
问一个英语句型care about sth /sb.和 care for sth /sb.都是“在乎某物/某人&的意思吗?这两个句型意思一样吗?有什么区别吗?“care about doing sth&和&care for doing sth&是不是“在乎做某事”的意思?有没有错?如果错了的话.“在_百度作业帮
问一个英语句型care about sth /sb.和 care for sth /sb.都是“在乎某物/某人"的意思吗?这两个句型意思一样吗?有什么区别吗?“care about doing sth"和"care for doing sth"是不是“在乎做某事”的意思?有没有错?如果错了的话.“在乎做某事”的句型应该是怎么样的?不懂的千万别乱答,不要误人子弟呀!
care about sth/sb.是对的.下面有示例喜欢 I really care about the students in my class.我的确喜欢这个班上的学生.对…感兴趣 I don't care much about music.我对音乐不很感兴趣.担心,关心 The young people should care about the old.年轻人应该关心老人.在乎,在意 They don't care about the expenses.他们对费用不在乎.care for 也是对的.只是意思不一样~喜欢; 宠爱 I don't much care for that sort of man.我不太喜欢那种人.牵挂,注重 We must care for each other and help each other.我们要互相关心,互相帮助.愿意要… Would you care for some more tea?想再喝点茶吗?照料,服侍 The mother cared for the sick child day and night.母亲日夜照料着生病的孩子.尊重 I do care for what he says.我对他的话的确很尊重.care for doing 喜好care about doing 我没听过..就知道 take care about doing 指小心做某事不是在乎做某事的意思.
care about 在乎care for 照顾 喜欢
您可能关注的推广问一个关于英语语法的问题,在我们平时看的美剧或英文歌中例如含有OF的句子他们没有发出OF这个音还有一些美国人一些语法习惯,一遇到这些问题我就麻木了还有像kill them tell her for him\her这一类发音,我纠结这些_百度作业帮
问一个关于英语语法的问题,在我们平时看的美剧或英文歌中例如含有OF的句子他们没有发出OF这个音还有一些美国人一些语法习惯,一遇到这些问题我就麻木了还有像kill them tell her for him\her这一类发音,我纠结这些问题很久了
口语中的连读。熟练后的习惯。 就像中文的轻音,有时候不会把“但是”的“是”,“自己”的“己”读的太重是一个道理。
答:发音[V],没有口音,并不意味着它没有压力。至少有一个A字重读音节。因为只有一个音节,所以没有注意的音符号。 介词。小的字,不重新读句子。这是非常轻易重读句子。快,在这种情况下,我们可能只能听到轻音[?]通过。
习惯用语:look smart and modern "看上去既神气又时髦"百分百保证!
casual and elegant 神气也已理解成很潇洒吧
您可能关注的推广回答者:问一个英文句子的结构和语法问题.句子来源于傲慢与偏见第四章倒数第二段最后第二句.Darcy,on the contrary,had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion,for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest,and from non_百度作业帮
问一个英文句子的结构和语法问题.句子来源于傲慢与偏见第四章倒数第二段最后第二句.Darcy,on the contrary,had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion,for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest,and from none received either attention or pleasure.为什么 people 后面要用in,并且用whom,for none of whom,for 是不是因为的意思?那么又为什么要用whom 最后from none 后面为什么又没有 of whom呢?received 跟在None后面是不是说 none is received (either attention or pleasure)from darcy请解释.我不需要翻译,请解释这个句子的结构,并且说明一下在这个句子中定语从句中关系代词是如何使用的.
问一个英文句子的结构和语法问题.句子来源于傲慢与偏见第四章倒数第二段最后第二句.检举 | 2 小时前 roger | 10 | 浏览次数:13次Darcy,on the contrary,had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion,for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest,and from none received either attention or pleasure.为什么 people 后面要用in,并且用whom,for none of whom,for 是不是因为的意思?那么又为什么要用whom 最后from none 后面为什么又没有 of whom呢?received 跟在None后面是不是说 none is received (either attention or pleasure)from darcy请解释.我不需要翻译,请解释这个句子的结构,并且说明一下在这个句子中定语从句中关系代词是如何使用的.答:in whom是介词+关系代词引导限制性定语从句,这个in不是在.当中(那是among),in sb.表示某人的"内在,内心",也就是“本质上”.这个beauty是抽象不可数名词,是“美”而一是“美人”,所以用little来修饰.for none of whom .也是介词+关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句.这个for不是‘因为’,而是‘对’,feel interest for sb./sth.对...感兴趣.and后面的是并列谓语,与前面的had seen 中的seen是并列关系,用了绝对否定,并将from none提前,以加强语气,相于说:and he had received neither ...nor ...from anyone.下面的双语可供参考.The manner in which they spoke of the Meryton assembly was sufficiently characteristic.Bingley had never met with pleasanter people or pretti every body had been most kind and attentive to him,there had been no formality, he had soon felt acquaint and as to Miss Bennet,he could not conceive an angel more beautiful.Darcy,on the contrary,had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion,for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest,and from none received either attention or pleasure.Miss Bennet he acknowledged to be pretty,but she smiled too much.  从他俩谈起麦里屯舞会的态度来看,就足见两人性格的不同.彬格莱说,他生平从来没有遇到过什么人比这儿的人更和蔼,也没有遇到过什么姑娘比这儿的姑娘更漂亮;在他看来,这儿每个人都极其和善,极其殷勤,不拘礼,不局促,他一下子就觉得和全场的人都相处得很熟;讲起班纳特小姐,他想象不出人间会有一个比她更美丽的天使.至于达西,他总觉得他所看到的这些人既不美,又谈不上风度,没有一个人使他感兴趣,也没有一个人对他献殷勤,博取他的欢心.他承认班纳特小姐是漂亮的,可惜她笑得太多.
首先说whom,whom在这里引导宾语从句,whom代替people,in是介词表示“在”的意思,和whom连在一起表示“在她们当中, 在这些people当中”Darcy发现的全是既不漂亮也不时尚的人。
在说后面,from none 后面没有of whom你说的对,本来是应该有的,但是这里省略了包括received 前也省略了he had,为了使句子简洁。 这两句本来应该是这样的-- he ha...
1。in whom there was little beauty and no fashion是定语从句,先行词PEOPLE,先行词为人,关系代词可用WHO(主,宾),WHOM(宾),THAT(主,宾)而介词后指人的关系代词只能用WHOM,此句IN放后面的话应是whom there was little beauty and no fashion in。2 FOR是因为的意思,OF是介...
您可能关注的推广求翻译解释一个英文句子the way we can tell that there are two items here is that there is a clear difference in meaning between them请问这个句子的翻译是什么?that there are two items here 修饰the way 还是tell?还有这个句子看起来有点怪 是不是_百度作业帮
求翻译解释一个英文句子the way we can tell that there are two items here is that there is a clear difference in meaning between them请问这个句子的翻译是什么?that there are two items here 修饰the way 还是tell?还有这个句子看起来有点怪 是不是句子的顺序有问题?
我们能够明确辨认此处有2个条款的方法是:他们在含义上有明显的不同之处."The way" {(we can tell) "that"( there are two items here)} "is" {"that"( there is a clear difference in meaning between them"}.括号里面的是修饰或者是状语了,the way (A) is B .主体结构就是这么简单的
”这两项我们可以区分的方式是 他们在意义上有明显的差别“顺问题倒是还好 不过两个that there 我也不知怎么跟你解释……
我们能够明确辨认此处有2个条款的方法是:他们在含义上有明显的不同之处。"The way" {(we can tell) "that"( there are two items here)} "is" {"that"( there is a clear difference in meaning between them"}。括号里面的是修饰或者是状语了,the way (A) ...
is that there is ....这句是解释 the way 的
we can tell that there are two itmes here 是做the way 的定语具体我也翻译不好
that there are two items here 显然是动词tell 的宾语(宾语从句), we can tell that there are two items here 是修饰前面的名词“way”的,注意省略:(1)the way 后面省略了“in which “ , (2)tell动词后的“间接宾语xxx”在上下文中省略了,理解意思是:我们可以以这种方式告知(xx说)这儿有两个项...
1、主语部分:The&way&we&can&tell&that&there&are&two&items&here我们能够说出来的方法,也就是这里有两个项目的方法&& &【核心名词】The&way&& &【定语从句】we&can&tell&that&there&are&two&items&here(省略作宾语的指代&the&way&的关系代词&that)主语:we&谓语动词:can&tell&同位语从句:that&there&are&two&items&here&(具体说明the&way的含义,that&在从句中不作成分)&2、谓语部分:&is&that&there&is&a&clear&difference&in&meaning&between&them&是它们之间在意义上存在着明显的区别&& &【系动词】is&& &【表语从句】that&there&is&a&clear&difference&in&meaning&between&them&参考译文:我们能够说出来的此处有两个细节(或“条目”)的方式就是它们之间在意义上存在着明显的区别。


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