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线路工程 线路工程 railway line engineering 铁路勘测 ;铁道勘测 railway reconnaissance 铁路选线 ;铁道选线 raiapproximlocation of railway route selection 经济勘察 economic investigation 地质调查geologic survey 方案比较 project comparison 铁路勘探 ;铁道勘探 railway exploration 铁路测量 ;铁道测量 railway survey 线路测量prolongitudinal survey 曲线测量 curve survey 既有线测量 sursurvey of existing railway 铁路线路图 ;铁道线路图 railway map 定线 location of line 铁路设计 ;铁道设计 railway design 线路设计 track design 平面设计 plane design 纵断面设计 longitudinal section design 横断面设计 transverse section design 曲线设计 curve design 车站设计 station design 站场设计 design of stations and yards 标准设计 standard design 线路等级 line grade 铁路限界 ;铁道限界 railway clearance 建筑限界 construction clearance 设计规范 code of design 设计标准 design standard 铁路线路 ;铁道线路 railway line 铁路曲线 ;铁道曲线 railway curve 缓和曲线spiral transition curve 小半径曲线 small-radius curve 曲线半径 curve radius 曲线超高 supelevation of curve 欠超高 inadedeficient superelevation 未被平衡加速度 unbalanced acceleration 竖曲线 vertical curve 坡道 gradient 坡度slope 限制坡度limiting grade 坡度折减compgradient compensation 避难线catch siding 双线插入段 double track interpolation 铁路连接线 ;铁道连接线 railway connecting line 隧道内线路 line in tunnel 桥头引线 bridge approach 站线 siding 站线长度 length of station line 铁路标志 ;铁道标志 railway sign 警冲标 foufouling post 线路中心线central lines of track 线间距离 ;线间距 distance betwdistance betwemidway between tracks 线路试验 ;线路实验running test 路基 subgrade 铁路路基 ;路基;铁道路基subgrade 软土路基 soft soil subgrade 沙漠路基 desert subgrade 冻土路基 permafrost subgrade 膨胀土路基 subgrade in swelling soil zone 路基基床 subgrade bed 路堤fill 高路堤 high-fill embankment 路堑road cutting 深路堑 deep cutting 路肩subgrade shoulder 边坡 side slope 护坡pitching 路基滑动 subgrade slip 滑坡防治 landslide preventive treatment 路基排水 subgrade drainage 塑料排水板 plastic drainage board 路基加固 subgrade strengthening 土工织物 geotextile 挡土墙 ;挡墙 retaining walls 锚定板 anchor plate 锚杆 anchor bolt 抗滑桩anti-counter-sliding pile 加筋土 reinforced earth 植被 vegetation 路基防护 subgrade protection 防护工程 protective engineering 防护林 protection forest 防沙 sand proof 固沙 stabilization of sand 输导砂 sediment transport 路侧建筑物 roadside structure 排水沟drain ditch 挡风墙 wind-wind-break wall 隔声墙 sound-proof wall 防雪栅snow guard 轨道理论 track theory 轨道设计 track design 轨道参数 track parameter 轨距rail gauge 轨距加宽 track gauge widening 轨底坡rail cant 轨道力学track mechanics 轨道强度 track strength 轨道阻力 track resistance 道床阻力ballast resistance 扣固力 fastening force 钢轨应力 rail stress 轨道承载力 track bearing capacity 轨道稳定性stability of track 轨道试验 ;轨道实验 track test 轮轨关系 wheel-wheel-rail relation 轮轨动力学 wheel-rail dynamics 轮轨作用力 wheel-rail force 轮轨接触 wheel-rail contact 接触应力 contact stress 轨道结构 track structure 轨道 track 铁路轨道 ;轨道;铁道轨道track 线路上部建筑 ;轨道 track 重型轨道 heavy track 宽轨枕轨道 broad sleeper track 板式轨道slab-track 整体道床轨道 monolithic roadbed track 防振轨道 anti-vibration track 高架轨道 elevated track 无缝线路continuousjointless track 桥上轨道结构 bridge deck track structure 隧道内轨道结构 track structure in tunnel 钢轨 steel rail 重型钢轨 heavy rail 长钢轨 long rail 焊接长钢轨 long welded rail 缩短轨stafabricated shortstandard curtailed rail 热处理钢轨 heat-treated rail 合金钢轨 alloy steels rail 旧钢轨 used rail 钢轨钢 rail steel 钢轨螺栓孔 rail bolt hole 轨缝joint gap 钢轨焊缝 rail welding seam 钢轨接头 rail joint 异型接头 compromise joint 伸缩接头 expansion joint 焊接接头welded joint 绝缘接头 trainsulated joint 胶接接头 adhesive joint 鱼尾板 fish plate 鱼尾螺栓 fish bolt 扣件rail fastening 弹性扣件elastic rail fastening 弹条式扣件 elastic rod type fastening 分开式扣件sepaindirect holding fastening 扣板式扣件 clip fastening 刚性扣件 rigid fastening 垫圈 ring 道钉dog spike 螺纹道钉screw spike 垫板 tie-tie plate 橡胶垫板 rubber tie-rubber tie plate 防爬器anti-rail anchor 轨距拉杆 gauge tie rod 轨下基础 sub-sub-rail track bed 轨枕cross tie 木枕wooden tie 混凝土枕 ;砼枕concrete tie 轨枕板 ;宽轨枕broad sleeper 钢枕steel tie 合成轨枕 composite sleeper 纵向轨枕 longitudinal tie 岔枕turnout tie 桥枕bridge sleeper 轨排track skeleton 枕下胶垫 rubber pad under sleeper 道床ballast bed 碎石道床 ballast bed 整体道床 inmonolithic concrete bed 沥青道床asphalt cemented ballast bed 石棉道床 asbestos ballast 道碴 ballast 道床覆盖 ballast cover 轨道附属设备 track auxiliary equipment 钢轨涂油器 rail lubricator 融雪器 snow melter 复轨器re-rerailing device 脱轨器 derailer 车挡bumper post 道岔switches and crossings 单开道岔lateral turnout 双开道岔 double turnout 三开道岔 three-symmetricalthree-way turnout 交分道岔 slip switch 高速道岔 high-speed switch 切线型道岔 tangent turnout 道岔设计 turnout design 过岔速度 switch crossing speed 辙叉crossing 整铸辙叉 integrated cast frog 锰钢辙叉 manganese steel frog crossing 焊接辙叉 welding frog crossing 组合辙叉assembled frog 可动心轨辙叉movable-point frog 可动翼轨辙叉movable-wing frog 尖轨blade 滑床板switch plate 基本轨 stock rail 翼轨 wing rail 护轮轨 guard rail 导曲线lead curve 道岔附带曲线 curve following turnout branch line 交叉 crossing 渡线 track cross-crossover 通过道岔 passing switch 铁路道口 ;铁道道口 railway crossing 平交道口 level crossing 道口板 crossing slab 道口路面 crossing road surface 立体交叉 ;立交 grade separation 线路施工 track construction 石方工程 rock excavation 土方工程 earthwork 填方 filling 挖方 cutting 土方调拨 mass dispatching 线路施工机械 track construction machinery and equipment 轨道施工 track construction 轨道工程 track construction 轨道铺设 track laying 铺碴 ballasting 轨枕铺设 sleeper laying 铺轨 rail-laying 轨排组装 track panel assembling 轨排装运 track panel loading 轨排基地 track panel base 钢轨焊接 rail welding 钢轨热处理 rail heat treatment 钢轨铺设 rail laying 钢轨锁定 rail locking 道岔铺设 switch laying 轨道施工机械 track construction machinery 铺轨列车track laying train 铺轨机 rail-track laying machine 钢轨焊接车 rail welding car 焊轨机 steel rail welding machine 轨排组装机 track panel assembling machine 轨排运送车 track panel transport car 铺枕机 sleeper-laying machine 铺碴车 ballasting car 铺碴机 ballasting machine 铺道岔机 turnout-laying machine 焊接长钢轨运送车 welding long rails transport car 动力稳定车 dynamic track stabilizer 线路状态 track state 路基病害 subgrade defect 沉降 settlement 坍方落石 ;危石 collapse rock 翻浆冒泥mud-pumping 路基壅水 subgrade water damming 路基渗流 subgrade seepage flow 路基冲刷 subgrade erosion 振动液化 vibration liquifaction 冻融 freezing and thawing 冻胀 frost heaving 冻害frost heaving 雪害snow drift 沙害 sand damage 轨道状态 track condition 轨道变形track distortion 轨道不平顺 track irregularity 低接头 depression of joint 三角坑twist 钢轨爬行 rail creeping 涨轨跑道 ;钢轨鼓曲rail buckle 钢轨疲劳 rail fatigue 钢轨伤损rail defects and failures 钢轨断裂 rail fracture 钢轨裂纹rail crackes 轨头剥离gage line shelly cracks 钢轨锈蚀rail corrosion 钢轨磨耗 rail wearing 波形磨耗 ;波浪磨耗 undulatory wear 螺孔裂纹 bolt hole crack 辙叉伤损 ;辙叉损伤 frog failure 木枕开裂 wooden sleeper cracking 轨枕伤损 ;轨枕伤损 sleeper damage 道床脏污 ballast contamination 线路养护 track maintenance 线路维修maintenance of track 日常维修current maintenance 状态修 rerepair according to condition 巡回检查 inspection tour 轨道检测机具 track detection equipment 道尺 track gauge 轨道检测 track detection 灾害检测装置 disaster detector 超声波探伤仪 ultrasonic flaw detector 钢轨探伤车rail flaw detection car 轨道检查车 ;轨检车 track recording car 高速轨道检查车 ;高速轨检车 high-speed track inspection car 养路作业 track maintenance operation 起道raising of track 垫碴起道 ballast filling track lifting 改道gaging of track 拨道 track lining 捣固 tamping 除草 weeding 除草剂 herbicide 除雪 snow clearing 防冻 anti-freezing 融雪 snow melt 融雪剂 snow melt agent 钢轨加热 rail heating 钢轨打磨 rail grinding 钢轨矫直 straightening of kinked rail 钢轨更换 rail replace 钢轨探伤 rail detecting 钢轨焊补 rail repairing welding 轨缝调整 rail gap adjusting 应力放散 stress-relieving 钢轨温度 rail temperature 钢轨涂油 rail lubrication 轨枕更换 sleeper replacement 扣件作业 fastening operation 轨枕修补 sleeper mending 枕木防腐 timber sleeper treating 道岔养护 switch maintenance 道岔更换 switch replacement 辙叉焊补 frog welding and repairing 道床作业 ballast operation 道碴清筛 ballast screening 道碴更换 ballast replacement 道床整形 ballast trimming 曲线养护 curved track maintenance 线路管理系统 track management system 养路组织 track maintenance organization 养路计划 track maintenance planning 维修天窗 maintenance time 维修周期 maintenance period 养路安全 track maintenance safety 列车接近警报器 ;列车接近报警器;列车接近报警装置 train approach warning device 养路质量 track maintenance quality 养路机械化 track maintenance machinization 线路中修 intermediate repair of track 起道修 ;线路中修 track intermediate overhaul 线路大修 major repair of track 线路更新 ;线路大修track overhauling 线路修复 track restoration 铁路抢修 ;铁道抢修 railway emergency maintenance 养路机械 track maintenance machine 起道机 track lifting machine 拨道机 track lining machine 起拨道机 track lifting and lining machine 捣固机 tamping machine 捣固车 tamping wagon 道床夯拍机 ballast compactor 配碴整形机 ballast distributing ballast distributing and regulating machine 道碴清筛机 ballast cleaner 扒碴机crib ballast removers 道碴更换机 ballast replacement eqnipment 道床清扫机 ballast cleaning machine 轨枕更换机 sleeper replacement equipment 钢轨更换机 rail replacement equipment 钢轨打磨机 rail grinding machine 钢轨打磨车 rail grinding wagon 直轨器 rairail straightener 锯轨机rail sawing machine 钢轨钻孔机 rail drilling machine 钢轨加热器 rail heater 轨缝调整器rail puller 道钉机 spike driver 除雪机ssnow remover 除雪车 snow-snow plough 除草机weed cutter 清沟机 ditcher 碎冰机 ice crusher 养路机具 track maintenance implements 液压机具 hydraulic tool 轨道车 track car 上下道装置 up and down track device 发电车 mogenerator car 综合养路机械 comprehensive track maintenance machine 机械化养路基地 mechanized maintenance base 工务部门 maintenance of way branch 大修队 capital repair brigade 工务段 maintetrack maintenance division 养路员工 track maintenance worker 工务修配厂 maintenance of way shop 焊轨厂 rail welding plant 枕木防腐厂 timber sleeper treating plant 采石场stonepit
铁路专业英语词汇 ________________________________________ elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway   高架铁路mine railway   矿区铁路funicular (railway)   缆索铁路,登山铁路light railway line   轻便铁道urban railway   市区铁路railway network   铁路网railway transport   铁路运输trial run   试车open to traffic   通车porter   搬运工人ticket inspector   查票员ticket   车票single ticket, oneway ticket   单程票return ticket, roundtrip ticket   来回票platform ticket   站台票railway station   车站station hall   车站大厅
information desk   服务台waiting room   候车室passenger station   客车站time-table   时刻表arrival time-table   到站时刻表departure time-table   发车时刻表ticket-collector, gateman   收票员ticket office, booking office   售票处junction   枢纽站rail and water terminal   水陆联运站platform bridge   天桥luggage barrow   推行李车enquiry office, information desk   问讯处way station   小站label   行李标签luggage office   行李房left-luggage office   行李暂存处platform-ticket   验票口barrier   栅栏门platform   站台(electric) platform truck   站台车platform tunnel   站台地道platform roofing   站台顶棚station-master   站长 terminus   终点站escalator   自动扶梯The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at...   火车在(某时)离站to have one's ticket punched   (给检票员)检票10 minutes behind schedule   晚点十分钟to change trains at...   在(某地)换车The train is due at...   在(某时)到达to break the journey   中途下车dining car, restaurant car, diner   餐车pantry   餐车食品室open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck   敞车carriage, coach, car   车厢roof   车顶concertina walls   (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷 foot board   (车厢门口的)踏板gangway   (车厢的)通道lidded ashtray   带盖烟灰盒tank wagon   罐车mixed train   混合列车freight train, goods train   货物列车engine, locomotive   机车window seat   靠窗座位coach, passenger train   客车express train, express   快车refrigerator wagon   冷藏车 train attendant   列车员guard, conductor   列车长slow train, way train   慢车covered wagon van, box car   棚车ordinary train   普通列车sleeping carriage with cushioned berths   软卧客车up train   上行车livestock wagon   牲畜车sleeping car, sleeper   卧车down train   下行车luggage van, baggage car   行李车rack, baggage rack   行李架sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths   硬卧客车ordinary seat   硬席carriage with semicushioned seats   硬座车mail car   邮政车mail and luggage van   邮政行李车through train   直达车special train   专车pointsman, switchman   道岔工人signal for blocking the track, block signal   闭塞信号semaphore signal, home signal   臂板信号warehouse   仓库siding, sidetrack   侧线,旁轨turnout   岔道weighing machine   秤重机derailing   (火车)出轨single line (track) rail   单线points, switches   道岔switch lock, point lock   道岔锁wait sign, wait signal   等候标志(信号)marshalling yard, shunting yard   调车场dispatching   调度dispatcher   调度员crossover   渡线,转线轨道rail   钢轨track   轨道sleeper, railroad tie   轨枕rail chair   轨座buffer stop, bumping post   缓冲桩goods shed, freight depot   货棚goods station   货运站,货站container   集装箱locomotive (engine)   shed 机车库station warning sign   进站预告标clearance   净空(signal) gantry   (铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥barrier   (道口)拦路木section   路段reduce speed sign(al)   慢行标志(信号)bell and whistle sign, whistle sign   鸣笛预告标platform car, flat car   平车grade crossing, level crossing  (道路与铁路的)平面交叉track-laying machine, tracklayer   铺轨机double line (track) rail   双线volume of railway freight   铁路货运量railway connections   铁路交叉点,铁路联络线railway warning sign   铁路警告标志railway clearance   铁路净空railroad bed   铁路路基railway curve   铁路曲线(弯道)railway tunnel   铁路隧道railway line, railroad line   铁路线stop sign(al)   停车标志(信号)danger sign(al)   危险标志(信号)unprotected crossing   无防护设备的道口signal light (lamp)   信号灯signal box, signalman's cabin   信号房 signalman   信号员wing rail (of frog)   翼轨distant signal, disk signal, target   圆盘信号机back-turning section   折返段frog   辙叉,岔心turn-table   车台,旋车盘point (box), switch (box)   转辙器switch signal, point indicator   转辙信号
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线路工程 线路工程 railway line engineering 铁路勘测 ;铁道勘测 railway reconnaissance 铁路选线 ;铁道选线 raiapproximlocation of railway route sele...
elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway   高架铁路  mine railway   矿区铁路  funicular (railway)   缆索铁路,登山铁路  light railway line   轻便铁道  urban railway   市区铁路  railway network   ...
以《关于培育和完善建筑劳动力市场的思考》为例,简单提纲可以写成下面这样:  序论(Prodromes)  本论(The theory)  a. 培育建筑劳动力市场的前提...
北京语际翻译公司 版权所有 Copyright
Inc. All Rights Reserved. ICP备案号:京ICP备&&&效率和效益
DEA analysis (Data Envelopment Analysis abbreviation DEA) is a assessment technique effective method to carry out compare relative efficiency and benefit for decision unit which has much input and much output aspects.
数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis简称DEA)是一种对若干同类型的具有多输入、多输出的决策单元进行相对效率和效益方面比较的有效方法。
This results indicated the shallow sulphonation processcondition same white oil production condition were viable,under the un-effectssulphonate quality and received rate condition, the shallow sulphonation processwould not effect petroleum sulphonate output,due to reduce process flow,improvedproduction efficiency and benefit。
In accordance with an investigation of the reconstruction of department of health economy and practice of hospital economic management, the article proposes the improving model and method of hospital economic management system, aim of which is to improve the efficiency and benefit of hospital economic management.
结合本院卫生经济科的组建和医院经济管理实践 ,提出医院经济管理体制的改进模式和方法 ,旨在提高医院经济管理的效率和效益。
The aim is to help enterprises improving the efficiency and benefit of equipment management.
Strengthening Development of Agricultural Engineering,
Readjustment of Agriculture and Rural Economy Structure
& Improvement of Efficiency and Benefit of Agriculture
But now nonferrous metal enterprises in our country lack competitive advantage, which urges us to improve their efficiency and benefits with advanced management and technological innovations.
但目前我国有色企业缺乏竞争优势,决定了我们必须依靠先进的管理和技术进步来提高企业效率和效益。 CIMS作为信息时代的一种先进制造模式,正好适应了这一需求。
The full play of the role of agricultural public institutions can improve the development of agricultural productivity, optimize the deployment of agricultural resources, and enhance agricultural efficiency and benefits.
Technology innovation is the key motivity of the development of enterprises in knowledge economics. Knowledge management(KM) is an efficient method to improve efficiency and benefits of enterprise knowledge activities in the epoch.
This paper explains the changes of the governance structure of the township enterprises by using the theory of capital structure,and points out that the capital structure of the township enterprises is the decisive factor for the evolution of the governance structure of the township enterprises,and optimizing the governance structure of the township enterprises is the key to improve the efficiency and benefits of the township enterprises.
There are very high efficiency and benefits in the heavy haul railways which are suitable for large amount transport of mass bulk goods,especially for iron mineral,coal etc.
重载铁路有着非常高的效率和效益 ,适用于大宗散装货物 ,特别是铁矿石、煤等的大量运输。
The chapter two analyses the historical development of the graduate education evaluation system in our country and its present situation, points out that there exists two main problems in the present quality evaluation system of our graduate education: faultiness of the system, and its low efficiency and effectiveness.
Along with these changes,the value has changed from efficiency to democracy and justice,to economy,efficiency and effectiveness.
与之相对应 ,行政价值也从效率至上主义到以民主、公平为主导 ,再到以经济、效率和效益为核心价值取向
Government achievement mainly refer to economy, efficiency and effectiveness, and are measured by economy, just, stability, opening-up, publicity and the feedback to policies.
The paper analyzes the military supplies logistics,discusses how to use decision support technique to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of military supplies support and studies the logistics process.
从物流的角度对如何运用决策支持技术来提高军需物资保障的效率和效益进行了探讨。 首先对军需物流的问题进行了分析,然后对军需物流过程进行了研究,最后提出了将决策支持技术应用于军需物流的思路。
The key success elements of automobile market are the efficiency and effectiveness of the new auto development.
There exists the different understand to the definition of the design management from eyes of designers and managers,but its essence has come to the accordance that the foundation of the design management is to enhance the efficiency and profit of the development and design.
Since the rigid path-cover testing is infeasible,we select and test some key paths,which outweigh others on affecting the overall quality of the system,to enhance test efficiency and profit.
由于严格的路径覆盖测试不可实现 ,选择一些对软件整体质量影响较大的重点路径进行测试 ,以提高软件测试工作的效率和效益 .
It is a difficult
and concerned problem that how to improve the efficiency and profit of the SOEs, so that the SOEs have the competitive advantage facing the competition over the world after going the World Trade Organization.
The new design model focuses on capacity, efficiency and profit with integrating. It is suited for requirement of plant design and redesign in China.
So how to improve the efficiency and profit of this kind of project are the first key task to the company which is involved in the development of petroleum. And It is also provide more opportunity to the EPC project to be developed in the country in the coming years.
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The Full-loading working method created by Mr. Zhang Xingrang is primarily a market-oriented and future-oriented strategy for operation, which is very aggressive and constantly bring forth new ideas. This strategy for operation is not satisfied with the objective of profit, but emphasizes development of the enterprises. It seeks the match between p cares both e combines short-term objectives with longterm plan to improve the quality of its products to reach the world... The Full-loading working method created by Mr. Zhang Xingrang is primarily a market-oriented and future-oriented strategy for operation, which is very aggressive and constantly bring forth new ideas. This strategy for operation is not satisfied with the objective of profit, but emphasizes development of the enterprises. It seeks the match between p cares both e combines short-term objectives with longterm plan to improve the quality of its products to reach the world standrad and expand its market share as big as possible.张兴让同志所创造的满负荷工作法首先是一种面向市场,面向未来,勇于竞争和不断创新的经营思想。这种经营思想不以完成承包利润为满足,而以发展为中心,使生产与市场相适应,效率和效益相统一,统一筹划企业的短期目标与长期规划,以求产品在市场上占有尽可能大的份额进而赶超世界先进水平。其次才是一种全面提高企业素质,合理利用各种生产要素,挖掘现有企业潜力,寻求最佳效率与效益的系统管理方法。前者是前提和目的,后者是方法和手段。满负荷工作法是吸取科学管理的原理、目标管理的思想、系统管理的方法以及综合我国近年来的管理经验加以发展而成的,它有鲜明的针对性,符合中国国情,具有广泛适用性。推广满负荷工作法的关键在于企业的经营者;应注意改变经营者和劳动者的思想观念;加强企业基础工作提高企业素质;改革企业现行的劳动工资政策;在具体实施方法上提倡因厂制宜,分段实施,持之以恒,逐步提高。 Management science is a comprehensive and inter-disciplinary subject. Judged by the four targets of application effects, our management science still has a long way to go. The main reason is the unformed environment and essential conditions for the development of management science. The first condition and main strategic target for developing management science are how to alter the distorted modes of thinking and action in ideological theory and policy measures caused by the highly concentrated and unified administrative... Management science is a comprehensive and inter-disciplinary subject. Judged by the four targets of application effects, our management science still has a long way to go. The main reason is the unformed environment and essential conditions for the development of management science. The first condition and main strategic target for developing management science are how to alter the distorted modes of thinking and action in ideological theory and policy measures caused by the highly concentrated and unified administrative system, and how to set up the reasonable operating mechanism in circulation and distribution. The strategic goal of management science is to approach and catch up with the world level of social efficiency and benefit. The strategic measures are to develop manpower resource, to raise man's quality, to bring man's initiative and enthusiasm into play and to build up a large group of management cadres in different fields who will make continued progress and train their successors.管理科学是范围很广,内容丰富的综合交叉学科。以高效、低耗、成功、发展等指标,评价我国管理科学应用效果现状,差距是很大的。基本原因是我国尚未形成管理科学发展大环境和核心基础条件。如何在思想理论上和政策措施上改变高度集中统一行政管理体制所形成的扭曲思维习惯和作法定式,疏导和开通流通领域和分配领域的合理运行机制,是管理科学发展的首要条件,并且是管理科学发展战略的主攻方向。管理科学发展战略目标,是以较快的速度接近和达到全社会效率和效益的国际水平;战略措施中心是如何开发人力资源,如何提高人的素质和潜能,充分发挥人的主动性和积极性;并造就一支遍布各领域、各层次能不断进步,自我代谢的管理干部队伍。 Ever since the oil and gas exploration,the method of geophysical exploration has been dominant, but since 1970's,a new method called geochmical exploration has been developed in the oil and gas exploration.The paper is an example about the geochemical exploration based on the research work in Yanji basin, Jilin province and Longgu hollow in Hebei province.The paper emphasizes the effectiveness of the method in oil and gas exploration.Being a way of improving the effectiveness of exploration oil and gas,mutiple... Ever since the oil and gas exploration,the method of geophysical exploration has been dominant, but since 1970's,a new method called geochmical exploration has been developed in the oil and gas exploration.The paper is an example about the geochemical exploration based on the research work in Yanji basin, Jilin province and Longgu hollow in Hebei province.The paper emphasizes the effectiveness of the method in oil and gas exploration.Being a way of improving the effectiveness of exploration oil and gas,mutiple application method of geology,geophysics and geochemistry has been suggested in this paper70年代以来,一种新的勘探油气的经济、有效的方法——石油化探方法开始兴起。以吉林省延吉盆地和廊固凹陷的石油化探工作为例,阐述了石油化探在油气普查勘探中的作用,提出应采用地质、物探和化探相结合的方案,以提高勘探油气田的效率和效益。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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