
“一怎样防止传染病的传染” 120词以上
“一怎样防止传染病的传染” 120词以上
另一个题目是 “大学生如何使用信用卡”感谢
vulneability is universal.in my opinion,carrying an infectious disease,report ourbreaks as soon as they happen and carry out quarantining measures strictly,one effective way is to take concrete monitoring and quarantining measures我买的专四范文正好有篇nowadays,to be a threat to others and to cause an alarm or a potential crisis in another country,due to tht wair till winter comes. only by effective monitoring and quarantine measures can we fight against the increasingly serious threat of global epidemics,new diseases are emerging at a historically unprecedented rate.the WHO also warned that an outbreak of an epidemic in one part of the world now is only a few hours away from beconing a imminent threat somewhere else. for one thing,new types of bird flu and mexican swine flu,it makes it possible for even just one individual travelling between countries,new infectious diseases are emerging and spreading faster than ever before.infectious disease are now spreading geographically much faster than at any time in history.global epidemics have become a serious threat to human health and lives.don&#39.worldwide discussions about how to fight against them are ongoing actively.
for another.thus government health authorities around the world should improve their monitoring of infectious diseases.governments worldwide must keep watch for new threats like the emergence of sars
这里有两篇My family I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. My mother is a teacher. She is very kind and nice, and she is thirty-seven. I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano. My father go to play basketball. Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family. Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together! 中文翻译: 我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是是一名教师.她是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心!My familyI have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my mom, dad and me. My father is a math teacher, and he teachs in a middle school near my home. He doesn’t like going to movies and watching TV at home, but he likes reading newspaper day by day. My mother is a a nurse, and she works in a hospital. She has a lot of good habits, such as eating fresh vegetables, drinking milk and doing exercise every day. She always says it’s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed. Now, I'd like to introduce myself. I am a shy and funny boy. I am good at sports and does well in football. But I am not good at studying my lessons, so I need do my best in my lessons from now. I believe I can do my lessons well in the near future. I love my family. My family loves me, too
有两篇My familyI have a big family. There are 6 people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my sisiter and I. My grandparents are both teachers. My father is a doctor and my moht...
您可能关注的推广球一篇英语作文 120~150词左右 题目是有关于《创造》 明天8点之前急需_百度作业帮
球一篇英语作文 120~150词左右 题目是有关于《创造》 明天8点之前急需
球一篇英语作文 120~150词左右 题目是有关于《创造》 明天8点之前急需
创造是人的才能的最高表现形式,是推动人类社会前进的车轮.纵观历史,每一位取得卓越成就的人,无不是敢于创新的.敢于创新,是一种极可宝贵的精神,我们都应该学习.小学的一篇课文《第三只小板凳》中写了这样一个故事:世界闻名的大科学家爱因斯坦在读小学时,一次劳作课后,他给老师交了一只做得很粗陋的小板凳.当老师看了极不满意时,他从课桌下又拿出第一次、第二次做的小板凳……爱因斯坦做出了第一只小板凳,为何不就此罢休而又做了两次,直到自己认为满意时才交给老师?这是因他具有创新精神.正因为有这种创新精神的支配,他才成了举世闻名的科学家.大约2300年前,希腊有一位伟大的思想家亚里士多德,他认为物体落下的速度和重量成比例.约莫400年前,意大利的科学家伽利略并不因为亚里士多德说过了什么就轻易相信,他通过实验,推翻了亚里士多德的观点,建立了自由落体定律:一切物体如果不受空气的阻力,在同一地点自由落体运动中的加速度都相同.伽利略有如此的创新精神,便建立了物理学中的自由落体定律、惯性定律,并发现了抛体运动规律、摆振运动规律等.有人说第一个用鲜花来比喻少女的人,受到人们一致的称赞,被誉为天才;第二个套用比喻的人,则被人们讥为庸才;等到第三个仍用此比喻的人,就被人们斥为蠢材了.这种说法未免夸张,但其中赞扬创新的意思却是无可非议的真理.雨果说得好:“即使你成功地模仿了一个有天才的人,你也缺乏他的独创精神,这就是他的天才.我们来赞美大师吧,但不要模仿他们.还是让我们别出心裁吧,如果成功了,当然很好,如果失败,又有什么关系呢?”我们应提倡创新,而且要敢于创新,而不去步人后尘,拾人牙慧.年轻的朋友们,趁我们正值青春年华,努力吧,愿我们有所创新,有所发明!Innovation is the man to the highest expression of form,is to promote the wheel of human social advancement.Throughout history,each made outstanding achievements,all without exception is innovative.Dare to innovation,is a very precious spirit,we should learn.Primary school text "the third one small wooden bench" wrote a story:the world-famous great scientist Albert Einstein reading elementary school,a work after class,he gave the teacher made a do very rough small wooden bench.When the teacher looked at very satisfied,he from the desk and take out the first,second do small wooden bench.Einstein made the first small wooden bench,why not take no for an answer and two times,until you think to the satisfaction with the teacher?This is because he has the innovation spirit.Just because of this spirit of the new control,he became world famous scientists.About 2300 years ago,Greece has a great thinker Aristotle,he thought that the object of falling speed and weight in proportion.About 400 years ago,Italian scientist Galileo was not because Aristotle said what they believe,he through experiment and the overthrow of the Aristotle's point of view,and set up of free fall:all bodies if not affected by the resistance of the air,and in the same place in the movement of free fall acceleration are the same.Galileo has so spirit of innovation,and established the physics of free fall,inertia laws,and found the body movement rules,cast shimmy motion law,etc.Some say the first girl with flowers to describe "the people,by the people of consistent praise, The second set of metaphor,are people f Wait until the third still use this parable,regarded by people ChiWei fool.This statement is exaggerated,but among them praise the meaning of innovation is the truth of the above criticism.Hugo said:"even if you successfully mimic a man of genius,you also lack his original spirit,this is his genius.We praise to master it,but don't imitate them.And let's try to be unique,if successful,of course,is very good,if failed,what does it matter?"We should promote innovation,and dare to innovate,and not to step behind someone,SheRenYaHui.The young friends,while we when youth,work hard,we would like to make innovation,have invented!
For millions of times of calculating per second by computer, the researchers may have enough time to study more important issues. The processing of experiment results became very simple and easy. Aren’t those all evidences that the computer is one of the greatest inventions in the last century, are those?
What is my favorite invention?
We knew there had been many inventions last century, for example, electric light bulb, telephone, phonograph, mimeograph machine, automobile, airplane, atomic w...
1. Wha doe he woman hin of he pary?
A. I’ ccefl
B. l’ no ood.
C. I’ crowded.
2. Where doe he converaion ae place?
A. A a ore.
B. A a heare.
C. A a rearan.
3. How will he man mae a phone call?
A. By hi mobile phone.
B. By he pblic phone.
C. By he woman’ mobile phone.
4. How lon ha he woman been playin he piano?
A. For abo 15 year.
B. For abo
5. Where did he man pend hi holiday la year?
A. In Ialy.
B. In pain.
C. In reece.
6. Wha are he peaer mainly alin abo?
A. How o read a boo.
B. How o read online.
C. How o read faer.
7. Wha doe he man e he woman do?
A. ae a free core on he Inerne.
B. ae a core in a chool.
C. A her friend for help.[来源:]
8. Wha can we learn from he converaion?
A. he man hae readin online.
B. he woman lie readin lon novel.
C. he man ed o read lie he woman.
9. Where will he woman o on arday evenin?
A. o a pary.
10. When i he man’ birhday?
A. omorrow.
B. hi arday.
C. Ne Friday.
11. Wha do we now abo he woman?
A. he i ood a balle.
B. he will o o he birhday pary.
C. he doen’ lie he barbece a all.
12. How did he man o o wor before?
B. By bie.
C. On foo.
13. Wha doe he woman e he man by?
A. A racer bie.
B. A orin bie.
14. Wha i he probable relaionhip beween he peaer?
A. Colleae.
B. Friend.
C. Clamae.
15. How doe he man feel abo hi job now?
B. Inpired.
C. aified.
16. Why doe he man wan o al wih hi manaer?
A. He doen’ wan o wor here.
B. He doen’ wan o wor over ime.
C. He doen’ wan o ype all day lon
17. Wha doe he woman advie he man o do?
A. A for a pay rie.
B. Leave and find a new job. C. o on worin
18. How lon did he fire la?
A. Abo 60 mine.
19. Wha wa he cae of he fire?
A. he old man’ moin.
B. he old man’ cooin.
20. Wha do we now abo he yphoon?
A. I will affec Hon on mch.
B. I will arrive in Hon on onih.
C. I will no ay in Hon on very lon
【答案】: 1-5 BCBAB
11-15 BACBA
16-20 CBCAC
21. he 9h AEM mmi, held
developin Aia-Erope cooperaion o
world economic rowh.
A. demonrae
B. dominae
C. proceed
he rea Wall, one of he world’ even wonder,
from we o ea over he monain, acro he
越过山谷。A bend 弯腰; B wind 动词,沿弯曲的路线前进。如:he
down o he ea.C roar 咆哮,吼叫;D howl 嚎叫,大声喊叫。
23. My randmoher ill ha very
hearin alhoh
eihy year old.
A. alleric
【解析】句意:我祖母虽然已经80岁了,她的听力还是很敏锐的。A alleric
B ace敏锐的,如:Do have an ace ene of mell. C eniive
24. A wie bo m be aware ha omeime a lile
he employee o wor harder.
caed by overeain.
B. deliberaely
C. incerely
parly 部分地。
26. here wa a ime when ome weern ravel aencie were once
heir or price a mch a 33% becae of Eropean deb crii.
A. decreae
B. decline
变小,变弱,变少。C dicon 打折,贴现。D depoi存入银行,付。
accommodaion 住宿,食宿。
28. When i come o he
Iland, mo forein media
lile of Japan’ chance
he bai of jice and fairne.
和正义面前,日本赢的机会很小。Recon 认为,如:I recon ha he i
evalae评估,估计;D eimae 估计,估算。
29. Wha a(n)
coincidence! He hold have nown yor family o well!
30. Afer he 18h CPC Naional Conre, many new law and police will
o mae re of he rapid and eady rowh of china’ economy.
A. in power
B. in conrol
将生效。 词组in force 意思是:“(法律,规则)现行的,生效的”。
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
Cindy ydney i he fonder of C& Pavin Inc.(铺路公司) in Miami,
he followin accon, he recall he job ha
ill b lef her flyin hih.
"When he Miami Airpor wa nder
in 1979, we were
rlin o mae i. Naional Car
meer of dir paved
he car cold
opened, and he official openin wa only en day away!
pavin company waned o do he job, ain i coldn be done in
_36__ ime.
"Becae we were new and really needed he wor, we were
harder. We ave Naional Car Renal or offer and _38
e he job finihed wihin en day. We alo
hem ha if we
hey wold be no wore off,
hey had pleny o ain if we cceeded.
"We o he job and immediaely wen ino
. Worin a nih
lih, o I rened a machine o prodce elecriciy for he
challene wa o eep he roc mire
waer waon(洒水车) were rened o for he airpor
cerainly coldn
o by a new one. Inead, I o a pecial
hydran(消防栓); hen I
held one of hoe
"hoe en day were filled wih challene ha _48
afer anoher. Nine day
Naional Car Renal wa he only company ha had car on he parin lo.
"he ey o or cce wa havin he
o ae on any job
in or approach o ein i done."
32. A. conrcion
33. A. afer
34. A. while
35. A. ome
36. A. hor
37. A. able
38. A. ppored
39. A. aed
C. reminded
40. A. hoh
41. A. dicion
C. pracice
43. A. cold
44. A. wear
45. A. ece
46. A. eacly
B. peronally
47. A. pll
48. A. reqired
49. A. corae
50. A. habby
B. efficien
C. creaive
【解析】 句意为:别的公司说,在这么短的时间内是不可能完成的。用a
B vacan 空的; C iniial最初的;D relar 有规律的。
愿意:be willin o do .
afraid 担心的
ppor 支持; C conine 继续;D improve 改善。
。A a 问; B rprie 使惊奇;D demand 要求。
【解析】 句意为:但是我们如果成功了,他们收益很大。此处b 和前句形成转折。
【解析】 句意为:我们接到任务,马上开始行动。 开始行动 o ino
dicion 讨论; C pracice 实践;D prodcion 生产,产量。
【解析】 句意为:我们的下一个挑战是----,此处ne 和上句的挑战呼应。B
第一个;C pa 过去的;D previo 以前的。
【解析】 句意为:让成块的混凝土保持足够湿润。 此处的we和roc
冷的;C looe 松散的;D clean 干净的。
处应用afford ,意为买得起。A wear 发誓;B delay 耽误;C conl商议。
ece宽恕,原谅,为--辩解;B order 命令,订购;D reaon思考,推理。
第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)
Do yo ill remember he inerein qeion: why did he chicen
he road? o e o he oher ide.
Mo people now hi joe. B recenly, ome
more concerned wih how he rily bear and monain
Million of animal die each year
Adminiraion repor. In fac, only abo 80 ocelo, an
ca ei in he
oday. he main reaon? Road ill.
“Ecopaae” may help animal cro he road wiho bein hi by
hey are pah
eremely efl, o ha wildlife can avoid
Hily of he Wildlife Conervaion ociey.
B do animal acally e he ecopaae? he anwer i ye.
of Norhern Ariona niveriy fond foo mar lef by
an ecopaae ha wen nder a hihway. hi howed ha he lion ed
Bilder of ome ecopaae ry o mae hem loo lie a naral par
an area by planin ree on and arond hem. Animal eem
on. Animal a differen a alamander and
bride and nderpae.
he ne ime yo vii a par or drive hroh an
wildlife, loo arond.
Yo mih ee an animal overpa!
51. he wrier e he eample of "ocelo" o how ha __________.
A. wild animal have become more danero
B. he drivin condiion have improved realy
C. he meare for proecin wildlife fail o wor
D. an increain nmber of animal are illed in road acciden
52. From he new ory, we now an ecopaae i __________ .
A. an nderrond pah for car
afey of he area
C. a bride for animal o e over a river
D. a pa for
cro he road
53. When he wrier ay ha animal eem "o be
A. animal bein o realie he daner on he road
B. animal bein o learn o e ecopaae
C. animal are croin he road in rop
D. animal are increain in nmber
54. he wrier a viior and
A. wild animal may aac car
B. wild animal
C. hey may ee wild animal in he par
D. hey may ee
on ecopaae
When Flora ahlo painin were on how in
her painin a "a ribbon
(丝带) arond a bomb".
e ahlo had a bi inflence on he ar world of her Lime.
i acally a mch bier name oday han he wa drin her ime.
polio(小儿麻痹症)a he ae of even. Her pine(脊柱)
rew older. hen, in 1925, her bac
chool-b acciden. hroho he re of her life, he
operaion, b nohin wa able o cre he
However, he acciden had an nepeced ide effec. While lyin in her
recoverin, ahlo ah herelf o pain.
In 1929, he o married o Dieo Rivera, anoher famo Meican
Rivera ron inflence on ahlo yle can be een in her early
b her laer wor from he 1940, nown oday
le inflence from her hband.
nfornaely, her wor did no arac mch aenion in he 1930
1940, even in her home conry. Her fir one-woman how in Meico wa
held nil 1953. For more han a decade afer her
wor remained larely nnoiced by he world, b in he
bean o ain inernaional fame a la.
55. Wha doe he phrae “a mch bier name” in Pararaph 1
A. a far beer ari
B a mch more famo peron
C. a mch roner peron
D. a far more ifed ari
56. he errible pain ahlo ffered wa caed by ______.
operaion he had
57. ahlo yle had become increainly independen ince he _________.
58. Wha i ahor aide oward ahlo?[来源:.Com]
A. Devoion
B. Encoraemen
【解析】 根据文章第一段adly ,he i acally a mch bier name oday
he wa drin her ime.和文章最后一段可知,她今天的名声要更大。
【解析】 根据文章hen, in 1925, her bac wa broen in everal place
chool-b acciden. hroho he re of her life, he
operaion, b nohin wa able o cre he
【解析】 根据文章b her laer wor from he
,最后一段 nfornaely,可以看出作者对女画家的同情。
In he 1960 Wal Diney picred in he mind a fre opian ciy
nderrond road and a climae-conrolled rond roof.
environmenal oal of boh Diney and he New rbanim movemen.
Diney and he New rbanim have imained commniie
and local commnicaion. Celebraion ha a cenral
o redce raffic and encorae ocial conac. he idea
downown area i nealy and cloely raned, people will wal and mee
oeher. Narrow, ree-lined ree are "raffic calm"——wih
limi——o encorae bicyclin and walin.
Moreover, hoin in Celebraion inclde boh inle-
hoe ha encorae ocialiaion. Aparmen bildin are locaed
o downown, and hoe are bil cloe
feare enrance hall o encorae ciien o ocialie.
"Many apec of ha ind of
ocial commnicaion beween ciien, no j on he ree b
commniy iniion ha are very mch a
ay Andrew Ro, a New Yor niveriy profeor who lived
for one year.
environmenal proecion in mind. he own ielf i bil
rronded by a 4,700 acre proeced reenbel.
common area accommodae naive wildlife and animal.
Hih-rie office and aparmen bildin provide cloe office and
pace in a mall eoraphic area
pread of oday ciie ono nare area.
Bildin alo
elecric yem wih inlaed (绝缘的;隔热的) la, coolin
enery-avin lamp.
principle...o creae environmenally friendly alernaive o
o creae commniie arond people raher han vehicle," Ro aid.
59. Celebraion menioned in he paae i a ___________ .
C. pecial occaion in he mare
60. he prpoe of holdin ar feival menioned
_________ .
C. encorae commnicaion
D. redce downown raffic
A. epanion
62. Which of he followin how he oraniaion of he paae?
【解析】 根据文章第一段he real commniy of Celebraion, Florida, bil
1999, applie he ocial and environmenal oal of boh Diney and he
rbanim movemen.可知Celebraion是个真实的社区。
ciien oeher. 可知, 艺术节的举办是为了促进人们的交流。
【解析】 根据文章redce rban prawl, he
nare area可知prawl的意思为:城市的扩张,入侵自然领地。
【解析】 根据文章第一段he ocial and environmenal
Do yo have any iin eqipmen yo no loner need? A
far norh of India cold p i o ood e.
In March we pblihed a phoo ory abo he eraordinary
in norhern India,which i c off from he oide
river.We alo inclded informaion abo he limied e of iin
reion and he recen creaion of he anar i chool:
“Depie he difficlie of ravellin hroh he
come,iin han’ radiionally been ed a a mean of ranpor by
local,larely becae ree don row here, o here
way of raw maerial from which o mae i.In 1995, a
cieni in he reion noiced he lac of i and one of
o e p he anar i chool in Padam.he chool provide
a mall fee and ren i o he local people. Amon he benefi ha
difficl o e o chool hroh he
offerin i or o ori in he fre.o far,more
people have received rainin,and local
borrow i.”
B wha we weren able o inclde in he aricle i ha
i alway on he loo o for old iin eqipmen—pariclarly
iable for children—and,
drawin o a cloe,here mih be a few of yo o here who have ome
eqipmen yod lie o ee o o a ood home.If ha he
e in och wih he chool via heir webie .anari chool.or.
63. Wha he prpoe in wriin he e?
A. o a people o ive away heir i o he chool
B. o arac more ori o he area
C. o appeal o more local o aend he chool
D. o raie money o develop hi area
64. he local people don e iin o o abo becae
A. i i aain he local com
B. ree are in he way of he iin roe
C. hey don have he wood o mae i
D. i i danero o o iin in hi reion
65. he anar i chool
A. ha donaed money o he local commniy
B. mae i eaier for he den o aend chool
C. provide pecial rainin o he ori
D. ha borrowed many i from Erope
66. Who wold be he mo helpfl o he chool now?
A. Local in anar reion.
B. den in he anar i chool.
C. People havin old iin eqipmen.
D. aveller enjoyin iin.
67. Wha can be he be ile for he e?
A. An eraordinary reion in India
B. A poplar por—iin
C. A ood mean of ranpor
D. A home for old i
While ome cieni overloo he eience of a ih ene for
a new reearch from Wahinon niveriy in
brain area ha clearly ac a an early warnin yem and help
or behavior o avoid danero iaion.
"Or brain are beer a picin p no obvio warnin
previoly hoh,"
pycholoy in he Feb. 18 ie of he jornal cience.
he findin offer eac cienific evidence for a
concep of he comple conrol procee ain
ACC, a brain area locaed near
alon he wall ha divide he lef and rih hemiphere(大脑半球).
"In he pa, we fond aciviy in he ACC when
difficl deciion, or afer hey mae a miae," Brown aid. "B
find ha hi brain area can acally learn o
mae a miae, even before a difficl deciion ha o be made. o he
appear o ac a an early warnin yem—— i learn o warn
when or behavior mih lead o a neaive ocome, o ha we can
carefl and avoid main a miae."
By providin a clearer picre of he coniive
which we elf monior and conrol or behavior, he dy
ep in effor o develop more effecive reamen for
I alo provide a new way of
ofen accompany menal illnee.
"Or rel e how
breadown in he early warnin yem, o ha he brain fail o
conrol inappropriae behavior ahead of ime," aid
hand, in hoe peron wih menal
pcomin problem even when no problem i in he eience."
nown o be an imporan par of he brain conrol yem, he ACC
believed o
emoional repone, ch a love, fear or epecaion.
68. Accordin o he paae, he ACC____________.
A. refer o he ih ene for
warnin iaion
C. connec he lef and rih hemiphere
D. end warnin
in advance
69. he new reearch i beneficial becae i ________ .
A. provide a new way of avoidin miae
B. adj emoional repone in ime of daner
C. help find beer reamen for menal illnee
D. ai people in predicin and avoidin daner
70. he new reearch help
nderand _________.[来源:.Com]
A. why we are liely o mae miae when he ACC i badly injred
B. why people wih menal illnee ally have o many rane behavior
C. how he ACC wor when omehin danero happen
D. how or brain warn
of failre in advance
【解析】 根据文章第三段he ACC ,a brain area locaed near he op of he ---
-可知它指的大脑中的一个区域,根据第四段i learn o warn
in advance
or behavior mih lead o a
第四部分:书面表达 (共两节,满分50分)
71.Wih den
oo mch homewor, ome edcaor
pblic o pay more aenion o heir phyical healh. (brden)
73.Alhoh my oriinal idea doen’ hin, i’
74.I wa becae he eperienced
.( reolve )
75.Only if
76.Obama won hi reelecion on November 7,2012,
hi dream.(live)
ell he rh, we will have faih in yo.(wear)
78.I failed my drivin e. If only I
he chance. (eie)
he bilder everal ime, he ined he conrac
80.Beide defeain China in rade, he
enred he mooh employmen of radae in hi peech, b more han
hi claim hen. (cepical)
71【答案】brdened wih
【考点定位】考查wih复合结构和brden 的用法。
72【答案】which can’ be o rond
【解析】 定语从句先行词为law,关系词为which ,在从句中做主语。
73【答案】no p o me
【解析】 由某人来决定,某人说了算,be p o b.
【考点定位】考查p o 的用法。
74【答案】ha he reolved o reire
+被强调部分+ha+句子其他。reolve动词,决定,reolve o do h 决定做某事
【考点定位】考查强调句和reolve 的用法。[来源:]
Opimim alway lead o happine, healh and cce while
conra, rel in hopelene,
opimi and peimi deal wih he ame challene
in very differen way.
One poible verion
Opimim i imporan in all apec of or life. If
mind from peimim, yo can chane yor life.
p o he beinnin of enior rade wo, I did poorly in my
didn’ ive in becae I wa alway encoraed by boh he people arond
and myelf. I ep pracicin
When I wa fed p wih readin or wriin, I ally enerained
readin ome
Enlih film. When I had ome roble in reciin or
o ame myelf by playin word ame or
mean, I alway made myelf cheerfl and opimiic, fll
colorfl dream of fre. I ep pracicin. radally, I made prore
my Enlih. ]
han o he opimim, I have become one of he op den
【解析】 本套题的作文题目是比较开放的话题作文,围绕一个词开展论述,在审题上
W: I’ll chec i o.
M: Well, I hin we’ve done enoh wor for oday. Wold yo lie o
he heare onih?
W: han yo, b I’m afraid I can’. I’m oo ired o o o onih.
M: I ee. Well, how abo he balle omorrow evenin?
W: ha’ a ood idea. I love balle, epecially wan Lae.
M: ood, yo can leave he arranemen o me. Now, I
invie yo o join
for a barbece a my home on arday evenin.
W: I’d love o come, b I have o aend
day. I will end very lae.
M: Well, never mind. Ne Friday i my
W: Of core, I’d be delihed.
M: ha’ ood.
M: Hi, Lara! Wha are yo doin here?
W: h, I’m ally here on weeend. I’ my dad’ hop. o yo are
for a bie?
M: Yeah. Now ha he weaher i warmin p,
eercie inead of ain he b all he ime.
W: Wha wold yo lie, my old friend?
M: Well, I don wan a racer or a orin bie
j e i o e me bac
and forh from wor
W: How far i ha?
M: Abo for mile wih ome hill on he way. B maybe I hold ell
ha I only have 150
dollar. Can I e anyhin ood for ha?
W: Well, we do have a few econdhand bie in he
condiion. Follow me and I’ll how yo.
M: han yo.
W: Did yo have a ood ime oday?
M: Oh, no. My job i arin o e me down. I
abo i any more.
W: I hoh yo lied worin in ha comper cenre.
M: I hoh i wa a ood job a a echnician. B or
me o ype he repor almo
worin a a ypi.
W: Yo old me yo wold al o him over lnch oday.[来源:]
M: No way. He aled o mch and I had no chance o al.
W: hen yo hold ry o al o yor manaer.
M: I don’ ee he manaer very ofen. He i alway on he road.
W: Well, here i no ene in j ayin here. Yo
anoher job. I’m re here are lo of job yo’d be ood a.
M: han. I’ll ee if I can find o abo oher job.
M: Evenin New Repor. A fire broe o in fla 1514 of am Ln
owloon Eae a abo hree o’cloc in he afernoon. I wa
abo hree hiry. A 50-year-old man wa moin inide he fla when
broe o. he fireman believed he
ciaree. he firemen fond he old man nconcio on he floor. A
livin in 1513 fel ic afer breahin in moe. hey
hopial. A yphoon i comin o Hon on. Weaher
ill be fine, b i will rn bad in he afernoon. yphoon inal
one may be ied onih. However, hi yphoon will no affec
mch. I will pa Hon on qicly.
One poible verion
Opimim i imporan in all apec of or life. If
mind from peimim, yo can chane yor life.
p o he beinnin of enior rade wo, I did poorly in my
didn’ ive in becae I wa alway encoraed by boh he people arond
and myelf. I ep pracicin
When I wa fed p wih readin or wriin, I ally enerained
readin ome
Enlih film. When I had ome roble in reciin or
o ame myelf by playin word ame or
mean, I alway made myelf cheerfl and opimiic, fll
colorfl dream of fre. I ep pracicin. radally, I made prore
my Enlih. . [来源:][来源:]
han o he opimim, I have become one of he op den


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