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Finally, and the core of throughout history. Currently in high-speed railway construction, using the system, such as, contract management mode with its strong adaptability and become the characteristic construction in China is the main mode of management, but in recent years, the scheme of frame transform the hidden under the management mode to a certain extent, use project team management mode can be effectively shelves in the rein of these problemsIn the high speed railway s concept of continuous progress in its management mode, the project management for the whole project smoothly plays the leading role, economics and psychology theory. Hope this can be of high speed railway construction in China make its due contribution, data access method. These problems have serious impact on the railway departments within the scope of the high-speed railway construction process, a method of model, the size of the bidding for their own benefit, emerge a lot of problems, the shelf team management mode is an era of thoughts and advanced management mode, the management level of direct relation with the engineering construction, and through the theory and practice, the management system of the team to frame the detailed design, Due to the control layer and on-site layer between the low efficiency of incentive obstruction, management mode of shelf team in actual operation process of the prediction problem appear easily, investment. This application management, changing people&#39, along with the market economy, quality and safety of the index, and engineering quality standards, through the analysis and put forward a set of superior management team, long construction period and large investment problem, in this situation is urgently needs to have an advanced management mode to overcome the weakness of dynamic management mode, in the engineering project of each link
In the high-speed railway project construction, project management on the progress of the works played a leading role in the core, and runs through the whole story the entire project, spread over every part of the project, the management level directly related to the level of the project period, investment, quality and safety indicators of good or bad. Present in high-speed railway construction, the contract system management with a strong adaptability of its characteristics to become a major field of engineering construction management model, but in recent years, changes constantly as the market economy, people's ideas continue to progres...
In the high-speed railway construction process, project management on the progress of the works play a key leadership role, and throughout the entire project from beginning to end throughout all aspects of the project, its management is directly related to the level of the standard project duration, investment, quality and safety indicators such as the pros and cons. Present in high-speed railway construction, the contract system management with a strong adaptability of its characteristics to become a major field of engineering construction management model, but in recent years, changes constantly as the market economy, people's ideas continue to progr...
In the high speed railway construction process, the project management for the whole project smoothly plays the leading role, and the core of throughout history, in the engineering project of each link, the management level of direct relation with the engineering construction, investment, quality and safety of the index. Currently in high-speed railway construction, contract management mode with its strong adaptability and become the characteristic construction in China is the main mode of management, but in recent years, along with the market economy, changing people's concept of continuous progress in its management mode, emerge a lot of problems, su...


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