
以&My Favourte Season&为题写一篇小作文.
以&My Favourte Season&为题写一篇小作文.
以&My Favourte Season&为题写一篇小作文.
My favourite season is winter.It will snow in winter and I love snow.I can make a snowmanwith my best friends.I also can go skateing,its a nice sport.
my favourte season is summer. summer is hot, but it is interesting to swim in the swimming pool.in summer we can eat ice cream.people can wear dress,short in summer.how funny.以最喜欢的人为题目的英语作文_百度作业帮
  我的爷爷今年已经71岁了,他年逾古稀,两鬓斑白,但从不服老.你看他走起路来腰板直,脚步快,如果看他的背影,谁也想不到他是一个已过退休年龄的老人.  爷爷虽然上了年纪,但他还是很爱学习,每天都要把他的所见所闻记录下来,一写就是二、三篇,一百多页的大本子,他已经写了八九本.每天中午和下午时都能见到爷爷认真的学习,有时候奶奶叫他吃饭他都听不到.我感到很奇怪,便问爷爷:“您这么大年纪还用学习?”爷爷笑了笑摸着我的头说:“傻孩子,活到老,学到老,学到70还嫌少.”  爷爷还很爱运动,每天早晨六点多就起床,然后在阳台上做一阵健身操,有时还出去买菜,我对爷爷说:“您要注意身体呀!”爷爷却说:“没事儿,生命在于运动吗!”  爷爷还是一个充满爱心的人,我犯错误的时候,大家都不理我,只有爷爷还耐心的对我说:“这样做不对,以后要改正.”每次我和爷爷出门时,爷爷都要给我买一些好吃的,他一心希望我努力学习,长大成为一个有出息的人.  爷爷是一个热爱生活得人;是一个认真学习的人;是一个充满爱心的人.是我最敬佩的老人.  My grandfather is 71 years old this year, he is old, gray hair, but I never FuLao. You see he walks straight, moves fast, if you look at his back, no one think that he is a well past retirement age, the old man.  Grandpa although old, but he is still very love learning, everyday want to copy down what he saw, a writing is 2, 3, one hundred pages of unaccustomed strain, he has written nine times out of this. Every day at noon and afternoon when can see grandpa serious study, he couldn't hear sometimes grandma told him to eat. I feel very strange, then asked grandpa: "you so big age still use to learn?" Grandpa smiled to smile touched my head and said: "the silly child, never too old to learn, learn 70 also too few."  Grandpa also love sports very much, more than six o 'clock every morning get up, and then do a setting-up exercise on the balcony, sometimes go out to buy food, I am grandpa said: "you should pay attention to the body!" Grandpa said: "don't worry, life is movement!"  Grandpa is a man full of love, when I make mistakes, we all ignore me, only grandpa still patient said to me: "do not, later to correct them." When going out every time I and grandpa, grandpa bought me some delicious, he wanted me to study hard, grow up to become a have ambition.  My grandpa is I Is a man full of love. Is the old man I admire most.以“Me pen pal&为题写一篇英语作文(五十个单词以上)_百度作业帮
以“Me pen pal&为题写一篇英语作文(五十个单词以上)
以“Me pen pal&为题写一篇英语作文(五十个单词以上)
i have a new penpal. she`s 14 yeas old. she is from australia. she lives in toroto. she thinks china is a very interesting country. her birthday is in november frist. she can speak english and a little chinese. she has a brother paul and a sister sarah . she likes going to movies with her friends and playing sports. her favorite subject is music. she thinks it`s interesting. but she doesn`t like math. it`s too difficult! do you like her?


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