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  3,500 Basic Word List
  Word List 1 abase-adroit
  abase V. /降低,羞辱/ humiliate. Defeated, Queen Zenobia was forced to abase herself before the conquering Romans, who made her march in chains before the emperor in the procession celebrating his triumph. abasement, N. abash V. /使难堪/embarrass. He was not at all abashed by her open admiration.
  abate V. /减弱,减少/ decrease, lessen. Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate. abatement, N.
  abbreviate V. /减短,缩写/shorten. Because we were running out of time, the lecturer had to abbreviate her speech.
  abdicate V. /放弃/ give up. When Edward VIII abdicated the British throne to marry the woman he loved, he surprised the entire world.
  abduction N. /绑架/ kidnapping. The movie Ransom describes the attempts to rescue a multimillionaire's son after the child's abduction by kidnappers. abduct,V.
  aberrant N. /不正常的/ abnormal or deviant. Given the aberrant nature of the data, we doubted the validity of the entire experiment. also N.
  abet V. /帮助,鼓励/aid, usually in d encourage. She was unwilling to abet him in the swindle he had planned.
  abeyance N. /悬而未决/ suspended action. The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival.
  abhor V. /憎恨/ hate. She abhorred all forms of bigotry. abhorrence, N.
  abject ADJ. /穷困潦倒,卑微/ lacking pride. On the streets of New York the homeless live in abject poverty, huddling in doorways to find shelter from the wind.
  abjure V. /发誓放弃/renounce upon oath. He abjured his allegiance to the king. abjuration, N.
  ablution N. /洗/ washing. His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises that he humorously labeled
  "Opera in the Bath."
  abnegation N. /批判,自我牺牲/ self-sacrifice. No act of abnegation was more pronounced than his refusal of any rewards for his discovery.
  abolish V. /废除/ put an end to. The president of the college refused to abolish the physical education requirement. abolition, N.
  abominable ADJ. /可恶的,非常糟糕/
very bad. Mary liked John until she learned he was dating S then she called him an abominable young man, with abominable taste in women.
  aboriginal ADJ., N. /原来的,土著的/ being the first of
native. Her studies of the primitive art forms of the aboriginal Indians were widely reported in the scientific journals.
  aborigines, N.
  abortive ADJ. /不成功的,失败/ fruitless. Attacked by armed troops, the Chinese students had to abandon their abortive attempt to democratize Beijing peacefully. abort,V.
  abrade V. /磨损,侵蚀/w erode. The sharp rocks abraded the skin on her legs, so she put iodine on her abrasions.
  abrasive ADJ. /摩擦的,粗糙的,研磨剂/ tending to grind down. Just as abrasive cleaning powders can wear away a shiny finish, abrasive remarks can wear away a listener's patience. abrade,V.
  abridge V. /删节,节选/condense or shorten. Because the publishers felt the public wanted a shorter version of War and Peace, they proceeded to abridge the novel.
  abrogate ADJ. /废除/ abolish. He intended to abrogate the decree issued by his predecessor.
  abscond V. /隐匿,逃避,躲债/depart secretly and hide. The teller who absconded with the bonds went uncaptured until someone recognized him from his photograph on "America's Most Wanted."
  absolute ADJ. /完全的,肯定的/ certain. Although the King of Siam was an absolute monarch, he did not want to behead his unfaithful wife without absolute evidence of her infidelity.
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