求P S 大神 求图种 里番吧来帮我个忙

oFU_mono 麻烦大神来帮个忙改丅cfg_魔兽插件吧_百度贴吧
oFU_mono 麻烦夶神来帮个忙改下cfg收藏
我想使去掉3D头像 然后自身血条呈蓝色 对方血条呈红色 都是从左往右的掉血
local addon, ns = ...
local cfg = CreateFrame("Frame")
local MediaPath = "Interface\\Addons\\oUF_mono\\media\\"
cfg.statusbar_texture = MediaPath.."statusbar"
cfg.auratex = MediaPath.."iconborder"
cfg.font = "Fonts\\ARKai_T.TTF"
cfg.backdrop_texture = MediaPath.."backdrop"
cfg.backdrop_edge_texture = MediaPath.."backdrop_edge"
-- raid specific stuff
cfg.aurafont = MediaPath.."auras.ttf"
cfg.debuffborder = MediaPath.."iconborder"
cfg.highlightTex = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8"
cfg.symbols = cfg.font
-- Additional frames
cfg.showtot = true
-- Target of Target
cfg.showpet = true
-- Player's pet
cfg.showfocus = true
-- Focus target + target of focus target
cfg.showparty = true
-- Party frames
cfg.showboss = true
-- Boss frames
cfg.showarena = true
-- Arena frames
cfg.showraid = true
-- Raid frames
-- Elements
cfg.ReverseHPbars = true
-- fill health bars from right to left instead of standard left -& right direction
cfg.playerauras = "DEBUFFS"
-- small aura frame for player, available options: "BUFFS", "DEBUFFS", "AURAS", "NONE"
cfg.auratimers = true
-- aura timers
cfg.ATIconSizeThreshold = 19
-- how big some icon should be to display the custom timer
cfg.ATSize = 11
-- aura timer font size cfg.PlayerTimersOnly = true
-- show timers only for auras cast by player
cfg.showfaketarget = true
-- fake target bars that spawn if you don't have anything targeted
cfg.RMalpha = 0.6
-- raid mark alpha
cfg.RMsize = 16
-- raid mark size
cfg.EnableCombatFeedback = false -- enables CombatFeedback on player and target unit frames
cfg.EnableSwingTimer = false
-- enables oUF_Swing module for player's auto attack/shot timer
-- Cast bars settings
cfg.focusCBuserplaced = true
-- false to lock focus cast bar to the focus frame
cfg.focusCBposition = {"CENTER",UIParent,"BOTTOM",10,470} -- focus cb position
cfg.focusCBwidth = 280
-- focus cb width
cfg.focusCBheight = 17
-- focus cb height
cfg.playerCBuserplaced = false -- false to lock player cast bar to the player frame
cfg.playerCBposition = {"CENTER",UIParent,"BOTTOM",10,320} -- player cb position
cfg.playerCBwidth = 210
-- player cb width
cfg.playerCBheight = 17
-- player cb height
cfg.targetCBuserplaced = false -- false to lock target cast bar to the target frame
cfg.targetCBposition = {"CENTER",UIParent,"BOTTOM",10,360} -- target cb position
cfg.targetCBwidth = 210
-- target cb width
cfg.targetCBheight = 17
-- target cb height
cfg.cbcolor = {.3,.45,.65}
-- castbar color
cfg.interruptcb = {1,.49,0}
-- color setting for uninterruptable casts
-- Frames position
cfg.Ppos = {"TOP","UIParent","BOTTOM", -235, 273}
cfg.Tpos = {"TOP","UIParent","BOTTOM", 235, 273}
cfg.PEpos = {"TOPLEFT", "oUF_monoPlayerFrame", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -38}
cfg.TTpos = {"TOPRIGHT", "oUF_monoTargetFrame", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -38} -- ToT
cfg.Fpos = {"TOPRIGHT", "oUF_monoPlayerFrame", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -38}
cfg.FTpos = {"TOPLEFT", "oUF_monoTargetFrame", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -38}
-- Focus target
cfg.PApos = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", 120, 362}
cfg.PAspacing = 40 -- spacing between party units
cfg.ARpos = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -120, 362}
cfg.BOpos = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -120, 362}
cfg.ABspacing = 56 -- spacing between arena and boss units
cfg.RAIDpos = {"TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", -156, 177}
-- Raid frames
-- Size and scale
cfg.Pwidth = 229
-- Player frame
cfg.Pheight = 24
cfg.Pscale = 1
cfg.Twidth = 229
-- Target frame
cfg.Theight = 24
cfg.Tscale = 1
cfg.PTTwidth = 123
-- Pet and ToT frames
cfg.PTTheight = 20
cfg.PTTscale = 0.9
cf***idth = 123
-- Focus frame
cfg.Fheight = 20
cfg.Fscale = 0.9
cfg.PABwidth = 196
-- Party (+partypet), Arena (+arenatargets) and Boss frames
cfg.PABheight = 22
cfg.PABscale = 1
-- Raid config
cfg.DisableBlizzRaidManager = true
-- disable default compact Raid Manager button
cfg.width = 59
-- raid unit width
cfg.height = 27
-- raid unit height
cfg.spacing = 4
-- spacing between units
cfg.namelength = 4
-- number of letters to display
cfg.fontsize = 12
-- font size
cfg.iconsize = 10
-- informative icon size (aka RL,ML,A etc.)
cfg.symbolsize = 11
-- bottom right corner counter size
cfg.indicatorsize = 5
-- square indicator size
cfg.debuffsize = 11
-- debuff icon size
cfg.focusHLcol = {.8, .8, .2, .7}
-- focus border color
cfg.orientation = "HORIZONTAL"
-- hp/mp bar direction
cfg.MTframes = true
-- toggle Main tank frames
cfg.MTpos = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMRIGHT", -163, 233} -- MTs frame position
cfg.MTsize = 1.5
-- MT size relatively to unit size
cfg.frequent = true
-- Enhances update rate for indicators (can be cpu intensive)
cfg.indicators = true
-- enable/disable raid frames indicators
cfg.LeaderIcons = true
-- toggle leader/assistant/master looter icons visibility on raid units
cfg.RaidMark = true
-- toggle raid mark visibility on raid units
cfg.RCheckIcon = true
-- ready check icon
cfg.raid40swap = true
-- allow raid frames to change their size if there are more than 30 players in the group
cfg.raid5ON = false
-- show raid frame for 5 (or less) men raid group
cfg.partyON = false
-- show party as 5 men raid group
cfg.lfdIcons = true
-- toggle group role indication on/off
cfg.powerbar = true
-- toggle display of tiny power bars on raid frames
cfg.powerbarsize = 0.09
-- power bar thickness relatively to unit size
cfg.healbar = true
-- healing prediction bar cfg.healalpha = 0.25
-- heal prediction bar alpha cfg.healoverflow = 1
-- overhealing display (1 = disabled, may take values higher than 1)
cfg.healtext = false
-- show/hide heal prediction text
cfg.raid_menu = false
-- enable/disable right-click menu for raid frames
cfg.DebuffTimer = true
-- enable/disable timer for raid debuffs (NEW!)
-- my config
if GetUnitName("player") == "Strigoy" or GetUnitName("player") == "Strig" then cfg.playerauras = "DEBUFFS" cfg.PApos = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", "oUF_monoPlayerFrame", "TOPLEFT", -50, 70} cfg.ARpos = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "oUF_monoTargetFrame", "TOPRIGHT", 50, 70} cfg.BOpos = {"BOTTOMLEFT", "oUF_monoTargetFrame", "TOPRIGHT", 50, 70} cfg.MTpos = {"TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", 167, 177} cfg.MTsize = 1.1
ns.cfg = cfg


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