
那请问你怎么解释I have a favour to ask of them.这是一楼的列举中的例子。其实我问的是ask of,不是ask……of
demand of是迫切地需要某些东西,和ask for的程度不一样。demand比较emergency啦,就是差不多没有会死的那种,而ask只是一般程度上的请...
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display: 'inlay-fix'请教一个英语语法问题,谢谢I`ll come get you in five minutes.这句的的中文意思是:我五分钟后叫你进来.可是这句怎么可以两个动词连用呢?come 和get连用?不是一个句子中只能有一个谓语么?_百度作业帮
请教一个英语语法问题,谢谢I`ll come get you in five minutes.这句的的中文意思是:我五分钟后叫你进来.可是这句怎么可以两个动词连用呢?come 和get连用?不是一个句子中只能有一个谓语么?
这种句子是“听到”的口语交流语句.实际上说话人还用了一个 and,但由于声音太弱,听成了上面这个句子.原句是:I’ll come and get you in five minutes.此句中的 and 发音为 / ən /.
口语里有时候省略了toi'll come (to) get you in 5 minutes. 我在5分钟后过来接你。
是属于单纯的修饰关系还是独立主格结构, widespread human rights violations committed with impunity还有这个句子Obama Honored at UN Entrepreneurship Day Mughrabi says human rights deteriorated through three years of various governments empowering militias in an effort to bring them into the mainstream, but not being able to control them这里的being able to是属于伴随状语吗, not really concentrating on them这里的concentrating
her jewelry served as the perfect foil to her fine complexion这里的to her fine complexion是结果状语吗?、类似的She flipped through the pages of a magazine?according to Amnesty International老师请教几个问题Merits of Giving Ukraine Lethal Aid Debated这是个标题是? has condemned what he calls Russia’s “aggression” in Ukraine这里的宾语从句what在从句中怎么体现
according to Amnesty International1Merits of Giving Ukraine Lethal Aid Debated这是个标题, not really concentrating on them这里的concentrating 也可以看做是伴随状语4her jewelry served as the perfect foil to her fine complexion这里的to her fine complexion我认为是 介词短语作定语修饰the perfect foil 这不是完整的句子
served as。,可以看做过去分词Debated的独立主格结构2according to Amnesty International,各派政府为了让民兵组织并入主流。,是插入的状语3Obama Honored at UN Entrepreneurship Day独立主格结构4Mughrabi says human rights deteriorated through three years of various governments empowering militias in an effort to bring them into the mainstream。。可以看做过去分词短语作定语 ,但是却无法控制他们, but not being able to control them穆格拉比说,都在加大民兵的权力。, widespread human rights violations committed with impunity利比亚国内存在大规模不受惩罚的践踏人权行为widespread human rights violations committed with impunity可以看做独立主格结构 作状语修饰前面句子中的谓语。这里的but not being able to与前面的empowering。是并列关系可以看做是伴随状语类似的She flipped through the pages of a magazine,三年来
human rights deteriorated 可以改成was deteriorted把served as看成定语,那成了her jewelry to her fine complexion go with him to what he calls the underground treasure house next week 也是宾补?好像what等于the palce that
4human rights deteriorated 可以改成have beendeteriorted4是serve
her jewelry as
the perfect foil her fine complexion go with him to what he calls the underground treasure house next week 中what he calls the underground treasure house next week是宾语从句 是介词to的宾语what等于the palce that to what he calls the underground treasure house next week是介词短语 作状语
her jewelry as
the perfect foil her fine complexion这个还是有点不理解有这个句式吗?上面那个句子可以看成call sth sth那么下面这个例句也能看成call sth sth吗?感觉翻译别扭啊,是一回事吗?
serve 可以是不及物动词 也可以是及物动词 在serve sth as sth 句型中意思是使某物作为某物用如be served as
......The building being built will be served as our dining- hall.正在修建的这座房子将作我们的餐厅。=we will use the building being built as our dining- hall.Stonehenge is to be served as a compass, calendars and clocks and watches.巨石阵还可兼作指南针、日历和钟表。The Henshi X
structure can be served as predicate, complement, modifier andother
components in a sentence.“很是X”结构能够在句中充当谓语、补语、修饰语等多种句子成分上面那个句子可以看成call sth sth那么下面这个例句也能看成call sth sthwhat是从句中的宾补
我觉得what应该还是作宾语 he calls what Russia’s “aggression所声称的某种进攻。her jewelry served as the perfect 就是单纯的主动形式吧?珠宝充当某种衬托
例如 i know what he calls it.her jewelry serves as the perfect foil可以是主动形式
出门在外也不愁一个英语语法问题,请教网友帮忙指点解析谢谢Refrain from sharing even an innocent suggestion or thought without reinforcing that it's the final decision of the other leader.译者翻成:就算是出于好心,也绝不应提供任何_百度作业帮
一个英语语法问题,请教网友帮忙指点解析谢谢Refrain from sharing even an innocent suggestion or thought without reinforcing that it's the final decision of the other leader.译者翻成:就算是出于好心,也绝不应提供任何建议或想法.应该强调一点,最终决定权在另一位领导者的手中.这句隐藏什么语法吗?有什么语法省略吗?特别是这里的without和后面那句,怎么从语法上和翻译的句子联系起来
这是祈使句Refrain 是谓语from sharing even an innocent suggestion or thought without reinforcing是介词短语 作状语后面 是原因状语从句 其中 that 是从属连词 =because 引导原因状语从句 it's the final decision of the other leader句子字面意思 克制自己 不要 提出一个 无心的建议或没有考虑好的 想法,因为 最终决定权在另一位领导者的手中.根据语境 可以整理成 你的 译文
这句话实际上是缺少(或者说省略)主语的, 根据原文背景我们可以知道其主语应该是指每个co-leader, 意即: 每个合作领导者都应该尽量克制不要(对其它领导者所辖事务)提出哪怕最简单的建议和想法, 这种 “各自为政” 的潜规则已不用再次强调了。这句话语法可以说是没有问题的,既然没有主语,权且将它当成一个祈使句来对待,看作笔者对读者的忠告。另外也可将这句话看作是后面approach的同位...
* 开头为祈使句。* refrain 为谓语。* sharing 为动名词,作介词宾语。* thought 为谓语。* reinforcing 为动名词,作介词宾语。* that 开头为宾语从句* is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时。* that 为指示代词。the 为定冠词。an 为不定冠词。
我在做雅思听力过程中遇到了这样两个选项:B already quite fitC already very fit请问 quite 和 very 这两个词都表示程度,到底在语意上有什么区别呢?
剑七T3Section2是吗?听力原文中可清晰听到extremely fit,而very的程度比quite更甚。


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