Howwe can get it oni get a Mat...

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Link errors with opencv2.framework (undefined ref to cv::_InputArray::getUMatVector / getMatVector) with XCode 5 / iOS (Bug #3642)
Target version:-
Affected version:branch 'master' (3.0-dev)
Operating System:iOS
HW Platform:ARM
Pull request:
When linking opencv2.framework with my application I encounter:
Ld /Users/ehren/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Redacted-gubfytvxsjzqfqazulqxsfkvmnar/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ normal armv7
cd /Users/ehren/Documents/trunk/Redacted
setenv PATH "/Applications/"
/Applications/ -arch armv7 -isysroot /Applications/ -L/Users/ehren/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Redacted-gubfytvxsjzqfqazulqxsfkvmnar/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos -F/Users/ehren/Documents/trunk/Redacted/../Libraries/Image -F/Users/ehren/Documents/trunk/Libraries/Image -filelist /Users/ehren/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Redacted-gubfytvxsjzqfqazulqxsfkvmnar/Build/Intermediates/ -dead_strip -lc++ -fobjc-arc -fobjc-link-runtime -miphoneos-version-min=5.1 -framework opencv2 -framework AudioToolbox -framework MediaPlayer -framework AVFoundation -framework CoreGraphics -framework MobileCoreServices -framework SystemConfiguration -framework CFNetwork -framework ExternalAccessory -framework Security -framework UIKit -framework Foundation -framework CoreVideo -liconv -framework CoreMedia -framework QuartzCore -framework MessageUI -lc++ -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreText -framework Accelerate -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/ehren/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Redacted-gubfytvxsjzqfqazulqxsfkvmnar/Build/Intermediates/ -o /Users/ehren/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Redacted-gubfytvxsjzqfqazulqxsfkvmnar/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"cv::_InputArray::getMatVector(std::vector&cv::Mat, std::allocator&cv::Mat& >&) const", referenced from:
vtable for cv::_InputOutputArray in Redacted.o
"cv::_InputArray::getUMatVector(std::vector&cv::UMat, std::allocator&cv::UMat& >&) const", referenced from:
vtable for cv::_InputOutputArray in Redacted.old: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
This occurs when building the 3.0-ocl-tp2 tag as well as well as currentmaster (f104d5be8cf54d11b0fcfaf4c891a). I am currently able to linkthe 2.4.8 release framework without issue.
(note: this shouldn't be relevant but I did have to apply the workaround fromin order to build opencv2.framework)
Updated by
Here is the error with the mangled names:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"__ZN2cv10erGroupingERKNS_11_InputArrayERSt6vectorIS3_INS_6ERStatESaIS4_EESaIS6_EERKSsfRS3_INS_5Rect_IiEESaISD_EE", referenced from:
_Z15processRedactedRN2cv3MatE in Redacted.o
"_ZNK2cv11_InputArray12getMatVectorERSt6vectorINS_3MatESaIS2_EE", referenced from:
_ZTVN2cv17_InputOutputArrayE in Redacted.o
__ZTVN2cv17_InputOutputArrayE in Redacted.o
"_ZNK2cv11_InputArray13getUMatVectorERSt6vectorINS_4UMatESaIS2_EE", referenced from:
__ZTVN2cv17_InputOutputArrayE in Redacted.o
__ZTVN2cv17_InputOutputArrayE in Redacted.old: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
grepping the opencv2 static lib I can confirm that __ZN2cv10erGroupingERKNS_11_InputArrayERSt6vectorIS3_INS_6ERStatESaIS4_EESaIS6_EERKSsfRS3_INS_5Rect_IiEESaISD_EE is nowhere to be found.
In addition, I modified the cmake files to export every symbol by removing -fvisibility-inlines-hidden and changing -fvisibility=hidden to -fvisibility=default. This did not work unfortunately.
Updated by
I'll give a look in these days, but i can't assign the bug to myself, maybe because it's open in master branch.send me an example xcode project ( i'm using latest xcode, 5.1 ), and i'll try and see what is the problem
Updated by
Thanks Alessandro.
I will put together an XCode project (note: I'm still on 5.0.2 but shouldn't be an issue).
One other data point however. This seems to come down to non-trivial use of std:vector !
for example this links fine:
void foo(Mat image) {
vector&vector&Point& >
cout << contours.size();
Canny(image, image, 10, 20, 3);
//findContours(image, contours, RETR_LIST, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);}
If you uncomment the call to findContours above you get:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"cv::_InputArray::getMatVector(std::vector&cv::Mat, std::allocator&cv::Mat& >&#38;) const", referenced from:
vtable for cv::_InputOutputArray in Redacted.o
"cv::_InputArray::getUMatVector(std::vector&cv::UMat, std::allocator&cv::UMat& >&#38;) const", referenced from:
vtable for cv::_InputOutputArray in Redacted.old: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
Updated by can link against several versions of stl, with little differences, maybe you are using the wrong one ( i'll check in your project );while xcode 5.1 has some additional issues that i'm fixing with another ticket ( but it's working now on my laptop, and i will submit PR asap )
Updated by
:/ Initially, it appears the above testcase isn't an issue with a minimal project. Once I can sort out the issue with my own project I will post more details and (hopefully) cancel this ticket.
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I resolved this by deleting all frameworks from all targets in my proect and re-adding. Excuse the noise but thanks for your help Alessandro.Status changed from New to Cancelled
Updated by
Maybe was related to framework order in your xcode project, then.
Updated by
I have just started using OpenCV2 as a framework for iOS development since last week (although I have been using OpenCV libraries for about a year). I have encountered this very error regarding undefined symbols of getMatVector and getMatUVector:
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:"cv::_InputArray::getMatVector(std::vector&cv::Mat, std::allocator&cv::Mat& >&#38;) const", referenced from:vtable for cv::_InputOutputArray in openCVUtils.o"cv::_InputArray::getUMatVector(std::vector&cv::UMat, std::allocator&cv::UMat& >&#38;) const", referenced from:vtable for cv::_InputOutputArray in openCVUtils.old: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I am building OpenCV2 framework based on the tutorial given on the documentation
on OS X Mavericks 10.9 and my deployment target is iOS 6.1. My experience with the installation went smoothly without the workaround mentioned above. Furthermore, I tried creating a separating, smaller iOS Xcode project that used the same portion of OpenCV code (K-means Clustering, specifically), and I was able to compile and run the project without issues. On the other hand, my bigger iOS project ran into these undefined symbols error. Commenting out the same portion of code did not produce the error.
I also tried deleting all frameworks and re-adding them, but did not work. Any help is really appreciated. Thank you!Status changed from Cancelled to Open
Updated by
Cancelled again since I found a way to resolve this issue, and it does not really have to do with OpenCV2 framework itself. However, I would like to share what I found that helps me resolve it, and you can find it .Status changed from Open to Cancelled
Also available in:i have a mat file like this
now i need make it like this
how can i do this ? (use command )
210237 articles.
is leader.
&xiao & && wrote in message &hahh96$7ct$1@&...
& i have a mat file like this
& now i need make it like this
& how can i do this ? (use command )
Your terminology confuses me. What is &a mat file like this& exactly, and what are a b and c?
Anyways, what have you done so far and where do you get stuck?
Similar Artilces:
Refering to my question above, i have an ecg data in .mat file. The .mat file contains 5 different data. How do i load 1 of 5 data in a time. Is it possible to load 2 data in a time?
Once you load a mat file, all 5 types of data get loaded. Therefore, your question is not very clear.
On Mar 16, 11:38=A0pm, &heng guo lian& &amiable_...@& wrote:
& Refering to my question above, i have an ecg data in .mat file. The .mat =
file contains 5 different data. How do i load 1 of 5 data in a time. Is it =
possible to load 2 data in a time?
& Regards.
Did you read the help on load()?
&S =3D load(filename, variables) loads the specified variables&
so you&#39;d do something like (untested)
storedStructure =3D load(matFullFileName, &#39;yourEcgSignal&#39;,
&#39;yourIntegerVariable&#39;, &#39;v1&#39;, v2&#39;, &#39;v3&#39;);
If you want separate variables instead of members of a single
structure, you&#39;d do:
yourEcgSignal =3D storedStructure.yourEcgS
...Hi all,
I am reading many data files and hope to save the structured data from those files to a mat file. I did as follow:
%Making file list
fileList = getAllFiles( &#39;*.txt&#39;);
[n, m] = size(fileList);
for jj=1:n processing until I got an structure datpr (591 x 1 struct) for
%the first file for example, then I save as:
save(&#39;newstruct.mat&#39;, &#39;datpr&#39; &#39;append&#39;);
Problem, I got only datpr for the last file and those of previous files are deleted.
How to save the data to an existing mat file without deleting the existing data ?
Thanks for help
On Thursday, April 12, :28 PM UTC+12, edward kabanyas wrote:
& I am reading many data files and hope to save the structured data from those files to a mat file. I did as follow:
&close all
& %Making file list
& fileList = getAllFiles( &#39;*.txt&#39;);
& [n, m] = size(fileList);
& for jj=1:n processing until I got an structure datpr (591 x 1 struct) for
%the first file for example, then I save as:
save(&#39;newstruct.mat&#39;, &#39;datpr&#39; &#39;append&#39;);
& Problem, I got only datpr for the last file and those of previous files are deleted.
& How to save the data to an existing mat file without deleting the existing data ?
& Than...I can not save an excel file generated by report generation toolkit in
LV becaues it is a read-only file. How can I generate a un-read-only
Is my question clear enough?
What I want to do are:
1. create or open a file in LV (use Open/create/replace,
generate a new report, write data to the report, save report to file
before dispose it.
2. use subvi to enter file&#39;s path and name, don&#39;t use labview&#39;s file
dialog box or Excel&#39;s menu because we are using touch screen and they
are not big enough for fingers.
What I encountered are:
got error message after Save Report to function, which is
&Error - occurred at Exception occured in Microsoft Office
Excel, Cannot access read-only document &#39;file name&#39;.. Help Path is
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\1033\xlmain11.chm and
context 0 in Report to
This error code is undefined. No one has provided a description for
this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code
to the error code input.&
2.Excel open and I can see the data was written in it, after a few
seconds later , got message from Excel which is &File Now available.
&#39;file name&#39; now available for editing, please select read/write for
editing.& something like that.
3. the data is written to Excel, but not saved before dispose report.
so when reopen that file from excel, it is empty.
Does anyone know how to figure it ou...Hi,
I have a problem with .mat files. I get some data in mat format and can not open it in windows with matlab 2011b, but succeed by using matlab 2010a on a linux server. Does matlab use different mat format on linux and windows? Is there any function to get in which matlab version and in which OS an .mat file is saved?
Thanks a lot
...Hi all,
I&#39;m having trouble saving a MATLAB file. After running my code, all of the following save attempts fail with the same error:
&& save([&#39;Out/love.mat&#39;],&#39;C&#39;)
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
&& save([&#39;love.mat&#39;],&#39;C&#39;)
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
&& save([&#39;whymatlab.mat&#39;],&#39;C&#39;)
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
&& save([&#39;whymatlab&#39;],&#39;C&#39;)
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
I&#39;ve included multiple attempts and the variable to show that it&#39;s not, e.g., that the folder &Out& does not exist.
It&#39;s not my computer, either, since
&& C = 16;
&& save([&#39;whymatlab&#39;],&#39;C&#39;)
works fine.
For what it&#39;s worth, the relevant line in the code gets the orange flag: &the operation or expression &Indexing& has no evident effect&
I&#39;ll include any code as per request, but I really have no idea what&#39;s relevant.
Thanks for all the help!
Found the error. No further help required. Thank you.
I ve made a VI in which I can show time domain graphs and FFT
measurements. The FFT measurements include some amount of averaging.
When I save this measurement and open it in another VI, I can&#39;t make
the averages. How to solve this problem?
...Thanx for the reply.I&#39;ve used the command &load ottff& in the program.However it says that the file is not found.This is the program i&#39;ve downloaded from the url
On 1 Mar, 08:49, &chigurupati & & wrote:
& Thanx for the reply.I&#39;ve used the command &load ottff& in the program.However it says that the file is not found.This is the program i&#39;ve downloaded from the url
There is a problem with the file. I get a &Can&#39;t read file&
type of error when I try to load it.
If the file was written from a Solaris system in 1997, all kinds
of problems regarding binary formatting, particularly endian-ness,
could be the cause. On the other hand, I can&#39;t remember having
had any problems porting .mat files between platforms in those days?
Could it be that recent versions of LOAD no longer support
arbitrary endian-ness .mat formats?
You could check this by trying to load with an old (v5.x or v6.x)
version of matlab, if you have one.
thanx for ur reply.
sir can u suggest us any links for similar kind of programs(digit recognition through speech processing using danauchies wavelets)
Rune Allnor & wrote in message &d438f8e2-0c4...Hello, I&#39;m having a problem with matlab and crontab. This is the first time I use crontab and I&#39;ve been able to make it run matlab, but I can&#39;t make it save the files that the m script generates.
I&#39;ve also done this using the comand line and it works fine and the files are generated well, but in crontab it doesn&#39;t.... Any idea?
&lsa79& wrote in message &jq34hi$jbm$1@&...
& Hello, I&#39;m having a problem with matlab and crontab. This is the first time I use crontab and I&#39;ve been able to make it run matlab, but I can&#39;t make it save the files that the m script generates.
& I&#39;ve also done this using the comand line and it works fine and the files are generated well, but in crontab it doesn&#39;t.... Any idea?
I forgot to show how I&#39;m calling it. I use the following line in my bash script:
/usr/local/bin/matlab -nosplash -nodisplay -nojvm -r &run myscript.m; quit&
I have tried different cmbinations and nothing seems to work, I really don&#39;t understand...
...Hi matlabers!
Here is a very specific questions for oceanographers, but perhaps other people can also answer me...
I am dealing with raw data files coming from RDI oceanographic instruments. They have an extension .000 (binary file). I will need to convert them into .mat files.
I know that Nortek has developped a tool named bin2mat, which converts their raw data files (.aqd, .adp,...) into .mat files, is there any similar tool for RDI instruments?
thanks in advance for your attention,
On Jul 21, 1:26=A0pm, &Camille Couzi& & wrote:
& Hi matlabers!
& Here is a very specific questions for oceanographers, but perhaps other p=
eople can also answer me...
& I am dealing with raw data files coming from RDI oceanographic instrument=
s. They have an extension .000 (binary file). I will need to convert them i=
nto .mat files.
& I know that Nortek has developped a tool named bin2mat, which converts th=
eir raw data files (.aqd, .adp,...) into .mat files, is there any similar t=
ool for RDI instruments?
& thanks in advance for your attention,
& Camille.
Run BBConv on the .000 file and you will get a .csv file that is
easily imported into Matlab.
Ey tideman, thanks a lot!
what is bbconv... a matlab program? where can I get it?
Thanks a lot to answer so quickly!!!
(I also found another maltab program named rdi2cdf, but installing mexfiles is quite borring...
wait for your answer!
On Jul 21, 2:20=A0pm, &quo...Hi,all
Currently I am doing a project of signal processing and the results are saved as .mat file, the problem is I don&#39;t konw how to saved it as .txt file. I need to import the result in another application which can only recognize .txt file.
Any comments/help will be greatly appreciated.
On Feb 17, 3:16=A0pm, &Rong & &ron...@& wrote:
& =A0 =A0 Currently I am doing a project of signal processing and the resul=
ts are saved as .mat file, the problem is I don&#39;t konw how to saved it as .=
txt file. I need to import the result in another application which can only=
recognize .txt file.
& =A0 =A0 Any comments/help will be greatly appreciated.
Here&#39;s one way of writing an ASCII file - I assume that is what you
mean by a .txt file(?):
help csvwrite
&Rong & &rong_& wrote in message &gnd6l1$ahd$1@&...
Currently I am doing a project of signal processing and the results are saved as .mat file, the problem is I don&#39;t konw how to saved it as .txt file. I need to import the result in another application which can only recognize .txt file.
Any comments/help will be greatly appreciated.
try this: Mat2Ascii.p
you can search this Mat2Ascii.rar
How to insert a blob data that is image into sql table in matlab file ...i want to insert a image which is stored in loacl directory say
C:\images\5.jpg into a mysql table .e a coloum in mysql of type blob.
tabel looks like
create table MyPictures (
name VARCHAR(0),
photo BLOB
please help me out with code which i can fetch the file from local directory and store in mtalb table ...where my aim is to store image in mysql,retrieve
and compare..
please help me mathworks..i got code for retrieve from msql table ..but i need to insert into mysql table by taking image file from local directory .
please help me mathworks and all Friends
&Dayananda & && wrote in message &i0htqo$5bc$1@&...
& How to insert a blob data that is image into sql table in matlab file ...i want to insert a image which is stored in loacl directory say
C:\images\5.jpg into a mysql table .e a coloum in mysql of type blob.
& tabel looks like
& create table MyPictures (
name VARCHAR(0),
photo BLOB
& please help me out with code which i can fetch the file from local directory and store in mtalb table ...where my aim is to store image in mysql,retrieve
and compare..
& please help me mathworks..i got code for retrieve from msql table ..but i need to insert into mysql table by taking image file...Could you perhaps construct some macro statements in the from statement to
achieve the same result of a separate datastep to read the data? You can of
course use the *connection to* syntax although that is only for data
already in another DBMS, ie not necessarily raw text,
On Mon, 30 Aug :21 -0400, Sigurd Hermansen &&
&Paul has answered your question. I would add that you can use a Data step
&view to stream data through a SAS SQL WHERE clause. In a quick sketch,
&data tempVW/view=tempVW;
input v1....
create table tempFiltered as
select v1,v2,.... from tempVW
where .....
&I see the Data step INPUT statement as a very powerful preprocessor for SAS
&SQL. The INPUT methods for system files span the major platforms. The
&SAS/ACCESS engines for RDBMS&#39;s combine with the INPUT features to make SAS
&SQL far more versatile than other SQL dialects.
&-----Original Message-----
&From: SAS(r) Discussion [mailto:SAS-L@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On Behalf Of Andrew
&Sent: Sunday, August 29,
&Subject: Can proc sql read raw data from a big text file?
&Because I have a SQL codes provided for SQL server to read such data. I
&couldn&#39;t find any example that proc sql can read raw data from a file.
&you for your answer. Andrew
...I&#39;m writing a program at the moment, but it involves alot of numbers and so when it runs it gets progressively slower. There is a main for loop in the program and I want it to save the variables it calculates to a file. I have tried using the &#39;save&#39; function with the append option, but that doesn&#39;t quite do what I want.
In my program I end up generating quite large arrays and I want to save them, but if I call:
save(&#39;data_out.mat&#39;, &#39;big_array&#39;, &#39;-append&#39;);
Then each time it is called it will overwrite the previous &#39;big_array&#39;, when instead I want it to save &#39;on top&#39; of the previous big_array variable. This way, at a later point I could simply use the load command to load the file into RAM and access &#39;big_array&#39; after each iteration.
I did think that I could do it by taking the old &#39;big_array&#39; variable and combining it with the new &#39;big_array&#39; to get a third array which can then be written to disk.
new_array = [big_array big_array_new];
save(&#39;data_out.mat&#39;, ...);
The problem with this technique is that (a) it takes time because of the load function call necessary to get the old data, and (b) combines the old and new data on the RAM and so doesn&#39;t increase speed of execution. In fact, I think it might even be slower because I think it would copy the old data and new data into a separate new array - making the problem of slow computation even worse.
There ...I have MS Visual C++ 2005 and 2008 installed in my machine as well as windows 7. Using deplytool (and by choosing a sand-alone windows application) I created a compiled (*.exe) stand-alone file. Everything was going well with no error. But when I want to run the *.exe file, I get the following error:
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
Please contact the application&#39;s support team for more information.”
I check and did the following solution from mathworks:
but it didn’t work.
I also checked several other suggestions through the internet but they are so confusing and sometimes complicated and no use.
Anyone has idea how to solve this problem? I am really surprised how such simple and important things could be a big problem in matlab.
Thanks for your help
My problem: I&#39;ve a function myHelperFcn.m which needs myData.mat and
myImage.jpg at runtime.
I can include the needed files with the -a option of the mcc command,
like this:
mcc -m myFcn.m –a myData.mat -a myImage.jpg
But I&#39;m searching for a mechanism like the function pragma
myCallbackFcn) for non m-files, which atomically includes the needed
files to the ctf file.
...I have some problem in matlab, to edit or open file extensions *mat in worksheets??
2.*mat file can be a *m file?
On 6/26/ AM, dwiyoga eiger wrote:
& I have some problem in matlab,
& to edit or open file extensions *mat in worksheets??
& 2.*mat file can be a *m file?
..m file is not .mat file. different.
& thank you
&dwiyoga eiger& & wrote in message &jsbpsr$n4m$1@&...
& I have some problem in matlab,
& to edit or open file extensions *mat in worksheets??
& 2.*mat file can be a *m file?
& thank you
I&#39;m not sure I understand your question.
*.mat files are used to store variables that you have created. These can be read in Matlab in the command line and simultaneously assigned to a structure variable, for example, with: var_name=open(&#39;name_of_file.mat&#39;)*.m
They cannot directly be read as a worksheet in spreadsheet programs, although the data can be exported to a compatible format or written, for example, with xlswrite.
*.m files are used to store instructions for programs that either you or someone else has written.
& *.mat files are used to store variables that you have created. These can be read in Matlab in the command line and simultaneously assigned to a structure variable, for example, with: var_name=open(&#39;name_of_file.mat&#39;)*.m
They cannot directly ...Can this be done in Matlab?
This is a paragraph,
there are equations...
if we display it in Latex, we have to add (manually)
/begin{equation}, and /end{equation}
in front of and after the equations..
Is there a way that we can use Matlab to do a script that automatically do
the translation?
Output should be able to directly shown in Latex...
Your series was
f(t) = 1 + 4/pi sum_{n=0}^infty (-1)^(n+1)/(2n+1) cos((2n+1) pi t/2)
Note that cos((2n+1) pi t/2) = Re exp((2n+1) pi i t/2).
So let&#39;s find
sum_{n=0}^infty (-1)^(n+1)/(2n+1) exp((2n+1) pi i t/2).
This is g(w) = sum_{n=0}^infty (-1)^(n+1) w^(2n+1)/(2n+1) where
w = exp(pi i t/2).
&kiki& && wrote in message
& Can this be done in Matlab?
& This is a paragraph,
& there are equations...
& if we display it in Latex, we have to add (manually)
& /begin{equation}, and /end{equation}
& in front of and after the equations..
Aaah, I just found we don&#39;t need &/begin{equation}& and &/end{equation}&,
.... just need &$$&, &$$&...
more thoughts now?
& Is there a way that we can use Matlab to do a script that automatically do
& the translation?
& Output should be able to directly shown in Latex...
& --------------------------------------
& Your series was
& f(t...Hi!
I have recently installed Matlab 7.0.
I have save my simulation results in .MAT file.
However, these MAT files can&#39;t be opened using Matlab 6.5.1.
I encountered problem as follows:
??? Error using ==& load
Unable to read MAT file D:\MATLAB7\work\results.mat
File may be corrupt.
How can I solve this problem?
Please see here:
In short, save again as:
The new features and enhancements are described in the &Release
notes& of Matlab. A
new feature that causes incompatibility with previous versions of
Matlab is the new
encoding of MAT files.
Matlab release 14 writes character and figure data to MAT-files using
Unicode encoding
by default. Unicode encoded MAT-files are not readable by earlier
versions of Matlab. If
you intend to load your MAT-files created with Matlab release 14, you
must override the
Unicode default during the save.
You can override the default encoding by using the -v6 switch with
save and hgsave:
save filename -v6
hgsave filename -v6
Hope it helps
Linda wrote:
& I have recently installed Matlab 7.0.
& I have save my simulation results in .MAT file.
& However, these MAT files can&#39;t be opened using Matlab 6.5.1.
& I encountered problem as follows:
& ??? Error using ==& load
& Unable to read MAT file D:\MATLAB7\work\results.mat
& File ma...Hi
I have an array 1-D of 20 shared variable and I want to export their value in a file in exel format as follow:
NAME&& 1th Variable&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& name 2th variable&&&&&&&&&&&&&& name 3th variable&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ......
&&&&&&&& 14&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&nbsp...hi all,
I&#39;m using the VB macro from the Word document. I&#39;m able to print my
output into the direct window of the macro by using the command
&Debug.Print x&. so this puts the contents of the the variable x into
the direct window. but the problem is if there is too much of data
then I cudn&#39;t see all of the data saved in this direct window, as it
is getting truncated at the end of the application.
so cud anyone pls tell me how to divert my output into the active word
dcoument instead of the active direct window of the macro.
does anyone know why Fortran-mex files can&#39;t be compiled on matlab
V5.3 and run on matlab V6?
For example: if I compile the example-program (shipped with matlab)
on matlab version 5.3 (R11) and try to run
it on matlab version 6+ (R12 or R13), I get the error message:
&Unable to load mex file: E:\timestwo.dll. The specified module could
not be found.
??? Invalid MEX-file&
Likewise if I compile it on matlab version 6.1 (R12), I get a similar
error message if run on matlab version 5.3 (R11).
However, if I run it on matlab version 6.5 it works OK.
If I try the same experiment with the corresponding example file
written in C, timestwo.c, I get no such problems.
Why is that?
usually MEX-files need to be compiled with the MATLAB version you
want it later to run with. The reason is, that the code links against the
dynamic libraries (DLLs), which may change from version to version.
You may have luck that it works (see your example of timestwo.f),
but you should never rely on this.
&Per A. Brodtkorb& & wrote in message
& does anyone know why Fortran-mex files can&#39;t be compiled on matlab
& V5.3 and run on matlab V6?
& For example: if I compile the example-program (shipped with matlab)
& timestwo.f
& on matlab version 5.3 (R11) and try to run
& it on matlab version 6+ (R12 or R13), I ...I&#39;m getting the following error when running a compiled version of a GUI, running the GUI from MATLAB works just fine.
??? Error while evaluating TimerFcn for timer &#39;Scheduler_timer&#39;
Error using ==& load
Unable to read MAT-file D:\Scheduler\Scheduler.mat: not a binary MAT-file.
Try LOAD -ASCII to read as text.
For a little more background.
I am developing 2 GUIs that are being compiled using deploytool on a Vista home premium machine running matlab 2007a and testing on a xp pro machine without matlab installed.
There are two GUIs that each have multiple timers with TimerFcns that load and save to a single shared .mat file.
When I run both GUIs at the same time inside matlab, I have no problems, but when I compile the two GUIs independently and run them, then I get this error.
Is there some kind of file I/O error with reading / writing simultaneously that is otherwise handled inside matlab?
I haven&#39;t found any kind of isopen function to check to see if a .mat file is already being saved or loaded to avoid a conflict.
Any advice?
&Jayson Brouchoud& & wrote in message &gvnpli$lup$1@&...
& I&#39;m getting the following error when running a compiled version of a GUI, running the GUI from MATLAB works just fine.
& ??? Error while evaluating TimerFcn for timer &#39;Scheduler_timer&#39;
& Error using ==& load
& Unable to read MAT-file D:\Scheduler\Scheduler.mat: not a b...What is the best way to import Excel files, with stock data, into Matlab? I’m using Matlab R2010b (64-bit)
I’m trying to import historical prices of stock data. Matlab keeps cutting off the h it gives me only values. I am thinking that this is a data-type-mixing-issue, or whatever it’s called.
I have ‘Dates’ in ColumnA, and ‘MSFT’, ‘PWER’, ‘KO’, and ‘SBUX’, in ColumnB-ColumnE.
Basically, if I put the Excel file in my Matlab folder and double-click the file, I see the values in a matrix (no dates and no headers), I hit ‘Next’. Then, I one radio button is enabled – ‘Create variable matching preview’. The other two options, ‘Create vectors from each column using column names’ and ‘Create vectors from each row using row names’ – both are greyed out. I’ve seen videos, on YouTube and on the Matlab site, where people import excel data and these options are NOT greyed out. No matter what I do, there options are ALWAYS greyed out. The problem is, when I click ‘Finish’ in my ‘Workspace’ I have a variable named ‘data’ all values in a 575x4 matrix, but I have NO DATES and I have NO HEADERS on the columns. All of this seems to go into another variable, called ‘textdata’; all dates and headers ate in textdata. This is VERY inconvenient. I’m trying to
analyze some stock data and I have no headers, so I have no idea which stock is which (I can figure it out, but I think Matlab should do this for me). Also, I have no dates corresponding to ...I would like to plott data from a text file in the same way as a media player does from a video file. I?m not sure how to create the pointer slide function. The vi could look something like the attached jpg.
Please, can some one help me?
Plotting from a text file like a media player example.jpg:
/attachments/ni/170//Plotting from a text file like a media player example.jpg
HI Martin,
i am not realy sure what you want!?!?
i think you want to display only a part of the values you read from XYZ
so what you can do:
write all the values in an array.
the size of the array is the max. value of the slide bar
now you can select a part of the array (e.g. values from 100 to 200) and display this with a graph
the other option is to use the history function of the graphes
I will try your suggestion.
Many tanks!
Web resources about - how can i save some data in a mat file which have been there #2 - comp.soft-sys.matlab
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