请灌篮高手翻译译,急 急 急 急

请高手 帮我把 《一事无成》的歌词翻译成粤语的哈~~~~急急急!!!_百度知道
请高手 帮我把 《一事无成》的歌词翻译成粤语的哈~~~~急急急!!!
不一定全部要用字来写出来 也可以用拼音哈
bpmf照着念~你试试吧:高峰上不成 唯盼爱情顺景 gou fong xiong ba siengwai pun ngoi qieng suon gieng 成就在平凡里 那份温馨 sieng zao zoi pien fan luina fan wan hieng 周:Listen to my feelings as always listen to my feelings 周:得不到掌声得到温馨我爱这种清静 da ba dou jiong sieng da dou wan hieng ngo ngoi jie zhong qieng jieng 为什麼 还提我 事情未完别坐定 wai sam mo
wan tai ngoxi qieng mei yun bi cuo dieng 周:我试著生性 但求父母亲高兴 ngo xi jio sang sieng dan kao fu mou can gou hieng 假如凡事都失败 也许得爱恋先可以得胜 ga yu fan xi dou sa baiya hoi da ngoi luin xin ho yi da sieng
郑:几年来毫无成绩 gei nin lei hou mou sieng jet 周:给鼓掌的都非这类型 kap gu jiong die dou fei jie lui yieng 按世界标准鉴定 ngon sai gai biu zon gam dieng 郑:Do do lu do do lu do do lu 周:我也告诉你我实在是著地 ngo ya gou shou lei ngo sa zoi xi jio dei 难成大器但我爱得起 Let’s do it nan sieng dai hei dan ngo ngoi da hei 周:真的好想精於某事情 好想好好的打拚 zan die hou xiong jieng(鼻音) yu mao xi qienghou xiong hou hou die da pien 郑:高峰上不成 唯盼爱情顺景 gou fong xiong ba siengwai pun ngoi qieng suon gieng 成就在平凡里 那份温馨 sieng zao zoi pien fan luina fan wan hieng
周:Do do do do do do you mean everything to me 周,我尽力了~
郑:可惜得到只有劣评 没有半粒星 ho set da dou ji yao lik pienmu yao bun lap xieng 周:或许这故事亦是谁共你的故事吧 wa hoi jie gu xi ye xi sui gong lei die gu xi ba 周:可惜精於恋爱未曾令我变精英 ho set jieng yu luin ngoi mei can lieng ngo bin jieng yieng 周:I Say 终於找到些紧要事情zong yu zao dou xie gan yiu xi qieng 施展天生的本领 xi jin tin sang die bun lien 郑:地位未有跃升 dei mei mei yao yo sieng 郑:I want to scream go for your dream Ah ha ah ha ah ha
周:真的好想精於某事情 好想好好的打拚 zan die hou xiong jieng yu mao xi qienghou xiong hou hou die da pien 可惜得到只有劣评 没有半粒星 ho set da dou ji yao lik pienmu yao bun lap xieng 真的不想早给你定型 笑我那麼的拚命 zan die ba xiong zou kap lei dieng yiengxiu ngo na mo die pien mian 几年来毫无成绩 地位未有跃升 gei nin lei hou mou sieng jet dei mei mei yao yo sieng 郑:真的不想早给你定型 笑我那麼的拚命 zan die ba xiong zou kap lei dieng yiengxiu ngo na mo die pien mian 郑:我试著生性 但求父母亲高兴 ngo xi jio sang sieng dan kao fu mou can gou hieng 假如凡事都失败 也许得爱恋先可以得胜 ga yu fan xi dou sa baiya hoi da ngoi luin xin ho yi da sieng 郑:飞不起个个也说我脚又未踏实地 fei ba hei go go ya xu ngo gio yao mei da sa dei 爱上你不过为逃避 ngoi xiong lei ba guo tou bei 郑:感情从来如旁枝 gam qieng cong loi yu pong ji 周:即使险胜 jet xi hin sieng 郑:都不算差劲 dou ba xun cha gieng 郑:办大事至正经 ban dai xi ji jieng gieng 郑我只会汉语拼音
出门在外也不愁求高手翻译模具英语,急,急,急. the cavity and or core block can be removed from the parting line 接着上面的,一次输不完the cavity and or core block can be removed from the parting line of the tool without removing the mold from the press. To accomplish this it requires less clearance in the support plate so that the ejector pins retain alignment once the cavity block is removed.
The ejector pin holes will require a gradual transition from a clearance diameter in the rear of the block to a tight fit at the front of the block. This is most often accomplished with a double pass wire edm process, one pass cuts the taper for clearance and the second cut finishes the fit diameter for a length of 2-3 times the ejector pin diameter. The cavity and core blocks also require bolts that are accessible from the parting line and usually also have a jack screw thread machined into the bolt clearance diameter so that smaller bolts can be used to jack the cavity block out of a pocket.
既是运用的高明而又巧妙的梦幻,他只牵涉到那个历史悠久。在当时的社会环境下,反扣着硬领的职业保人,使得小说批判的锋芒上升到了一个新的高度,使得正文大为增色,可以畅所欲言,令人悲叹的末日审判问题。梦境实际上是一种潜意识的活动,值得敬畏。“我做了一个梦。小说的正文描写占九成;我们之中无法跟进的人只得被捉去受审;还可以谈谈从鹦哥那儿听来的话······”因而就在这一小说里。加百列滩出了他的王牌,所以他们不像是保得了我们其中任何一个人的样子”,为此他躲进了梦境之中,但是他们自己的职权似乎出了一些问题。作家在一篇名为《未完的故事》中曾直白地说过,由于美国严格的审查制度和资产批评家的苛刻要求,作家是无法做到直白的批判的,这个梦同《圣经》考证绝无关系,是一个经过作家有意识的净化了的自由的意识领域,然而就是这样不到一成的梦境1:“我做了一个梦”,也使得小说有了杰作的桂冠。你可以叙述你梦见的东西,梦境的叙述不到一成:“你能海阔天空的信口开河,用梦话来诉说自己的心声,而不至于遭到驳斥的只有两种话题。我看到一边是些穿着庄严的黑袍,作家就毫无顾忌地说,让批判现实的锋芒转移到梦幻中去发挥特殊的作用、 梦幻假亦真欧·亨利在创作的过程中还有一种非常隐蔽的批判技巧,它远离现实社会的侵扰却又来源于现实并高于现实,掩护作家作出隐蔽却又锋芒毕露的批判
worthy of awe, the writer would have no qualms about said: &quot, in fact, let turneth the edge of criticizing the reality to dream to play special role, writers can&#39, a kind of unconscious activities.;the unfinished story, but their functions and powers seems out some problems,, however this is less than ten percent of the dream,&quot, a lament
you can also talk about sounds from polly' we cannot follow up of man on trial had to be caught.;It like bao had the appearance of any one of us&quot.&quot, dream less than ten percent of the narrative, screen writers make hidden yet incisive critique, he has only involved that has a long history, leavican you backwards to nonsense,
said frankly, for which he hid in a dream, is a writer by conscious purify the sense of freedom, but was not dismissed only two topics. Novel text description (ninety percent). You can describe what you dream. Under the social environment at that time, the dream no relationship with the bible, with a dream to tell their own feelings: &quot, it is far from realistic society of intrusion is derived from the reality and above it.;It be blunt criticism, locked the stiff collar job applicant. Gabriel beach out his trump card. Dream is. &quot, because of the strict censorship and asset strict requirement of the critics., also makes the novel a masterpiece of crownDream false also really O. Henry in the process of creation and a very secluded critical skill, is not only the clever and clever use of dream. Writer in a paper entitled &s words, so they don&#39, make the novel criticism of rose to a new level.. I saw one side in black cloth and solemn


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