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很多同学都在问:机经这么多,怎么练的完?或者:这么多种机经,看哪家?其实,所有问题都能用同一个办法解决,就分类法!我们按话题分类为大家确定可能会考到的母题(常见话题)即使我们最后没有命中原题,至少对这个话题分类有所准备~1. Friend | 朋友话题解析:谁身边还没几个让人操心的朋友呢?此类题目,套路就是——你一定有一个让人不省心的朋友,有情况处理不了,请你提供建议。CN task1A friend of yours wants to make a big purchase but does not have enough money. What would you suggest your friend do to get extra money? Please give specific reasons and details.想要多赚点钱的朋友CN task1You friend is concerned about a presentation that he has to give to the class. What advice would you give to help your friend to prepare for the presentation?不知道该怎么准备演讲的朋友NA task1Your friend is always late for group events, what suggestions do you have for him? Please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.小组开会老是迟到的朋友CN task1If your foreign friend is visiting your hometown and does not know what to pack, what suggestions do you have for him?你还有个不会打包的外国朋友所有题目、解析和答案均可在我们的托福App中查看举例:A friend of yours wants to make a big purchase but does not have enough money. What would you suggest your friend do to get extra money?Please give specific reasons and details.本文范本答案由网友shurui提供:Well I think there are a lot of ways for my friend to get some extra money.Firstly, she can try to do some part-time jobs, either on campus or off campus. For example, she can serve as a waitress at McDonald's or in the school cafeteria. And she can also use her personal strength. For example, if she is an English major student, maybe she can find some part-time job as an English tutor for primary school students.And second, she can always ask her parents for help, because as far as I know, she is the only child in her family and her father adores her a lot.Finally, she can borrow some money from friends, she has a lot of friends I think many of them would be willing to help her out.【思路分析】毕竟这是我们自己的朋友,想怎么帮忙,能怎么帮忙,咱们自己就能说了算呀!2. Book | 书籍话题解析:ETS一定以为我们都是爱读书的孩子!此类题目,套路就是——问你喜欢哪种书。宝宝们,不管你平时是否真的爱看书,都请准备好几本书备用!不要再说哈利波特啦,真的是被大家玩坏了,换几本新书吧!打开,看Editorial Reviews、Top Customer Reviews还有About the Author!准备你的专属素材吧!NA task1Among the following three types of books – mystery, science fiction and biography, which do you like the least? Explain why.以下几种书里,你最【不】喜欢哪种书?推理、科幻、人物传记。真是剑走偏锋啊!通常都是让我们回答自己最喜欢的,突然来一个最【不】喜欢的,智商直接下线啊!所以,必须要准备哦!CN task2When reading novels, do you prefer fiction books or non-fiction books? Why? Please include specific reasons and examples in your explaination.读小说的时候,你更喜欢含有虚构成分的还是完全无虚构成分的?【重点,就在于,什么才是non-ficition books呢?】晨读团的孩子们可是都知道了哟!回复“晨读”即可加入NA task2Some people prefer to buy new books, others prefer to buy used ones. Which do you prefer? Please answer the question with specific examples and details.一些人喜欢买新书,其他人喜欢买二手书。你喜欢?这道题目真是经典啊,12年Pt考托福的时候就准备过这题,如此简单的题目,一定要拿下哦!考场上真遇到了,就拿个good回来瞧瞧!所有题目、解析和答案均可在我们的App中查看3. Gift | 礼物话题解析:ETS你是不是老发愁究竟要准备什么样的礼物!此类题目,套路就是——没完没了地结合各种场合问你到底要送什么样的礼物,或者你喜欢什么样的礼物,或者你收到过什么样的礼物!总之就是:ETS非得从你嘴里套走点送礼物的好点子~CN task1Describe a gift you would like to give to someone. Please answer the question with specific details.如此直白的问你:“打算送点啥”,同志们哪,抬头看,BOOK!直接套!千万要describe哦!可别傲娇地丢下一句:我打算送本书就走啦,要描述一下是什么书,谁写的,关于啥 blablablaNA task2When you choose gifts for others, do you prefer gifts that are fun or gifts that can be used? Why? Please use details and examples in your explanation.给别人选礼物的时候,你更喜欢有趣的还是有用的呀?CN task1Describe an important gift you've received and explain why it is important. Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.描述一件你收过的最重要的礼物,并说说它为什么重要。难点显然不在描述好吗?在解释【为啥重要】!宝宝们,有头绪不?不管有没有,都欢迎加入分手团和大家一起探讨哦~所有题目、解析和答案均可在我们的App中查看4. Place | 住所话题解析:ETS老是让我们作出艰难的抉择!此类题目,套路就是——世界上绝对没有天上掉馅饼的好事,有得必有失,location好,自己住,和便宜一定是不可兼得的哟~CN task2When finding a place to live near campus, do you prefer to share a house with several other students or live in an apartment alone?找个离学校近的地方住,你更愿意和很多其他同学一起share一个房子还是自己住单身公寓呢?NA task1If you want to choose a place to live, what kind of location would you prefer and why? 1. A place close to school or workplace. 2. A place close to your parents' home. 3. A place close to a transport hub (e.g. airport or bus terminal) Please explain your choice with specific examples and details.找地方住的时候,以下哪种你最喜欢?1. 离学校或单位近的 2. 离爸妈家近的 3. 离交通枢纽近的5. Volunteer | 志愿者话题解析:每一个人都应该尝试一次做志愿者的经历!此类题目,套路就是——我们会在不同的场合做不同的志愿者工作,通常会给大家提供一些选择,只要说出你选择的理由即可。NA task1If you are a volunteer in a hospital, what kind of work would you choose, 1. take care of patient's family 2. talk to patient 3. read to patient. Please give specific reasons and details.去医院做志愿者NA task1Which of the following library volunteer would you want to choose to do? Helping people find the right material, read to kids or keeping bookshelf organized.去图书馆做志愿者NA task1The university is recruiting volunteers to help the community protecting the environment, if you are recruited, which of the following three tasks you will choose to do?a. Pick up trash and litters on the streetb. Plant trees and flowers to green the townc. Teach children to protect the environment去社区做保护环境的志愿者6Subject | 学科CN task1If you could study a subject that you've never had a chance to study, what subject would you choose? Explain your choice,using specific reasons and details.你一直想学却没有机会学的一门学科。有同学说:Driving 这就不太合适,因为有些离题。为什么离题,请看下题:NA task1Which of the following three subjects would you choose to learn? Math, painting or science. Explain what you want to learn from this subject. Please include specific reasons and details in your response.以下三门课,你会选哪门来学?数学,绘画或科学。哎哟,这几门都不简单哦!这道题目也为我们示范了【什么叫“subject”】,就是学科哦,是学校里面可以开设的科目哦!NA task2Which class would you join for fun? Art class or science class. Please give your reasons with details.这道题目难点就在于什么是art class,什么是science class。本题的详细解析和范本答案可在我们的App中查看7. Study | 学习/ 学校相关CN task2Some students prefer to study or work on difficult class assignments early in the morning. Other students prefer to do this type of work in the evening. Which do you prefer and why?超难的作业,你是早上爬起来做还是晚上通宵做?这让Pt想到了最近晨读团考勤君——一个奋斗的萌妹子也在问我:Pt,我的时间来不及,你说到底是早起还是晚睡来争取更多的时间呢?Pt个人还是比较偏好早起哒!所以我才搞了个晨读团而非夜读团嘛!每天,Pt都会6点就爬起来,做晨读团当天的最新资料。我觉得早起能让自己一整天都活力满满、精力充沛,而晚睡却会让当晚和转天全都浑浑噩噩、萎靡不振。所以,这就是我会prefer 早起的原因。当然啦,关于这道题,大家还是怎样答都可以哟~NA task1Your University plans to allow students to watch TV in their dormitories. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories? Include reasons and examples to support your response.你们学校计划允许学生在宿舍里看电视。你觉得如何,为什么?这道题目直接让Pt想到了下面这道题目:CN Task1If schools are going to make a policy to limit the use of cellphone in school, what kind of effect do you think this policy will bring to students? Please use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.刚刚考过,说实话,大同小异!所以,千万不要方哦~本题的相关语料往期推送可以中可以查看NA task2Your professor is asking you to help with some research on the weekend, but you have planned to go to your sister’s birthday party. Which would you choose?你的教授让你帮忙周末做研究,但你已经计划要去从那家姐姐的生日party了,你说这颗咋整?这道题Pt第一眼看到的时候还以为是Task5改编过来的呢!这种两头堵的纠结问题,Pt早就给大家分析过啦!大家可以在网站查看8. Travel | 旅行CN task2Do you prefer to spend your vacation in the city or in the countryside? Why? Please explain in detail.9. Abstract Topic | 抽象话题话题解析:ETS最喜欢用抽象话题难为学生!此类题目,套路就是——一定要将抽象话题具体化,此类题目之前已经讲过多次,不要忘记回顾哦!CN task1Describe a successful experience in your life and explain why it is so important fro you. Please give the answer with examples and details.NA task1Describe a time when you tried to do something that you have never done. Explain what you did and why you did it.10One | Many话题解析:一成不变,还是求新求变?此类题目,套路就是——One的好处:熟悉、专业、comfort zone;Many的好处:挑战、刺激、新鲜的人事物!(对方的好处反过来就是我方的坏处,其实,Pt觉得上了年纪的人该选ONE,而年轻人还是要敢闯敢拼该选MANY)这一点之前也已经分析过啦!NA task2Some people prefer to stay in one place for a vacation. Others prefer to go to different places and spend less time at each place. Which do you prefer?度假时,你喜欢只呆在一个地方还是很多地方?NA task2Some people prefer to live in a place for most of their life. Other people prefer to change their address time to time. Which one do you prefer and why? Please give specific reasons to support your idea.生活中,你喜欢一辈子都住在一个地方,还是不时换一换?类似的写作题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because we may lose our old social connection.【CN】11. Alone | Group话题解析:独挑大梁还是团队协作?此类题目,套路就是——自己做的好处:更专心,更高效,更富有挑战性;一起做的好处是:合作可以取长补短,想出更多新点子,遇到新的人,结交新朋友,还可以分担工作量!(对方的好处反过来就是我方的坏处)CN task2Which do you prefer, team work or individual work? Why? Please explain your preferrence with specific reasons and details.一个人工作还是一起工作?其实答案就和“一个人学习,还是一起学习”几乎一模一样,只不过稍微变换一些关键的字眼即可~CN task1What are the benefits of studying in groups? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.另一版本:Which do you prefer? Studying by yourself or in a group?NA task1Which one of the following activities do you prefer to do by yourself rather than with a group of people? 1. Study 2.Exercise 3. Shopping. Please include specific details.以下哪种活动你更喜欢自己做而不是和别人一起做?1. 学习 2. 运动 3. 购物老题玩出新花样,以前通常都是让我们选:是自己学还是和别人一起学,这一次固定了选择,必须自己来。其实套路还是一样嘛~大家不要怕!12. 很像写作题的口语题话题解析:ETS大概偷了个懒,写作题直接给改成口语题了!此类题目,套路就是——抽象问题具体化!NA task2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technological devices have brought distance between people. Please use details and examples in your response.技术设备给人们之间带来了距离。很快就会讲解!NA task2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Environmental protection is as important as economic development. Use details and examples to support your response.环境保护同经济发展一样重要。NA task2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to learn lessons is through making mistakes. Please give your opinion with specific reasons and examples.学习的最好方式是通过犯错得到教训。好啦,今天就到这里吧!祝大家都能顺利分手!本文来自微信:yeeaooibt
(C) 2016 今日头条 违法和不良信息举报电话:010-公司名称:北京字节跳动科技有限公司2015年托福口语小范围机经【汇总】
  ★★★★★ 事件类
  Describe a time when you are asked to do something you do not want to do.
  ★★★★★ 其他类
  One of your friends has been offered a job in a town far away form home. Do you think your friend should take this job?
  ★★★★★ 活动类/人物类
  Talk about a skill that you have mastered but still want to improve
  ★★★★★ 活动类
  What kind of volunteer work are you interested in? Gardening in the community,doing activities with children or cleaning a place in the city?
  Task 2
  Task 3
  【好 处】(1)可以帮助大家学习外语;(2)可以让国际学生看到自己国家的电视节目
  Task 4
  【讲座主题】关于circadian rhythm的介绍
  【内容讲解】(1)每个人都会有自己的alert time和(2)这个rhythm随着时间推移可能会改变。
  ★★★★ 人物类/活动类
  What suggestions would you give to a friend who is starting a new job. Give examples and details in your response.
  ★★★★ 其他类
  Your friend wants to build up a restaurant .What suggestions would you like to give regarding food and location.Please include specific reasons and details in your explanationg.
  ★★★★ 活动类
  Is it good or bad for students to work a year before they begin their study in university?
  ★★★★ 活动类/地点类
  If a foreign tourist visits your city,where would you take him to? A factory,a university or a museum? Please include specific reasons and details in your response.
  ★★★★ 事件类/物品类
  The school's canteen wants to change recipes to make healthy and low calories food. Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  ★★★★ 人物类/事件类
  What suggestion would you like to give to a child who is starting school for the first time. Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this suggestion is important.
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