英语仿照例子 英语完成各题

1.&did&&&took&&&studied&&&2.&swimming&&&going&& playing
扫描下载二维码初二英语作文题,保质量,如完成好,我尽力追加分,1 谈谈对交通工具的看法,例:when i go to school ,i like to take a bus ,it's faster and more comfortable(不用写太多,跟例子一样就行)2仿照例子用英语写出一些好的邀请和适当的借口.邀请:play soccer on sunday借口:sutdy for my math test 3请用英语描述一下,姚明,成龙,或者是周杰伦(选一个)4寒假到了,全家准备去旅游,妈妈说去昆明,爸爸说去北京,你更赞同谁呢?请用英语说出理由.5在中国,大多数孩子的周末通常被父母安排的满满的,不是上补习班就是学特长,你的周围有这样的例子吗?请用英语描述一下他们的情况.6假如有一个来自美国的交换生将在你家生活半年,请你把他介绍给你的朋友们.以上英语小作文,每篇30到40词就好
1、The Advangtages and Disadvantages of Different Means of TransportNowadays students can go to school by bus,by bike,on foot or in their parents'cars.Taking a bus is the a good way,it is fast and cost less.But it needs fuel or gases,and it produces gases that pollute the air.A car is a fast way too,but it costs too much,we have to spend a lot money to buy one.Besides,too many cars on the road would cause traffic jams,and it also produces bad gases.Riding to school is good way.It needs no fuel or gases,so it causes no pollution.But it is slower than a bus or a car.Going on foot is the cheapest way of the all.It needs nothing but our own feet.It is the most environmentally friendly way.But it also the slowest way.2、Dear Tom,First of all,thank you for inviting me to play soccer on sunday .I would like to come.but I can't attend,because my mom was in the hospital,because she was fell down off the bike on her work way.And my dad has gone to Beijing on business,after three days to return.So I have to look after my mother,After all,I have to sutdy for my math test.No way!What a pity!YoursLi hua3、(当然选Jay了!) My favorite singer is Jay,I thinks Jay is the best singer in Taiwan and motherland.This year ,he is 28 years old.But in my heart ,he is still 18 years old.He's birthday is january 18th.And he also can play the piano,and play it very well.Although he can't sing the lyrics very clearly,but I still love her.4、Winter arrived,family preparing for a trip,mother said go to kunming,dad said go to Beijing.But I am more agree with my dad.Because Kunming area belongs to the eastern yunnan-guizhou plateau,altitude is higher,very strong ultraviolet ray with the sun when it's hot,attention should be paid to prevent bask in.And,kunming 18 strange in the west,the east sunrise said sun,image of yunnan pointed out the changeable weather.The rain will say next went down,said stop,we must never forget to take the umbrella,if it's sunny or rainy dual-use is better.If rain has fallen,the temperature will fall faster,especially to snow mountain,must wear thick coat,when midsummer,even to also can feel cooler.So I am more agree with my dad,and we will go to Beijing.5、On weekends children of different ages are sent to various classes.I can always see their unhappy faces on my way going somewhere.Children are tired and exauhsted.Parents should not make them so busy.6、Hi,there!This is my firend who is from America.He comes here to spend his half year staying with us.He's easy-going and friendly.You can talk with him about anything you want,but certainly in english.I hope we can have a great time together!
1when i go somewhere further i will take the plane ,because it is convenient and comfortable . 2go to the birthday party . sister my nephew
扫描下载二维码With the worldwide increase of population, more and more water is needed .Meanwhile ,the water sources are getting polluted by human beings in one way or another. Some nations are taking measures to solve this problem. They even communicate with each other hoping to find better ways to save and produce water to meet the needs of their people.
&&& On a personal level ,to solve the problem with fresh water ,both the government and individuals should make every effort .For example ,for the government ,it is urgent to make detailed laws that require businesses and individuals to stop polluting the environment and to save water while it is not necessarily used .Besides ,education should be offered to all the citizens to raise their awareness of the importance of protecting environment and saving water .As individuals ,we need to take action to play our own part in our everyday life.
Almost everyone knows that water covers three - fourths of the earth’s surface.Most of it , however , is in the oceans and is too salty to drink.Also , some of it is frozen and cannot be used.In fact , less than one percent is left for the use of people , animals and plant life.
All through history men have tried to build their homes near the sources of fresh water.Now fresh water is becoming scarce , but more and more is needed because of the increasing number of people in the world.Some industries also use large amounts of fresh water in the production of things such as steel , petroleum , paper and rubber and so on.
Scientists estimate that the need for fresh water will have doubled by the year 2003.If they are correct , we must find new ways of saving it or producing it.Some nations have worked on the problem and are already sharing their information with others.They are trying to keep their rivers from becoming polluted.Deep wells are also being dug , and rain water is being collected in huge artificial lakes.In one way or another , they hope to provide enough water to satisfy the needs of their people.
读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)在全国“两会”上,“农村留守儿童” 问题成为人大代表和政协委员普遍关注的热门话题之一。请阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。In China, with one or two parents going out to earn money, many children are left in their hometown in the countryside. These children are called “leftover children”. A large number of leftover children have emerged since 1978, and the statistics showed in 2004, the total is 22 million.Usually their grandparents or their parents’ friends or relatives look after these leftover children. Sometimes they are brought up by one of their parents at home. In most cases, their guardians are not quite educated. To them, making sure that the children are healthy and fed well is the most important task, and that the children are safe and sound is considered to have done a good job. But they seldom care about children’s study, their psychological needs, or mental demands. Neither do they spend& some time teaching kids how to develop good habits.Therefore, for most of the time, the leftover children can’t get emotional support from their parents, which can result in so many problems. [写作内容]1. 以大约30个词概括短文的内容。2. 然后以约120个词就“如何关心农村留守儿童(leftover children)的成长?”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点: 1)农村留守孩子存在的原因是什么。 2)你认为他们面临的最大困难是什么。 3)解决留守孩子问题的关键是什么, 提出解决问题的措施。[写作要求]1. 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能直接引用阅读材料的句子。2. 题目自定。[评分标准]&概括准确、语言规范、内容合适、篇章连贯。_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
在全国“两会”上,“农村留守儿童” 问题成为人大代表和政协委员普遍关注的热门话题之一。请阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
In China, with one or two parents going out
to earn money, many children are left in their hometown in the countryside.
These children are called “leftover children”. A large number of leftover
children have emerged since 1978, and the statistics showed in 2004, the total
is 22 million.
Usually their grandparents or their
parents’ friends or relatives look after these leftover children. Sometimes
they are brought up by one of their parents at home. In most cases, their
guardians are not quite educated. To them, making sure that the children are
healthy and fed well is the most important task, and that the children are safe
and sound is considered to have done a good job. But they seldom care about
children’s study, their psychological needs, or mental demands. Neither do they
spend& some time teaching kids how to develop good habits.
Therefore, for most of the time, the
leftover children can’t get emotional support from their parents, which can
result in so many problems.
1. 以大约30个词概括短文的内容。
2. 然后以约120个词就“如何关心农村留守儿童(leftover children)的成长?”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:
3)解决留守孩子问题的关键是什么, 提出解决问题的措施。
1. 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能直接引用阅读材料的句子。
2. 题目自定。
Many people believe that in the future
computers will be used in lots of everyday activities .It is thought that we
won’t go shopping because many goods are available on the Internet .There will
be no more books because all books will be available from electronic libraries
.The Internet will be used to book holidays, rent films and order food.&
Most telephone calls will be made over the Internet as well .Some people are
excited about these new developments .Others , however, do not think that
computers will replace our present ways of shopping and communicating .
Is Internet shopping as much fun as
traditional shopping ? Many people say it is not .It is fun to go into shops
and look as good in person . It is also unlikely that many people will want to
read large texts on our computers because paper books will possibly be more
user- friendly .Maybe , computers won’t change these habits.
来源:新课堂同步训练 语文 二年级 下册
来源:手把手 语文 二年级上册
来源:手把手 语文 二年级上册
仿照例子写一写。例:束 一束束 一束束美丽的鲜花座 _______ ___________________________个 _______ ___________________________
精英家教网新版app上线啦!用app只需扫描书本条形码就能找到作业,家长给孩子检查作业更省心,同学们作业对答案更方便,扫描上方二维码立刻安装!英语 仿照例子回答问题do you like collecting stamps?yes,i like collecting stamps.no,i like collecting cups.are you interested in reading?do you enjoy playing basketball?is there a toy shop near your home?are these your stamps?
are you interested in reading?Yes, I am interested in reading.No, I'm interested in singing.do you enjoy playing basketball?Yes. I enjoy playing basketball.No, I enjoy playing soccer.is there a toy shop near your home?Yes, there is a toy shop near my home.No, there is a bicycle shop near my home.are these your stamps?Yes, these are my stamps.No, these are my sister's stamps.


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