pointed stickswto是什么意思思

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substrate that interacts with C kinase 可与C激酶作用的底物
They were a company stuck in time
They are deeply stuck in their glorious past.
自2010年至今的六级考试中,stick 共出现过3次
But many colleges and universities are stuck in the past.
Yes, whereas with the Polytechnic position, I'd be stuck in the school all day.
Why do "deleted" photos stick around so long?
She poked and shifted things with the tip of her walking stick.
There are interesting hikes inland, but most ramblers stick to the clifftops.
She should stick to the more adventurously upbeat formula.
But the stick I got was worse at school.
Otherwise, we suggest you stick to the soundtrack.
The car stuck in the mud.
He tried to pull his head through the tiny opening, but it stuck.
The drawer sticks badly.
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A stick is a thin branch which has fallen off a tree.
...people carrying bundles of dried sticks to sell for firewood.
A stick is a long thin piece of wood which is used for supporting someone's weight or for hitting people or animals.
He looks old and walks with a stick...
Crowds armed with sticks and stones took to the streets.
A stick is a long thin piece of wood which is used for a particular purpose.
...kebab sticks.
...lolly sticks.
Some long thin objects that are used in sports are called sticks .
...lacrosse sticks.
...hockey sticks.
A stick of something is a long thin piece of it.
...a stick of celery.
...cinnamon sticks.
If you give someone some stick, you criticize them or tease them roughly.
It's not motorists who give you the most stick, it's the general public...
I get some stick from the lads because of my faith but I don't mind.
If you say that someone lives in the sticks, you mean that they live a long way from any large cities.
He lived out in the sticks somewhere.
If you say that something is a stick to beat someone with, you mean that it is used, or could be used, as a basis for criticism.
Unfortunately historic American fiction is constantly being used as a stick to beat contemporary British writers with.
If someone gets the wrong end of the stick or gets hold of the wrong end of the stick, they do not understand something correctly and get the wrong idea about it.
If you say that there are more things than you could or can shake a stick at, you are emphasizing in a humorous way that there are a lot of them.
...a man with more medals than you can shake a stick at.
If you stick something somewhere, you put it there in a rather casual way.
He folded the papers and stuck them in his desk drawer...
Jack opened his door and stuck his head out.
If you stick a pointed object in something, or if it sticks in something, it goes into it or through it by making a cut or hole.
They sent in loads of male nurses and stuck a needle in my back...
Some punk stuck a knife in her last night...
If something is sticking out from a surface or object, it extends up or away from it. If something is sticking into a surface or object, it is partly in it.
They lay where they had fallen from the crane, sticking out of the water...
Something was sticking from the pocket of the little man's grimy shorts...
If you stick one thing to another, you attach it using glue, sticky tape, or another sticky substance.
Don't forget to clip the token and stick it on your card...
We just stuck it to the window...
If one thing sticks to another, it becomes attached to it and is difficult to remove.
The soil sticks to the blade and blocks the plough...
Peel away the waxed paper if it has stuck to the bottom of the cake...
If something sticks in your mind, you remember it for a long time.
The incident stuck in my mind because it was the first example I had seen of racism in that country...
That song has stuck in my head for years.
If you give someone or something a name and the name sticks, it becomes the name which most people use to refer to that person or thing.
A friend dubbed it 'The Sanctuary' and the name stuck.
If someone manages to make a charge or accusation stick, they show that the person accused is guilty of the crime or action they are accused of.
I don't see how they'll make the charges stick...
But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick.
If something which can usually be moved sticks, it becomes fixed in one position.
The needle on the dial went right round to fifty feet, which was as far as it could go, and there it stuck...
仪表盘上的指针一下转到了 50 英尺处,也就是到头了,然后就停在那里不动了。
The dagger stuck tightly in the silver scabbard.
If you are in an unpleasant or difficult situation and you say that you cannot stick it, you mean that you cannot bear to remain there long.
Got a job bottle-washing at the brewery. I lasted a fortnight. I couldn't stick it...
How long did you stick it for?
If you say that someone can stick something, especially a job, or if you tell them where to stick it, you are rudely refusing it or emphasizing that you do not want it or like it.
It's a rotten play, so they can stick it...
She then stormed out in a temper telling him to 'stick his job'.
粘贴, 张贴
What's wrong with this stamp?It won't stick.
插入, 刺入, 卡住
The key sticks in the lock.
She stuck fork into the meat.
容忍; 忍受
I can't stick her.
I can't stick waiting around.
产生作用, 生效, 起作用
枝条, 枯枝, 柴枝
He picked up sticks to make a fire.
The farmer saw the boys off with a heavy stick.
1. implement consisting
"he collected dry sticks for a campfire"
"the kid had a candied apple on a stick"
2. a small thin branch of a tree
3. a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane
"fever left him weak on his sticks"
5. marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking
"the policy so far is all stick and no carrot"
1. fix, force,
"lodge a bullet in the table"
2. stay put (in a certain place);
"We are staying in D we are not moving to Cincinnati"
"Stay put in the corner here!"
"Stick around and you will learn something!"
3. cause to protrude
"stick one's hand out of the window"
"stick one's nose into other people's business"
"Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?"
"The door sticks--we will have to plane it"
"The label stuck to her for the rest of her life"
7. be a devoted f
"The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism"
"She sticks to her principles"
"She stood by her husband in times of trouble"
"The friends stuck together through the war"
9. cover and decorate with objects tha
"stick some feathers in the turkey before you serve it"
10. fasten with an adhesiv
"stick the poster onto the wall"
11. fasten with or a
"stick the photo onto the corkboard"
12. fasten into place by fixing an end or
"stick the corner of the sheet under the mattress"
13. pierce with a thrust using
"he stuck the cloth with the needle"
14. pierce or penetrate or puncture wi
"He stuck the needle into his finger"
15. come or be i stick or hold together a
"The dress clings to her body"
"The label stuck to the box"
"The sushi rice grains cohere"
16. saddle with something disagreeabl
"They stuck me with the dinner bill"
"I was stung with a huge tax bill"
17. be a myste
"This beats me!"
"Got me--I don't know the answer!"
"a vexing problem"
"This question really stuck me"
2.held lift net 方形或簸箕状网具设于舷侧水中,辅以灯光诱集捕捞对象的一种敷网。
4.net 用插杆将长带形网片固定在潮差大的浅滩上,以拦截捕捞对象为目的的网具。
(proverb)used to express indifference to an insult or abuse (谚)棍棒能伤人,恶语奈我何
all that flies back and forth, really, is word-sticks and stones, y'know?.
up the stick
(Brit. informal)pregnant (英,非正式)怀孕的
(Brit. informal)go to live elsewhere (英,非正式)迁居别处
get stuck in (或 into)
(Brit. informal)start doing (something) enthusiastically or with determination (英,非正式)抓紧干,加紧进行
we got stuck into the decorating.
stick at nothing
allow nothing to deter one from achieving one's aim, however wrong or dishonest 无所顾忌,不惜一切
he would stick at nothing to preserve his privileges.
stick 'em up!
(informal)hands up! (spoken typically by a person threatening someone else with a gun) (非正式)举起手来!(一个人用枪威胁别人时说的话)
stick in one's throat (或 craw)
be difficult or
be a source of continuing annoyance 很难(或不能)接受;成为持续烦恼的来源
stick it to
(informal, chiefly US)treat (someone) harshly or severely (非正式,主美)粗暴对待;严厉对待
stick one (或it)on
(Brit. informal)hit (someone) (英,非正式)击打(某人)
stick one's neck out
(informal)risk incurring criticism or anger by acting or speaking boldly (非正式)(由于行动或说话大胆)冒招致批评(或惹人生气)的危险
stick out a mile
stick out like a sore thumb
stick to one's ribs
(of food) be filling and nourishing (食物)撑人而且有营养的
a bowl of soup that will stick to your ribs.
stick around
(informal)remain in or near a place (非正式)呆在某地;呆在附近
I'd like to stick around and watch the game.
stick, glue, adhere, cling, cohere
: 常指用胶水或浆糊粘贴,词义引申指坚持。
: 正式用词,语气较严肃刻板,既可指物体粘在一起,也可指坚持信仰或忠于事业等。
: 着重靠缠绕、紧抱、紧抓等方式而形成密切关系。也可作引申用。
: 指物质微粒粘合在一起,成为不可分离的整体,强调所形成新物体的不可分割性。可引申指逻辑上的前后一致。
Kendall is just a freshman, so he still doesn't know the use of guess-stick very well.
stick up for
If his own family won't,who will stick up for him?
Stick up for your rights!
stick it out
It's rough as hell,but I'll stick it out.
The hundred stricken stuck it out to the end.
stick out like a sore thumb
Do you think I would stick out like a sure thumb at the party if I wore this coat?
如果我穿这件上装, 你看我在宴会上会抢眼吗?
stick around
I think if you'll stick around you'll get a seat sooner or later.
常用形近词_百度文库 ... strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严格的 70).
棍_百度百科 ... 棍子[ stick] 棍 stick;wand; 棍1 gùn ㄍㄨㄣˋ.
英文字根_百度百科 ... 37、bar = weight 重,压 38、barr = stick 棒,栏 40、bat = beat 打,击.
Crab stick
普吉岛中英泰常用词汇对照表(非常实用) ... 螃蟹 crab 蟹肉条 Crab stick 油炸 deep fried.
stick around
雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... steward n. 乘务员,服务员;组织者 stick around 逗留 stick sth. out 伸出.
大学英语四级常用词组 ... take steps 采取步骤;采取措施 stick out 伸出;坚持到底;显眼 stick to 坚持;忠于;信守.
高频动词词组(配例句) - 英语考研论坛 ... 365. step up 加快,加速,增加 366. stick out 伸出,突出 368. sum up 总结,概括.
大学英语四级常用词组 ... stick out 伸出;坚持到底;显眼 stick to 坚持;忠于;信守 stop by (顺便)访问.
流行是属于另类摇滚的风格的分支,将Power Pop的旋律与的变化与速度朋克的节奏和不间断的吉他弹奏相结合。1994年,Green day和Weezer最先普及了这一的变化,虽然在此之前曾有一些乐队演奏过该风格的音乐。很多音乐人在他们成功后,模仿了他们的风格创作音乐。
90年代依然是一个热门主题,尽管这种宿求有时候是以其他方式表现出来的,流行朋克便是这种性质上的一种“朋克复兴”,期间乐队商业上的成功是一个很大的推动力.但这一“复兴”已经失去了很多朋克的本色,因为它有大公司操纵的商业运作背景,“愤世嫉俗”也正在被“健康向上”的商业索取代。Pop Punk目前越来越受到欧美流行音乐界的追捧,这种音乐代表着年青人的时髦潮流和对生活的态度。
88 Fingers Louie
5 seconds of summer
Avril Lavigne
The Academy Is...
Ace Troubleshooter
The Adored
Alkaline Trio
All Time Low
Amber Pacific
American Hi-Fi
Army of Freshmen
The Ataris
The Audition
Bad Religion
Better Luck Next Time
Bowling For Soup
Boxcar Racer
Boys Night Out
Broadway Calls
Cobra Starship
The Copyrights
Crash Romeo
A Cursive Memory
Cute is What We Aim For
The Descendents
The Donnas
Driving East
Even in Blackouts
Every Avenue
Face to Face
Fall Out Boy
Four Year Strong
Furthest Drive Home
Generation X
Get Up Kids
Ghoti Hook
Go Betty Go
Good Charlotte
Groovie Ghoulies
Goodnight Nurse
Hawk Nelson
Hawthorne Heights
Hazen Street
Hit the Lights
Home Grown
Houston Calls
The Huntingtons
Jet Lag Gemini
Jimmy Eat World
Just Surrender
Karate High School
Left Front Tire
The Leftovers
Less Than Jake
The Lillingtons
Madina Lake
Marianas Trench
The Matches
Mayday Parade
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Mega City Four
Melody Fall
Motion City Soundtrack
The Movielife
The Mr. T Experience
Name Taken
Nerf Herder
New Found Glory
New Years Day
No Use for a Name
The Offspring
One Buck Short
Patent Pending
Permanent Me
Pointed Sticks
Project Rocket
The Queers
Run Kid Run
Riddlin' Kids
Saves the Day
Saving Aimee
Scenes from a Movie
Screeching Weasel
Slick Shoes
Smoking Popes
Son of Dork
Stars Don't Fall
The Starting Line
Stellar Kart
Student Rick
Surf Punks
The higher
Teen Idols
Teenage Bottlerocket
Ten Second Epic
This Providence
There For Tomorrow
The Click Five
The Undertones
The Wonder Years
企业信用信息Goad - definition of goad by The Free Dictionary /goad
goad Also found in: , , , , , .
A long stick with a pointed end used for prodding animals.2.
An agent or means o a stimulus.tr.v.
goad·ed, goad·ing, goads
To prod or urge with or as if with a long pointed stick.[Middle English gode, from Old English gād.]goad (ɡ??d) n1. a sharp pointed stick for urging on cattle, etc2. anything that acts as a spur or incitementvb (tr) to drive with
incite[Old English gād, of Germanic origin, related to Old English gār, Old Norse geirr spear] 'goad?like adjgoad
a stick with a pointed or electrically charged end, for driving cattle, oxen, etc.; prod.
anything that pricks, wounds, or urges
to prick or drive with, or as if with, incite.
[before 900; Middle English gode, Old English gād; compare Langobardic gaida spearhead]
goad′like`, adj.
goadPast participle: goadedGerund: goadingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativegoadgoadPresentI goadyou goadhe/she/it goadswe goadyou goadthey goadPreteriteI goadedyou goadedhe/she/it goadedwe goadedyou goadedthey goadedPresent ContinuousI am goadingyou are goadinghe/she/it is goadingwe are goadingyou are goadingthey are goadingPresent PerfectI have goadedyou have goadedhe/she/it has goadedwe have goadedyou have goadedthey have goadedPast ContinuousI was goadingyou were goadinghe/she/it was goadingwe were goadingyou were goadingthey were goadingPast PerfectI had goadedyou had goadedhe/she/it had goadedwe had goadedyou had goadedthey had goadedFutureI will goadyou will goadhe/she/it will goadwe will goadyou will goadthey will goadFuture PerfectI will have goadedyou will have goadedhe/she/it will have goadedwe will have goadedyou will have goadedthey will have goadedFuture ContinuousI will be goadingyou will be goadinghe/she/it will be goadingwe will be goadingyou will be goadingthey will be goadingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been goadingyou have been goadinghe/she/it has been goadingwe have been goadingyou have been goadingthey have been goadingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been goadingyou will have been goadinghe/she/it will have been goadingwe will have been goadingyou will have been goadingthey will have been goadingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been goadingyou had been goadinghe/she/it had been goadingwe had been goadingyou had been goadingthey had been goadingConditionalI would goadyou would goadhe/she/it would goadwe would goadyou would goadthey would goadPast ConditionalI would have goadedyou would have goadedhe/she/it would have goadedwe would have goadedyou would have goadedthey would have goadedGoadA light wooden pole used to prod working oxen to keep them moving.
Switch to Noun1.goad - a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion - an elephant goad with a sharp spike and a hook - an instrumentality invented for
"the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water",
- a sharp prod fixed to a rider's heel and used to "cowboys know not to squat with their spurs on"2.goad - a verbalization that encourages you
"the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves", , , , ,
- the expression of approval and supportVerb1.goad - give heart or courage to - ins give hope or courage to2.goad - urge with or as if with a goad, ,
- "The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window" - "the rider spurred his horse"3.goad - stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick,
- "he jabbed the piece of meat with his pocket knife"4.goad - goad or provoke,as b "He needled her with his sarcastic remarks", , , , , , , , , ,
- annoy contin "He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"; "This man harasses his female co-workers"goadverb1. , , , , , , ,
(Brit., Austral., & N.Z. slang),
(slang) Charles was forever trying to goad her into losing her temper.2. , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
He goaded me into taking direct action.noun1. , , , , , , , ,
His distrust only acted as a goad to me to prove him wrong.goadnounSomething that incites especially a violent response:, , , , , .verbTo stir to action or feeling:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
???????? ??????????????? ???????????bodecdohnat kophidsepigkaeptutkainfelbiztat?szt?kebroddstafur kn?jabadiklisgana nūjaizaicinātmudinātnūjarīkstebodecüvendiregoad [gəʊd]A. VT1. (lit) → , 2. (fig) → , ; (= anger) → ; (= taunt) →
con to goad sb into fury →
a algn poniéndole to goad sb into doing sth/to do sth →
algoB. N1. (Agr) →
f2. (fig) →
mgoad on VT + ADV → , to goad sb on to doing sth →
algogoad [ˈgəʊd] vt → to goad sb into doing sth →
qn jusqu'à ce qu'il
qchgo-ahead [ˈgəʊəhɛd] adj [person] → , (e) n (= permission) →
m to give sb/sth the go-ahead →
à qn/qchto give sb the go-ahead for sth →
à qn pour qchto be given the go-ahead to do sth → avoir le
qchgoad n (= stick) → Stachelstock m; (fig: = spur) →
m; (= taunt) → aufstachelnde
vt (= taunt) → ; to goad somebody into something →
or goad [gəʊd] vt to goad sb into doing sth (fig) →
qn perché
qcto goad sb on (fig) →
qngoad (g?ud)
verb to urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying (him etc). I was goaded into being rude to him. aanspoor, aandrywe, prikkel
???????? ???????????
p?imět, donutit
ophidse , ,
????? ????? ?????????
??????? ????
potaknuti, prisiliti
?szt?kél, felbiztat (vmire)
mudināt; izaicināt
mengapi-apikan , , ,
a ?ndemna ,
dohna? (k), podnecova?
reta, driva
唆使, 迫使
п?дбурювати, п?дбивати
??? ????? ??????
trêu ch?c
noun a sharp-pointed stick used for driving cattle etc.
slaanding, sambok
???????? ???????
der Treibstachelstock
??? ????? ?????
????? ?? ??????? ???? ??
tongkat runcing
(??? ? ? ??) ???
[] nū rīkste
????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????: ????
b?? ascu?it, nuia
bodec, osteň
palica z bodico
стимул, стрекало
??????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?????
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If we are the greatest nation the sun ever shone upon, it would seem to be mainly because we have been able to goad our wage-earners to
though there are a few other things that are great among us including our drink-bill, which is a billion and a quarter of dollars a year, and doubling itself every decade. He made up his mind that it would be good entertainment to look in on Wilson that night and watch him worry over his barren law case and goad him with an exasperating word or two of sympathy and commiseration now and then. The world is mad nowadays, and is galloping to the deuce as fast as greed can goad it. He was ten years old, the eldest son of Big Toomai, and, according to custom, he would take his father's place on Kala Nag's neck when he grew up, and would handle the heavy iron ankus, the elephant goad, that had been worn smooth by his father, and his grandfather, and his great-grandfather. Sick of her importunities, these words will goad me to fury. The latter two or three times attempted to ask where they were taking him to and what they wanted, but the instant he began to open his lips they threatened to close them with the po and Sancho fared the same way, for the moment he seemed about to speak one of those on foot punched him with a goad, and Dapple likewise, as if he too wanted to talk. Then with men, the more intelligent they become, the more intelligently they will see after their own welfare, and the less they will need the goad to keep them out of danger. Tell her to bid the matrons gather at the temple of Mine let her then take her key and open the doors of there, upon the knees of Minerva, let her lay the largest, fairest robe she has in her house--the one sh let her, moreover, promise to sacrifice twelve yearling heifers that have never yet felt the goad, in the temple of the goddess, if she will take pity on the town, with the wives and little ones of the Trojans, and keep the son of Tydeus from falling on the goodly city of I for he fights with fury and fills men's souls with panic. You come in with the settlers, with an ox- goad in your hand, and I come in with moccasins on my feet, and with a good rifle on my shoulders, so long back as afore the old war. Deesa handed Chihun the heavy ankus -the iron elephant goad. Was it because when he had died, she still had had Martin, demanding, vital, to goad her on and give the semblance of a point to her life, and now she was left alone, adrift? There was a muleteer to every donkey and a dozen volunteers beside, and they banged the donkeys with their goad sticks, and pricked them with their spikes, and shouted something that sounded like "Sekki- yah
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