
读大学有什么样的读法 ?比如考研 修双学位等 他们的比较呢_百度知道
读大学有什么样的读法 ?比如考研 修双学位等 他们的比较呢
看你读什么样的专业了 不是绝对的
我们学校没有这个专业的双学位,我该考研么?是怎么个过程呢?我对这方面的考研相同专业不同学校专业课考试可能会不一样的。 参考资料:伯乐一生
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违法和不良信息举报电话:027- 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&三个学期修了双学位GPA3.9的强人之作---谈奋斗、谈时间管理
在美国留学本科的同学可能有一个共同的感受,美国大学的课业负担普遍很重,有永远也读不完的reading,做不完的presentation,和讨论不完的Team Project,然而就算这样,周围的同学基本全都一个major(主修)一个minor(辅修)是低标准,稍有上进心的都是double major(双学位),变态级别的Triple Major也是屡见不鲜。
【三个学期修了双学位GPA3.9的强人之作】Do It Now By Steve Pavlina【中文翻译】很多年前读大学的时候,我决定制定一个计划挑战自己:只用三个学期完成其他人通常花费四年的课程,能否毕业。这篇文章详细的说明了我在成功实现该目标过程中的所有时间管理技巧。
为了实现这个目标,我决心每个学期得到30到40个学分,而其他学生平均只要12到15个学分。显而易见,我必须合理安排时间才能实现目标。我开始阅读我所能找到的所有关于时间管理的资料,并学以所用。正好三个学期,我完成了目标:两个理科学士学位(计算机科学和数学),而且没有参加暑期的补课。我每天晚上睡七到八个小时,处理好我的日常杂务(购物,做饭等等),参与社交活动,每天早晨锻炼30分钟。在最后一学期我完成了高级计算机和数学两门总共37学分的课程,我甚至拥有一份游戏程序员的全职工作(每周工作40小时),还是当地ACM学会(Association of Computing Machinery)的副主席。我的同学把他们完成功课要花的时间加到一起,结论是我的一周有250小时。我以3.9GPA的成绩毕业并且获得每年颁发给最优秀计算机专业学生的特别奖。我的一个教授后来告诉我当他们知道我所做所为之后,选择奖项的候选人就变得很简单了。
讲这个故事,并非为了引人注目,更不是使你好奇于我如何做到它。我成功实现目标只是我运用了时间管理这个概念,很多人可能根本不知道,但它却早就存在于那个时候(年)的书籍和音频节目中。大学里养成的时间管理习惯对我后来创业帮助很大,所以我想与你分享并希望你觉得同样有价值。它让我节约了学费并且给了我大约$30,000 来起家做创业(全部是我最后一学期当游戏程序员时赚的,大部分是版税收入)。闲话少说,下面就是我知道的时间管理的精华所在:
首先要明确的知道你想要什么。在我曾经训练过的一个跆拳道馆,墙上有一块巨大的标语,&你的目标是黑带!&。它提醒每个学员为什么他/她们要经过如此艰苦的训练。你独自工作的时候,很容易整日在办公桌上碌碌无为完成一些毫无价值的工作。在你不知道自己打算做什么的时候,这会经常发生。当你意识到这点,问自己&我到底在这里试图想实现什么目标么?&你必须尽量清楚自己的目标。使你的目标更明确,并把它们写出来。你的目标必须清楚到这种程度:即使一个陌生人,在客观地了解了你的情况后,都能就你是否完成每个目标给出一个绝对的&是&或者 &否&的答复。假如你不能明确的定义你的目标,就算到达了你又怎么能知道?
著名作家和商业顾问Stephen Covey经常引用这个句子,&诚实面对选择。&意思就是在没有了解目标的情况下,不能盲目的执行计划。例如,你细心的执行计划&目前为止一切顺利&突然出现一个无法预料的机会。你坚持原有计划(这会丧失机会)还是停止机会抓住机会(这会使你脱离计划)?这时你需要停下来考虑你的目标,以决定哪个是更好的选择。盲目的执行计划是不可取的。一旦获得可以更正计划的信息,你要训练在选择的时刻保持诚实。有时你可以借不曾预料的捷径达到目标。另一些时候你得坚持原有计划并避免为次要的东西分心,那会把你带离你的目标。紧守你的目标,但灵活对待计划。
我相信一个清晰的计划远远比一个清楚的计划来得重要的多。在大学里我很清楚自己的最终目标&&在三个学期里完成大学学业 &&但是我的计划随时随刻都在变化。每天我都会有新的作业,课程或者考试,我必须适应这些随时变化的情况。如果我试图为每个学期指定长期计划,那么不出一天计划就会失效了。
大部分人对失败怀有先天的恐惧,事实上它却是你最好的朋友。成功的人也因为屡次尝试而经历很多失败。伟大的棒球手Babe Ruth曾同时保持本垒打和三振出局的记录。最成功的人同时也面对着最惨痛的失败。失败没什么不正常,也不必感到羞耻。唯一的让人后悔的是从不去尝试。所以,别对前进的过程产生恐惧。要确定一些事是否可行,有时候最快的办法是上手去做。在进行的过程中你可以不断调整自己。这是个准备-开火-瞄准的过程,让人惊讶的是,它比通常的准备-瞄准-开火更有效。原因是你&开火&以后,你就有了第一手数据来调整自己的瞄准。很多人陷入思考和计划之中,而从不开始动手。停滞于某个步骤里(比如:准备-瞄准-瞄准-瞄准-瞄准&&),这你失去了太多好点子。
要明白失败并不是和成功正相反。失败是成功之母。一旦你成功,没人记得你曾经失败。微软并不是Bill Gates和 Paul Allen的第一次商业冒险。有谁记得他们经营Traf-o-Data时的失败?金凯&利还是个年轻喜剧演员的时候就经常被嘘下舞台。电灯泡的发明是因为托马斯&爱迪生经历过10000次失败后仍不放弃。如果你被失败纠缠,你就这么理解它:这同样是成功,或者说获得了经验。
W. Clement Stone建立了价值数亿美元的保险业帝国,他要求所有的雇员每天开始工作前一遍遍的背诵这句话:&现在开始!&一旦你觉得变得懒散而且又想起必须要做的事情,停下来大声说,&现在开始!现在开始!现在开始!&我经常把这句话作为我的屏保。拖拖拉拉的代价巨大,因为你一次次的回到工作中,大大增加了时间的浪费。思考的和计划固然重要,但行动更重要。思考和计划不会让你得到报酬,只有工作成果才能。当你犹豫的时候,大胆的行动吧,就像它根本不可能失败。实际上,的确如此。
上大学的时候,我严格地筛选要做的每一件事情。我曾经拒绝参加一位教授安排的关于计算机科学研究的活动,因为那样的话会浪费我很多时间。那项研究大概需要10到20小时的工作时间,在如此长的时间里我将陷入繁杂的工作中,但却学不到任何我以前不知道的东西。而且那项研究仅占我课堂成绩的10%,就我以前的表现很优秀,不参加研究所导致的唯一结果就是学期成绩从A变为A-。我对教授说那是公平的并且会接受A -。我不想再去和他谈任何的特殊条件。所以那学期我的成绩是A-,但是由于更好的利用了那些10到20个小时,我给了自己A+。
渴望提高效率的人们总是以克服浪费时间的习惯作为起点,但我却认为那是错误的。培养个人习惯来的要慢一些,首先要明确目的。如果你没有明确目的,只是设法用高效的习惯去排挤无效的习惯,那么结果只有失败。因为你没有一个强有力的理由支持你花费时间去做有意义的事情,所以做的时候很容易就会停止。你需要一个宏大的,有吸引力的目标来激发自己。能从工作时间里挤出15分钟的原因,就是因为你由于更好的利用这 15分钟而产生的激情。
应用80-20 的规则。
尽可能的听一些教育录音。开车的时候就可以听。Nightingale Conant销售各个领域的专家整理的各种录音节目。大部分有六小时长,大约售价60到70美元,它们物有所值。这些节目比起到大学里上课更实用一些。在大学拿到商业或者贸易学位的人由大学教授授课,而你学同样的课程时,却是由那些百万富翁或者亿万富翁告诉你什么可行而什么不可行。一个节约时间的好办法是直接请教那些掌握着你想学到的技能的人。
&When going to college many years ago, I decided to challenge myself by setting a goal to see if I could graduate in only three semesters, taking the same classes that people would normally take over a four-year period. This article explains in detail all the time management techniques I used to successfully pull this off.In order to accomplish this goal, I determined I'd have to take 30-40 units per semester, when the average student took 12-15 units. It became immediately obvious that I'd have to manage my time extremely well if I wanted to pull this off. I began reading everything I could find on time management and putting what I learned into practice. I accomplished my goal by graduating with two Bachelor of Science degrees (computer science and mathematics) in just three semesters without attending summer school. I slept seven to eight hours a night, took care of my routine chores (shopping, cooking, etc), had a social life, and exercised for 30 minutes every morning. In my final semester, I even held a full time job (40 hours a week) as a game programmer and served as the Vice Chair of the local Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) chapter while taking 37 units of mostly senior-level computer science and math courses. My classmates would add up all the hours they expected each task to take and concluded that my weeks must have consisted of about 250 hours. I graduated with a 3.9 GPA and also received a special award given to the top computer science student each year. One of my professors later told me that they had an easy time selecting the award recipient once it became clear to them what I was doing.I wasn't considered a gifted child, and this was the first time I had ever done anything like this. I didn't have any personal mentors helping me, I didn't know of anyone who'd done anything like this before, and I can't recall a single person encouraging me to do it. In fact, most people were highly discouraging of the idea when I told them about it. This was simply something I decided to do for myself. If you want a better understanding of where I was at this time in my life and why I decided to attempt such a crazy thing, you might enjoy reading , which includes the full background story and more details about my motivation for doing this.It took a lot of convincing to get the computer science department chair to approve my extra units every semester, and my classmates often assumed I was either cheating or that I had a twin or that I was just mentally unstable (I get accused of that last one pretty much every week, so maybe there's some truth to it). Most of the time I kept quiet about what I was doing, but if someone asked me how many units I was taking, I didn't deny it. I was perhaps the only student at the university with a two-page class schedule, so it was easy to prove I was telling the truth if anyone pressed me, but rarely did I ever do so.I didn't tell you this story to impress you but rather to make you curious as to how I did it. I pulled this off by applying time management concepts that most people simply didn't know but that were readily available in books and audio programs at the time (1992-93). The time management habits I learned in college have served me very well in building my business, so I want to share them with you in the hopes that you'll find them equally valuable. They allowed me to shave years off my schooling while also giving me about $30,000 to start my business (all earned in my final semester as a game programmer, mostly from royalties). Without further ado, here's the best of what I've learned about mastering time management:&Clarity is key.The first step is to know exactly what you want. In a Tae Kwon Do studio where I used to train, there's a huge sign on the wall that says, "Your goal is to become a black belt." This helps remind each student why s/he is going through such difficult training. When you work for yourself, it's easy to spend a whole day at your desk and accomplish nothing of value. This almost always happens when you aren't really clear about what it is you're trying to do. In the moments when you regain your awareness, ask yourself, "What exactly is it that I'm trying to accomplish here?" You must know your destination with as much clarity as possible. Make your goals specific, and put them in writing. Your goals must be so clear that it would be possible for a stranger to look at your situation objectively and give you an absolute "yes" or "no" response as to whether you've accomplished each goal or not. If you cannot define your destination precisely, how will you know when you've arrived?The key period I've found useful for defining and working on specific goals is ninety days, or the length of one season. In that period of time, you can make dramatic and measurable changes if you set crystal clear goals. Take a moment to stop and write down a snapshot description of how you want your life to be ninety days from now. What will your monthly income be? How much will you weigh? Who will your friends be? Where will you be in your career? What will your relationship be like? What will your web site look like? Be specific. Absolute clarity will give you the edge that will keep you on course.Just as an airplane on autopilot must make constant corrections to stay on course, you must periodically retarget your goals. Reconnect with your clear, written goals by re-reading them every morning. Post them on your walls, especially your financial goals. Years ago (during the mid-90s), I went around my apartment putting up signs in every room that said "$5,000 / month." That was my monthly business income goal at the time. Because I knew exactly what I wanted, I achieved that goal within a few weeks. I continued setting specific income goals, even amidst occasional setbacks, and I found this process very effective. It wasn't just that it helped me focus on what I wanted -- perhaps even more important is that it made it easy for me to disregard those things that weren't on the path to my goal. For example, if you set a goal to earn $10,000/month, this can help you stop doing those things that will only earn you $5000/month.If you aren't yet at the point of clarity, then make that your first goal. It's a big waste of time to go through life being unclear about what you want. Most people wallow way too long in the state of "I don't know what to do." They wait for some external force to provide them with clarity, never realizing that clarity is self-created. The universe is waiting on you, not the other way around, and it's going to keep waiting until you finally make up your mind. Waiting for clarity is like being a sculptor staring at a piece of marble, waiting for the statue within to cast off the unneeded pieces. Do not wait for clarity to spontaneously materialize -- grab a chisel and get busy!&Be flexible.There's a key difference between knowing your destination and knowing the path you will take to get there. A typical commercial airplane is off course 90% of the time, yet it almost always arrives at its destination because it knows exactly where it's going and makes constant corrections along the way. You cannot know the exact path to your goal in advance. I believe that the real purpose of planning is simply so that you remain convinced that a possible path exists. We've all heard the statistic that 80% of new businesses fail in their first five years, but a far more interesting statistic is that nearly all of the businesses that succeeded did not do so in the original way they had intended. If you look at successful businesses that started with business plans, you will commonly find that their original plans failed miserably and that they only succeeded by trying something else. It is said that no business plan survives contact with the marketplace. I like to generalize this to say that no plan survives contact with the real world.Renowned author and business consultant
often uses the expression, "integrity in the moment of choice." What that means is that you should not follow your plans blindly without conscious awareness of your goals. For instance, let's say you're following your plans nicely -- so far so good -- and then an unforeseen opportunity arises. Do you stick to your original plan, thereby missing the opportunity, or do you stop and go after the opportunity, thereby throwing yourself off schedule? This is where you have to stop and reconnect with your goals to decide which is the better course. No plan should be followed blindly. As soon as you gain new knowledge that could invalidate the plan, you must exercise integrity in the moment of choice. Sometimes you can reach your goals faster by taking advantage of shortcuts that arise unexpectedly. Other times you should stick to your original plans and avoid minor distractions that would take you further from your goals. Be tight on your goals but flexible on your plans.I believe that having a clear goal is far more important than having a clear plan. In school I was very clear about my end goal -- graduate college in only three semesters -- but my plans were in a constant state of flux. Every day I would be informed of new assignments, projects, or tests, and I had to adapt to this ever-changing sea of activity. If I tried to make a long-term plan for each semester, it would have been rendered useless within 24 hours.&Use single handling.Instead of using some elaborate organizing system, I stuck with a very basic pen and paper to-do list. My only organizing tool was a notepad where I wrote down all my assignments and their deadlines. I didn't worry about doing any advance scheduling or prioritizing. I would simply scan the list to select the most pressing item which fit the time I had available. Then I'd complete it, and cross it off the list.If I had a 10-hour term paper to write, I would do the whole thing at once instead of breaking it into smaller tasks. I'd usually do large projects on weekends. I'd go to the library in the morning, do the necessary research, and then go back to my dorm room and continue working until the final text was rolling off my printer. If I needed to take a break, I would take a break. It didn't matter how big the project was supposed to be or how many weeks the professor allowed for it. Once I began an assignment, I would stay with it until it was 100% complete and ready to be turned in.This simple practice saved me a significant amount of time. First, it allowed me to concentrate deeply on each assignment and to work very efficiently while I worked. A lot of time is lost in task switching because you have to re-load the context for each new task. Single handling minimizes time lost in task switching. In fact, when possible I would batch up my assignments within a certain subject area and then do them all at once before switching subjects. So I'd do all my math homework in a row until it was all done. Then I'd do all my programming assignments. Then I'd do my general education homework. In this manner I would put my brain into math-mode, programming-mode, writing-mode, or art-mode and remain in that single mode for as long as possible. Secondly, I believe this habit helped me remain relaxed and unstressed because my mind wasn't cluttered with so many to-do items. It was always just one thing at a time. I could forget about anything that was outside the current context.&Failure is your friend.Most people seem to have an innate fear of failure, but failure is really your best friend. People who succeed also fail a great deal because they make a lot of attempts. The great baseball player Babe Ruth held the homerun record and the strikeout record at the same time. Those who have the most successes also have the most failures. There is nothing wrong or shameful in failing. The only regret lies in never making the attempt. So don't be afraid to experiment in your attempts to increase productivity. Sometimes the quickest way to find out if something will work is to jump right in and do it. You can always make adjustments along the way. It's the ready-fire-aim approach, and surprisingly, it works a lot better than the more common ready-aim-fire approach. The reason is that after you've "fired" once, you have some actual data with which to adjust your aim. Too many people get bogged down in planning and thinking and never get to the point of action. How many potentially great ideas have you passed up because you got stuck in the state of analysis paralysis (i.e. ready-aim-aim-aim-aim-aim...)?During college I tried a lot of crazy ideas that I thought might save me time. I continued reading time management material and applying what I learned, but I also devised some original ideas. Most of my own ideas were flops, but some of them worked. I was willing to fail again and again for the off chance I might stumble upon something that gave me an extra boost.Understand that failure is not the opposite of success. Failure is an essential part of success. Once you succeed, no one will remember your failures anyway. Microsoft wasn't Bill Gates' and Paul Allen's first business venture. Who remembers that their original Traf-o-Data business was a flop? The actor Jim Carey was booed off many a stage while a young comedian. We have electric light bulbs because Thomas Edison refused to give up even after 10,000 failed experiments. If the word "failure" is anathema to you, then reframe it: You either succeed, or you have a learning experience.Letting go of the fear of failure will serve you well. If you're excited about achieving a particular goal, but you're afraid you might not be able to pull it off, jump on it and do it anyway. Even if you fail in your attempt, you'll learn something valuable and can make a better attempt next time. If you look at people who are successful in business today, you will commonly see that many of them had a string of dismal failures before finally hitting on something that worked, myself included. And I think most of these people will agree that those early failure experiences were an essential contributing factor in their future successes. My advice to anyone starting a new business is to begin pumping out products or devising services and don't worry much about whether they'll be hits. They probably won't be. But you'll learn a lot more by doing than you ever will by thinking.&Do it now!W. Clement Stone, who built an insurance empire worth hundreds of millions dollars, would make all his employees recite the phrase, "Do it now!" again and again at the start of each workday. Whenever you feel the tendency towards laziness taking over and you remember something you should be doing, stop and say out loud, "Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!" I often set this text as my screen saver. There is a tremendous cost in putting things off because you will mentally revisit them again and again, which can add up to an enormous amount of wasted time. Thinking and planning are important, but action is far more important. You don't get paid for your thoughts and plans -- you only get paid for your results. When in doubt, act boldly, as if it were impossible to fail. In essence, it is.It is absolutely imperative that you develop the habit of making decisions as soon as possible. I use a 60-second rule for almost every decision I have to make, no matter how big or important. Once I have all the data to make a decision, I start a timer and give myself only 60 seconds to make a firm decision. I'll even flip a coin if I have to. When I was in college, I couldn't afford to waste time thinking about assignments or worrying about when to do them. I simply picked one and went to work on it. And today when I need to decide which article to write next, I just pick a topic and begin writing. I believe this is why I never experience writer's block. Writer's block means you're stuck in the state of thinking about what to write instead of actually writing. I don't waste time thinking about writing because I'm too busy writing. This is probably why I've been able to write hundreds of original articles very easily. Every article I write spawns ideas for at least two more, so my ideas list only increases over time. I cannot imagine ever running out of original content.Too often people delay making decisions when there is no advantage to be found in that delay. Usually delaying a decision will only have negative consequences, so even if you're faced with ambiguity, just bite the bullet and make a decision. If it turns out to be the wrong one, you'll know it soon enough. Many people probably spend more than 60 seconds just deciding what they'll eat for dinner. If I can't decide what to eat, I just grab an apple or a couple bananas and start eating, and sometimes I'm full of fruit before I figure out what I really would like to eat. So my brain knows that if it wants something other than fruit, it had better decide quickly. If you can speed up the pace of making decisions, you can spend the rest of your time on action.One study showed that the best managers in the world tend to have an extremely high tolerance for ambiguity. In other words, they are able to act boldly on partial and/or conflicting data. Many industries today have accelerated to such a rapid pace that by the time you have perfect data with which to make any decision, the opportunity is probably long gone. Where you have no data to fall back on, rely on your own personal experience and intuition. If a decision can be made right away, make the decision as soon as it comes up. If you can't make a decision right away, set aside a time where you will consider the options and make the decision. Pour the bulk of your time into action, not deciding. The state of indecision is a major time waster. Don't spend more than 60 seconds in that state if you can avoid it. Make a firm, immediate decision, and move from uncertainty to certainty to action. Let the world tell you when you're wrong, and you'll soon build enough experience to make accurate, intelligent decisions.&Triage ruthlessly.Get rid of everything that wastes your time. Use the trash can liberally. Apply the rule, "When in doubt, throw it out." Cancel useless magazine subscriptions. If you have a magazine that is more than two months old and you still haven't read it, it's probably not worth reading. Realize that nothing is free if it costs you time. Before you sign up for any new free service or subscription, ask how much it will cost you in terms of time. Every activity has an opportunity cost. Ask, "Is this activity worth what I am sacrificing for it?"In college I was downright brutal when it came to triage. I once told a professor that I decided not to do one of his assigned computer science projects because I felt it wasn't a good use of my time. The project required about 10-20 hours of tedious gruntwork that wasn't going to teach me anything I didn't already know. Also, this project was only worth 10% of my grade in that class, and since I was previously acing the class anyway, the only real negative consequence would be that I'd end up with an A- in the course instead of an A. I told the professor I felt that was a fair trade-off and that I would accept the A-. I didn't try to negotiate with him for special treatment. So my official grade in the class was an A-, but I personally gave myself an A+ for putting those 10-20 hours to much better use.Ask yourself this question: "Would I have ever gotten started with this project, relationship, career, etc. if I had to do it all over again, knowing what I now know?" If your answer is no, then get out as soon as possible. This is called zero-based thinking. I know a lot of people that have a limiting belief that says, "Always finish what you start." They spend years climbing ladders only to realize when they reach the top that the ladder was leaning against the wrong building. Remember that failure is your friend. So if a certain decision you've made in the past is no longer producing results that serve you, then be ruthless and dump it, so you can move onto something better. There is no honor in dedicating your life to the pursuit of a goal which no longer inspires you. This is another situation where you must practice integrity in the moment of choice. You must constantly re-assess your present situation to accurately decide what to do next. Whatever you've decided in the past is largely irrelevant if you would not renew that decision today.&Identify and recover wasted time.Instead of watching a one-hour TV show, tape it and watch it in 45 minutes by fast-forwarding through the commercials. Don't spend a half hour typing a lengthy email when you could accomplish the same thing with a 10-minute phone call. Batch your errands together and do them all at once.During the summer between my second and third semesters, I found an apartment across the street from campus that was slightly closer to the engineering building than my on-campus dorm room. So I moved out of the dorms and into that apartment, which saved me some walking/biking time every day. I was also moving from a two-bedroom dorm which I shared with two roommates into a smaller single-person studio apartment. This new apartment was much more efficient. For example, I could work on programming assignments while cooking dinner because my desk was only a few steps from the stove.Trying to cut out time-wasting habits is a common starting point for people who desire to become more efficient, but I think this is a mistake. Optimizing your personal habits should only come later. Clarity of purpose must come first. If you don't have clarity, then your attempts to install more efficient habits and to break inefficient habits will only fizzle. You won't have a strong enough reason to put your time to good use, so it will be easy to quit when things get tough. You need a big, attractive goal to stay motivated. The reason to shave 15 minutes off a task is that you're overflowing with motivation to put that 15 minutes to better use.For example, you might have a career you sort of like, but most likely it's not so compelling that you'll care enough about saving an extra 15 minutes here and there, even if your total savings might amount to a few hours each day. But if you've taken the time to develop a sense of purpose that reaches deep into your soul, you'll be automatically motivated to put your time to better use. If you get the highest level of your life in order (purpose, meaning, spiritual beliefs), the lower levels will tend to self-optimize (habits, practices, actions).&Apply the 80-20 rule.Also known as the Pareto Principle, the 80-20 rule states that 20% of a task's effort accounts for 80% of the value of that task. This also means that 80% of a task only yields 20% of the value of that task. In college I was ruthless in my application of this principle. Some weeks I ditched as many as 40% of my classes because sitting through a lecture was often not the most effective way for me to learn. And I already noted that I would simply refuse to do an assignment if I determined it was not worth my time. There was one math class that I only showed up to twice because I could learn from the text book much more quickly than from the lectures. I only showed up for the midterm and final. I would pop my head in at the beginning of each class to drop off my homework and then again at the end of each class to write down the next assignment. I actually got the highest grade in that class, but the teacher probably had no idea who I was. The other students were playing by the rules, not realizing they were free to make their own rules. Find out what parts of your life belong in the crucial 20%, and focus your efforts there. Be absolutely ruthless in refusing to spend time where it simply cannot give you optimal results. Invest your time where it has the potential to pay off big.&Guard thy time.To work effectively you need uninterrupted blocks of time in which you can complete meaningful work. When you know for certain that you won't be interrupted, your productivity is much, much higher. When you sit down to work on a particularly intense task, dedicate blocks of time to the task during which you will not do anything else. I've found that a minimum of 90 minutes is ideal for a single block.You may need to negotiate with the other people in your life to create these uninterrupted blocks of time. If necessary, warn others in advance not to interrupt you for a certain period of time. Threaten them with acts of violence if you must. In school I would lock my bedroom door when I needed to work, so my roommates would know not to disturb me. While each individual bedroom in the two-bedroom dorm suites was designed for two people (four people per suite), I paid a bit extra to have a bedroom all to myself. This way I always had my own private room to work. When I had time to be social, I'd leave the door open, sometimes playing computer games with one of my roommates. If you happen to work in a high interruption environment that's negatively affecting your productivity, change that environment at all costs. Some people have told me that giving their boss a copy of this articl...


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