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>>>America’s Beauty Is in Its Diversity America is built on th..
America’s Beauty Is in Its Diversity America is built on the idea of freedom, and there is no exception for Muslim women. I ______the freedom of religion and speech. But mostly, I believe it’s OK to be______, and to stand up for who and what you are. So I believe in wearing the hijab. The hijab is a religious head covering, like a scarf. I am Muslim, and keeping my head covered is a ______ of maturity(成熟) and respect toward my ______and to Allah’s will. ______, I also like to wear it to be different. I don’t usually like to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be a(n) ______, not just part of the crowd. But when I first wore it, I was also afraid of the______ that I’d get at school. I ______ on my own that sixth grade was the______ I should start wearing the hijab. I was ______ about what the kids would say or even do to me. I thought they might make fun of me, or ____ be scared of me and ______ my headscarf. Kids at that age usually like to be all the same, and there’s little or no ______of differences. On the first day of school, I put all those ______ thoughts behind my back and walked in with my head held high. I was holding my breath a little, but ______ I was also proud to be a Muslim, proud to be wearing the hijab, proud to be different. I was______ about everything I thought the kids would say or even do to me. I actually met a lot of people because of wearing my head covering. Most of the kids would come and ask me questions--______--about the hijab and why I wore it. I did hear some kids were making fun of me, ______there was one girl-- she wasn’t even in my class, and we never really talked much-- and she spoke______ me, and I wasn’t even there! I made a lot of new friends that year, friends that I still have until this very day, five years later. Yes, I’m different, but everyone is different here, in one way or another. This is the______of America.小题1:A.believe inB.stick toC.carry outD.push for小题2:A.dependentB.freeC.sensitiveD.different小题3:A.signalB.signC.reminderD.cause小题4:A.religionB.countryC.parentsD.status小题5:A.In a wordB.In generalC.To be exactD.To be honest小题6:A.princessB.heroineC.individualD.adult小题7:A.praiseB.punishmentC.reactionD.reflection小题8:A.hopedB.expectedC.realizedD.decided小题9:A.timeB.chanceC.caseD.occasion小题10:A.disappointedB.scaredC.enthusiasticD.angry小题11:A.stillB.alreadyC.evenD.ever小题 offB.pull offC.pick upD.put up小题13:A.rejectionB.ignoranceC.awarenessD.acceptance小题14:A.negativeB.optimisticC.seriousD.strange小题15:A.oftenB.insideC.onlyD.outside小题16:A.concernedB.particularC.wrongD.convinced小题17:A.respectfullyB.cautiouslyC.suspiciouslyD.critically小题18:A.andB.soC.butD.or小题 terms front charge favor of小题20:A.significanceB.beautyC.valueD.power
小题1:A小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A小题5:D小题6:C小题7:C小题8:D小题9:A小题10:B小题11:C小题12:B小题13:D小题14:A小题15:B小题16:C小题17:A小题18:C小题19:D小题20:B试题分析:文章讲述了一个信仰伊斯兰教的女孩,起初,戴头巾时,作者担心学校的孩子会捉弄她。结果正相反,大多数孩子都很尊敬作者,作者也交到了很多朋友。每个人都是不一样的,这正是美国的包容之“美”。小题1:考查短语辨析。A相信,信任;B坚持;C实施;D强烈要求,奋争。根据第一段最后“So I believe in wearing the hijab.”可知,作者相信宗教和言论自由,故选A。小题2:考查形容词辨析。A依靠的;B自由的,免费的;C敏感的;D不同的。根据“to stand up for who and what you are”可知,作者坚持认为,每个人应该做真实的自己,故选D。小题3:考查名词辨析。A信号;B迹象,符号,手势,标牌;C提示;D原因,事业。keeping my head covered is a&&&&of maturity裹头巾是成熟的征兆,故选B。小题4:考查名词辨析。A宗教;B国家;C父母;D地位,身份。根据“Allah’s will”可知,裹头巾是对作者信仰的伊斯兰教和阿拉意志的尊敬,故选A。小题5:考查介词短语。A总之;B大体上;C确切地说;D说实话。I also like to wear it to be different.说实话,我也喜欢把头巾扎出不同的风格,故选D。小题6:考查名词辨析。A公主;B女主角;C个人;D成年人。根据“not just part of the crowd.”可知,作者想做自己,不想成为和别人一样的人,故选C。小题7:考查名词辨析。A表扬;B惩罚;C反应;D反射,反映,深思。But when I first wore it, I was also afraid of the&&&&&that I’d get at school.当第一次戴头巾时,作者也担心学校学生的反应,故选C。小题8:考查动词辨析。A希望;B期望;C意识到;D决定。I&&&&on my own that sixth grade was...作者独自决定六年级是......,故选D。小题9:考查名词辨析。A时间;B机会;C情况,案例;D机会,场合。sixth grade was the&&&&&I should start wearing the hijab六年级是开始戴头巾的时候,故选A。小题10:考查形容词辨析。A失望的;B害怕的;C热情的;D生气的。I was&&&&&about what the kids would say or even do to me.作者害怕孩子们会对她做出怎样的评论或做什么事情,故选B。小题11:考查副词辨析。A仍然,然而;B已经;C甚至;D曾经。or&&&&&be scared of me或者甚至害怕我,这里表示更深层次的担心,故选C。小题12:考查动词短语。A炫耀;B做完,停靠;C捡起,车接,学会;D张贴,举起,进行,住宿。and&&&&&my headscarf害怕作者的同时,会把作者的头巾扯掉,故选B。小题13:考查名词辨析。A拒绝;B忽视;C意识;D接受。Kids at that age usually like to be all the same, and there’s little or no&&&&of differences.那个年纪的孩子喜欢求同,不接受一点的与众不同,故选D。小题14:考查形容词辨析。A消极的;B积极的;C严重的,认真的;D奇怪的。I put all those&&&&&&thoughts behind my back作者把这些消极的想法抛到脑后,根据上一段可知,作者担心的都是一些不好的情况,故选A。小题15:考查副词辨析。A经常;B在里面;C只有;D在外面。I was holding my breath a little, but&&&&&I was also proud to be a Muslim,作者屏住呼吸,但内心里还是为穆斯林感到骄傲,故选B。小题16:考查形容词辨析。A关心的;B特别的,挑剔的;C错误的;D确信的。I was&&&&&&about everything I thought the kids would say or even do to me.作者之前担心同学会捉弄她的想法完全是错误的,故选C。小题17:考查副词辨析。A尊敬地;B谨慎地;C怀疑地;D批评地。ask me questions —&&&&&— about the hijab and why I wore it.大多数孩子都会尊敬地问作者一些问题,故选A。小题18:考查并列连词。A和;B所以;C但是;D或者。I did hear some kids were making fun of me,&&&&&&&there was one girl确实有一些孩子在捉弄作者,但是一个陌生的女孩除外,故选C。小题19:考查介词短语。A就......而言;B在......前面;C掌管;D支持。根据I made a lot of new friends that year,可知,这个女孩子很支持作者,她们成了好朋友,故选D。小题20:考查名词辨析。A重要性;B美;C价值;D能量,权力。根据标题“America’s Beauty Is in Its Diversity”可知,这就是美国之美,故选B。
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“America’s Beauty Is in Its Diversity America is built on th..”主要考查你对&&日常生活类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
日常生活这一话题主要涉及人们衣食住行等方面的活动。这一话题的选材主要针对人们日常的工作,生活以及学习情况。做这一类题时,最主要的是要把握好人物的活动内容,时间和地点。 日常生活类阅读题答题技巧:
【题型说明】该类文章内容涉及到人们的言谈举止、生活习惯、饮食起居、服饰仪表、恋爱婚姻、消遣娱乐、节日起源、家庭生活等。文章篇幅短小,追根溯源,探索各项风俗的历史渊源,内容有趣。命题也以送分题为主,如事实细节题、语义转换题、词义猜测题和简单推理判断题等。虽然这类文章读起来感觉轻松,试题做起来比较顺手,但绝不能掉以轻心。因为稍不留神,就会丢分。   【备考提醒】为了保证较高准确率,建议同学们做好以下几点:   1、保持正常的考试心态。笔者在教学中发现,越是容易的试题,同学们越是容易失分。为什么呢?因为在这种情况下,同学们极易产生麻痹思想,认为题目好做,就不引起高度重视,于是思维不发散、不周密。而命题人就是利用同学们的这一弱点,设计陷阱题。所以,无论试题难易与否,我们都要保持正常的考试心态。试题容易,不欣喜;试题难,不悲观。   2、根据前面讲到的方法,认认真真、细细心心做好事实细节题。   3、做好语义转换题。这类题是根据英语中一词多义和某些词语在文中能表达一定的修辞意义的原则而设计的。要求同学们解释某生词的含义,确定多义词或短语在文中的意思,确认文中的某个代词所指代的对象,或者对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语进行解释。这种题要求同学们一定要根据上下文猜测词义或理解句子,切不可望文生义。   4、做好简单推理判断题。简单推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。
与“America’s Beauty Is in Its Diversity America is built on th..”考查相似的试题有:
&select id="queryStudentByNum"
select num,name,phone from student&
&if test = " num!=null and num!=''
AND num = #{num}
Mybatis查询传入一个字符串传参数,报There is no getter for property named 'num'
in 'class java.lang.String'。
Mybatis查询传入一个字符串传参数,报There is no getter for property named 'num'
in 'class java.lang.String'。
&select id="queryStudentByNum"
select num,name,phone from student&
&if test = "_parameter!=null and _parameter!='' "&
AND num = #{_parameter}
List methodName(@Param(value="num") String num)的方法说明参数值
The National Outline for Medium and Long Term Education Reform and Development (2010 - 20) was released over the weekend. Here are some of the highlights:
Four – percent effort
The government says spending on education will be 4 percent of GDP by 2012. globally, average spending on education is about 4.5% of GDP. China spend 3,33% in 2008. according to Hu Angang, of Tsinghua University’s Center for China Studies, even if China reaches that goal, it will only rank about 100 th out of 188 countries.
Administrative rank
Administrative rankings for school leaders are to be phased out to tackle the bureaucracy (官僚机构) problem that limits educational development, according to Cheng Fangping, of the national Institute for Educational Research. Areas like teaching programs, scientific research, and technological development will be more independent.
Vocational Education
The system will be free of charge. According to Wu Yan, of Beijing Institute of Educational Sciences, this will be key to developing China’s production capacity and will improve poor people’s lives dramatically.
Entering college
&&& Universities could eventually have the freedom to choose some of their own high school applicants. Normally, students are accepted based on the uniform national exam scores. Also, students who agree to go to a remote area could be admitted to university under special circumstances. The most likely change could come on the college entrance English test, which might be modeled on the IELTS or TOEFL. Students will be able to take it several times and pick their best score.
56.Which of the following is true in the future according to the passage?
&&&&& A.Applicants could take the IELTS or TOEFL instead of the college entrance English test.
&&&&&& B.Colleges will be given the right to choose all of their own applicants.
&&&&&& C.Vocational education will be party free to make people’s lives better.
&&&&&& D.Applicants could sit for the college entrance English test more than once.
57.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “uniform” in the last paragraph?
&&&&&& A.formal&&&&& B.official&&&& C.same D.united
58.We can learn from the passage even though our country spends 4% of GDP on education in 2012,&&&&&&&&& .
&&&&&& A.there will still be 188 countries ahead of China in this aspect
&&&&&& B.China will certainly overtake the global average spending on education
&&&&&& C.there might be nearly 100 countries ahead of China in this aspect
&&&&&& D.China will be the 100 th country to spend over the global average on education
59.From the third paragraph, we can infer that&&&&&&&& .
&&&&& leaders will have more freedom to manage the school
&&&&&& B.schools will have more limits from the government
&&&&&& C.School administrative rankings are to be strengthened to solve the bureaucracy problem
&&&&&& D.schools and research centers will be fully independent from the government
The National Outline for Medium and Long Term Education Reform and Development (2010 - 20) was released over the weekend. Here are some of the highlights:
Four – percent effort
The government says spending on education will be 4 percent of GDP by 2012. globally, average spending on education is about 4.5% of GDP. China spend 3,33% in 2008. according to Hu Angang, of Tsinghua University’s Center for China Studies, even if China reaches that goal, it will only rank about 100 th out of 188 countries.
Administrative rank
Administrative rankings for school leaders are to be phased out to tackle the bureaucracy (官僚机构) problem that limits educational development, according to Cheng Fangping, of the national Institute for Educational Research. Areas like teaching programs, scientific research, and technological development will be more independent.
Vocational Education
The system will be free of charge. According to Wu Yan, of Beijing Institute of Educational Sciences, this will be key to developing China’s production capacity and will improve poor people’s lives dramatically.
Entering college
&&& Universities could eventually have the freedom to choose some of their own high school applicants. Normally, students are accepted based on the uniform national exam scores. Also, students who agree to go to a remote area could be admitted to university under special circumstances. The most likely change could come on the college entrance English test, which might be modeled on the IELTS or TOEFL. Students will be able to take it several times and pick their best score.
56.Which of the following is true in the future according to the passage?
&&&&& A.Applicants could take the IELTS or TOEFL instead of the college entrance English test.
&&&&&& B.Colleges will be given the right to choose all of their own applicants.
&&&&&& C.Vocational education will be party free to make people’s lives better.
&&&&&& D.Applicants could sit for the college entrance English test more than once.
57.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “uniform” in the last paragraph?
&&&&&& A.formal&&&&& B.official&&&& C.same D.united
58.We can learn from the passage even though our country spends 4% of GDP on education in 2012,&&&&&&&&& .
&&&&&& A.there will still be 188 countries ahead of China in this aspect
&&&&&& B.China will certainly overtake the global average spending on education
&&&&&& C.there might be nearly 100 countries ahead of China in this aspect
&&&&&& D.China will be the 100 th country to spend over the global average on education
59.From the third paragraph, we can infer that&&&&&&&& .
&&&&& leaders will have more freedom to manage the school
&&&&&& B.schools will have more limits from the government
&&&&&& C.School administrative rankings are to be strengthened to solve the bureaucracy problem
&&&&&& D.schools and research centers will be fully independent from the government
In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the middle of complete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, &&36& &that the building was &&37 &.
After the unforeseeable shock, he &&38& &the promise he had made to his son: “No matter &&39& , I’ll always be there for you!” And tears began to &&40& &his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins , it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his &&41 &to his son. He rushed there and started &&42& &through the ruins.
As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, &&43& : “It’s too late! They’re all dead!
& 44& , face the reality, there’s nothing you can do!” To each parent he responded with &&45& : “Are you going to help me now?” No one helped. And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.
Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know &&46& : “Is my boy &&47& &or is he dead?” He dug for 8 hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in &&48& hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son’s &&49& . He creamed his son’s name, “ARMAND!” He heard back, “Dad! It’s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you’d &&50& me and &&51& you saved me, they’d he saved. You promised, ‘No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you!’ You did it, Dad!”
“What’s going on in there?” the father asked.
“There are 14 of us &&52& &&&53& &33, Dad. We’re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you’re here.& When the building collapsed, it made &&54& , and it saved us.”
“Come, out, boy!”
“No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, &&55& &I know you’ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you’ll always be there for me!”
A.only discovering&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& B.only to discover&&&&&&
&&&&&& &&&& C.only realizing&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.only to realize flat as a pancake&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& high as a mountain
&&&&&& &&&& strong as an ox&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& weak as a kitten
A.memorized&&& B.forgot&&&&&& &&&&&&& C.kept&&&&& &&&&& D.remembered
A.what&&& &&&&& B.what happen&& &&&&& C.which&&&&&& &&& D.who
A.fill&&&& &&&&&& B.fill in&&&&&&&& &&&&& C.come &&&&& &&&&D.burst
A.picture& &&&&& B.promise&&&&&& &&&&& C.present&&&& &&& D.encourage
A.digging &&&&&& B.digging through&&&&&& C.digging out&&&&& D.digging into say&& &&&&& B.said&&&&&&&&& &&&&& C.and saying& &&& D.saying
A.Come out&&&&& B.Come again&&&&& &&& C.Come on&& &&& D.Come off word&&&&& sound &&&&&&& row&&& &&& line
A.for himself&&& B.of himself&&&& &&&&& himself& &&& himself &&&&&&& &&&&&& C.alive&&&& &&&&&& D.lively
A.38&&&&& &&&&& B.the 38&&&&&& &&&&&&& C.38 th &&&&&&& D.the 38 th
A.sound&& &&&&& B.voice&&&&&&&& &&&&& C.noise&&&& &&&&& D.tone
A.will save&&&&&& B.would save&&&&&& &&& &&&&& D.would have saved
A.when& &&&&&&& B.because&&&& &&&&&&& C.even if&&& &&&&& D.thought
A.remained&&&&&& B.missing&&&&&& &&&&& C.left&&& &&&&&&& D.gone
A.for&&&& &&&&&& B.behind&&&&&&& &&&&& C.out of&&&&&& &&& D.over
A.a promise&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& &&& D.a triangle
A.because &&&&&& B.though&&&&&&& &&&&& C.when& &&&&&&&& D.even though
第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The National Outline for Medium and Long Term Education Reform and Development (2010 - 20) was released over the weekend. Here are some of the highlights:Four – percent effortThe government says spending on education will be 4 percent of GDP by 2012. globally, average spending on education is about 4.5% of GDP. China spend 3,33% in 2008. according to Hu Angang, of Tsinghua University’s Center for China Studies, even if China reaches that goal, it will only rank about 100 th out of 188 countries.Administrative rankAdministrative rankings for school leaders are to be phased out to tackle the bureaucracy (官僚机构) problem that limits educational development, according to Cheng Fangping, of the national Institute for Educational Research. Areas like teaching programs, scientific research, and technological development will be more independent.Vocational EducationThe system will be free of charge. According to Wu Yan, of Beijing Institute of Educational Sciences, this will be key to developing China’s production capacity and will improve poor people’s lives dramatically.Entering college Universities could eventually have the freedom to choose some of their own high school applicants. Normally, students are accepted based on the uniform national exam scores. Also, students who agree to go to a remote area could be admitted to university under special circumstances. The most likely change could come on the college entrance English test, which might be modeled on the IELTS or TOEFL. Students will be able to take it several times and pick their best score.56.Which of the following is true in the future according to the passage? A.Applicants could take the IELTS or TOEFL instead of the college entrance English test. B.Colleges will be given the right to choose all of their own applicants. C.Vocational education will be party free to make people’s lives better. D.Applicants could sit for the college entrance English test more than once.57.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “uniform” in the last paragraph? A.formal&&&&& B.official&&&& C.same D.united58.We can learn from the passage even though our country spends 4% of GDP on education in 2012, ________. A.there will still be 188 countries ahead of China in this aspect B.China will certainly overtake the global average spending on education C.there might be nearly 100 countries ahead of China in this aspect D.China will be the 100 th country to spend over the global average on education59.From the third paragraph, we can infer that________. leaders will have more freedom to manage the school B.schools will have more limits from the government C.School administrative rankings are to be strengthened to solve the bureaucracy problem D.schools and research centers will be fully independent from the government
To tweet, or not to tweet?
A guide to the social networking/ microblogging service Tewitter
SINCE its creation in 2006, Twitter, the social networking service, has taken cyber space by storm. At first glance it might seem like Facebook, but Twitter is in a league of its own, connecting people with fast-paced updates. It has become a place for activities, celebrities, businesses and everyday people to let others know about videos, opinions, interesting news, advertisements-and, yes what they are eating for lunch.
The phenomenon includes a host of new vocabulary terms and concepts that every self-respecting Twitter-er should know. Here’s a quick course on Twitter.
&&&&&& So you’ve finally been swept up by the techno-tide and gotten a Twitter account. But what to write? Who knew 140 characters could be so overwhelming?
Darren Rowse of the TwiTip blog() recommends a two- step tweeting process: figure out what your follows want, and then give it to them. Some combination of cool links, conversation- starting quotes or questions , retweets and photos works well, Rowse writes.
Keep in mind that Twitter doesn’t directly offer photo hosting. You will need to use a third-party site like TwitPic () to upload your photos. Other sites, like TwitVid (/beta) can be used to post videos.
If you th ink the Twitter Web Site too complicated, try a Twiiter client—Tweetdeck(tweetdeck. Com/beta) and the Mac-only Tweetie(www. stebits. com)are popular, and both also are available as iPhone apps(应用程序).
Even without an iphone, you can update you Twitter on the go. After adding your phone number to your Twitter account, you can text updates to 40404(check Twitter’s Web site for numbers to use outside the United States)
But no matter how you tweet, remember that people can see what you post, and Twitter might not be the best place to complain about your boss, even if you make your Twitter private, your followers may not share your sense of discretion.
&&&&&& Twitter is crowded with celebrith accounts. The famous , who once avoided the media in their private lives, are posting everything on Twitter for all the cyber world to see, gathering followers in the millions. Who’s leading the celebrity pack? TwitterCounter(), a site that tracks the most popular Twitter users, lists Ashton Kuntcher and former fashion model, as the nost popular Twitter-er with, as of our publication date, 2,691,112 followers.
Title: To tweet, or not to tweet?
Introductionto Twitter
(71)&&&& in 2006,
twitter, the soclal networking service, has enjoyed(72)&&&
among the cyber world.
Basic Twitter(73)&&&&
(74)&&&& to tweet
your tweets
●Follow a two-step tweeting process,
according to the (75)&&& of Darren Rowse.
●Use a third-party site to upload your
photos and post videos.
●Try Twitter clients to help you
(76)&& Twitter, among which the Tweet-deck and the Mac-only Tweetie
are well (77)&&& .
●Add your phone number to your Twitter
account if you don’t have an iPhone.
●Be(78)&& of what you post even
if your twitter is made private
Celebrity twitter-ers
Celebrties now are (79)&&&
about tweeting, among whom Ashton Kutcher is the most popular,
(80)&&& by the largest number of twitter users.


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