fischio(Alien Cut Ext Mix)-男说唱ElectroHouse
After Party-Moja Wyjatkowa(Tcbss Rmx)-波兰男BounceHouse
Hardwell-Million Jump To Apologize(Moonk)-男ElectroHouse
Modern Talking-Brother Louie(DjHs145)-男ElectroHouse
Jes-Happy(Dlrd Bigroom Ext Rmx)-女ProgHouse
Hold Me To Night 2016(DjLjay Rmx)-越南男ElectroHouse
Johnson-Hey Shorty(90bngrz Rmx)-男说唱ElectroFuture
D Mixmasters Ft Balneario Team-Selfie-女说ElectroDutch
Cruz-Troublemaker 2017(DjKcv Rmx)-男说男唱ElectroHouse
Zara Larsson-Uncover(DjX.Tong小桐 Rmx)-女ElectroBounce
Release Me(Godlike Sax PortRmx)女ElectroHouse
You Already Know(Tom Budin Rmx)-男ElectroMelbourne
Nothing 2011(越南DjNeo Rmx)-女ElectroHouse
Unknown-Voudr How Many(Dj大洋)-男说唱ElectroHouse
Madonna-Give It 2 Me(DjThai Kua Rmx)-女ElectroHouse
De Cicco Bad Romance(Wokie Dokie Mash Up)女ElectroHouse
Mihai Napu-Bella Vita 2015(Dj小秋 Rmx)-男ElectroBounce
Will.I.Am-Bang Bang(Olli Twinse And Teddy)-男ElectroHouse
Free Deejays-T.n.v The New Vintage(Dendix)-男ElectroPolo
Samantha Mumba-Gotta Tell You(DjSonot)-女ElectroHouse
Chevy One Ft Jamie Lisa-Now Im Letting It Go-女BreakBeat
Osibisa-Sunshine Day 2012(DjKenta Rmx)-男ElectroHouse
Madilyn Bailey Try(Dj靓坤 Mix)-ElectroHouse
What Ive Done Ft Linkin Park(越南DjAcid)-男ProgHouse
I Kissed A Girl Ft Katy Perry(DjKhang Rmx)-女ElectroHouse
Nightdance Ft Kayfex-Ravers(Original Mix)-男声ElectroBounce
Dillon Francis-Masta Blasta(Rl1 Rmx)-男说唱BreakBeat
豪爽开场(女唱 Bpm126)
Wildcard Haartz(Explsn Bigroom Extended)-女ProgHouse
Ribellu-Bring The Sax(Original Mix)-男声BigroomHouse
Kim Sozzi-Feeling Me(DjHoang Anh Rmx)-女ElectroHouse
Madonna - Miles Away 2012(DjCuong Rmx)-女ElectroHouse
Cant Believe It(DjHope小春 Rmx)-男唱男说ElectroBounce
Kesha-Die Young(Ptchgn Rmx)-女ElectroFuture
Ed Solo-Top Rankin(Slynk Drumstep Rmx)-Dubstep
Activ-Surrender 2016(DjForever Rmx)-女ElectroHouse
Amba Shepherd-Soldier(DjCnvx Rmx)-女ElectroMelbourne
Yvvan Back-Boom Boom(Club Mix)-男GangstaHouse
Nhu Nhung Phut Ban Dau(DjKcv Rmx)-越南男MinimalTechno
Larenh Larenh(Syntheticsax Orig Mix)萨克斯俄罗斯FunkyHouse
Now That We Found Love Ft Sunloverz-男ElectroHouse
Afrodita-Valera Procshaj(DjZma Rmx)-俄女ElectroHouse
Excessive Clubbers-Stay With Me(DjHung)-女ElectroHouse
Amazing Ft Inna 2011(越南DjTox Rmx)-女ElectroHouse
Xa Anh Cham Cham Thoi(DjSky
Supa Xtra Sexy(The Cronys Orig Mix)-女DiscoHouse
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